Trump feeling good Going back to WH

Better than he has in 20 years LOL Can I get some of those great drugs they gave him ? Remember the going up is not worth the going down Gotta go ,my dealer is ringing my bell

He was visibly struggling to breathe. You could see his chest heaving. He removed the mask, knowing he still have COVID. The White House is a Hot Spot for COVID right now. 45 has needlessly and deliberately put the lives of the Secret Service, his family and the White House Staff in danger by leaving WW. Fuck him.
Yes and Trump’s drugs also prevent virus mutations, the very reason it morphed from bats. If the reservoir in nature had Trump’s drugs, the game would be over.
Yep, what a shit-show. Stands like a tough guy maskless on balcony putting the photographers, his doctors, the Secret Service and his staff at risk a he gasps for air. Real tough guy that one. Can you tell which is which?

Mussolini on a balcony


Tweetolini on a balcony

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Trump kicked Kung Flu's ass in 3 days and it will take you the rest of your life to get over it. LMAO

Karma MAGA
Hey Ricky Call your dealer Tell him you need some Trump drugs

God was he ever roided out during his dangerous little propaganda video? They are going to his brain and making him believe that he's Superman. I guess after four injections, you can say that you're not afraid of anything eh?
Better than he has in 20 years LOL Can I get some of those great drugs they gave him ? Remember the going up is not worth the going down Gotta go ,my dealer is ringing my bell

He was visibly struggling to breathe. You could see his chest heaving. He removed the mask, knowing he still have COVID. The White House is a Hot Spot for COVID right now. 45 has needlessly and deliberately put the lives of the Secret Service, his family and the White House Staff in danger by leaving WW. Fuck him.

The West Wing is a freaking "ghost town". Can you blame them?

The Associated Press reported this morning on the conditions at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The West Wing is a ghost town. Staff members are scared of exposure. And the White House is now a treatment ward for not one -- but two -- COVID patients, including a president who has long taken the threat of the virus lightly. President Donald Trump's decision to return home from a military hospital despite his continued illness is putting new focus on the people around him who could be further exposed if he doesn't abide by strict isolation protocols.
And no one seriously expects the president to care at all about "strict isolation protocols." Indeed, the AP report added that Trump "has made clear that he has little intention of abiding by best containment practices."

The result is a "fearful" staff, with limited access to up-to-date information, learning about new infections from media accounts.

Axios had a related report on "widespread dismay" among officials. A White House source added:

"It's insane that he would return to the White House and jeopardize his staff's health when we are still learning of new cases among senior staff. This place is a cesspool.... He was so concerned with preventing embarrassing stories that he exposed thousands of his own staff and supporters to a deadly virus. He has kept us in the dark, and now our spouses and kids have to pay the price. It's just selfish."
Better than he has in 20 years LOL Can I get some of those great drugs they gave him ? Remember the going up is not worth the going down Gotta go ,my dealer is ringing my bell

Like I said in a different thread....Trump is flying on Dexamethasone.
It's refined street speed.
Makes you feel like a million bucks.
Gives you lots of energy.
He went crazy on Twitter today, literally manic.

Then when you stop taking it:

Side Effects of Dexamethasone and Other Steroids
  • “Let down” or withdrawal effect.
  • Flushing and sweating.
  • Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Personality changes or mood alterations.
  • Hyperactivity and jitters.
  • Dizziness and headaches.
  • Difficulty concentrating.

Scary ain't it? Donald's brain was already scrambled. And now we have a madman with nuke codes believing he's God. What could possibly go wrong? :icon_rolleyes:
You get the Virus ,, Test positive on Thur and walk out on Monday???? I call bullshit Something doesn't add up
Once the antibodies can be detected in your blood you are no longer know if Trump woke up tomorrow and said he took a big dump you libs and your media hacks would say he was lying.....
If Trump said crapping in your pants was bad, they would walk around with a full load.

If Trump said crapping in your pants was bad, liberals would say "Then stop doing it".

Trump says don't wear a mask and you fools don't wear masks. Everybody who is following Trump's advice and directives in the pandemic, or models his behaviour, is getting sick and dying. 7 million people have gotten sick. 210,000 have died.

And now Trump says he knows more about covid19 than the doctors, because he's experienced it.

Dotard won't let the CDC do contact tracing. Know why?
He doesn't want us to know how many people he infected or when he was first diagnosed.

Better than he has in 20 years LOL Can I get some of those great drugs they gave him ? Remember the going up is not worth the going down Gotta go ,my dealer is ringing my bell

I wonder how many more people Trump will infect. I'd like to make some nominations...

"Rudy! Why are you running away?"
Barr can't run fast enough

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Donald's personal attorney has the COVIDS and isn't telling anyone. Has anyone seen him lately? Nope! He was hugging and kissing people who did at the Rose Garden Super-Spreader event. And talk about underlying conditions/ comorbidity!
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And now Trump says he knows more about covid19 than the doctors, because he's experienced it.
That would be like you saying you know more about obesity than your doctors, right?

Liberal women. Whataya gonna do?

I didn't say I know more about obesity than the doctors, I said there is no fucking way that Trump weighs 244 lbs. And that he changed his height from 6' 2" to 6' 3".

I'd bet the family farm that Donald doesn't way a single ounce under 270. The man is right on the precipice between obese and MORBIDLY obese.


I'd bet the family farm that Donald doesn't way a single ounce under 270. The man is right on the precipice between obese and MORBIDLY obese.
Well he sure can out hussle what does that say? Trump has lost weight since 2016 and is looking better....
Trump kicked Kung Flu's ass in 3 days and it will take you the rest of your life to get over it. LMAO

Karma MAGA

Sorry, even his lying doctor said that he wasn't out of the woods yet. Herman Cain said he was feeling much better a few days after being diagnosed. He was dead 28 days later. Donnie has a long row to hoe.
Still praying satan kills him I see
I'd bet the family farm that Donald doesn't way a single ounce under 270. The man is right on the precipice between obese and MORBIDLY obese.
Well he sure can out hussle what does that say? Trump has lost weight since 2016 and is looking better....
I too noticed he looks a lot fitter than the photos they want to dig up
A humbling Herman Cain/coronavirus timeline:

6/24: Attends Trump rally, maskless
7/2: Tests positive for Covid-19
7/10: Says he’s improving
7/15: Says his doctors seem happy
7/27: Says he’s really getting better
7/30: Dies

Food for thought, tRumplings.
A humbling Herman Cain/coronavirus timeline:

6/24: Attends Trump rally, maskless
7/2: Tests positive for Covid-19
7/10: Says he’s improving
7/15: Says his doctors seem happy
7/27: Says he’s really getting better
7/30: Dies

Food for thought, tRumplings.
Sorry, but satan's not with you in this. Herman never left the hospital. I got messages thru the entire time that Herman was requesting prayer. Trump doesnt have Herman's weakened immune system.

Finally, covid affects people differently.

I,I, I can't , I can't breathe Let the moron drive around waving to his idiot supporters instead of staying in the hospital The man is a mental case Thank you republicans Hope you remember this always, what a dis service to America you're responsible for
I'd bet the family farm that Donald doesn't way a single ounce under 270. The man is right on the precipice between obese and MORBIDLY obese.
Well he sure can out hussle what does that say? Trump has lost weight since 2016 and is looking better....
Joe walks up and down steps better than this 280lb garbage does and doesn't lose his breath
I,I, I can't , I can't breathe Let the moron drive around waving to his idiot supporters instead of staying in the hospital The man is a mental case Thank you republicans Hope you remember this always, what a dis service to America you're responsible for
I'd bet the family farm that Donald doesn't way a single ounce under 270. The man is right on the precipice between obese and MORBIDLY obese.
Well he sure can out hussle what does that say? Trump has lost weight since 2016 and is looking better....
Joe walks up and down steps better than this 280lb garbage does and doesn't lose his breath

Old Uncle Joe runs up stairs to airplane (go to 1:55 in ;-)


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