Trump doesnt mention these deaths for some reason

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shit head...they are in the asshat.......

You moron...

(LONDON) — Leading British charities said the new coronavirus is causing “devastation” in the country’s nursing homes, as official statistics showed Tuesday that hundreds more people with COVID-19 have died than are recorded in the U.K. government’s daily tally.

The Office for National Statistics said 5,979 deaths that occurred in England up to April 3 involved COVID-19, 15% more than the 5,186 deaths announced by the National Health Service for the same period.
Nope. The AP is keeping tally because trump doesn't want to know. You people beggar belief.
I know conservatives lack humanity but this response is making me feel ill.
Further proof
View attachment 323397
From the link.
The fact that the federal government is not keeping a record of the total number of nursing home deaths has sparked outrage, but there are other examples where data is not being cohesively obtained by authorities.
A disturbing new report out of New York asserts that bodies being recovered from homes and streets are not being included in the coronavirus death count - even if the deceased person was suffering from symptoms of the virus.
Data from the NYC fire department shows that 1,125 people died in their homes or on the street in the first five days of April alone
It suggests that the soaring death toll from the virus could be much higher than currently reported
This has alarmed researchers who say that obtaining accurate data is crucial in order to gain an proper understanding of COVID-19, which is needed to help fight the virus in the coming months.

Hey....moron.....those are democrats running those doofus....they have to report those deaths to th CDC not the other way around you dumb ass.
Trump will likely go down in our history as one of our greatest Presidents......and you morons will have to sit there for the rest of your lives knowing this...

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.

So what I'm hearing you say is, "Why do you people refuse to believe that Trump is a bad President, when the media is CLEARLY telling you you should believe it?"

And somehow, you think we should take you seriously.
Rethink it. It could be a pile of shit.

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.

So what I'm hearing you say is, "Why do you people refuse to believe that Trump is a bad President, when the media is CLEARLY telling you you should believe it?"

And somehow, you think we should take you seriously.
Rethink it. It could be a pile of shit.

What, your posts?

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.
vote for who you want, stop pushing an agenda. Go Trump!!
He doesn’t even live in the US, nor is American.
A good position to demand that Trump must go. I have a transition plan for you.
naw, he can just fk himself

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.

So what I'm hearing you say is, "Why do you people refuse to believe that Trump is a bad President, when the media is CLEARLY telling you you should believe it?"

And somehow, you think we should take you seriously.
Rethink it. It could be a pile of shit.
or just that you are.
Lotta tRumpkins foaming at the mouth over this OP.

Musta struck a nerve.
naw we struck yours with Trump. I love it daily. your tDS is really very special. poop much in your bed too.?

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.
vote for who you want, stop pushing an agenda. Go Trump!!
Agreed, Trump must go.
yep go out and kick the living snot out of anti american pricks like you. I agree.

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.
WHY doesn't he belong in the White House?
WHO you got to replace him with, cause Joe isn't even remotely it.
And WHY is getting some of my own money back (which I haven't seen) suddenly so bad just because it came from Trump (when actually Nancy paid for it) but Obama's QE1 & 2 were OK, SNAP is OK, Welfare is OK, bailing out the banks was OK, saving Wall Street was OK, free healthcare is OK, forgiving the school loans is OK, giving military aide to Ukraine is OK, support for the UN, WHO, NATO and half the nations is OK and bailing the auto companies was OK?


WHY is only getting a refund from Trump NOT OK???
Because it is socialist free stuff and you either have to reject it or donate it to a bank or golf club of your choice.
why? can't they invest it and make more? it's what I'd do.

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.

So what I'm hearing you say is, "Why do you people refuse to believe that Trump is a bad President, when the media is CLEARLY telling you you should believe it?"

And somehow, you think we should take you seriously.
Rethink it. It could be a pile of shit.
or just that you are.
Doesn´t matter. As POTUS I could tell you anything and you won´t question it no matter how ridiculous.

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.
WHY doesn't he belong in the White House?
WHO you got to replace him with, cause Joe isn't even remotely it.
And WHY is getting some of my own money back (which I haven't seen) suddenly so bad just because it came from Trump (when actually Nancy paid for it) but Obama's QE1 & 2 were OK, SNAP is OK, Welfare is OK, bailing out the banks was OK, saving Wall Street was OK, free healthcare is OK, forgiving the school loans is OK, giving military aide to Ukraine is OK, support for the UN, WHO, NATO and half the nations is OK and bailing the auto companies was OK?


WHY is only getting a refund from Trump NOT OK???
Because it is socialist free stuff and you either have to reject it or donate it to a bank or golf club of your choice.
why? can't they invest it and make more? it's what I'd do.
I thought so.

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.
vote for who you want, stop pushing an agenda. Go Trump!!
Agreed, Trump must go.
yep go out and kick the living snot out of anti american pricks like you. I agree.
Supporting Zero-Performer Trump is anti-american.

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.
WHY doesn't he belong in the White House?
WHO you got to replace him with, cause Joe isn't even remotely it.
And WHY is getting some of my own money back (which I haven't seen) suddenly so bad just because it came from Trump (when actually Nancy paid for it) but Obama's QE1 & 2 were OK, SNAP is OK, Welfare is OK, bailing out the banks was OK, saving Wall Street was OK, free healthcare is OK, forgiving the school loans is OK, giving military aide to Ukraine is OK, support for the UN, WHO, NATO and half the nations is OK and bailing the auto companies was OK?


WHY is only getting a refund from Trump NOT OK???
Because it is socialist free stuff and you either have to reject it or donate it to a bank or golf club of your choice.
why? can't they invest it and make more? it's what I'd do.
I thought so.
what is it you think I should do? I didn't approve of it.

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.
vote for who you want, stop pushing an agenda. Go Trump!!
Agreed, Trump must go.
yep go out and kick the living snot out of anti american pricks like you. I agree.
Supporting Zero-Performer Trump is anti-american.
only if you are anti american like you. it's what a true traitors such as yourself think. yeppers, national disgrace you be.

Deaths in nursing homes are not counted by trump . The US joins the UK and China in presenting falsified figures to the world.

42 deaths in one home.

I wonder what the true figure actually is.

Shame on trump. You deserve better.

Shut The Fuck Up.

TDS thread 1,373
Even Fox stopped airing Trump´s balderdash yesterday. When will you Trumpheads start to rethink?
Rethink what? That we should put the number one person in the country on Ignore? Exercise censorship over his announcements then say nothing he says matters or is worth listening too? Then what comes after that, to say we need to replace the guy even though we don't know what he's saying or thinking? Is that your fractured reasoning?
Rethink Trump. This guy doesn´t belong in the White House. But he is stuffing your mouth with a stimulus check.

So what I'm hearing you say is, "Why do you people refuse to believe that Trump is a bad President, when the media is CLEARLY telling you you should believe it?"

And somehow, you think we should take you seriously.
Rethink it. It could be a pile of shit.
or just that you are.
Doesn´t matter. As POTUS I could tell you anything and you won´t question it no matter how ridiculous.
I'm not hopping up into any boxcar, you?
what is it you think I should do? I didn't approve of it.
Spend it on whatever you like.

only if you are anti american like you. it's what a true traitors such as yourself think. yeppers, national disgrace you be.
I am a patriotic German in my German country. I don´t support my current gov but I can say that the mountains of skulls ain´t mounting here.

I'm not hopping up into any boxcar, you?
No. So why are you supporting Trump, then?
what is it you think I should do? I didn't approve of it.
Spend it on whatever you like.

only if you are anti american like you. it's what a true traitors such as yourself think. yeppers, national disgrace you be.
I am a patriotic German in my German country. I don´t support my current gov but I can say that the mountains of skulls ain´t mounting here.

I'm not hopping up into any boxcar, you?
No. So why are you supporting Trump, then?
they aren't here either. just the normal daily deaths. you see, every death is now considered wuhan flu. so, a car accident death is wuhan related if they had a RNA positive. kind of stupid huh? create the panic and then falsefy the numbers to prove it's there. It isn't, I know it isn't. no one can show me a dead person yet.
what is it you think I should do? I didn't approve of it.
Spend it on whatever you like.

only if you are anti american like you. it's what a true traitors such as yourself think. yeppers, national disgrace you be.
I am a patriotic German in my German country. I don´t support my current gov but I can say that the mountains of skulls ain´t mounting here.

I'm not hopping up into any boxcar, you?
No. So why are you supporting Trump, then?
So why are you supporting Trump, then?

because he's the sane one.
what is it you think I should do? I didn't approve of it.
Spend it on whatever you like.

only if you are anti american like you. it's what a true traitors such as yourself think. yeppers, national disgrace you be.
I am a patriotic German in my German country. I don´t support my current gov but I can say that the mountains of skulls ain´t mounting here.

I'm not hopping up into any boxcar, you?
No. So why are you supporting Trump, then?
they aren't here either. just the normal daily deaths. you see, every death is now considered wuhan flu. so, a car accident death is wuhan related if they had a RNA positive. kind of stupid huh? create the panic and then falsefy the numbers to prove it's there. It isn't, I know it isn't. no one can show me a dead person yet.
That is was what Trump told you?

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