Trump finally addresses the concerns of Black Americans

So all these professional sports leagues are canceling games for a couple of days I'm sure that will get them praise from the SJW crowd and the online mob but it does nothing to address the problem. This will let them say they took a stand and feel good about themselves but that is it they wil finish their season then go back to their mansion and live the easy life. Lets see them actually work with those in power on both sides of the political asile instead of just doing empty symbolic gestures.
Wow you convinced me to vote for Joe and more riots

You know all those riots happened on Trumps watch. They're a product of Trumps America.
No theyre a product of lib agitation and dem collusion...try to keep up
In 2016 Trump promised that starting January 2017 the violence in America would come to an end.

It's Trumps America, since January 20, 2017. The buck stops.....
Quit trying to blame your bought and paid for thugs on someone else.
Wow you convinced me to vote for Joe and more riots

You know all those riots happened on Trumps watch. They're a product of Trumps America.
No theyre a product of lib agitation and dem collusion...try to keep up
In 2016 Trump promised that starting January 2017 the violence in America would come to an end.

It's Trumps America, since January 20, 2017. The buck stops.....
Quit trying to blame your bought and paid for thugs on someone else.

US election: Donald Trump promises a 'safer' America - BBC ... › news › world-us-canada-36862733

US election: Donald Trump promises a 'safer' America. 22 July 2016 ... "The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end,"
For some reason WI is
Wow you convinced me to vote for Joe and more riots

You know all those riots happened on Trumps watch. They're a product of Trumps America.
No theyre a product of lib agitation and dem collusion...try to keep up
In 2016 Trump promised that starting January 2017 the violence in America would come to an end.

It's Trumps America, since January 20, 2017. The buck stops.....
Quit trying to blame your bought and paid for thugs on someone else.

US election: Donald Trump promises a 'safer' America - BBC ... › news › world-us-canada-36862733

US election: Donald Trump promises a 'safer' America. 22 July 2016 ... "The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end,"
For some reason WI isnt buying your bs.......
US election: Donald Trump promises a 'safer' America - BBC ... › news › world-us-canada-36862733

US election: Donald Trump promises a 'safer' America. 22 July 2016 ... "The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end,"
For some reason WI isnt buying your bs.......
Trump promised to fix the problem of violence in america starting January 20 2017.

We are in Trumps America.

It's what happens in Trumps America.
Support For Black Lives Matter Plummets in Wisconsin Amidst Kenosha Riots WI knows who is behind the violence as does everyone else

Trump Claims, 'I Alone Can Fix It' During the Republican ... › politics › archive › 2016/07 › tr...

Jul 21, 2016 - But, he promised, better days were ahead. ... In 2016, Donald J. Trump mounted the stage, and told America that the nation is in crisis. ... That it is beset by “poverty and violence at home” and “war and destruction abroad.”.
Doesnt seem to be any buyers of your bs....back to the drawing board......actually silence is proably your best option now....shit is really rolling down hill for ya
Wow you convinced me to vote for Joe and more riots

You know all those riots happened on Trumps watch. They're a product of Trumps America.
Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, the Emanuel American Methodist Episcopal church etc. under Obama, so the problems existed before TRUMP was even a politician.

Racist Joe Biden did nothing to improve the situation in 47 years.

Besides, these RIOTS are mainly in Blue States where democrats are in charge.
Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, the Emanuel American Methodist Episcopal church etc. under Obama, so the problems existed before TRUMP was even a politician.

Racist Joe Biden did nothing to improve the situation in 47 years.

Besides, these RIOTS are mainly in Blue States where democrats are in charge.
And Obama protected the federal properties without having to roll in unmarked federal troops.

Obama/Biden protected the federal properties they were responsible for without tear gassing people, or escalating the problem.

That's leadership.
Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and that’s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And that’s not a good thing. I don’t think that’s a good thing for sports or for the country.”

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.
Can’t blacks ever solve their own problems ??
I guess they lack the cognitive abilities
Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and that’s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And that’s not a good thing. I don’t think that’s a good thing for sports or for the country.”

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.

Empathy for a bunch of millionaires dribbling a ball?
Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and that’s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And that’s not a good thing. I don’t think that’s a good thing for sports or for the country.”

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.

So -- you think sports SHOULD be politicized?? America doesn't agree with you and that sucking sound of lower ratings and revenues will prove that out... Trump's opinion on the matter probably Trumps ours since he actually owned a top USFootball League team until the League went bust..

He's not sending in the Nat Guard or having treasure embargo the owners loot.. He's showing empathy for the fact that you can no longer put your feet up, grab an adult beverage and ESCAPE from the carnage of the 2 party death match...

I aint doing any sort of "ball" this season.. Too angry after volunteering 20 hours a week at this cafeteria riot of discussion board.. Won't EVEN watch NASCAR for the next couple seasons after the embarrassing failure of THEIR attempt to virtue grovel...

So you keep up the good work.. You'll find SOME reason to hate Trump that we agree on.. But this is FAR from shared ground with sane people... You gonna stand for the Black National Anthem???

You need recognize how divisive this has all become,.. I want to solve law and justice issues NOW like I've wanted to solve them for a couple decades.. But you do NOT fix systemic problems -- ONE RACE at a time...

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