Trump falsely states USA is the most highly taxed nation in the world

Is he nuts?

We have some of the lowest tax rates in the world. Americans in his tax bracket have rarely paid taxes this low

The US has high published tax rates. But effective taxes are low due to worthless loopholes for cronies like "carried interest", "CRT", etc. We need to cut the loopholes & published tax rate. Workers pay heavy taxes through payroll, income, sales, property, excise, state, etc. Walstreet Corps pay very little or none at all, they are subsidized by workers. Workers pay so much that they are taxed out of jobs.
Is he nuts?

We have some of the lowest tax rates in the world. Americans in his tax bracket have rarely paid taxes this low

The US has high published tax rates. But effective taxes are low due to worthless loopholes for cronies like "carried interest", "CRT", etc. We need to cut the loopholes & published tax rate. Workers pay heavy taxes through payroll, income, sales, property, excise, state, etc. Walstreet Corps pay very little or none at all, they are subsidized by workers. Workers pay so much that they are taxed out of jobs.
Imagine what the tax rates on the wealthy would be under Trump
This is the same bullshit as when Trump went off on Mexicans... everyone with a 3 digit IQ knew he meant ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, but the pond scum of the left, and their lapdog media rode out their agenda with the false fact that he meant all Mexicans. Those of us that think, realize he is talking about Corporate taxes (why do you knuckledragger suppose there is over $2 Trillion in unrecovered money in U.S. corporations overseas?....Stupid of me to even ask this of people with IQ's that aren't as bright as 60 W. bulbs!) but as the mindless OP posts, he believes Trump was talking about overall citizen taxes.

As for PolitFacts. an Annenberg association (now who worked for Annenberg with Bill Ayers?????) They have been caught with their pants down, manipulating and falsely reporting for a long time now...

Maybe he meant corporate taxes...

From the article...
America has the highest corporate tax rate in the world among major economies. Its top rate of 40% has encouraged a number of companies to “invert.” In an inversion, a U.S. company buys a foreign subsidiary and moves its headquarters (on paper, at least) to that country to enjoy a lower tax rate—a practice that Fortune has called positively un-American.

The five countries with the highest corporate tax rates - Fortune

If not the highest we are at the top...

Oh people, when are you ever going to learn to use Google????????????????????????

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
U.S. States Lead the World in High Corporate Taxes | Tax ...
... it may not be sufficient to meaningfully improve the competitiveness of the United States. ... While a 5 percentage point cut in the federal corporate tax rate ...

U.S. Corporate Tax Rates Are the Highest in the Developed ...
The U.S. total corporate tax rate at 39.1 percent is the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, which reduces investment in the U.S. and costs American ...

US Corporate Tax Rate World's Highest For Two Years
US Corporate Tax Rate World's Highest For Two Years; Close ... from whom it took over the mantle of the highest corporate tax rate on April 1, 2102.
Poor Trump

Doesn't appreciate his historically low tax rate
Maybe he meant corporate taxes...

From the article...
America has the highest corporate tax rate in the world among major economies. Its top rate of 40% has encouraged a number of companies to “invert.” In an inversion, a U.S. company buys a foreign subsidiary and moves its headquarters (on paper, at least) to that country to enjoy a lower tax rate—a practice that Fortune has called positively un-American.

The five countries with the highest corporate tax rates - Fortune

If not the highest we are at the top...

Weird why don't the GOP jump on board with Obama's almost 3 year old proposal top drop it from 35% to 28% and get rid of loopholes and use the revenues to fix infrastructure?

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High

During an interview on CNBC, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, in response to Santorum’s piece, noted that is is actually “a myth” that America’s corporate taxes are high. “Corporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness,” Buffett explained, even bringing a chart to prove his point:

The interesting thing about the corporate rate is that corporate profits, as a percentage of GDP last year were the highest or just about the highest in the last 50 years. They were ten and a fraction percent of GDP. That’s higher than we’ve seen in 50 years. The corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP were 1.2 percent, $180 billion. That’s just about the lowest we’ve seen. So our corporate tax rate last year, effectively, in terms of taxes paid for the United States, was around 12 percent, which is well below those existing in most of the industrialized countries around the world. So it is a myth that American corporations are paying 35 percent or anything like itCorporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness.

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High
Trump to Ricky Martin.....
Hey I'm going to be the next President...

Who's living La Vida Loca now dude!

Maybe he meant corporate taxes...

From the article...
America has the highest corporate tax rate in the world among major economies. Its top rate of 40% has encouraged a number of companies to “invert.” In an inversion, a U.S. company buys a foreign subsidiary and moves its headquarters (on paper, at least) to that country to enjoy a lower tax rate—a practice that Fortune has called positively un-American.

The five countries with the highest corporate tax rates - Fortune

If not the highest we are at the top...

Weird why don't the GOP jump on board with Obama's almost 3 year old proposal top drop it from 35% to 28% and get rid of loopholes and use the revenues to fix infrastructure?

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High

During an interview on CNBC, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, in response to Santorum’s piece, noted that is is actually “a myth” that America’s corporate taxes are high. “Corporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness,” Buffett explained, even bringing a chart to prove his point:

The interesting thing about the corporate rate is that corporate profits, as a percentage of GDP last year were the highest or just about the highest in the last 50 years. They were ten and a fraction percent of GDP. That’s higher than we’ve seen in 50 years. The corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP were 1.2 percent, $180 billion. That’s just about the lowest we’ve seen. So our corporate tax rate last year, effectively, in terms of taxes paid for the United States, was around 12 percent, which is well below those existing in most of the industrialized countries around the world. So it is a myth that American corporations are paying 35 percent or anything like itCorporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness.

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High
Then why do Corporations KEEP over $2 TRILLION dollars overseas, if the taxes aren't so high?
U.S. States Lead the World in High Corporate Taxes | Tax ...
... it may not be sufficient to meaningfully improve the competitiveness of the United States. ... While a 5 percentage point cut in the federal corporate tax rate ...

U.S. Corporate Tax Rates Are the Highest in the Developed ...
The U.S. total corporate tax rate at 39.1 percent is the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, which reduces investment in the U.S. and costs American ...

US Corporate Tax Rate World's Highest For Two Years
US Corporate Tax Rate World's Highest For Two Years; Close ... from whom it took over the mantle of the highest corporate tax rate on April 1, 2102.

Confused by Marginal rates versus EFFECTIVE rates huh? lol

During an interview on CNBC, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, in response to Santorum’s piece, noted that is is actually “a myth” that America’s corporate taxes are high. “Corporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness,” Buffett explained, even bringing a chart to prove his point:

The interesting thing about the corporate rate is that corporate profits, as a percentage of GDP last year were the highest or just about the highest in the last 50 years. They were ten and a fraction percent of GDP. That’s higher than we’ve seen in 50 years. The corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP were 1.2 percent, $180 billion. That’s just about the lowest we’ve seen. So our corporate tax rate last year, effectively, in terms of taxes paid for the United States, was around 12 percent, which is well below those existing in most of the industrialized countries around the world. So it is a myth that American corporations are paying 35 percent or anything like itCorporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness.

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High
U.S. States Lead the World in High Corporate Taxes | Tax ...
... it may not be sufficient to meaningfully improve the competitiveness of the United States. ... While a 5 percentage point cut in the federal corporate tax rate ...

U.S. Corporate Tax Rates Are the Highest in the Developed ...
The U.S. total corporate tax rate at 39.1 percent is the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, which reduces investment in the U.S. and costs American ...

US Corporate Tax Rate World's Highest For Two Years
US Corporate Tax Rate World's Highest For Two Years; Close ... from whom it took over the mantle of the highest corporate tax rate on April 1, 2102.

Confused by Marginal rates versus EFFECTIVE rates huh? lol

During an interview on CNBC, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, in response to Santorum’s piece, noted that is is actually “a myth” that America’s corporate taxes are high. “Corporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness,” Buffett explained, even bringing a chart to prove his point:

The interesting thing about the corporate rate is that corporate profits, as a percentage of GDP last year were the highest or just about the highest in the last 50 years. They were ten and a fraction percent of GDP. That’s higher than we’ve seen in 50 years. The corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP were 1.2 percent, $180 billion. That’s just about the lowest we’ve seen. So our corporate tax rate last year, effectively, in terms of taxes paid for the United States, was around 12 percent, which is well below those existing in most of the industrialized countries around the world. So it is a myth that American corporations are paying 35 percent or anything like itCorporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness.

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High

You STILL haven't answered the question...If Corporate taxes are so low, why is over $2 TRILLION in Corporate money staying overseas... Oh and Buffet on Taxes....

Maybe he meant corporate taxes...

From the article...
America has the highest corporate tax rate in the world among major economies. Its top rate of 40% has encouraged a number of companies to “invert.” In an inversion, a U.S. company buys a foreign subsidiary and moves its headquarters (on paper, at least) to that country to enjoy a lower tax rate—a practice that Fortune has called positively un-American.

The five countries with the highest corporate tax rates - Fortune

If not the highest we are at the top...

Weird why don't the GOP jump on board with Obama's almost 3 year old proposal top drop it from 35% to 28% and get rid of loopholes and use the revenues to fix infrastructure?

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High

During an interview on CNBC, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, in response to Santorum’s piece, noted that is is actually “a myth” that America’s corporate taxes are high. “Corporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness,” Buffett explained, even bringing a chart to prove his point:

The interesting thing about the corporate rate is that corporate profits, as a percentage of GDP last year were the highest or just about the highest in the last 50 years. They were ten and a fraction percent of GDP. That’s higher than we’ve seen in 50 years. The corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP were 1.2 percent, $180 billion. That’s just about the lowest we’ve seen. So our corporate tax rate last year, effectively, in terms of taxes paid for the United States, was around 12 percent, which is well below those existing in most of the industrialized countries around the world. So it is a myth that American corporations are paying 35 percent or anything like itCorporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness.

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High
Then why do Corporations KEEP over $2 TRILLION dollars overseas, if the taxes aren't so high?

SELFISH BASTARDS ARE WAITING FOR ANOTHER GOP TAX HOLIDAY AT 5% like Dubya's failure in 2003-2004??? To destroy US jobs?
U.S. States Lead the World in High Corporate Taxes | Tax ...
... it may not be sufficient to meaningfully improve the competitiveness of the United States. ... While a 5 percentage point cut in the federal corporate tax rate ...

U.S. Corporate Tax Rates Are the Highest in the Developed ...
The U.S. total corporate tax rate at 39.1 percent is the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, which reduces investment in the U.S. and costs American ...

US Corporate Tax Rate World's Highest For Two Years
US Corporate Tax Rate World's Highest For Two Years; Close ... from whom it took over the mantle of the highest corporate tax rate on April 1, 2102.

Confused by Marginal rates versus EFFECTIVE rates huh? lol

During an interview on CNBC, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, in response to Santorum’s piece, noted that is is actually “a myth” that America’s corporate taxes are high. “Corporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness,” Buffett explained, even bringing a chart to prove his point:

The interesting thing about the corporate rate is that corporate profits, as a percentage of GDP last year were the highest or just about the highest in the last 50 years. They were ten and a fraction percent of GDP. That’s higher than we’ve seen in 50 years. The corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP were 1.2 percent, $180 billion. That’s just about the lowest we’ve seen. So our corporate tax rate last year, effectively, in terms of taxes paid for the United States, was around 12 percent, which is well below those existing in most of the industrialized countries around the world. So it is a myth that American corporations are paying 35 percent or anything like itCorporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness.

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High

You STILL haven't answered the question...If Corporate taxes are so low, why is over $2 TRILLION in Corporate money staying overseas... Oh and Buffet on Taxes....

Oh goodie, more right wing talking points devoid of reason or logic

HINT, EVERY Corps fights with IRS over taxes, AND Buffettt has a FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY to run his Corp for the max benefit of shareholders DUMMY
Last edited:
Maybe he meant corporate taxes...

From the article...
America has the highest corporate tax rate in the world among major economies. Its top rate of 40% has encouraged a number of companies to “invert.” In an inversion, a U.S. company buys a foreign subsidiary and moves its headquarters (on paper, at least) to that country to enjoy a lower tax rate—a practice that Fortune has called positively un-American.

The five countries with the highest corporate tax rates - Fortune

If not the highest we are at the top...

Weird why don't the GOP jump on board with Obama's almost 3 year old proposal top drop it from 35% to 28% and get rid of loopholes and use the revenues to fix infrastructure?

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High

During an interview on CNBC, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, in response to Santorum’s piece, noted that is is actually “a myth” that America’s corporate taxes are high. “Corporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness,” Buffett explained, even bringing a chart to prove his point:

The interesting thing about the corporate rate is that corporate profits, as a percentage of GDP last year were the highest or just about the highest in the last 50 years. They were ten and a fraction percent of GDP. That’s higher than we’ve seen in 50 years. The corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP were 1.2 percent, $180 billion. That’s just about the lowest we’ve seen. So our corporate tax rate last year, effectively, in terms of taxes paid for the United States, was around 12 percent, which is well below those existing in most of the industrialized countries around the world. So it is a myth that American corporations are paying 35 percent or anything like itCorporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness.

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High


Q. So why does Buffett structure all of his acquisition as stock swaps?

A. Tax too damn high!
Maybe he meant corporate taxes...

From the article...
America has the highest corporate tax rate in the world among major economies. Its top rate of 40% has encouraged a number of companies to “invert.” In an inversion, a U.S. company buys a foreign subsidiary and moves its headquarters (on paper, at least) to that country to enjoy a lower tax rate—a practice that Fortune has called positively un-American.

The five countries with the highest corporate tax rates - Fortune

If not the highest we are at the top...

Weird why don't the GOP jump on board with Obama's almost 3 year old proposal top drop it from 35% to 28% and get rid of loopholes and use the revenues to fix infrastructure?

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High

During an interview on CNBC, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, in response to Santorum’s piece, noted that is is actually “a myth” that America’s corporate taxes are high. “Corporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness,” Buffett explained, even bringing a chart to prove his point:

The interesting thing about the corporate rate is that corporate profits, as a percentage of GDP last year were the highest or just about the highest in the last 50 years. They were ten and a fraction percent of GDP. That’s higher than we’ve seen in 50 years. The corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP were 1.2 percent, $180 billion. That’s just about the lowest we’ve seen. So our corporate tax rate last year, effectively, in terms of taxes paid for the United States, was around 12 percent, which is well below those existing in most of the industrialized countries around the world. So it is a myth that American corporations are paying 35 percent or anything like itCorporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness.

Warren Buffett: ‘It Is A Myth’ That U.S. Corporate Taxes Are High
Then why do Corporations KEEP over $2 TRILLION dollars overseas, if the taxes aren't so high?

SELFISH BASTARDS ARE WAITING FOR ANOTHER GOP TAX HOLIDAY AT 5% like Dubya's failure in 2003-2004??? To destroy US jobs?

Progressives on welfare are the most selfish people

"I got mine, fuck you taxpayers You better keep paying!" -- Dem Voter

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