Trump fans MOCK Floyd death at peaceful protest

Obama fans--blacks--- MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa....what's worse--mocking or MURDER?
Deflection, of course.

One of these days, one of you guys will act like honest adults and hold your own side accountable for something, and you'll shock us.
"Accountable"? That's rich.
When is Rev Al going to 'march' in any of the inner city negro run shit holes and demand the tree dwellers living there to be 'accountable' for the endemic negro on negro shootings/murders which happen EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer: NEVER! That's where he gets his 'performance money' from.
Wow, look at you, so angry, trying so hard to change the subject.

Don't worry, no one is expecting people like you to help improve things.
Believe me I'm not remotely "angry" about what's happening in the inner cities.
Less times a 'baby mamma' needs to go have her unborn baby murdered.
Less 'young black men' less twelve year old 'baby mammas'.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Something like the Biden fans who have murdered...lost count... is it 17 people now while "protesting"?
Or the Biden fans who have destroyed 100's $millions in private property and small businesses?
Something like that?
Deflection noted.

Nothing improves until both ends honestly hold their own accountable.

I suspect you won't be a part of that.
Haha..... I am part of that everyday here.
I believe yesterday I basically called Trump an idiot for his ignorant tweet about the old man who got pushed.
We are all complicit in a police state displaying police brutality.....
Yep. When we choose not to hold our own accountable, we are doing nothing more than enabling their worst behaviors.

That's a choice we make.
Mac's big problem

Nope, this is about all of us. Sorry.
Nope it's about you lack of self reflection when you convince yourself that your not continually guilty of the same things you accuse others
Continually? Good. Then you'll have no trouble providing quotes.

You guys never seem to be able to quote me when you make accusations, so this will be helpful. Thanks in advance.
It's a little early in the day for the cooking sherry dear.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Wow, some “Trump supporter” kneels in support of Floyd and the left goes nuts.

Seriously though, there is more outrage about this peaceful demonstration from the left than the murder of David Dorn.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


of course they did.

They mock EVERYONE and EVERYTHING they hate ;

liberals, gays, feminists, blacks, muslims, nice people, decent people, rational people...

trump and his supporters are filth.


human garbage.

it is perfectly obvious that the reason they love trump is because he is just as rotten as they are!
Floyd once held a pregnant woman at gunpoint while his buddies robbed her home....I'd say karma is a bitch
So you're fine with an execution without a trial?
Good to know.
Never said that....stop making it up.I'm saying Floyd's lawless life caught up with him.
A racist piece of shit decided it was time for him to die.
If it was karma he would have been struck by lightning or got cancer or some other unforeseen event.
That is how karma works.

What proof is there that the cop was racist?
I doubt you'll find too many Republicans that would approve of shit like this.
What we need is for them to speak out, and hold each other accountable. Loud and clear.

Same thing is needed on the other end. Obviously.

Nothing improves until that happens.
Hold these guys accountable for what? Performing a peaceful counter-protest and hurting your feelings? Get back to us when they commit an actual crime, not your imagined ones.
What we need is for them to speak out, and hold each other accountable. Loud and clear. Same thing is needed on the other end. Obviously.Nothing improves until that happens.
Hold these guys accountable for what? Performing a peaceful counter-protest and hurting your feelings? Get back to us when they commit an actual crime, not your imagined ones.
Excellent example of my point. Well done.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


of course they did.

They mock EVERYONE and EVERYTHING they hate ;

liberals, gays, feminists, blacks, muslims, nice people, decent people, rational people...

trump and his supporters are filth.


human garbage.

it is perfectly obvious that the reason they love trump is because he is just as rotten as they are!
The types of people that are destroying society need to be mocked, shunned, ridiculed, and rejected. And yes that includes Marxists (what you call “liberal”), degenerate gays, feminists, black thugs, and Muslims that want to destroy Western civilization. Pretending these people are nice decent people is exactly the problem.
This is ridiculous activity, but, then, this entire situation is a mockery of real action, thought, justice or attempt to reach profound understanding and change.
And worse, it all feeds on itself, as if both ends want it to.
Precisely. They are all following the wishes of the enemies to America.
Agreed and they are unknowingly assisting the power elite, who’s goal is continued division of the people.
In a way, I actually hope that's it. I hope someone is pulling strings.

Because I'd like to think that people are a little more an intelligent than to go out of their way to give the other side so much material to work with.
People aren’t that intelligent and are very easily persuaded to believe all sorts of stupidity. This explains the predicament we find ourselves in.
The reality is that a significant part of the population has intellectual limitations that lend to being exploited. We need to protect them, as we would protect anyone in danger. Some of the most intelligent are the most onerous. Their contempt for those "below" them is inestimable.
The problem is many with intellectual limitations, don’t know they’re limited and don’t want our protection.
What we need is for them to speak out, and hold each other accountable. Loud and clear. Same thing is needed on the other end. Obviously.Nothing improves until that happens.
Hold these guys accountable for what? Performing a peaceful counter-protest and hurting your feelings? Get back to us when they commit an actual crime, not your imagined ones.
Excellent example of my point. Well done.
Yes, your “point” is you want protesters that offend you to have their lives destroyed simply because they aren’t falling in line with your Agenda and worshipping a career criminal that won a Darwin Award.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


You start off by saying "Trumpism 2020" as if to say "This is to be expected of Trump supporters in 2020". Only after first ridiculing Trump supporters do you then ask if any Trump fans have a problem with it. This proves that you yourself are not entirely objective about this and are part of the reason conservatives are so frustrated and angry these days.

But to answer your question: No, I am not okay with this. It was in poor taste and callous.
Finally protesters are doing the right thing, which is pulling a city permit to do their charade.

But this new performance of theirs won't cover and neither justify their breaking of the law when they came out like herds of hyenas and blocked streets, destroyed properties and cars and looted. And this new protests with city permit won't exonerate the Mayors of cities who allowed the unlawful blocking of streets in their cities, these Mayors must resign of their positions, because they contributed to the destruction of property rather than protecting it.

The problem is that these protesters already made their point weeks ago and today their parades are just inertia of stupidity.

The mockers didn't block the protesters, and whatever they do in their private property won't hurt or will be a threat to people in the streets, unless they are aiming them with a gun or similar.

The mockers are right to a point, the charade of Floyd's death has fulfilled its 15 minutes of fame already, and continuing with it will definitively cause laughs.
Floyd needs to ridicule, the worthless criminal sonofabitch.

That goddamn funeral was a gaudy joke an an embarrassment to this country.

Fuck George Floyd, may he rot in hell.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Many blacks have died in the past two weeks (18 in one day in Chicago) at the hands of other blacks. A black cop's execution was streamed live. Rioters have destroyed millions of dollars of property. Black and white run businesses have been ruined. Thousands hurt. Social distancing ignored for a false narrative.

With all this going on, you're focusing on two yahoos who at the end of the day hurt no one and destroyed no property.

Mac1958, you stand for nothing and take no sides. What a miserable existence. You throw a brick into the middle and then wait for both sides to start arguing.
How many Negroes were killed by other Negroes in Democrat controlled Chicago this month?

Lets go find out, shall we?

June To Date
Shot & Killed: 19
Shot & Wounded: 142
Total Shot: 161
Total Homicides: 22

Week in Progress (6/7 – 6/13)
Shot & Killed: 8
Shot & Wounded: 36
Total Shot: 44
Total Homicides: 8

Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 241
Shot & Wounded: 1086
Total Shot: 1327
Total Homicides: 267
How many Negroes were killed by other Negroes in Democrat controlled Chicago this month?

Lets go find out, shall we?

June To Date
Shot & Killed: 19
Shot & Wounded: 142
Total Shot: 161
Total Homicides: 22

Week in Progress (6/7 – 6/13)
Shot & Killed: 8
Shot & Wounded: 36
Total Shot: 44
Total Homicides: 8

Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 241
Shot & Wounded: 1086
Total Shot: 1327
Total Homicides: 267
So you try to change the subject. Like others.

No balls. You're afraid to hold your tribe accountable for anything.

Good stuff, always appreciated.

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