Trump draws record crowd in 24 hours ..

tiny bubbles, gargle, swallow ... standard OS for Trumpbots after Tinyhands blesses them with a tiny load.
Please spare us from the description of your nightly escapades. I am sure you can find some gay message board to share your experiences.
Why should Trump release his tax records to anyone?

It's his personal business, not yours. ...... :cool:

Wrong - he is in violation of the Constitution of the United States by refusing to disclose or divest his holdings. That is the law. It is not his personal business because he asked to work for the government, and is no longer self-employed.

As your public servant, he has a legal obligation under the Constitution to disclose and divest. I'm sure all of this will be a big hairy deal at his upcoming impeachment hearing.
Trump is obsessed with being the biggest and best. He received the biggest inauguration protest ever. I'll bet he's proud of that.
George Soros is playing you like a fiddle.
"Soros" code word for "Jews".......doesn't sound quite as anti-semitic for those not in the know.

Fuck off moron, don't pull that garbage with people who know more than you do.

George Soros funds subversive groups across the Western world, in order to subvert Democracy itself, he also funds Open Borders in order to flood ONLY Western nations with Third World knuggledraggers, he's also given BLM 40 million dollars so they can cause civil unrest in the United States etc.

He is an International Criminal who very shortly will get an Interpol Red Notice put on his filthy buttocks.

You should stick to just babbling about things you know about like LGBTQ things, everything else you babble is either straight-up Trolling or you just embarrassing yourself and advertising what an incredibly low IQ you have.
Now, we can see the Soros propaganda machine to deflect from his despicable machinations to focusing on the jew issue and start labeling people as antisemites to shut them up.

Yes but like everything else with that crowd, they will fail miserably at this also.

We are always ten steps ahead of them, being Logical and Strategic Thinkers, we have always planned ahead.
Trumpbots mumble with Trumps dick in their mouth ... bla bla bla

its not just me you stupid piss guzzlers, its an ISSUE reaching epic proportions ..
It's fabricated outrage. What is going on is the globalist leftists are losing power around the world. They still can't get over Brexit, now Trump? He will do the opposite of what they want. Liberals are being used as useful idiots.

What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
Wrong - he is in violation of the Constitution of the United States by refusing to disclose or divest his holdings. That is the law. It is not his personal business because he asked to work for the government, and is no longer self-employed.

As your public servant, he has a legal obligation under the Constitution to disclose and divest. I'm sure all of this will be a big hairy deal at his upcoming impeachment hearing.
Please provide a link as to where in the Constitution it says the President, or any other public servant, must make their tax records public?

Thank You in advance...... :cool:
Trumpbots mumble with Trumps dick in their mouth ... bla bla bla

its not just me you stupid piss guzzlers, its an ISSUE reaching epic proportions ..
It's fabricated outrage. What is going on is the globalist leftists are losing power around the world. They still can't get over Brexit, now Trump? He will do the opposite of what they want. Liberals are being used as useful idiots.

What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.

If that happens then you'll have President Mike Pence, the man the Leftists refer to as Ayatollah Pence, so get ready for things such as Conversion Therapy as law for all Homosexuals and Lesbians, amongst other things see below.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Indiana) - Wikipedia

So it's a Lose-Lose for Leftists, you either have President Trump or you have President Pence.
Trumpbots mumble with Trumps dick in their mouth ... bla bla bla

its not just me you stupid piss guzzlers, its an ISSUE reaching epic proportions ..
It's fabricated outrage. What is going on is the globalist leftists are losing power around the world. They still can't get over Brexit, now Trump? He will do the opposite of what they want. Liberals are being used as useful idiots.

What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.

If that happens then you'll have President Mike Pence, the man the Leftists refer to as Ayatollah Pence, so get ready for things such as Conversion Therapy as law for all Homosexuals and Lesbians, amongst other things see below.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Indiana) - Wikipedia

So it's a Lose-Lose for Leftists, you either have President Trump or you have President Pence.
Pence would be strait-jacketed asap.
Trumpbots mumble with Trumps dick in their mouth ... bla bla bla

its not just me you stupid piss guzzlers, its an ISSUE reaching epic proportions ..
It's fabricated outrage. What is going on is the globalist leftists are losing power around the world. They still can't get over Brexit, now Trump? He will do the opposite of what they want. Liberals are being used as useful idiots.

What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
Trump is not going to be impeached.

Paul Ryan would never impeach Trump. Ryan is sitting in the catbird seat. He has an inexperienced retard in the Executive, which means Ryan gets to steer the tard wherever Ryan wants him to go.
Trump could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, and the GOP Congress would not impeach him.
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.
Trumpbots mumble with Trumps dick in their mouth ... bla bla bla

its not just me you stupid piss guzzlers, its an ISSUE reaching epic proportions ..
It's fabricated outrage. What is going on is the globalist leftists are losing power around the world. They still can't get over Brexit, now Trump? He will do the opposite of what they want. Liberals are being used as useful idiots.

What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.

If that happens then you'll have President Mike Pence, the man the Leftists refer to as Ayatollah Pence, so get ready for things such as Conversion Therapy as law for all Homosexuals and Lesbians, amongst other things see below.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Indiana) - Wikipedia

So it's a Lose-Lose for Leftists, you either have President Trump or you have President Pence.
Pence would be strait-jacketed asap.

No, but keep on dreaming.

The situation is that Leftists have been wrong from the beginning about Donald Trump. When he announced he was running, they all laughed, throughout the Republican Primaries they laughed and kept saying that the latest thing he commented was definately the end of his campaign, then they said Hillary would win 40 States and 400 EC votes etc.

The Leftists have been wrong about Donald Trump on everything and they'll be wrong on this as well.

The Leftists who laughed at him and treated him as a joke candidate, well, they're not laughing anymore, they're crapping themselves out of fear any laughing now from Leftists is purely due to nervousness about the situation of Donald Trump being in charge and sitting in the place they had convinced themselves that only Hillary Rodham Clinton was going to sit in.
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Ryan and McConnell are working on impeaching him? Wow, they're sure saying the opposite. She needs to stop posting with her hand down her pants
Trumpbots mumble with Trumps dick in their mouth ... bla bla bla

its not just me you stupid piss guzzlers, its an ISSUE reaching epic proportions ..
It's fabricated outrage. What is going on is the globalist leftists are losing power around the world. They still can't get over Brexit, now Trump? He will do the opposite of what they want. Liberals are being used as useful idiots.

What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.

If that happens then you'll have President Mike Pence, the man the Leftists refer to as Ayatollah Pence, so get ready for things such as Conversion Therapy as law for all Homosexuals and Lesbians, amongst other things see below.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Indiana) - Wikipedia

So it's a Lose-Lose for Leftists, you either have President Trump or you have President Pence.
Pence would be strait-jacketed asap.

No, but keep on dreaming.

The situation is that Leftists have been wrong from the beginning about Donald Trump. When he announced he was running, they all laughed, throughout the Republican Primaries they laughed and kept saying that the latest thing he commented was definately the end of his campaign, then they said Hillary would win 40 States and 400 EC votes etc.

The Leftists have been wrong about Donald Trump on everything and they'll be wrong on this as well.

The Leftists who laughed at him and treated him as a joke candidate, well, they're not laughing anymore, they're crapping themselves out of fear any laughing now from Leftists is purely due to nervousness about the situation of Donald Trump being in charge and sitting in the place they had convinced themselves that only Hillary Rodham Clinton was going to sit in.
The left's biggest fear is that Trump's policies will create real jobs thus taking away the unions from the democraps.....
Why should Trump release his tax records to anyone?

It's his personal business, not yours. ...... :cool:

Wrong - he is in violation of the Constitution of the United States by refusing to disclose or divest his holdings. That is the law. It is not his personal business because he asked to work for the government, and is no longer self-employed.

As your public servant, he has a legal obligation under the Constitution to disclose and divest. I'm sure all of this will be a big hairy deal at his upcoming impeachment hearing.
He opened up his financial statements long ago. I'm sure the big hairy deal starved your brain of oxygen.
Trumpbots mumble with Trumps dick in their mouth ... bla bla bla

its not just me you stupid piss guzzlers, its an ISSUE reaching epic proportions ..

What issue? Tax returns?

It's done volutarily, maybe if the govt wasn't so.fucking slow and targeted groups and people for.audits, he would.have.

After what the IRS did to conservative groups and got away with it, we're happy to.see Trump got away with no tax returns, payback is a bitch!
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Only a handful in the Republican Party are now not on board with President Trump and that handful include those who joined forces with the Hillary camp to do everything they could to destroy Donald Trump in the lead up to the election including John "Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger" McCain and Lindsey "1%" Graham.
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Ryan and McConnell are working on impeaching him? Wow, they're sure saying the opposite. She needs to stop posting with her hand down her pants
I think Soros has his hands down her pants.

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