Trump fans MOCK Floyd death at peaceful protest

Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Wouldnt you rather have naughty actors than violent rioters?
I'd much rather have honest, intelligent adults trying to improve race relations.

Those who are not, are only enabling more of the same on both ends.
Protest marches and rallies are transitioning into anti-Trump events and fools like this are helping.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


It represents conservatism today
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


It represents conservatism today
It represents frustration with the left turning a career criminal into a saint
1. If those people did "mock" that gentlemen's death, they were being pathetic boors.

2. Those Americans (and there were many) who felt the furor over Mr. Floyd's death was overwrought simply remained silent.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


It represents conservatism today
It represents frustration with the left turning a career criminal into a saint

You think most black people don't even have souls. :lol:

Jesus Christ.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


It represents conservatism today
It represents frustration with the left turning a career criminal into a saint

You think most blacks don't even have souls. :lol:

MANY dont. Did St George when he and 5 other guys invaded the home of a pregnant woman? Karma caught up with him.

Not everyone will step in line and "mourn" this guy
Employers of the Trumper morons are terminating their employment. A prison guard has been suspended pending an investigation and a FedEx employee has been outright terminated.
MANY dont. Did St George when he and 5 other guys invaded the home of a pregnant woman? Karma caught up with him.

Not everyone will step in line and "mourn" this guy

Oh, I think the mourning of this magnitude is absurd, but this runs way deeper than just George Floyd. Whether you wish to remain willfully blind to that or not is on you.
This is ridiculous activity, but, then, this entire situation is a mockery of real action, thought, justice or attempt to reach profound understanding and change.
And worse, it all feeds on itself, as if both ends want it to.
Precisely. They are all following the wishes of the enemies to America.
Agreed and they are unknowingly assisting the power elite, who’s goal is continued division of the people.
In a way, I actually hope that's it. I hope someone is pulling strings.

Because I'd like to think that people are a little more an intelligent than to go out of their way to give the other side so much material to work with.
People aren’t that intelligent and are very easily persuaded to believe all sorts of stupidity. This explains the predicament we find ourselves in.
This is ridiculous activity, but, then, this entire situation is a mockery of real action, thought, justice or attempt to reach profound understanding and change.
And worse, it all feeds on itself, as if both ends want it to.
Precisely. They are all following the wishes of the enemies to America.
Agreed and they are unknowingly assisting the power elite, who’s goal is continued division of the people.
In a way, I actually hope that's it. I hope someone is pulling strings.

Because I'd like to think that people are a little more an intelligent than to go out of their way to give the other side so much material to work with.
People aren’t that intelligent and are very easily persuaded to believe all sorts of stupidity. This explains the predicament we find ourselves in.
I suspect some of it is a lack of intelligence, but much of it is also tribalism and the intellectual laziness it causes.
Obama fans--blacks--- MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa....what's worse--mocking or MURDER?
Deflection, of course.

One of these days, one of you guys will act like honest adults and hold your own side accountable for something, and you'll shock us.
"Accountable"? That's rich.
When is Rev Al going to 'march' in any of the inner city negro run shit holes and demand the tree dwellers living there to be 'accountable' for the endemic negro on negro shootings/murders which happen EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer: NEVER! That's where he gets his 'performance money' from.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Something like the Biden fans who have murdered...lost count... is it 17 people now while "protesting"?
Or the Biden fans who have destroyed 100's $millions in private property and small businesses?
Something like that?
Obama fans--blacks--- MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa....what's worse--mocking or MURDER?
Deflection, of course.

One of these days, one of you guys will act like honest adults and hold your own side accountable for something, and you'll shock us.
"Accountable"? That's rich.
When is Rev Al going to 'march' in any of the inner city negro run shit holes and demand the tree dwellers living there to be 'accountable' for the endemic negro on negro shootings/murders which happen EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer: NEVER! That's where he gets his 'performance money' from.
Wow, look at you, so angry, trying so hard to change the subject.

Don't worry, no one is expecting people like you to help improve things.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Something like the Biden fans who have murdered...lost count... is it 17 people now while "protesting"?
Or the Biden fans who have destroyed 100's $millions in private property and small businesses?
Something like that?
Deflection noted.

Nothing improves until both ends honestly hold their own accountable.

I suspect you won't be a part of that.
This is ridiculous activity, but, then, this entire situation is a mockery of real action, thought, justice or attempt to reach profound understanding and change.
And worse, it all feeds on itself, as if both ends want it to.
Precisely. They are all following the wishes of the enemies to America.
Agreed and they are unknowingly assisting the power elite, who’s goal is continued division of the people.
In a way, I actually hope that's it. I hope someone is pulling strings.

Because I'd like to think that people are a little more an intelligent than to go out of their way to give the other side so much material to work with.
People aren’t that intelligent and are very easily persuaded to believe all sorts of stupidity. This explains the predicament we find ourselves in.
The reality is that a significant part of the population has intellectual limitations that lend to being exploited. We need to protect them, as we would protect anyone in danger. Some of the most intelligent are the most onerous. Their contempt for those "below" them is inestimable.
This is ridiculous activity, but, then, this entire situation is a mockery of real action, thought, justice or attempt to reach profound understanding and change.
And worse, it all feeds on itself, as if both ends want it to.
Precisely. They are all following the wishes of the enemies to America.
Agreed and they are unknowingly assisting the power elite, who’s goal is continued division of the people.
In a way, I actually hope that's it. I hope someone is pulling strings.

Because I'd like to think that people are a little more an intelligent than to go out of their way to give the other side so much material to work with.
There’s a great deal of ignorance out there, on both sides.

Many on the left believe ignorance like this...just ask Joe.View attachment 348256
And 'Fast and Furious'.

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