Trump Gave us Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years, and Democrats Destroyed That

See. Like I said Satan and or the evil ones are your best friend and savior How else will you scare the children but with fire and brimstones.
Satan is a friend to No Man. He just uses Men as Pawns to get at God whom he is at war with. You are just a useful idiot, and a pawn of Satan. He does not love you. He wants to destroy you because you compete with him for God's attention.

Satan is a jealous fallen angel, and it was his Pride and Jealousy which caused his fall. You are a fool for not recognizing that. But you may not be able to because God may have already seared your conscience and washed His hands of you, giving you over to your sins, your pride, your lies and your delusions so that you may Never be able to repent.

2nd Thessalonians 2

9 The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10 and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12 in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.
Dumbfuck, Trump recommended people don't eat/drink in restaurants. That was the lockdown. Following Trump's recommendations, my state issued lockdown restrictions... based on Trump's recommendations, restaurants could only do curb side/take out.

Lockdowns are Evil, Fascist and were done to intentionally hurt small business to the benefit of larger businesses. President Trump never recommended "business closures". You built that.
That's a fact that Nancy Pelosi who is owned by The CCP called Trump a racist for taking immediate action to stop flights from China which carried human CCP vectors infected with the Fauci-Obama-Biden Flu in to The US.

Facts and Truth are something you are allergic to like a Vampire is allergic to sunlight. They should burn in Hell, just like you will.

G'head, Stumpy, quote her calling Trump a racist for his covid travel ban from China....

You'll be the first to do so.
Lockdowns are Evil, Fascist and were done to intentionally hurt small business to the benefit of larger businesses. President Trump never recommended "business closures". You built that.

Do you even know you're calling Trump evil? He was the one who first recommended them...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
Let us be clear. You are the one who believes in Satan.

It is part of the Christian Mythology.
I believe in a God and His Promise to defeat your little fake god, Satan, which by proxy means that you will go down in defeat and suffer a fate you worked for your whole life to earn.

Burn Baby Burn!
And not in some Disco Inferno


Do you even know you're calling Trump evil? He was the one who first recommended them...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

He never asked for mass closures of businesses and schools and never mandated such things. You and you godless hoards suggested and mandated that.

President Trump initially tried to follow early Fauci Fascist and CDC recommendations which were proven to be lies, and misinformation. No one should take anything you say as gospel because you reject the gospel. Lockdowns, and Masks intentionally lengthened the Scamdemic, and this was the plan, to lengthen it so that it could be used as a weapon to attack our Democracy.

Your soul is already assigned to the flames of Hell. You are Evil, and all that you speak is Evil. Lies are the abode of Hell and The Children of Hell delight in them. When you speak you speak the native tongue of your father Satan who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. Lies and Murder and Misery are all that you and your ghoulish allies have to sell.

I would tell you to Repent, but God has already sent you strong delusion so you will believe lies, and He has washed His hands of you.

Not to repeat myself but

Burn Baby Burn!

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He never asked for mass closures of businesses and schools and never mandated such things. You and you godless hoards suggested and mandated that.

President Trump initially tried to follow early Fauci Fascist and CDC recommendations which were proven to be lies, and misinformation. No one should take anything you say as gospel because you reject the gospel. Lockdowns, and Masks intentionally lengthened the Scamdemic, and this was the plan, to lengthen it so that it could be used as a weapon to attack our Democracy.

Your soul is already assigned to the flames of Hell. You are Evil, and all that you speak is Evil. Lies are the abode of Hell and The Children of Hell delight in them. When you speak you speak the native tongue of your father Satan who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. Lies and Murder and Misery are all that you and your ghoulish allies have to sell.

I would tell you to Repent, but God has already sent you strong delusion so you will believe lies, and He has washed His hands of you.

Not to repeat myself but

Burn Baby Burn!

Stumpy, the president has no authority to close down private businesses. All he could do was recommend Americans limit outside non-vital excursions. That's what he did and then states acted upon those recommendations.

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