Trump enriching trump

Hey gop pals, get a load of this! Who would have thought that dear glorious leader would be so unstable in his accusations and own activity? Do any of you actually care how much of your tax money he is funneling to trump co? Is the fake and hypocritical Obama hate going to fly again in 2020?

Tracking the president's visits to Trump properties

He is not allowed to use his own planes or helicopters.

And it is a free country no?

Why would he when he has airforce one and marine one? Do you need help understanding what the problem is here?

I see the problem, the problem is you. The president decides when and where he wants to be, not you or your warped sense of what he needs to do or be. Very child like in your thinking and sense of self importance.
Trump believes if we are at WAR; he can’t lose the 2020 election

How Trump’s arch-hawk lured Britain into a dangerous trap to punish Iran

With the seizure of a supertanker off Gibraltar, distracted UK government was set up by John Bolton as collateral damage

John Bolton, White House national security adviser and notorious Iraq-era hawk, is a man on a mission. Given broad latitude over policy by Donald Trump, he is widely held to be driving the US confrontation with Iran. And in his passionate bid to tame Tehran, Bolton cares little who gets hurt – even if collateral damage includes a close ally such as Britain.

So when Bolton heard British Royal Marines had seized an Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar on America’s Independence Day, his joy was unconfined. “Excellent news: UK has detained the supertanker Grace I laden with Iranian oil bound for Syria in violation of EU sanctions,” he exulted on Twitter.

Bolton’s delighted reaction suggested the seizure was a surprise. But accumulating evidence suggests the opposite is true, and that Bolton’s national security team was directly involved in manufacturing the Gibraltar incident. The suspicion is that Conservative politicians, distracted by picking a new prime minister, jockeying for power, and preoccupied with Brexit, stumbled into an American trap.
Trump’s arch-hawk lured Britain into a dangerous trap to punish Iran | Simon Tisdall
Trump believes if we are at WAR; he can’t lose the 2020 election

How Trump’s arch-hawk lured Britain into a dangerous trap to punish Iran

With the seizure of a supertanker off Gibraltar, distracted UK government was set up by John Bolton as collateral damage

John Bolton, White House national security adviser and notorious Iraq-era hawk, is a man on a mission. Given broad latitude over policy by Donald Trump, he is widely held to be driving the US confrontation with Iran. And in his passionate bid to tame Tehran, Bolton cares little who gets hurt – even if collateral damage includes a close ally such as Britain.

So when Bolton heard British Royal Marines had seized an Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar on America’s Independence Day, his joy was unconfined. “Excellent news: UK has detained the supertanker Grace I laden with Iranian oil bound for Syria in violation of EU sanctions,” he exulted on Twitter.

Bolton’s delighted reaction suggested the seizure was a surprise. But accumulating evidence suggests the opposite is true, and that Bolton’s national security team was directly involved in manufacturing the Gibraltar incident. The suspicion is that Conservative politicians, distracted by picking a new prime minister, jockeying for power, and preoccupied with Brexit, stumbled into an American trap.
Trump’s arch-hawk lured Britain into a dangerous trap to punish Iran | Simon Tisdall
Now the libstain is a mind reader.
Hey gop pals, get a load of this! Who would have thought that dear glorious leader would be so unstable in his accusations and own activity? Do any of you actually care how much of your tax money he is funneling to trump co? Is the fake and hypocritical Obama hate going to fly again in 2020?

Tracking the president's visits to Trump properties
Hey gop pals, get a load of this! Who would have thought that dear glorious leader would be so unstable in his accusations and own activity? Do any of you actually care how much of your tax money he is funneling to trump co? Is the fake and hypocritical Obama hate going to fly again in 2020?

Tracking the president's visits to Trump properties
Ask me what I think of NBC and you'll have yoyur answer.

Definition: In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.[2]

Penalty: U.S. Code Title 18: Death,[8] or not less than 5 years' imprisonment and not more than life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States will permanently lose the right to ever hold or run for public office anywhere in any capacity within the United States.[9][10]

Constitutionally, citizens of the United States owe allegiance to at least two sovereigns. One is the United States, and the other is their state. They can therefore potentially commit treason against either, or against both.[4] At least fourteen people have been charged with treason against various states; at least six were convicted, five of whom were executed. Only one person has ever been executed for treason against the federal government: William Bruce Mumford, who was convicted of treason and hanged in 1862 for tearing down a United States flag during the American Civil War.[5]

Treason laws in the United States - Wikipedia

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