Trump finally addresses the concerns of Black Americans

Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and thatā€™s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And thatā€™s not a good thing. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing for sports or for the country.ā€

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.

So -- you think sports SHOULD be politicized?? America doesn't agree with you and that sucking sound of lower ratings and revenues will prove that out... Trump's opinion on the matter probably Trumps ours since he actually owned a top USFootball League team until the League went bust..

He's not sending in the Nat Guard or having treasure embargo the owners loot.. He's showing empathy for the fact that you can no longer put your feet up, grab an adult beverage and ESCAPE from the carnage of the 2 party death match...

I aint doing any sort of "ball" this season.. Too angry after volunteering 20 hours a week at this cafeteria riot of discussion board.. Won't EVEN watch NASCAR for the next couple seasons after the embarrassing failure of THEIR attempt to virtue grovel...

So you keep up the good work.. You'll find SOME reason to hate Trump that we agree on.. But this is FAR from shared ground with sane people... You gonna stand for the Black National Anthem???

You need recognize how divisive this has all become,.. I want to solve law and justice issues NOW like I've wanted to solve them for a couple decades.. But you do NOT fix systemic problems -- ONE RACE at a time...
No, I hate to see sports politicized. But what I have definitely seen come from this, is exactly what I'm seeing from Trump and his Trumpsters.

This thread has been a perfect microcosm. Willful, arrogant, ignorance. Who? What? Where? Huh? What?
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Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and thatā€™s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And thatā€™s not a good thing. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing for sports or for the country.ā€

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.

So -- you think sports SHOULD be politicized?? America doesn't agree with you and that sucking sound of lower ratings and revenues will prove that out... Trump's opinion on the matter probably Trumps ours since he actually owned a top USFootball League team until the League went bust..

He's not sending in the Nat Guard or having treasure embargo the owners loot.. He's showing empathy for the fact that you can no longer put your feet up, grab an adult beverage and ESCAPE from the carnage of the 2 party death match...

I aint doing any sort of "ball" this season.. Too angry after volunteering 20 hours a week at this cafeteria riot of discussion board.. Won't EVEN watch NASCAR for the next couple seasons after the embarrassing failure of THEIR attempt to virtue grovel...

So you keep up the good work.. You'll find SOME reason to hate Trump that we agree on.. But this is FAR from shared ground with sane people... You gonna stand for the Black National Anthem???

You need recognize how divisive this has all become,.. I want to solve law and justice issues NOW like I've wanted to solve them for a couple decades.. But you do NOT fix systemic problems -- ONE RACE at a time...
No, I hate to see sports politicized. But what I have definitely seen come from this, is exactly what I'm seeing from Trump and his Trumpsters.

This thread has been a perfect microcosm.
Yes. Theyā€™re refusing to believe thereā€™s a problem. This will only perpetuate the problem.
Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and thatā€™s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And thatā€™s not a good thing. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing for sports or for the country.ā€

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.

So -- you think sports SHOULD be politicized?? America doesn't agree with you and that sucking sound of lower ratings and revenues will prove that out... Trump's opinion on the matter probably Trumps ours since he actually owned a top USFootball League team until the League went bust..

He's not sending in the Nat Guard or having treasure embargo the owners loot.. He's showing empathy for the fact that you can no longer put your feet up, grab an adult beverage and ESCAPE from the carnage of the 2 party death match...

I aint doing any sort of "ball" this season.. Too angry after volunteering 20 hours a week at this cafeteria riot of discussion board.. Won't EVEN watch NASCAR for the next couple seasons after the embarrassing failure of THEIR attempt to virtue grovel...

So you keep up the good work.. You'll find SOME reason to hate Trump that we agree on.. But this is FAR from shared ground with sane people... You gonna stand for the Black National Anthem???

You need recognize how divisive this has all become,.. I want to solve law and justice issues NOW like I've wanted to solve them for a couple decades.. But you do NOT fix systemic problems -- ONE RACE at a time...
No, I hate to see sports politicized. But what I have definitely seen come from this, is exactly what I'm seeing from Trump and his Trumpsters.

This thread has been a perfect microcosm.
Yes. Theyā€™re refusing to believe thereā€™s a problem. This will only perpetuate the problem.
Sure, and we're seeing it play out it real time, as they just point the finger. Trump's response yesterday was Trumpism in all its glory.
Thanks for joining the cause.
Meanwhile, my views on the Regressive Left and the way it has weaponized PC & Identity Politics for political advantage have not changed one iota.

The ends of this issue share plenty of guilt, and nothing improves unless and until both ends hold their own accountable. Which is not happening.

Right now, at this moment, we have a "President" who is willing to let things decay quickly instead of lead, because he's afraid to anger his ugly base.
Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and thatā€™s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And thatā€™s not a good thing. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing for sports or for the country.ā€

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.
Why be such a partisan dick?

Trump has addressed the concerns of the black community for years.

This shit your ilk is perpetrating right now is self inflicted.
Please see the post above this one.
Thanks for joining the cause.
Meanwhile, my views on the Regressive Left and the way it has weaponized PC & Identity Politics for political advantage have not changed one iota.

The ends of this issue share plenty of guilt, and nothing improves unless and until both ends hold their own accountable. Which is not happening.

Right now, at this moment, we have a "President" who is willing to let things decay quickly instead of lead, because he's afraid to anger his ugly base.

Thats fair. .
Right now, at this moment, we have a "President" who is willing to let things decay quickly instead of lead, because he's afraid to anger his ugly base.

Specifically, what do you propose President Trump do when the Democrat leaders of those communities refuse his help and continue to order the police to stand down?
Specifically, what do you propose President Trump do when the Democrat leaders of those communities refuse his help and continue to order the police to stand down?
  1. Criticize them by using intelligent, adult, reasonable terminology that Americans across the political spectrum can understand and appreciate. Have somebody else write the words, obviously.
  2. Demonstrate an openness to communicate constructively with them in an effort to find new ways for approaching the issue, utilizing the best ideas, including supporting the police.
  3. Demonstrate that his top priority is improving the country by meeting face to face with these leaders, and also demonstrating that he listened and now understands them.
  4. Demonstrate that he has some tiny understanding of why people are frustrated and angry, rather than completely ignoring their life experiences, perspectives and opinions.
  5. Demonstrate that he can think independently about our problems and not just toss out the same talk radio platitudes that he has been tossing out for five years.
In other words, be a strong American leader for all of us, for a change.

I suspect you'll have no idea what I'm talking about here.
Specifically, what do you propose President Trump do when the Democrat leaders of those communities refuse his help and continue to order the police to stand down?
  1. Criticize them by using intelligent, adult, reasonable terminology that Americans across the political spectrum can understand and appreciate. Have somebody else write the words, obviously.
  2. Demonstrate an openness to communicate constructively with them in an effort to find new ways for approaching the issue, utilizing the best ideas, including supporting the police.
  3. Demonstrate that his top priority is improving the country by meeting face to face with these leaders, and also demonstrating that he listened and now understands them.
  4. Demonstrate that he has some tiny understanding of why people are frustrated and angry, rather than completely ignoring their life experiences, perspectives and opinions.
  5. Demonstrate that he can think independently about our problems and not just toss out the same talk radio platitudes that he has been tossing out for five years.
In other words, be a strong American leader for all of us, for a change.

I suspect you'll have no idea what I'm talking about here.

Criticize them...yeah, that'll stop the criminals from murdering, rioting, looting, and arson. Yep!

Is this one of the leaders we should meet?


Specifically, what do you propose President Trump do when the Democrat leaders of those communities refuse his help and continue to order the police to stand down?
  1. Criticize them by using intelligent, adult, reasonable terminology that Americans across the political spectrum can understand and appreciate. Have somebody else write the words, obviously.
  2. Demonstrate an openness to communicate constructively with them in an effort to find new ways for approaching the issue, utilizing the best ideas, including supporting the police.
  3. Demonstrate that his top priority is improving the country by meeting face to face with these leaders, and also demonstrating that he listened and now understands them.
  4. Demonstrate that he has some tiny understanding of why people are frustrated and angry, rather than completely ignoring their life experiences, perspectives and opinions.
  5. Demonstrate that he can think independently about our problems and not just toss out the same talk radio platitudes that he has been tossing out for five years.
In other words, be a strong American leader for all of us, for a change.

I suspect you'll have no idea what I'm talking about here.

Criticize them...yeah, that'll stop the criminals from murdering, rioting, looting, and arson. Yep!

Is this one of the leaders we should meet?


As I predicted.
Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and thatā€™s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And thatā€™s not a good thing. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing for sports or for the country.ā€

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.

So -- you think sports SHOULD be politicized?? America doesn't agree with you and that sucking sound of lower ratings and revenues will prove that out... Trump's opinion on the matter probably Trumps ours since he actually owned a top USFootball League team until the League went bust..

He's not sending in the Nat Guard or having treasure embargo the owners loot.. He's showing empathy for the fact that you can no longer put your feet up, grab an adult beverage and ESCAPE from the carnage of the 2 party death match...

I aint doing any sort of "ball" this season.. Too angry after volunteering 20 hours a week at this cafeteria riot of discussion board.. Won't EVEN watch NASCAR for the next couple seasons after the embarrassing failure of THEIR attempt to virtue grovel...

So you keep up the good work.. You'll find SOME reason to hate Trump that we agree on.. But this is FAR from shared ground with sane people... You gonna stand for the Black National Anthem???

You need recognize how divisive this has all become,.. I want to solve law and justice issues NOW like I've wanted to solve them for a couple decades.. But you do NOT fix systemic problems -- ONE RACE at a time...
No, I hate to see sports politicized. But what I have definitely seen come from this, is exactly what I'm seeing from Trump and his Trumpsters.

This thread has been a perfect microcosm.
Yes. Theyā€™re refusing to believe thereā€™s a problem. This will only perpetuate the problem.
Here's the only thing I'm wondering:

Obviously when he says something this ignorant and this tone-deaf, he's playing directly to his talk radio Trumpsters as usual.

But I wonder if he has any idea how much of an insult this is to so many Americans. Is he clueless, or does he just not give a shit?
Perhaps you can explain why I should let the opinions of multimillionaires who play a game influence my views.
They sure haven't been able to.
First, they're leveraging their national visibility for those whose voices are not being heard. That's obvious to most people.

Second, I'm sure they don't expect to change the views of people like you.
People like me? What kind of people is that?
Specifically, what do you propose President Trump do when the Democrat leaders of those communities refuse his help and continue to order the police to stand down?
  1. Criticize them by using intelligent, adult, reasonable terminology that Americans across the political spectrum can understand and appreciate. Have somebody else write the words, obviously.
  2. Demonstrate an openness to communicate constructively with them in an effort to find new ways for approaching the issue, utilizing the best ideas, including supporting the police.
  3. Demonstrate that his top priority is improving the country by meeting face to face with these leaders, and also demonstrating that he listened and now understands them.
  4. Demonstrate that he has some tiny understanding of why people are frustrated and angry, rather than completely ignoring their life experiences, perspectives and opinions.
  5. Demonstrate that he can think independently about our problems and not just toss out the same talk radio platitudes that he has been tossing out for five years.
In other words, be a strong American leader for all of us, for a change.

I suspect you'll have no idea what I'm talking about here.
Democratic leaders of the burning cities have made it perfectly clear they want nothing from Trump, including conversation.

Scratch that -- make it most Democrats.
Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and thatā€™s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And thatā€™s not a good thing. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing for sports or for the country.ā€

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.

Can I assume that NOW all that snarky condemnation of Trump by you for opining on NBA now applies to OBAMA AS WELL??? :poke::auiqs.jpg::poke:

Picking winners/losers in politicians is a dangerous biz my man.. No hard feelings... LOL....

What a terrible, awful human being.
Be consistent...

Perhaps you can explain why I should let the opinions of multimillionaires who play a game influence my views.
They sure haven't been able to.
First, they're leveraging their national visibility for those whose voices are not being heard. That's obvious to most people.

Second, I'm sure they don't expect to change the views of people like you.

Apparently Obama feels it's not the right venue for political protest as well.. See above..
Perhaps you can explain why I should let the opinions of multimillionaires who play a game influence my views.
They sure haven't been able to.
First, they're leveraging their national visibility for those whose voices are not being heard. That's obvious to most people.

Second, I'm sure they don't expect to change the views of people like you.
People like me? What kind of people is that?
I think you've been insulted. You gonna stand for that?
What a terrible, awful human being.

And there you have it. Pretty much the core of the Democraps' problem, as far as maintaining the support of mainstream American voters.

Speaking the plain and obvious truth, is seen by these filth, as proof that one is a ā€œterrible, awful human beingā€. And Mac1958 thinks that it helps his case to come out and say so.

ā€œTruth is ā€˜hateā€™ to those who hate the truth.ā€
Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and thatā€™s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And thatā€™s not a good thing. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing for sports or for the country.ā€

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being. really are stupid.....he enacted actual criminal justice reform and funded historically black colleges. His policies created the lowest rate of black unemployment in our are a moron...
Well, it's about time. Congratulations to President Trump!

President Trump has finally addressed the concerns and pain of Black Americans, and the bold move of NBA teams to speak out on behalf of others across the country. He finally took advantage of this country's desperate need for a leader to guide us out of this ugly, awful, escalating situation.

When asked to address this terribly painful and emotional issue that is being felt across the country, Trump replied:

"I don't know much about the NBA protest. I do know their ratings have been very bad because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, and thatā€™s unfortunate. They have become like a political organization. And thatā€™s not a good thing. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing for sports or for the country.ā€

Gee, Mr. President, thank you for this powerful statement of understanding, empathy, reason and awareness of the concerns of all Americans.

What a terrible, awful human being.

Can I assume that NOW all that snarky condemnation of Trump by you for opining on NBA now applies to OBAMA AS WELL??? :poke::auiqs.jpg::poke:

Picking winners/losers in politicians is a dangerous biz my man.. No hard feelings... LOL....

What a terrible, awful human being.
Be consistent...

Whatever that links to, yes.

If you think I'm a hypocrite, that's up to you.
Perhaps you can explain why I should let the opinions of multimillionaires who play a game influence my views.
They sure haven't been able to.
First, they're leveraging their national visibility for those whose voices are not being heard. That's obvious to most people.

Second, I'm sure they don't expect to change the views of people like you.

Apparently Obama feels it's not the right venue for political protest as well.. See above..
That isn't my point.

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