Trump finally acted presidential

Is president Trump becoming more presidential?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • He's up and down, sometines yes and sometines no

    Votes: 8 21.1%

  • Total voters
These war mongering pukes in congress are free to travel to Syria, man a post with a weapon and defend the Kurds. What, none of them want to? Shocker.

Such stupidity is what allowed Hitler to take over most of Europe before anyone was able to put together a viable challenge to him. Oh, and several of those congressman have already served in the military, several in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

The only question now is how many AMERICAN Civilians will have to die because ISIS was allowed to revive itself because of TRUMPS stupidity in pulling out the small American force of 2,000 troops, that was helping the Kurds chase down the last ISIS members, preventing Turkey from invading the area, and keeping the Syrian and the Russians away as well.

Hey you and your family hop a plane to Syria go defend the Kurds have at it. Or is your position that only other peoples sons and daughters should be mutilated and killed in disputes between foreign countries and clans who have been killing each other for centuries.

Well maybe the next time your house is broken into or catches on fire, the Police Department and the Fire Department should just skip it. I mean why should they risk their lives to save your ass?

I bitch slapped you so you deflected. I summarized.

You don't bitch slap anyone with such bullshit and I explained why.

You also don't know most people here and are making crazy made up assumptions about other people and their lives. But that's typical for a lot of Trump followers as well as Trump himself.

As for DEFLECTION, your responses are the raw definition of it.

Lib please your ancestors felt that beat down. :eusa_hand:
I suspect these kind of posts come from kids who live in their parent's basement and watch way too much Downton Abby. What does "presidential" mean? The DOW remains high and unemployment is at a record low. We are at relative peace and the President is withdrawing Troops from old Obama rigged conflicts. Isn't it time that the crazy TDS left accepted the fact that the President is "presidential"?

the Dow remains stagnant going back to the start of Trump's 2nd year in office...more than a year and a half now.
Trump acting presidential:

^^^ g5000 acting like a juvenile sissy about to get stuffed into his hall locker.

I suspect these kind of posts come from kids who live in their parent's basement and watch way too much Downton Abby. What does "presidential" mean? The DOW remains high and unemployment is at a record low. We are at relative peace and the President is withdrawing Troops from old Obama rigged conflicts. Isn't it time that the crazy TDS left accepted the fact that the President is "presidential"?

The fact you think the ME was started by Obama says all we need to know about you...
Why not? Obama sponsored more failed military adventures than President Trump ever thought of. Libya was no threat to the U.S. but Obama and the CIA apparently thought it was easy pickings and the political vacuum of removing Khadaffi left the country open to ISIS. God only knows why Obama sent literally tons of U.S. taxpayer dollars to a country that supports terrorism but we did it in Iran. The possibility exists that the CIA has it's own agenda and may be working against it's own Country's interests as we speak.
Why not? Obama sponsored more failed military adventures than President Trump ever thought of. Libya was no threat to the U.S. but Obama and the CIA apparently thought it was easy pickings and the political vacuum of removing Khadaffi left the country open to ISIS. God only knows why Obama sent literally tons of U.S. taxpayer dollars to a country that supports terrorism but we did it in Iran. The possibility exists that the CIA has it's own agenda and may be working against it's own Country's interests as we speak.

The latest foray of the US sticking its nose into other peoples' business has been in the ME. Last time I looked that happened in 2003. There were a couple of bits of news you might have heard of - the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Now unless you've rewritten history (which you neocon whackadoodles are apt to do en masse - every hear of the Northern war of aggression anyone?), Obama didn't become president until five years later. At the end of the day, without Dumbya and his chickhawk cabal invading those two countries, there would be no ISIS. End of story. Every action has a reaction, pal...
President Trump just had a press conference (4:30 ET) and he spoke from the heart. He explained the terrible human cost of the permanent wars on US servicemen and their families. The "green-on-blue" attacks when a US trainer is shot by an AFG trainee are horrible. President Trump explained the horrible injuries US servicemen obtain and have to deal with, and how the doctors at Walter Reed do an amazing job trying to put them back to near normal.

But this was the first time that I can recall when President Trump left a press conference that he got applause. That was an accomplishment.

Normally the MSM says something like this, "Trump goes off the rails":

President Trump's press conference goes off the rails - CNN Video

The United States abandonment of Afghanistan after the Soviet Union left in 1989 led to the events of September 11, 2001 when 3,000 U.S. civilians were murdered by terrorist trained and supported from Afghanistan between 8:45 AM and 10:50 AM. That's right, 3,000 U.S. civilians murdered in under two hours. Had they struck the towers in the late afternoon just before the end of the work day, 20,000 people could have been killed in less than two hours.

The United States is not choosing to be involved in "permanent wars". The United States and its security is under attack constantly. The more engaged the United States is overseas with defending itself, its interest, and helping maintain order, the less it will bleed on the battlefield and the less chance there is for incidents like the events of September 11, 2001 happening.

The injuries and death policemen and firemen suffer during their jobs are not because they choose to do their jobs, but because crime and the danger of fire or other types of disaster are a constant threat. The same can be said of the U.S. military defending the United States and its interest overseas from Rogue States or non-state terrorist forces. You don't prevent loss of life, or injury by pretending the problem does not exist. Failing to deal with Rogue States, non-state terrorist forces, criminal elements in your local community, or the building that is on fire two miles from where you live, is not the way to save lives and prevent injury. Such inaction makes the loss of life and injury more likely and far more severe.

There is only one sponsor for terrorist networks, Iran. Trump is working on killing the head of the snake. OBL could have coordinated the 911 attack from anywhere, Somalia, Yemen, even a yacht, we can't keep throwing money at the ME hoping to stop the next attack. We need to stop Iran's funding of terrorist networks first.

No, you actually can't operate a large terrorist network from just anywhere. You need a country that is either supportive of your actions or has a state apparatus that is to weak to enforce any laws.

Talking out of your butt again, I don't see a link backing up your claim.
OBL was running his AQ network out of US "ally" Pakistan, which was neither weak, nor supportive. If OBL could run his AQ network out of backward AFG, he could run it from anywhere. Look how long it took the US to find him. If you saw the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" you saw how tough it was to track OBL down, and how protective his agents and supporters were.

Zero Dark Thirty (2012) - IMDb

I'm still for killing the head of the snake instead of trying to play "whack a mole" all over the globe.
We wasted $8T already in the ME, that's more than enough.

No one has spent 8 trillion dollars in the Middle East. In fact, spending for military operations in the Middle East over the past 20 years, on an annual basis, is only a FRACTION of the total military budget even at the times of highest spending. What's more, defense spending as percentage of GDP has never reached 5% in any of the years since 2000. During the peacetime of the 1980s, it averaged 6% per year of annual GDP.

What OBL was able to do from his headquarters in Pakistan was a fraction of what he was able to do when he was in Afghanistan prior to September 11, 2001. In Afghanistan prior to September 11, 2001, OBL had access to more resources as well as greater freedom of movement. The Taliban was supporting OBL's ideas and operations and providing for his defense. His move to Pakistan required him to go underground and heavily reduced his ability to operate and shape the terrorist environment.

Again, he would have more freedom and greater opportunity to operate in a country with a government and military that supported him like the one he had in Afghanistan. He was forced to move to a country, Pakistan, where the government and military did not not support him like the Taliban did. This reduced his role in the terrorist movement and forced him to concentrate on simply hiding much of the time. No more large gatherings, terrorist training camps, and acting like the king of a new Muslim Caliphate. In Pakistan he spent most of his time in a small walled compound rarely if ever leaving it. Half the people he was living with were females taking care of children. His time was reduced to writing coded messages he would send through courier to the outside world. In away, he was imprisoned in Pakistan given the way he had to live to avoid being captured or killed.

You write a lot of words that can only be described as "fiction". You never provide credible links to backup your assertions. Please allow me to set the record straight.
1. Here are links that set the amount that the US military spent in the Middle-East at $5.9T and $7.0T, so you are wrong. You must not know that war spending is supplemental and added to the Defense spending number.

America has spent $5.9 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001, a new study says
Did the U.S. Really Spend $7 Trillion on Middle Eastern Wars?

2. You have no clue how much OBL could do or could not do from AFG or Pakistan. His AQ network confounded the CIA for 10 years, from 2001 to 2011 when he was killed. WTF happened to the old CIA that could kill bad guys whenever they needed to? OBL had all the access to his network that he needed in Pakistan. Why can't the CIA find and kill Ayman al-Zawahiri? The Taliban don't do away games, ISIS does away games.
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has 'heart complaint', official says intel indicates - CNNPolitics

3. If OBL was imprisoned in Pakistan, then how did AQ manage to plan and execute all of these attacks between 2001 and 2011?
Timeline of al-Qaeda attacks - Wikipedia

I'm sorry to say that you are proven wrong way more than you are proved right.
Please try to think and prove your points before just spouting nonsense.
The United States abandonment of Afghanistan after the Soviet Union left in 1989 led to the events of September 11, 2001 when 3,000 U.S. civilians were murdered by terrorist trained and supported from Afghanistan between 8:45 AM and 10:50 AM. That's right, 3,000 U.S. civilians murdered in under two hours. Had they struck the towers in the late afternoon just before the end of the work day, 20,000 people could have been killed in less than two hours.

The United States is not choosing to be involved in "permanent wars". The United States and its security is under attack constantly. The more engaged the United States is overseas with defending itself, its interest, and helping maintain order, the less it will bleed on the battlefield and the less chance there is for incidents like the events of September 11, 2001 happening.

The injuries and death policemen and firemen suffer during their jobs are not because they choose to do their jobs, but because crime and the danger of fire or other types of disaster are a constant threat. The same can be said of the U.S. military defending the United States and its interest overseas from Rogue States or non-state terrorist forces. You don't prevent loss of life, or injury by pretending the problem does not exist. Failing to deal with Rogue States, non-state terrorist forces, criminal elements in your local community, or the building that is on fire two miles from where you live, is not the way to save lives and prevent injury. Such inaction makes the loss of life and injury more likely and far more severe.

There is only one sponsor for terrorist networks, Iran. Trump is working on killing the head of the snake. OBL could have coordinated the 911 attack from anywhere, Somalia, Yemen, even a yacht, we can't keep throwing money at the ME hoping to stop the next attack. We need to stop Iran's funding of terrorist networks first.

No, you actually can't operate a large terrorist network from just anywhere. You need a country that is either supportive of your actions or has a state apparatus that is to weak to enforce any laws.

Talking out of your butt again, I don't see a link backing up your claim.
OBL was running his AQ network out of US "ally" Pakistan, which was neither weak, nor supportive. If OBL could run his AQ network out of backward AFG, he could run it from anywhere. Look how long it took the US to find him. If you saw the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" you saw how tough it was to track OBL down, and how protective his agents and supporters were.

Zero Dark Thirty (2012) - IMDb

I'm still for killing the head of the snake instead of trying to play "whack a mole" all over the globe.
We wasted $8T already in the ME, that's more than enough.

No one has spent 8 trillion dollars in the Middle East. In fact, spending for military operations in the Middle East over the past 20 years, on an annual basis, is only a FRACTION of the total military budget even at the times of highest spending. What's more, defense spending as percentage of GDP has never reached 5% in any of the years since 2000. During the peacetime of the 1980s, it averaged 6% per year of annual GDP.

What OBL was able to do from his headquarters in Pakistan was a fraction of what he was able to do when he was in Afghanistan prior to September 11, 2001. In Afghanistan prior to September 11, 2001, OBL had access to more resources as well as greater freedom of movement. The Taliban was supporting OBL's ideas and operations and providing for his defense. His move to Pakistan required him to go underground and heavily reduced his ability to operate and shape the terrorist environment.

Again, he would have more freedom and greater opportunity to operate in a country with a government and military that supported him like the one he had in Afghanistan. He was forced to move to a country, Pakistan, where the government and military did not not support him like the Taliban did. This reduced his role in the terrorist movement and forced him to concentrate on simply hiding much of the time. No more large gatherings, terrorist training camps, and acting like the king of a new Muslim Caliphate. In Pakistan he spent most of his time in a small walled compound rarely if ever leaving it. Half the people he was living with were females taking care of children. His time was reduced to writing coded messages he would send through courier to the outside world. In away, he was imprisoned in Pakistan given the way he had to live to avoid being captured or killed.

You write a lot of words that can only be described as "fiction". You never provide credible links to backup your assertions. Please allow me to set the record straight.
1. Here are links that set the amount that the US military spent in the Middle-East at $5.9T and $7.0T, so you are wrong. You must not know that war spending is supplemental and added to the Defense spending number.

America has spent $5.9 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001, a new study says
Did the U.S. Really Spend $7 Trillion on Middle Eastern Wars?

Oh, I have seen this BULLSHIT before. Its from left of left liberals at one of the most liberal institutions in America, BROWN UNIVERSITY.

01. This is not how any war before this was calculated in terms of spending.
02. Much of the $6 trillion dollars or 7 trillion dollars comes from INFLATED ESTIMATES for spending on veterans decades from now. A. That's money that has NOT been spent at all yet and is to be determined.
B. Caring for wounded veterans is more of a function of the grossly for profit health care industry and not the conflict where the veteran received his wounds. In Israel, these medical cost are less than 1/3 of this total. World War II veterans had the same wounds treated for a tiny fraction of the cost seen here, even after adjusting for inflation.

Plus one of your own links states the following:



So this is NOTHING OFFICIAL Or accurate. Its someone's opinion used to inflate the official figures for political purposes and you've fallen for it hook line and sinker.

Here is some official government records that are not a matter of opinion:

Go to table 3.1 and you'll see all the government outlays which includes on budget and off budget figures combined for everything.

Total spending on national defense from 2002 through 2018 comes out to $9,781,160,000,000. That is 17 years of spending on national defense and the majority of that spending goes to paying service members, training of service members, repair and maintenance of equipment, buying new equipment, research and development, and procurement of new weapons. Most of that is not spending on any of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or else where. Again, total spending in any given year on the war was smaller than the overall defense budget.
Last edited:
The United States abandonment of Afghanistan after the Soviet Union left in 1989 led to the events of September 11, 2001 when 3,000 U.S. civilians were murdered by terrorist trained and supported from Afghanistan between 8:45 AM and 10:50 AM. That's right, 3,000 U.S. civilians murdered in under two hours. Had they struck the towers in the late afternoon just before the end of the work day, 20,000 people could have been killed in less than two hours.

The United States is not choosing to be involved in "permanent wars". The United States and its security is under attack constantly. The more engaged the United States is overseas with defending itself, its interest, and helping maintain order, the less it will bleed on the battlefield and the less chance there is for incidents like the events of September 11, 2001 happening.

The injuries and death policemen and firemen suffer during their jobs are not because they choose to do their jobs, but because crime and the danger of fire or other types of disaster are a constant threat. The same can be said of the U.S. military defending the United States and its interest overseas from Rogue States or non-state terrorist forces. You don't prevent loss of life, or injury by pretending the problem does not exist. Failing to deal with Rogue States, non-state terrorist forces, criminal elements in your local community, or the building that is on fire two miles from where you live, is not the way to save lives and prevent injury. Such inaction makes the loss of life and injury more likely and far more severe.

There is only one sponsor for terrorist networks, Iran. Trump is working on killing the head of the snake. OBL could have coordinated the 911 attack from anywhere, Somalia, Yemen, even a yacht, we can't keep throwing money at the ME hoping to stop the next attack. We need to stop Iran's funding of terrorist networks first.

No, you actually can't operate a large terrorist network from just anywhere. You need a country that is either supportive of your actions or has a state apparatus that is to weak to enforce any laws.

Talking out of your butt again, I don't see a link backing up your claim.
OBL was running his AQ network out of US "ally" Pakistan, which was neither weak, nor supportive. If OBL could run his AQ network out of backward AFG, he could run it from anywhere. Look how long it took the US to find him. If you saw the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" you saw how tough it was to track OBL down, and how protective his agents and supporters were.

Zero Dark Thirty (2012) - IMDb

I'm still for killing the head of the snake instead of trying to play "whack a mole" all over the globe.
We wasted $8T already in the ME, that's more than enough.

No one has spent 8 trillion dollars in the Middle East. In fact, spending for military operations in the Middle East over the past 20 years, on an annual basis, is only a FRACTION of the total military budget even at the times of highest spending. What's more, defense spending as percentage of GDP has never reached 5% in any of the years since 2000. During the peacetime of the 1980s, it averaged 6% per year of annual GDP.

What OBL was able to do from his headquarters in Pakistan was a fraction of what he was able to do when he was in Afghanistan prior to September 11, 2001. In Afghanistan prior to September 11, 2001, OBL had access to more resources as well as greater freedom of movement. The Taliban was supporting OBL's ideas and operations and providing for his defense. His move to Pakistan required him to go underground and heavily reduced his ability to operate and shape the terrorist environment.

Again, he would have more freedom and greater opportunity to operate in a country with a government and military that supported him like the one he had in Afghanistan. He was forced to move to a country, Pakistan, where the government and military did not not support him like the Taliban did. This reduced his role in the terrorist movement and forced him to concentrate on simply hiding much of the time. No more large gatherings, terrorist training camps, and acting like the king of a new Muslim Caliphate. In Pakistan he spent most of his time in a small walled compound rarely if ever leaving it. Half the people he was living with were females taking care of children. His time was reduced to writing coded messages he would send through courier to the outside world. In away, he was imprisoned in Pakistan given the way he had to live to avoid being captured or killed.

2. You have no clue how much OBL could do or could not do from AFG or Pakistan. His AQ network confounded the CIA for 10 years, from 2001 to 2011 when he was killed. WTF happened to the old CIA that could kill bad guys whenever they needed to? OBL had all the access to his network that he needed in Pakistan. Why can't the CIA find and kill Ayman al-Zawahiri? The Taliban don't do away games, ISIS does away games.
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has 'heart complaint', official says intel indicates - CNNPolitics

3. If OBL was imprisoned in Pakistan, then how did AQ manage to plan and execute all of these attacks between 2001 and 2011?
Timeline of al-Qaeda attacks - Wikipedia

I'm sorry to say that you are proven wrong way more than you are proved right.
Please try to think and prove your points before just spouting nonsense.

My conclusions are based on what was found at Bin Ladins hide out and examination of how he was living and how much or how little he was able to communicate with the outside world compared to before September 11, 2001 when he was based in Afghanistan. The basic facts show his participation and relevance to the war on terror shrunk heavily after September 11, 2001. It was up to other people to manage Al Quada's actions which ultimately failed and were never able to achieve the huge success's of the 9/11 style attack and other attacks before that.

It is also inaccurate to atribute many attacks to Al Quada since former members of Saddam's military as well as Shia militia's and regular Taliban constituted the main elements that the United States were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan post 2002.

I'm not the one spouting non-sense, especially when one of your links actually showed that your $7 TRILLION DOLLAR CLAIM FOR SPENDING IN THE MIDDLE EAST WAS IN FACT BULLSHIT!
Such stupidity is what allowed Hitler to take over most of Europe before anyone was able to put together a viable challenge to him. Oh, and several of those congressman have already served in the military, several in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

The only question now is how many AMERICAN Civilians will have to die because ISIS was allowed to revive itself because of TRUMPS stupidity in pulling out the small American force of 2,000 troops, that was helping the Kurds chase down the last ISIS members, preventing Turkey from invading the area, and keeping the Syrian and the Russians away as well.

Hey you and your family hop a plane to Syria go defend the Kurds have at it. Or is your position that only other peoples sons and daughters should be mutilated and killed in disputes between foreign countries and clans who have been killing each other for centuries.

Well maybe the next time your house is broken into or catches on fire, the Police Department and the Fire Department should just skip it. I mean why should they risk their lives to save your ass?

I bitch slapped you so you deflected. I summarized.

You don't bitch slap anyone with such bullshit and I explained why.

You also don't know most people here and are making crazy made up assumptions about other people and their lives. But that's typical for a lot of Trump followers as well as Trump himself.

As for DEFLECTION, your responses are the raw definition of it.

Lib please your ancestors felt that beat down. :eusa_hand:

I'm not a Lib, I'm a registered Republican and have voted straight Republican in every election until November 2016.

Again, stop fantasizing about who you think other people are.

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