Trump Doesn't Flinch


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The more you throw at Trump the stronger he gets...
Horowitz on Fox Business: Trump Doesn't Flinch
"This is a guy who doesn't back down. This is unique as a Republican."
February 13, 2017



"This is a guy who doesn't back down," Horowitz said of Trump. "This is unique as a Republican. Republicans flinch, they retreat, they duck. Not Donald Trump."


Horowitz on Fox Business: Trump Doesn't Flinch
Democrats really got behind these Obama policies, they just can't seem to adjust to the change...They really, really, really miss their wimps and traitors...
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The American people have gotten used to squishy Republicans who cave in to even a hint of pressure. Now we have a president who doesn't take shit from people and is acting in the best interests of Americans. The left's worst nightmare is that Trump is successful and crushes their dreams of a social utopia.
Snowflakes, rioters, seditionists and sourpusses with Nancy and Chucky their 2 faced coin...

Not much to offer America by any standard...

President Trump is a winner and we are very fortunate he is our President

It's America once again in the U.S.

Which foot was it now? The cowardly draft dodger flinches often, paid off his fake university lawsuits, the right's superhero is all talk but the frightened right in America needed a savior, a pretend hero to guide them. Emasculated righties are so fun to watch, they got their cowardly con artist and they still cheer their meaningless signature signing paper hero. Hold it up Donnie and they feel safe.

"It is becoming clear that Trump is, like all bullies, a coward. For me, the most significant event of the past week was his complete capitulation to the Chinese on the subject of the One China policy. I am sure you are all well aware of the history and significance of this capitulation. The Chinese now view Trump as a paper tiger, an empty suit, an incompetent negotiator who can be rolled, as they say. Several more such failures will cement public recognition of him as someone who not only did not write, but probably has not read, The Art of the Deal." The Philosopher's Stone: INTERIM REPORT

The “Law and Order” president hits the ground running

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H. L. Mencken
Which foot was it now? The cowardly draft dodger flinches often, paid off his fake university lawsuits, the right's superhero is all talk but the frightened right in America needed a savior, a pretend hero to guide them. Emasculated righties are so fun to watch, they got their cowardly con artist and they still cheer their meaningless signature signing paper hero. Hold it up Donnie and they feel safe.

"It is becoming clear that Trump is, like all bullies, a coward. For me, the most significant event of the past week was his complete capitulation to the Chinese on the subject of the One China policy. I am sure you are all well aware of the history and significance of this capitulation. The Chinese now view Trump as a paper tiger, an empty suit, an incompetent negotiator who can be rolled, as they say. Several more such failures will cement public recognition of him as someone who not only did not write, but probably has not read, The Art of the Deal." The Philosopher's Stone: INTERIM REPORT

The “Law and Order” president hits the ground running

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H. L. Mencken


Cowards are people who hide behind masks as they destroy other peoples property while the progressive government leaders of the area they're destroying tell law enforcement to stand down.



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