Trump friends "concerned about his well-being"

My goodness...are you going to say that the Byzantine Empire has survived? Really? Or did it fall too?

Talk about someone who doesn't know their history! Thinking the Byzantine Empire has survived.....:777:

You are a dumbass of the highest order. Learn to read trash hauler!

It lasted well over 1000 years, idiot!

Never go into a battle of wits unarmed!
But it isn't around now, is it? Surely you don't need me to help you figure out that it eventually fell too, right?

Go play with your husband's joystick!

^named after a fictional character, played by a draft dodger

thinks it's cno


too funny
Ironically, it's spelled Torrey.

I know that dipshit!
Rome was brought down when the christians took over.

Flunked history did you?
Prove me wrong...the christians were in charge when the Empire collapsed.

Get your ass back to school and learn the truth before you embarrass yourself further. It seems like an all-consuming passion with you these days.

The Christians also ran the Byzantine Empire. Why did it survive?

I will give you this website though:

8 Reasons Why Rome Fell
My goodness...are you going to say that the Byzantine Empire has survived? Really? Or did it fall too?

Talk about someone who doesn't know their history! Thinking the Byzantine Empire has survived.....:777:

You are a dumbass of the highest order. Learn to read trash hauler!

It lasted well over 1000 years, idiot!

Never go into a battle of wits unarmed!

You are a dumbass of the highest order. Learn to read trash hauler!

It lasted well over 1000 years, idiot!

Never go into a battle of wits unarmed!
But it isn't around now, is it? Surely you don't need me to help you figure out that it eventually fell too, right?

Go play with your husband's joystick!

^named after a fictional character, played by a draft dodger

thinks it's cno


too funny
Ironically, it's spelled Torrey.

I know that dipshit!
Well, of course you I just told you.
My goodness...are you going to say that the Byzantine Empire has survived? Really? Or did it fall too?

Talk about someone who doesn't know their history! Thinking the Byzantine Empire has survived.....:777:

You are a dumbass of the highest order. Learn to read trash hauler!

It lasted well over 1000 years, idiot!

Never go into a battle of wits unarmed!
But it isn't around now, is it? Surely you don't need me to help you figure out that it eventually fell too, right?

Go play with your husband's joystick!
Your concession is duly noted, "admiral". Carry on.

I concede nothing to a mental midget like you. I just tire of educating you for free!
Of course you don't....*wink *wink....Carry on, "admiral".
Our founding fathers planned for tyrants like Trump, with compelling branches of the gov. to counter such issues....but nobody I am certain, dreamed a congress and our law enforcing agency's would meet a bitch like Trump and Ryan. One reason we must always ensure check and balance in gov. History will show us the way someday, when this country is pushed off the cliff by the GOP and rednecks.
Our founding fathers planned for tyrants like Trump, with compelling branches of the gov. to counter such issues....but nobody I am certain, dreamed a congress and our law enforcing agency's would meet a bitch like Trump and Ryan. One reason we must always ensure check and balance in gov. History will show us the way someday, when this country is pushed off the cliff by the GOP and rednecks.
In the unlikely event you ever paid tuition to attend a school, you're due a refund. 100% I'd say.
Last edited:
The deperation on the Left, is almost palpable.
I’m just glad trump and the right is miserable and having drama every day and not really getting their agenda passed.
Lol, miserable? No we are winning. Great economy, lower taxes, more jobs, and they are paying better. We are great, but you liberals are losing your minds. When America is doing good, liberals are always miserable.
Our founding fathers planned for tyrants like Trump, with compelling branches of the gov. to counter such issues....but nobody I am certain, dreamed a congress and our law enforcing agency's would meet a bitch like Trump and Ryan. One reason we must always ensure check and balance in gov. History will show us the way someday, when this country is pushed off the cliff by the GOP and rednecks.
In the unlikely event you ever paid tuition to attend a school, you're due a refund. 100% I'd say.
Outstanding way to address what was said. :clap:
The deperation on the Left, is almost palpable.
I’m just glad trump and the right is miserable and having drama every day and not really getting their agenda passed.
Lol, miserable? No we are winning. Great economy, lower taxes, more jobs, and they are paying better. We are great, but you liberals are losing your minds. When America is doing good, liberals are always miserable.

I'm only losing my mind because America was doing just fine before Trump. And if Clinton was president right now you would not be saying this was a good economy or that America was great again for middle class people. Because it's not. You just hold Democrats to a much higher standard.

Fact is, if Hillary was president you would not be able to do what I'm about to do. Ready? The economy is good right now under Trump. See? You could have never admitted that when Obama was president.

Trump's tax break to the rich will bankrupt us and add to the debt. Remember the debt you used to care about?

The tax break is a joke. Or at least no one seems to be appreciating it.

Oh, and

Dow flirts with longest skid as trade-war fears persist

U.S. Consumer Sentiment at Second-Highest Level Since 2004

So that means consumer confidence was higher in 2004 when Obama was president.

The September jobs report looks troubling at first glance, but there may be some really good news below the surface.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that average hourly wages have grown by 2.9% over the past 12 months. That is the highest level of annual wage growth in more than eight years, and it means some people are getting more in their paychecks.

But now for the bad news.

The jump in wages last month might be due to the fact that there were more than 100,000 jobs lost in low-wage jobs that government economists call the "food services and drinking places" industry and normal people call restaurants and bars.

So wage growth could slow down in the coming months once the impact of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma start to fade and people in Texas and Florida get back to work.

Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist with Glassdoor, wrote in a report that the September wage growth number "was likely artificially boosted" by anomalies in the data due to Harvey and Irma.

The deperation on the Left, is almost palpable.
I’m just glad trump and the right is miserable and having drama every day and not really getting their agenda passed.
Lol, miserable? No we are winning. Great economy, lower taxes, more jobs, and they are paying better. We are great, but you liberals are losing your minds. When America is doing good, liberals are always miserable.

I'm only losing my mind because America was doing just fine before Trump. And if Clinton was president right now you would not be saying this was a good economy or that America was great again for middle class people. Because it's not. You just hold Democrats to a much higher standard.

Fact is, if Hillary was president you would not be able to do what I'm about to do. Ready? The economy is good right now under Trump. See? You could have never admitted that when Obama was president.

Trump's tax break to the rich will bankrupt us and add to the debt. Remember the debt you used to care about?

The tax break is a joke. Or at least no one seems to be appreciating it.

Oh, and

Dow flirts with longest skid as trade-war fears persist

U.S. Consumer Sentiment at Second-Highest Level Since 2004

So that means consumer confidence was higher in 2004 when Obama was president.

The September jobs report looks troubling at first glance, but there may be some really good news below the surface.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that average hourly wages have grown by 2.9% over the past 12 months. That is the highest level of annual wage growth in more than eight years, and it means some people are getting more in their paychecks.

But now for the bad news.

The jump in wages last month might be due to the fact that there were more than 100,000 jobs lost in low-wage jobs that government economists call the "food services and drinking places" industry and normal people call restaurants and bars.

So wage growth could slow down in the coming months once the impact of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma start to fade and people in Texas and Florida get back to work.

Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist with Glassdoor, wrote in a report that the September wage growth number "was likely artificially boosted" by anomalies in the data due to Harvey and Irma.

If the economy was doing this good under Hillary I would be saying the same. I always thought good about the economy with bill. But if Hillary would've won, the economy wouldn't be as good. She wouldn't of brought jobs back, because she would've kept the regulations on businesses. She wouldn't of lowered taxes. She would've continued Obama's legacy of hating the free market. Remember Obama said those jobs are gone and not coming back. Trump said hold my diet coke.
The deperation on the Left, is almost palpable.
I’m just glad trump and the right is miserable and having drama every day and not really getting their agenda passed.
Lol, miserable? No we are winning. Great economy, lower taxes, more jobs, and they are paying better. We are great, but you liberals are losing your minds. When America is doing good, liberals are always miserable.

I'm only losing my mind because America was doing just fine before Trump. And if Clinton was president right now you would not be saying this was a good economy or that America was great again for middle class people. Because it's not. You just hold Democrats to a much higher standard.

Fact is, if Hillary was president you would not be able to do what I'm about to do. Ready? The economy is good right now under Trump. See? You could have never admitted that when Obama was president.

Trump's tax break to the rich will bankrupt us and add to the debt. Remember the debt you used to care about?

The tax break is a joke. Or at least no one seems to be appreciating it.

Oh, and

Dow flirts with longest skid as trade-war fears persist

U.S. Consumer Sentiment at Second-Highest Level Since 2004

So that means consumer confidence was higher in 2004 when Obama was president.

The September jobs report looks troubling at first glance, but there may be some really good news below the surface.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that average hourly wages have grown by 2.9% over the past 12 months. That is the highest level of annual wage growth in more than eight years, and it means some people are getting more in their paychecks.

But now for the bad news.

The jump in wages last month might be due to the fact that there were more than 100,000 jobs lost in low-wage jobs that government economists call the "food services and drinking places" industry and normal people call restaurants and bars.

So wage growth could slow down in the coming months once the impact of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma start to fade and people in Texas and Florida get back to work.

Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist with Glassdoor, wrote in a report that the September wage growth number "was likely artificially boosted" by anomalies in the data due to Harvey and Irma.

If the economy was doing this good under Hillary I would be saying the same. I always thought good about the economy with bill. But if Hillary would've won, the economy wouldn't be as good. She wouldn't of brought jobs back, because she would've kept the regulations on businesses. She wouldn't of lowered taxes. She would've continued Obama's legacy of hating the free market. Remember Obama said those jobs are gone and not coming back. Trump said hold my diet coke.

Again, corporate officials at all of the companies Trump listed praised Trump’s plans as business-friendly — specifically his promises to reduce regulations and cut corporate taxes. Those may well allow companies to grow in the future — time will tell. But as for the recent spate of announcements made by these companies, experts and officials from the companies themselves warn not to assign too much credit to Trump.

Trump: Jobs Returning 'Because of Me' -
The deperation on the Left, is almost palpable.
I’m just glad trump and the right is miserable and having drama every day and not really getting their agenda passed.
Lol, miserable? No we are winning. Great economy, lower taxes, more jobs, and they are paying better. We are great, but you liberals are losing your minds. When America is doing good, liberals are always miserable.

I'm only losing my mind because America was doing just fine before Trump. And if Clinton was president right now you would not be saying this was a good economy or that America was great again for middle class people. Because it's not. You just hold Democrats to a much higher standard.

Fact is, if Hillary was president you would not be able to do what I'm about to do. Ready? The economy is good right now under Trump. See? You could have never admitted that when Obama was president.

Trump's tax break to the rich will bankrupt us and add to the debt. Remember the debt you used to care about?

The tax break is a joke. Or at least no one seems to be appreciating it.

Oh, and

Dow flirts with longest skid as trade-war fears persist

U.S. Consumer Sentiment at Second-Highest Level Since 2004

So that means consumer confidence was higher in 2004 when Obama was president.

The September jobs report looks troubling at first glance, but there may be some really good news below the surface.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that average hourly wages have grown by 2.9% over the past 12 months. That is the highest level of annual wage growth in more than eight years, and it means some people are getting more in their paychecks.

But now for the bad news.

The jump in wages last month might be due to the fact that there were more than 100,000 jobs lost in low-wage jobs that government economists call the "food services and drinking places" industry and normal people call restaurants and bars.

So wage growth could slow down in the coming months once the impact of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma start to fade and people in Texas and Florida get back to work.

Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist with Glassdoor, wrote in a report that the September wage growth number "was likely artificially boosted" by anomalies in the data due to Harvey and Irma.

If the economy was doing this good under Hillary I would be saying the same. I always thought good about the economy with bill. But if Hillary would've won, the economy wouldn't be as good. She wouldn't of brought jobs back, because she would've kept the regulations on businesses. She wouldn't of lowered taxes. She would've continued Obama's legacy of hating the free market. Remember Obama said those jobs are gone and not coming back. Trump said hold my diet coke.

Again, corporate officials at all of the companies Trump listed praised Trump’s plans as business-friendly — specifically his promises to reduce regulations and cut corporate taxes. Those may well allow companies to grow in the future — time will tell. But as for the recent spate of announcements made by these companies, experts and officials from the companies themselves warn not to assign too much credit to Trump.

Trump: Jobs Returning 'Because of Me' -
Once Trump got elected economy started getting a lot better just by the news he would soon be sitting in the oval office.
I’m just glad trump and the right is miserable and having drama every day and not really getting their agenda passed.
Lol, miserable? No we are winning. Great economy, lower taxes, more jobs, and they are paying better. We are great, but you liberals are losing your minds. When America is doing good, liberals are always miserable.

I'm only losing my mind because America was doing just fine before Trump. And if Clinton was president right now you would not be saying this was a good economy or that America was great again for middle class people. Because it's not. You just hold Democrats to a much higher standard.

Fact is, if Hillary was president you would not be able to do what I'm about to do. Ready? The economy is good right now under Trump. See? You could have never admitted that when Obama was president.

Trump's tax break to the rich will bankrupt us and add to the debt. Remember the debt you used to care about?

The tax break is a joke. Or at least no one seems to be appreciating it.

Oh, and

Dow flirts with longest skid as trade-war fears persist

U.S. Consumer Sentiment at Second-Highest Level Since 2004

So that means consumer confidence was higher in 2004 when Obama was president.

The September jobs report looks troubling at first glance, but there may be some really good news below the surface.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that average hourly wages have grown by 2.9% over the past 12 months. That is the highest level of annual wage growth in more than eight years, and it means some people are getting more in their paychecks.

But now for the bad news.

The jump in wages last month might be due to the fact that there were more than 100,000 jobs lost in low-wage jobs that government economists call the "food services and drinking places" industry and normal people call restaurants and bars.

So wage growth could slow down in the coming months once the impact of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma start to fade and people in Texas and Florida get back to work.

Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist with Glassdoor, wrote in a report that the September wage growth number "was likely artificially boosted" by anomalies in the data due to Harvey and Irma.

If the economy was doing this good under Hillary I would be saying the same. I always thought good about the economy with bill. But if Hillary would've won, the economy wouldn't be as good. She wouldn't of brought jobs back, because she would've kept the regulations on businesses. She wouldn't of lowered taxes. She would've continued Obama's legacy of hating the free market. Remember Obama said those jobs are gone and not coming back. Trump said hold my diet coke.

Again, corporate officials at all of the companies Trump listed praised Trump’s plans as business-friendly — specifically his promises to reduce regulations and cut corporate taxes. Those may well allow companies to grow in the future — time will tell. But as for the recent spate of announcements made by these companies, experts and officials from the companies themselves warn not to assign too much credit to Trump.

Trump: Jobs Returning 'Because of Me' -
Once Trump got elected economy started getting a lot better just by the news he would soon be sitting in the oval office.
That happens after every election. I don’t want to hear short term. So far so good though. Is it enough to give a second term not to me

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