Trump draws record crowd in 24 hours ..

What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Only a handful in the Republican Party are now not on board with President Trump and that handful include those who joined forces with the Hillary camp to do everything they could to destroy Donald Trump in the lead up to the election including John "Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger" McCain and Lindsey "1%" Graham.

I saw Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell on TV last night saying that Trump is NOT building a wall without consulting Congress. And Mitch McConnell said that the US will NOT be starting a trade war with Mexico, and that slapping on tariff's is Congress' job. The President has no power to tax.

Pretty much total submission now to President Trump and his Agenda from Republicans.

This is from the Leftist NYT not a Right-Wing publication.

Republicans Now Marching With Trump on Ideas They Had Opposed

PHILADELPHIA — From the time Donald J. Trump became their candidate until he took the oath of office, congressional Republicans treated his policy pronouncements — largely out of step with Republican dogma — as essentially a distraction. He would talk. They would drive the policies.

But now, the question of whether congressional Republicans would change President Trump or Mr. Trump would change them has an early answer. Mr. Trump cheerfully addressed the group here at their policy retreat on Thursday, and they responded with applause to many proposals they have long opposed.

Republican lawmakers appear more than ready to open up the coffers for a $12 billion to $15 billion border wall, perhaps without the commensurate spending cuts that they demanded when it came to disaster aid, money to fight the Zika virus or funds for the tainted water system in Flint, Mich. They also seem to back a swelling of the federal payroll that Mr. Trump has called for in the form of a larger military and 5,000 more border patrol agents.

Speaker Paul D. Ryan, whose own website this week still praised the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, now applauds Mr. Trump for putting the final shovel of dirt over the accord, with the president saying he is interested in bilateral agreements instead.

Many Republicans in Congress say his presidency is off to a substantive start, delivering on campaign promises to quell illegal immigration, reduce regulations, start the rollback of the health care law and reverse the Obama administration’s decisions to halt the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects.

“I think he’s completely winning the expectation game,” said Representative Peter Roskam of Illinois. “I think he’s a genius at lowering expectations and overperforming,” he said, adding, “It’s really remarkable.”
I don't understand what you left wing gub'mint worshipers are so upset about, you wanted a big, bloated, expensive, intrusive, activist federal government with a "pen and phone" imperial executive branch and that's exactly what you got.... with Donald Trump in charge, Congratulations! how are you enjoying it so far?

"Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it" -- W.W. Jacobs

Comrade Trump is held hostage by so many foreign countries it's laughable. NOTICE he hasn't gone after China yet. There is a reason why he has been attacking Mexico, and NOT China. In Mexico he tried to build a resort along the Baja, got pissed off at them, and is now using his Presidential powers to get even. Mexico is the 2nd largest purchaser of American made products.
Donald Trump objects to settlement reached over Tijuana project

Comrade Trump or cough-cough should I say his kids, own Hotels in China.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Trump on many occasions has stated he would release his returns after the audit, recently he stated that even after the audit is complete, he won't release them.
Even After Audit Is Completed, Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns, Conway Says

With the Senate doing a thorough investigation into this Russia connection, they may have to subpoenas his income tax returns.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

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What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Only a handful in the Republican Party are now not on board with President Trump and that handful include those who joined forces with the Hillary camp to do everything they could to destroy Donald Trump in the lead up to the election including John "Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger" McCain and Lindsey "1%" Graham.

I saw Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell on TV last night saying that Trump is NOT building a wall without consulting Congress. And Mitch McConnell said that the US will NOT be starting a trade war with Mexico, and that slapping on tariff's is Congress' job. The President has no power to tax.

Pretty much total submission now to President Trump and his Agenda from Republicans.

This is from the Leftist NYT not a Right-Wing publication.

Republicans Now Marching With Trump on Ideas They Had Opposed

PHILADELPHIA — From the time Donald J. Trump became their candidate until he took the oath of office, congressional Republicans treated his policy pronouncements — largely out of step with Republican dogma — as essentially a distraction. He would talk. They would drive the policies.

But now, the question of whether congressional Republicans would change President Trump or Mr. Trump would change them has an early answer. Mr. Trump cheerfully addressed the group here at their policy retreat on Thursday, and they responded with applause to many proposals they have long opposed.

Republican lawmakers appear more than ready to open up the coffers for a $12 billion to $15 billion border wall, perhaps without the commensurate spending cuts that they demanded when it came to disaster aid, money to fight the Zika virus or funds for the tainted water system in Flint, Mich. They also seem to back a swelling of the federal payroll that Mr. Trump has called for in the form of a larger military and 5,000 more border patrol agents.

Speaker Paul D. Ryan, whose own website this week still praised the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, now applauds Mr. Trump for putting the final shovel of dirt over the accord, with the president saying he is interested in bilateral agreements instead.

Many Republicans in Congress say his presidency is off to a substantive start, delivering on campaign promises to quell illegal immigration, reduce regulations, start the rollback of the health care law and reverse the Obama administration’s decisions to halt the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects.

“I think he’s completely winning the expectation game,” said Representative Peter Roskam of Illinois. “I think he’s a genius at lowering expectations and overperforming,” he said, adding, “It’s really remarkable.”
I listened to that speech. He pretty much owned the crowd. No question who's in charge.
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Only a handful in the Republican Party are now not on board with President Trump and that handful include those who joined forces with the Hillary camp to do everything they could to destroy Donald Trump in the lead up to the election including John "Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger" McCain and Lindsey "1%" Graham.

I saw Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell on TV last night saying that Trump is NOT building a wall without consulting Congress. And Mitch McConnell said that the US will NOT be starting a trade war with Mexico, and that slapping on tariff's is Congress' job. The President has no power to tax.

Pretty much total submission now to President Trump and his Agenda from Republicans.

This is from the Leftist NYT not a Right-Wing publication.

Republicans Now Marching With Trump on Ideas They Had Opposed

PHILADELPHIA — From the time Donald J. Trump became their candidate until he took the oath of office, congressional Republicans treated his policy pronouncements — largely out of step with Republican dogma — as essentially a distraction. He would talk. They would drive the policies.

But now, the question of whether congressional Republicans would change President Trump or Mr. Trump would change them has an early answer. Mr. Trump cheerfully addressed the group here at their policy retreat on Thursday, and they responded with applause to many proposals they have long opposed.

Republican lawmakers appear more than ready to open up the coffers for a $12 billion to $15 billion border wall, perhaps without the commensurate spending cuts that they demanded when it came to disaster aid, money to fight the Zika virus or funds for the tainted water system in Flint, Mich. They also seem to back a swelling of the federal payroll that Mr. Trump has called for in the form of a larger military and 5,000 more border patrol agents.

Speaker Paul D. Ryan, whose own website this week still praised the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, now applauds Mr. Trump for putting the final shovel of dirt over the accord, with the president saying he is interested in bilateral agreements instead.

Many Republicans in Congress say his presidency is off to a substantive start, delivering on campaign promises to quell illegal immigration, reduce regulations, start the rollback of the health care law and reverse the Obama administration’s decisions to halt the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects.

“I think he’s completely winning the expectation game,” said Representative Peter Roskam of Illinois. “I think he’s a genius at lowering expectations and overperforming,” he said, adding, “It’s really remarkable.”
I listened to that speech. He pretty much owned the crowd. No question who's in charge.


Why wouldn't the Republicans submit to President Trump, he's delivered Republicans the White House, an increased majority in The Senate, an increased majority in The House of Representatives and just one seat away from a majority on The United States Supreme Court, probably that nasty old trout Ruth Bader Ginsburg will shuffle off this mortal coil within the next four years and then the Republicans will control everything and all thanks to Donald J. Trump.
Why wouldn't the Republicans submit to President Trump, he's delivered Republicans the White House, an increased majority in The Senate, an increased majority in The House of Representatives and just one seat away from a majority on The United States Supreme Court, probably that nasty old trout Ruth Bader Ginsburg will shuffle off this mortal coil within the next four years and then the Republicans will control everything and all thanks to Donald J. Trump.
I think the GOP lost a few seats in congress but still hold the majorities. Trump losing congress for the GOP didn't happen as was claimed by left and rightwing rinos.
Why wouldn't the Republicans submit to President Trump, he's delivered Republicans the White House, an increased majority in The Senate, an increased majority in The House of Representatives and just one seat away from a majority on The United States Supreme Court, probably that nasty old trout Ruth Bader Ginsburg will shuffle off this mortal coil within the next four years and then the Republicans will control everything and all thanks to Donald J. Trump.
I think the GOP lost a few seats in congress but still hold the majorities. Trump losing congress for the GOP didn't happen as was claimed by left and rightwing rinos.

I think you're correct the GOP did lose a few seats in The House, but kept control.

Well according to the Leftists and the RINO Cucks The Donald was going to lose to Hillary in a landslide and The Senate and The House were in danger of being lost because of The Donald.

So as they were so spectacularly wrong about that, they'll also be spectacularly wrong about everything else.
Trump is obsessed with being the biggest and best. He received the biggest inauguration protest ever. I'll bet he's proud of that.
and his 65 million vote win was so bigly against that little turn out.

Only half of the citizens voted. Of the ones that did, less than half voted for trump. At best, he only has less than 1/4 of the country supporting him.
Trump is obsessed with being the biggest and best. He received the biggest inauguration protest ever. I'll bet he's proud of that.
and his 65 million vote win was so bigly against that little turn out.

Only half of the citizens voted. Of the ones that did, less than half voted for trump. At best, he only has less than 1/4 of the country supporting him.
And? who won?
Trump is obsessed with being the biggest and best. He received the biggest inauguration protest ever. I'll bet he's proud of that.
and his 65 million vote win was so bigly against that little turn out.

Only half of the citizens voted. Of the ones that did, less than half voted for trump. At best, he only has less than 1/4 of the country supporting him.
And? who won?

Yes. The clown won. With less than 1/4 of the country supporting him. He didn't even have the most votes.
Why wouldn't the Republicans submit to President Trump, he's delivered Republicans the White House, an increased majority in The Senate, an increased majority in The House of Representatives and just one seat away from a majority on The United States Supreme Court, probably that nasty old trout Ruth Bader Ginsburg will shuffle off this mortal coil within the next four years and then the Republicans will control everything and all thanks to Donald J. Trump.
I think the GOP lost a few seats in congress but still hold the majorities.
Trump losing congress for the GOP didn't happen as was claimed by left and rightwing rinos.

Yeah Republicans lost 6 seats in the house, and 2 seats in the Senate. But don't worry it's coming in 2018, I imagine Democrats will take over both houses, with this maniac sitting in the oval office.


He's declared war on the Senate & House--both sides with these ridiculous executive orders, that aren't going anywhere.
Why wouldn't the Republicans submit to President Trump, he's delivered Republicans the White House, an increased majority in The Senate, an increased majority in The House of Representatives and just one seat away from a majority on The United States Supreme Court, probably that nasty old trout Ruth Bader Ginsburg will shuffle off this mortal coil within the next four years and then the Republicans will control everything and all thanks to Donald J. Trump.
I think the GOP lost a few seats in congress but still hold the majorities.
Trump losing congress for the GOP didn't happen as was claimed by left and rightwing rinos.

Yeah Republicans lost 6 seats in the house, and 2 seats in the Senate. But don't worry it's coming in 2018, I imagine Democrats will take over both houses, with this maniac sitting in the oval office.

He's declared war on the Senate & House--both sides with these ridiculous executive orders, that aren't going anywhere.
The house and senate didn't get your memo. But thanks for the 2018 warning, they'll be shaking in their boots because lefties are always spot on.
Trump is obsessed with being the biggest and best. He received the biggest inauguration protest ever. I'll bet he's proud of that.
and his 65 million vote win was so bigly against that little turn out.

Only half of the citizens voted. Of the ones that did, less than half voted for trump. At best, he only has less than 1/4 of the country supporting him.
And? who won?

Yes. The clown won. With less than 1/4 of the country supporting him. He didn't even have the most votes.
which means the loser couldn't mustard up that amount. D'oh!!!!
Trump is obsessed with being the biggest and best. He received the biggest inauguration protest ever. I'll bet he's proud of that.
and his 65 million vote win was so bigly against that little turn out.

Only half of the citizens voted. Of the ones that did, less than half voted for trump. At best, he only has less than 1/4 of the country supporting him.
And? who won?

Yes. The clown won. With less than 1/4 of the country supporting him. He didn't even have the most votes.
which means the loser couldn't mustard up that amount. D'oh!!!!

She did get more votes than him.
and his 65 million vote win was so bigly against that little turn out.

Only half of the citizens voted. Of the ones that did, less than half voted for trump. At best, he only has less than 1/4 of the country supporting him.
And? who won?

Yes. The clown won. With less than 1/4 of the country supporting him. He didn't even have the most votes.
which means the loser couldn't mustard up that amount. D'oh!!!!

She did get more votes than him.
No. Donald trumped her in the electoral college. That's how we elect presidents. That's taught in grade school.

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