Trump Finally Admits Russia Hacked The DNC

Trump was shown the evidence, and now he is admitting Russia hacked the DNC. He left his Chumps out to dry. Now they will have to run to catch up.

Even if they did, why would I care if they hacked the DNC any more than I would if they hacked Walmart? The DNC is a private organization that has nothing to do with the election process.
Yes, I have understood all along that you condone a hostile foreign power interfering in our election.
The tards think that if we got a look at the RNC or Trump campaign correspondence, we would not find anything scurrilous.

The guy who accused Ted Cruz's dad of killing Kennedy is as pure as the driven snow. This is what they believe. :lol:

If Putin's Puppet the Petulant Elect Trump doesn't do as Russia says, we may find out what RNC emails show...
At his press conference this morning, Manchurian candidate Vladimir Trump finally admitted he thinks Russia hacked the DNC.

He then demonstrated he still fails to understand why Putin wanting him as our President is a bad thing!

As if the US and Russia have the same interests. Jesus H. Christ.

Putin gives a damn about the American people and knows how communism failed...

Thank you Putin from saving us from the pinko commie Marxist liberals!
So what?

The nut of the whole matter is that none of what Wikileaks released about the scurrilous, cheating, bigotry, and treachery of the DNC was given to them by any state actor.

What's more, nobody -but NOBODY- has refuted one single shred of the intellectual debauchery and moral bankruptcy of the DNC in general, and the Clintons in particular, that the leaks exposed.
I've never cared whether or not the Russian hacked the DNC, Gomer.
Yes, we know you condone it. You've made it very clear you are okay with a hostile foreign power interfering in our election.
Run, Chumps, run! Keep up with your master. The party line now accepts Russia interfered in our election.

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."
So what?

The nut of the whole matter is that none of what Wikileaks released about the scurrilous, cheating, bigotry, and treachery of the DNC was given to them by any state actor.

What's more, nobody -but NOBODY- has refuted one single shred of the intellectual debauchery and moral bankruptcy of the DNC in general, and the Clintons in particular, that the leaks exposed.
I've never cared whether or not the Russian hacked the DNC, Gomer.
Yes, we know you condone it. You've made it very clear you are okay with a hostile foreign power interfering in our election.

Hostile foreign power..........HUH?

You meant HOSTILE DOMESTIC ENEMY , the Demo_rats, the swamp dwellers and the Democrat Media Complex.

They ARE the enemy.

At his press conference this morning, Manchurian candidate Vladimir Trump finally admitted he thinks Russia hacked the DNC.

Fake News!

You didn't see him say it yourself, did you?

And even if you did still Fake News because you said it and you don't like Trump.
At his press conference this morning, Manchurian candidate Vladimir Trump finally admitted he thinks Russia hacked the DNC.

Fake News!

You didn't see him say it yourself, did you?

And even if you did still Fake News because you said it and you don't like Trump.
I watched the live press conference, retard. So yes, I did see him say it myself.

I find it hilarious you piss drinkers who fell for every hoax put out by your propaganda mills are shrieking "FAKE NEWS!" at everything these days. :lol:

You just demonstrated you are an idiot who bleevs what he wants to bleev, and denies reality.

As demonstrated above, the goldfish will now forget they denied Russia hacked the DNC and were behind the leaks. They will forget they denied the marxist Assange and his Wikileaks are Russian sock puppets.

So which is it that has your panties in such a twist? Is it that the DNC plays so fast and lose with their server security and are an easy target or that the DNC's true nature was revealed? If you're mad that the Russians hacked anything, you're pretty naïve. Every nation does that all day every day seeing what they can find. It's in their nature. That isn't Trump's fault. So, what exactly has you hyperventilating?
As demonstrated above, the goldfish will now forget they denied Russia hacked the DNC and were behind the leaks. They will forget they denied the marxist Assange and his Wikileaks are Russian sock puppets.
We just didn't give a shit.
Change the title to:

Trump COERCED...
Trump can be coerced, eh?

That's exactly what Putin is counting on.

Trump can be coerced by the swamp dwellers

What the fuck is Putin going to say , that he likes to grab pussy? Well, so do I.


All Putin has to do is stroke Trump's ego, and the Manchurian candidate rolls over for him.


No, comrade, I don't think your hands are tiny at all...

Yes, yes. I understand that on the afternoon of January 20th DJT will seize your doublewide and give it to the Russians.

At his press conference this morning, Manchurian candidate Vladimir Trump finally admitted he thinks Russia hacked the DNC.

Fake News!

You didn't see him say it yourself, did you?

And even if you did still Fake News because you said it and you don't like Trump.
I watched the live press conference, retard. So yes, I did see him say it myself.

I find it hilarious you piss drinkers who fell for every hoax put out by your propaganda mills are shrieking "FAKE NEWS!" at everything these days. :lol:

You just demonstrated you are an idiot who bleevs what he wants to bleev, and denies reality.


You watched it on Fake News, DUH!

This is one of the major problems with Trumpsters, they are so pathetic you can't distinguish them from parody.
If you tell your bank you were hacked, they will ask you specifically how much and specifically what transactions.

This seems a reasonable question for the "HACKING" of the 2016 election.

There is no hack until the following question can be answered:

Exactly how many votes were changed from Hillary to Donald and where did those changes happen?
During the entire Obama Administration, the rubes drank every drop of piss poured for them by their propaganda outlets.

And when they were shown and over and over and over they were lied to, we saw the most incredible thing. The tards got right back in line for more piss!

What the FUCK is that?!?!

For a small sampling of this phenomenon, see this: Fool Me A Thousand Times

During 2016, they fell for lies and hoaxes at the rate of at least once a day.

Now those very same retards reflexively scream "FAKE NEWS!" at anything which threatens all those delusions they drank down.

I used to think George Orwell was being unrealistic about the ability of propaganda ministers to manipulate the proles, but the past eight years has shown me he was dead on.

I mocked the tards with a motto I came up for their incredible ability to bleev even the most ridiculous lies: "I want to bleev it, so it must be true."

Now they are moving into a new phase where they refuse to let reality impinge on all those delusions under which they suffer: "I don't want to bleev it, so it must be fake news!"

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