Trump gets cold feet: 20% tax on Mexico just "one idea"

How would I do it?

In every way. At once.
Uh-huh and that involves what exactly?

You don't care about my opinion on this. Cut to your point.
LOL, I don't care about most peoples opinions here, most of it is just nonsensical noise and bullshit but for the sake of discussion what does your "every way" proposal involve? It's not a trap if that's what you're worried about. ;)

1. Deport every illegal in prison at the end of their sentence, one parole condition. Stay out of the country.

2. Deport every illegal arrested for any crime.

3.E-verify and fuck the shit out of employers who knowingly hire illegals.

4. Build the wall.

5. Break sanctuary cities.

6. Empowered local enforcement to hold illegals.

7. Have ice ride along with city cops.

8 Put a ball buster in charge of ice, mandate over time.

9. Harshly limit social services.

for starters.
Not an unreasonable list of proposals, except for IMHO "build the wall", I don't see how that will stop or even significantly slow down illegals from entering the U.S., people will just go under, over, around or through it unless you put all kinds of people and electronic surveillance monitoring it, in which case, why do you need to waste money on a wall? why not just put the people and the electronic surveillance there?
How would I do it?

In every way. At once.
Uh-huh and that involves what exactly?

You don't care about my opinion on this. Cut to your point.
LOL, I don't care about most peoples opinions here, most of it is just nonsensical noise and bullshit but for the sake of discussion what does your "every way" proposal involve? It's not a trap if that's what you're worried about. ;)

1. Deport every illegal in prison at the end of their sentence, one parole condition. Stay out of the country.

2. Deport every illegal arrested for any crime.

3.E-verify and fuck the shit out of employers who knowingly hire illegals.

4. Build the wall.

5. Break sanctuary cities.

6. Empowered local enforcement to hold illegals.

7. Have ice ride along with city cops.

8 Put a ball buster in charge of ice, mandate over time.

9. Harshly limit social services.

for starters.
Not an unreasonable list of proposals, except for IMHO "build the wall", I don't see how that will stop or even significantly slow down illegals from entering the U.S., people will just go under, over, around or through it unless you put all kinds of people and electronic surveillance monitoring it, in which case, why do you need to waste money on a wall? why not just put the people and the electronic surveillance there?

Going under, over or through is a lot harder than just walking.
Uh-huh and that involves what exactly?

You don't care about my opinion on this. Cut to your point.
LOL, I don't care about most peoples opinions here, most of it is just nonsensical noise and bullshit but for the sake of discussion what does your "every way" proposal involve? It's not a trap if that's what you're worried about. ;)

1. Deport every illegal in prison at the end of their sentence, one parole condition. Stay out of the country.

2. Deport every illegal arrested for any crime.

3.E-verify and fuck the shit out of employers who knowingly hire illegals.

4. Build the wall.

5. Break sanctuary cities.

6. Empowered local enforcement to hold illegals.

7. Have ice ride along with city cops.

8 Put a ball buster in charge of ice, mandate over time.

9. Harshly limit social services.

for starters.
Not an unreasonable list of proposals, except for IMHO "build the wall", I don't see how that will stop or even significantly slow down illegals from entering the U.S., people will just go under, over, around or through it unless you put all kinds of people and electronic surveillance monitoring it, in which case, why do you need to waste money on a wall? why not just put the people and the electronic surveillance there?

Going under, over or through is a lot harder than just walking.
Not really, given the fact that illegals are already crossing a wasteland and all sorts of other hurdles to get in now, a wall wouldn't be much more than a speed bump by comparison.
You don't care about my opinion on this. Cut to your point.
LOL, I don't care about most peoples opinions here, most of it is just nonsensical noise and bullshit but for the sake of discussion what does your "every way" proposal involve? It's not a trap if that's what you're worried about. ;)

1. Deport every illegal in prison at the end of their sentence, one parole condition. Stay out of the country.

2. Deport every illegal arrested for any crime.

3.E-verify and fuck the shit out of employers who knowingly hire illegals.

4. Build the wall.

5. Break sanctuary cities.

6. Empowered local enforcement to hold illegals.

7. Have ice ride along with city cops.

8 Put a ball buster in charge of ice, mandate over time.

9. Harshly limit social services.

for starters.
Not an unreasonable list of proposals, except for IMHO "build the wall", I don't see how that will stop or even significantly slow down illegals from entering the U.S., people will just go under, over, around or through it unless you put all kinds of people and electronic surveillance monitoring it, in which case, why do you need to waste money on a wall? why not just put the people and the electronic surveillance there?

Going under, over or through is a lot harder than just walking.
Not really, given the fact that illegals are already crossing a wasteland and all sorts of other hurdles to get in now, a wall wouldn't be much more than a speed bump by comparison.

Yes really. Now they have to cross a wasteland with a Wall in the middle of it.
After getting the attention he wanted, President Donald Trump has gotten nervous and told his spokesman to say that the 20% tax he proposed may not happen:

But a furious uproar prompted Mr. Spicer to temper his earlier remarks, saying the plan was simply “one idea” that might work to finance the wall. Mr. Spicer said it was not the job of the White House to “roll something out” on tax policy, while Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, said the administration was considering “a buffet of options.

White House Sows Confusion About Plan for a 20% Import Tax

You think he only has one idea? lol
LOL, "resistance to the wall" ....because I question the potential effectiveness and value for the money of the wall?

Really? Because the most recent estimate from Pew Research is that illegal immigration is costing us around $300 billion a year. I think $15 billion to STOP illegal immigration is a no-brainer in terms of cost.

I am not sure why you think a wall isn't effective in stopping a person from crossing a border. Would your home be just as safe with no walls? I'm not grasping your logic here... maybe you can explain why prisons have walls if walls aren't effective?

The big thing is... We had this debate already. It was decided in November when America elected Donald Trump. The wall is going to be built now... the debate over that is over and your side lost. Letters beside names don't matter now. Feelings and opinions don't matter now. The wall is going up.
LOL, "resistance to the wall" ....because I question the potential effectiveness and value for the money of the wall?

Really? Because the most recent estimate from Pew Research is that illegal immigration is costing us around $300 billion a year. I think $15 billion to STOP illegal immigration is a no-brainer in terms of cost.
Uh-huh, except for that minor detail regarding the fact that nobody can explain how just building a wall is going to STOP illegal immigration; it's another one of those fucking "trust us, we know what we're doing" government shell games. Putting up a 2,000 mile long wall will barely slow illegals crossing the border down unless the wall is heavily patrolled and coupled with massive electronic surveillance and if you add all that to the border then you don't need a $15 billion wall.

So far this is looking like just another symbolic gesture in a long line of money wasting symbolic gestures that is likely to do nothing substantial to solve the problem it was intended to solve, in other words, TYPICAL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT "PROGRAM".
Oh yeah... dodge and weave bitch! Trump does it to you again! lol

You know, you shouldn't run out there spouting off your nonsense too early because this is what might happen to you. You all jumped on this 20% tax thing and it turns out that was one of numerous ideas. Now you're trying to cover your asses by spinning it into Trump getting cold feet. No.. Trump just punked your ass! BOOM! :rofl:

He gave an idea for US to pay for the wall. You were impressed by that? Should OUR president be playing games with US?

I'm FINE with him playing games with Liberals. I am actually enjoying the fuck out of it, to be honest. I didn't vote for him and I don't support all his ideas but the way he has you shitstains running around in circles trying to figure out what to do is priceless to me. You can't even roll out your propaganda and get your marching orders ready before he's changed gears and cut a couple of donuts around you. You're left looking like a bunch of goofy idiots with your finger up your ass. I love it! Go Trump Go!
After getting the attention he wanted, President Donald Trump has gotten nervous and told his spokesman to say that the 20% tax he proposed may not happen:
Damage Done If you own Stock in these companies you can Thank Orange Ugly Gringo

Mexicans Launch Boycotts of U.S. Companies in Fury at Donald Trump
Ioan Grillo / Mexico City 11:30 AM Central

The digital image shows a clenched fist bathed in the red, white and green of Mexico’s flag and decorated with the nation’s emblematic eagle. “Consumers, to the Shout of War,” it says in Spanish above the fist. “Consume products made in country…Use your buying power to punish the companies that favor the politics of the new U.S. government.”

Created by a Mexican food-activist group, the image is part of a slew of messages, memes and videos that have been spreading in Mexico in recent days as President Donald Trump pushes for a border wall, deportations and punishing new trade rules.

Others messages call for specific boycotts of U.S. companies in Mexico, including McDonalds, Walmart and Coca-Cola. One of the most heavily trending hashtags is #AdiosStarbucks, or “Goodbye Starbucks,” referring to the Seattle company which has opened hundreds of coffee houses here.

Mexicans Launch Boycotts of U.S. Companies in Fury at Donald Trump
Uh-huh, except for that minor detail regarding the fact that nobody can explain how just building a wall is going to STOP illegal immigration...

Well let me see if I can draw you a picture without a coloring book....

Jose backpacks up to the US border to come in our country illegally... when he gets there, he finds a big ass fucking concrete wall! He can't just crawl through the fence hole like his brother Hector. So Jose goes back home and tells all his friends and relatives... Don't bother trying, there's a big ass fucking concrete wall there now and you can't get over it.

So........ That is how it works! :dunno:
....unless the wall is heavily patrolled and coupled with massive electronic surveillance and if you add all that to the border...

It's already in the works. We're hiring like 10,000 more border patrol agents and another 5,000 deportation personnel. The wall will have surveillance and adequate patrol.
After getting the attention he wanted, President Donald Trump has gotten nervous and told his spokesman to say that the 20% tax he proposed may not happen:
Damage Done If you own Stock in these companies you can Thank Orange Ugly Gringo

Mexicans Launch Boycotts of U.S. Companies in Fury at Donald Trump
Ioan Grillo / Mexico City 11:30 AM Central

The digital image shows a clenched fist bathed in the red, white and green of Mexico’s flag and decorated with the nation’s emblematic eagle. “Consumers, to the Shout of War,” it says in Spanish above the fist. “Consume products made in country…Use your buying power to punish the companies that favor the politics of the new U.S. government.”

Created by a Mexican food-activist group, the image is part of a slew of messages, memes and videos that have been spreading in Mexico in recent days as President Donald Trump pushes for a border wall, deportations and punishing new trade rules.

Others messages call for specific boycotts of U.S. companies in Mexico, including McDonalds, Walmart and Coca-Cola. One of the most heavily trending hashtags is #AdiosStarbucks, or “Goodbye Starbucks,” referring to the Seattle company which has opened hundreds of coffee houses here.

Mexicans Launch Boycotts of U.S. Companies in Fury at Donald Trump

Awww... Poor Starbucks! I guess the greedy liberal hypocrites should've kept their assets in America, huh?

Life Lesson!
Uh-huh, except for that minor detail regarding the fact that nobody can explain how just building a wall is going to STOP illegal immigration...

Well let me see if I can draw you a picture without a coloring book....
How about you just come up with something resembling an argument based on reason and evidence instead of fallacies, innuendo and amateurish attempts at insults, K?

Jose backpacks up to the US border to come in our country illegally... when he gets there, he finds a big ass fucking concrete wall! He can't just crawl through the fence hole like his brother Hector. So Jose goes back home and tells all his friends and relatives... Don't bother trying, there's a big ass fucking concrete wall there now and you can't get over it.
OIC, you put up the wall and all the illegals and the coyotes that are in business to ferry them across the border, cross a wasteland, traverse mountains, rivers, and lord know what else, get to the wall and say "gee there's a wall there,can't get over, under, around or through that, fuck it let's go home".....

What are you? an infant? :cool:
OIC, you put up the wall and all the illegals and the coyotes that are in business to ferry them across the border, cross a wasteland, traverse mountains, rivers, and lord know what else, get to the wall and say "gee there's a wall there,can't get over, under, around or through that, fuck it let's go home".....

What are you? an infant? :cool:

No, it's really about that simple.

We'll have 10,000 more border patrol agents riding up and down the wall line looking for people who think they can somehow get across and those people will be apprehended and deported. Pretty soon Coyote Ferry Service will go out of business because it can't deliver a product to it's consumer... that's how free market capitalism works.

I'm not an infant, it seems like you might be though. It's like you've never heard of electronic surveillance, heat sensors, motion detectors, digital cameras, drones, etc. All of these technologies will be in place and they will work... sit back and watch it happen. Because, hey... it's going to happen!
OIC, you put up the wall and all the illegals and the coyotes that are in business to ferry them across the border, cross a wasteland, traverse mountains, rivers, and lord know what else, get to the wall and say "gee there's a wall there,can't get over, under, around or through that, fuck it let's go home".....

What are you? an infant? :cool:

No, it's really about that simple.

We'll have 10,000 more border patrol agents riding up and down the wall line looking for people who think they can somehow get across and those people will be apprehended and deported. Pretty soon Coyote Ferry Service will go out of business because it can't deliver a product to it's consumer... that's how free market capitalism works.

I'm not an infant, it seems like you might be though. It's like you've never heard of electronic surveillance, heat sensors, motion detectors, digital cameras, drones, etc. All of these technologies will be in place and they will work... sit back and watch it happen. Because, hey... it's going to happen!

And any coyotes that try to go under, or over or around, the Wall, are spending more time IN THE PROCESS of breaking the law, increasing their chances of being caught

Not to mention the added expensive of equipment to break though the wall.
How about you just come up with something resembling an argument based on reason and evidence instead of fallacies, innuendo and amateurish attempts at insults, K?

I don't need an argument, the arguments are over. We had an election and Trump won. There's nothing to do now but make fun of you. If you want to keep setting yourself up as a clown with a defeated argument, that's on you man. I'm richly entertained by it.

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