Trump Freezes $221M Obama Was Sending to Terrorists

So, Westwall, my uber partisan friend, Congress approved it and then two Congress critters put a hold on it.

And we still don't know if it was going to the terrorists.

Thank you. I will leave you all to it.

You asked for proof that obummer did it. i provided it so now you want to take your ball an go home....BYE!:bye1:
You provided me nothing that the money was going to terrorists. So . . .

Not what you asked for silly boy, you demanded proof that obummer was responsible for the release, and I provided it. Regardless, they ain't getting the money and that's all that matters.
That's the OP, and you guys can't defend it. It is what it is. :) Trot along.

I PROVED the OP numbnuts. You need to pull your head out of your embarrassed, lying ass.
No, westwall, you did not. Please stop with the Alternate Facts. You disagree. I don't care. So have the last word.
No, westwall, you did not. Please stop with the Alternate Facts. You disagree. I don't care. So have the last word.

YOUR post, number 8 in the thread. Read it and weep alternate reality clown boy...

"This is a good move, but the gift was from the GOP in Congress."

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