Trump draws record crowd in 24 hours ..

so you're a idiot ..

if he refuses Congress should start an investigation.

It is amazing how the stupid flows out of the fingers of the left.
Yes but like everything else with that crowd, they will fail miserably at this also.

We are always ten steps ahead of them, being Logical and Strategic Thinkers, we have always planned ahead.

No the Russians were 10 steps ahead but now everyone is on the same page, including the Republican Party. The one your orange clown co-opted to steal the government of the United States for the Russians.

Now that he has the job, he has no clue how to do it, and is failing miserably. His obsession with proving he is a legitimate president, when he is so laughably not a legitimate President, not with the cloud of Russian interference in the election, without having won the popular vote, having such low approval ratings, and nobody turning up for his Inauguration.

What you Trumbots don't get is that your guy is not only unqualiflied, he's incompetent. He thinks he can just sign an EO and build a wall, slap on a tariff, or threaten your allies. He can't. And when he learns the limits of his power (since he obviously hasn't bothered to read the Constitution), he's not going to take it well.
So Trump says no one cares about his tax returns. We all know that is a lie. But lying is what Trump does, and bleeving is what Trump's Chumps do.

He is obviously hiding something he does not want the rube herd to see.

Donations to Planned Parenthood? Donations to anti-Iraq war organizations? Donations to Putin?
Trump is obsessed with being the biggest and best. He received the biggest inauguration protest ever. I'll bet he's proud of that.
and his 65 million vote win was so bigly against that little turn out.
It's fabricated outrage. What is going on is the globalist leftists are losing power around the world. They still can't get over Brexit, now Trump? He will do the opposite of what they want. Liberals are being used as useful idiots.

What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.

If that happens then you'll have President Mike Pence, the man the Leftists refer to as Ayatollah Pence, so get ready for things such as Conversion Therapy as law for all Homosexuals and Lesbians, amongst other things see below.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Indiana) - Wikipedia

So it's a Lose-Lose for Leftists, you either have President Trump or you have President Pence.
Pence would be strait-jacketed asap.

No, but keep on dreaming.

The situation is that Leftists have been wrong from the beginning about Donald Trump. When he announced he was running, they all laughed, throughout the Republican Primaries they laughed and kept saying that the latest thing he commented was definately the end of his campaign, then they said Hillary would win 40 States and 400 EC votes etc.

The Leftists have been wrong about Donald Trump on everything and they'll be wrong on this as well.

The Leftists who laughed at him and treated him as a joke candidate, well, they're not laughing anymore, they're crapping themselves out of fear any laughing now from Leftists is purely due to nervousness about the situation of Donald Trump being in charge and sitting in the place they had convinced themselves that only Hillary Rodham Clinton was going to sit in.
The left's biggest fear is that Trump's policies will create real jobs thus taking away the unions from the democraps.....

Many of the heads of those Unions seemed very happy the other day both during and after their meeting at the White House with President Trump, some of them were publicly jubilant about the discussions he had with them.

The Donald already took a huge amount of Blue Collar voters off the Democrats already in Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania, some regions in those States hadn't voted anything but Democratic since the 1930s with Franklin Roosevelt.

So President Trump is already more than halfway to winning the Unions from the Democratic Plantation now.
Yes but like everything else with that crowd, they will fail miserably at this also.

We are always ten steps ahead of them, being Logical and Strategic Thinkers, we have always planned ahead.

No the Russians were 10 steps ahead but now everyone is on the same page, including the Republican Party. The one your orange clown co-opted to steal the government of the United States for the Russians.

Now that he has the job, he has no clue how to do it, and is failing miserably. His obsession with proving he is a legitimate president, when he is so laughably not a legitimate President, not with the cloud of Russian interference in the election, without having won the popular vote, having such low approval ratings, and nobody turning up for his Inauguration.

What you Trumbots don't get is that your guy is not only unqualiflied, he's incompetent. He thinks he can just sign an EO and build a wall, slap on a tariff, or threaten your allies. He can't. And when he learns the limits of his power (since he obviously hasn't bothered to read the Constitution), he's not going to take it well.
Why is it he can't? His predecessor has already set the precedent, no?
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Only a handful in the Republican Party are now not on board with President Trump and that handful include those who joined forces with the Hillary camp to do everything they could to destroy Donald Trump in the lead up to the election including John "Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger" McCain and Lindsey "1%" Graham.

I saw Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell on TV last night saying that Trump is NOT building a wall without consulting Congress. And Mitch McConnell said that the US will NOT be starting a trade war with Mexico, and that slapping on tariff's is Congress' job. The President has no power to tax.
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Only a handful in the Republican Party are now not on board with President Trump and that handful include those who joined forces with the Hillary camp to do everything they could to destroy Donald Trump in the lead up to the election including John "Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger" McCain and Lindsey "1%" Graham.

I saw Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell on TV last night saying that Trump is NOT building a wall without consulting Congress. And Mitch McConnell said that the US will NOT be starting a trade war with Mexico, and that slapping on tariff's is Congress' job. The President has no power to tax.
He just will call the tax "processing fee"
Many of the heads of those Unions seemed very happy the other day both during and after their meeting at the White House with President Trump, some of them were publicly jubilant about the discussions he had with them.

The Donald already took a huge amount of Blue Collar voters off the Democrats already in Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania, some regions in those States hadn't voted anything but Democratic since the 1930s with Franklin Roosevelt.

So President Trump is already more than halfway to winning the Unions from the Democratic Plantation now.

That's because Trump does what he always does - told them exactly what they wanted to hear and he was lying the whole time. Just like he lied when he said he was going to get a special prosecutor to lock her up. Just like he lied when he said he was going to use tariffs to bring back jobs that are never coming back. Just like he lied when he said he'd release his taxes.

Trump told you lots of things you wanted to hear, but he was lying.
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Ryan and McConnell are working on impeaching him? Wow, they're sure saying the opposite. She needs to stop posting with her hand down her pants
I think Soros has his hands down her pants.

Uh not a good visual darling :omg:
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Only a handful in the Republican Party are now not on board with President Trump and that handful include those who joined forces with the Hillary camp to do everything they could to destroy Donald Trump in the lead up to the election including John "Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger" McCain and Lindsey "1%" Graham.

I saw Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell on TV last night saying that Trump is NOT building a wall without consulting Congress. And Mitch McConnell said that the US will NOT be starting a trade war with Mexico, and that slapping on tariff's is Congress' job. The President has no power to tax.
He just will call the tax "processing fee"

Why would he not just put it in the budget? That way there is no filibuster. Democrats showed with Obamacare you can put anything in the budget and avoid being filibustered
Many of the heads of those Unions seemed very happy the other day both during and after their meeting at the White House with President Trump, some of them were publicly jubilant about the discussions he had with them.

The Donald already took a huge amount of Blue Collar voters off the Democrats already in Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania, some regions in those States hadn't voted anything but Democratic since the 1930s with Franklin Roosevelt.

So President Trump is already more than halfway to winning the Unions from the Democratic Plantation now.

That's because Trump does what he always does - told them exactly what they wanted to hear and he was lying the whole time. Just like he lied when he said he was going to get a special prosecutor to lock her up. Just like he lied when he said he was going to use tariffs to bring back jobs that are never coming back. Just like he lied when he said he'd release his taxes.

Trump told you lots of things you wanted to hear, but he was lying.

No and no and no and no.
He just will call the tax "processing fee"

And it would be overturned under NAFTA.
You are fighting tooth and nail to make sure the American worker stays unemployed. There will be an assessment fee on can take it to the bank.. Congress will not go against the will of people if its members want to retain their seats.
What is going on is that your orange clown is about to get the biggest slap-down of his life. Ryan and McConnell are going to impeach his ass at the earliest opportunity, which is coming up faster than I ever imagined it would.
That's only going on in your disease corrupt mind. The GOP is having a field day. Every day is like Christmas.

Only a handful in the Republican Party are now not on board with President Trump and that handful include those who joined forces with the Hillary camp to do everything they could to destroy Donald Trump in the lead up to the election including John "Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger" McCain and Lindsey "1%" Graham.

I saw Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell on TV last night saying that Trump is NOT building a wall without consulting Congress. And Mitch McConnell said that the US will NOT be starting a trade war with Mexico, and that slapping on tariff's is Congress' job. The President has no power to tax.
When did Trump say he did? You make up one lie after the other. First you said they were impeaching him, now you say they want to be part of the process.
Yes but like everything else with that crowd, they will fail miserably at this also.

We are always ten steps ahead of them, being Logical and Strategic Thinkers, we have always planned ahead.

No the Russians were 10 steps ahead but now everyone is on the same page, including the Republican Party. The one your orange clown co-opted to steal the government of the United States for the Russians.

Now that he has the job, he has no clue how to do it, and is failing miserably. His obsession with proving he is a legitimate president, when he is so laughably not a legitimate President, not with the cloud of Russian interference in the election, without having won the popular vote, having such low approval ratings, and nobody turning up for his Inauguration.

What you Trumbots don't get is that your guy is not only unqualiflied, he's incompetent. He thinks he can just sign an EO and build a wall, slap on a tariff, or threaten your allies. He can't. And when he learns the limits of his power (since he obviously hasn't bothered to read the Constitution), he's not going to take it well.
that's why the stock market hasn't stopped going up. can you type more stupid for us?

Many of the heads of those Unions seemed very happy the other day both during and after their meeting at the White House with President Trump, some of them were publicly jubilant about the discussions he had with them.

The Donald already took a huge amount of Blue Collar voters off the Democrats already in Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania, some regions in those States hadn't voted anything but Democratic since the 1930s with Franklin Roosevelt.

So President Trump is already more than halfway to winning the Unions from the Democratic Plantation now.

That's because Trump does what he always does - told them exactly what they wanted to hear and he was lying the whole time. Just like he lied when he said he was going to get a special prosecutor to lock her up. Just like he lied when he said he was going to use tariffs to bring back jobs that are never coming back. Just like he lied when he said he'd release his taxes.

Trump told you lots of things you wanted to hear, but he was lying.
so far he's batting 1,000.

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