Trump gets cold feet: 20% tax on Mexico just "one idea"

If the insistence remains that "Mexico Pay" for this wall of dubious effectiveness, why not just discontinue the payment of the nearly $1 billion a year we send to Mexico in economic and military aid? All in all it's a pretty stupid idea to build a wall whose primary value will be providing a canvas for graffiti artists and giving extremists on both sides of the border something to blow holes in but if it must be built at least cutting foreign aid to Mexico will hurt those in the Mexican Government the most.

Tariffs on Mexican goods is nothing more than a tax increase on an already over-taxed American Citizenry coupled with an old, proven to do more harm than good, economic central planning stunt that has consistently failed to achieve positive results in developed economies, it actually ends up making our economy less efficient since it artificially diverts resources into domestic production that the market has already proven to be inefficient.

First of all, you are wrong about the purpose and function of the wall.
I know what the stated "purpose" is, please explain exactly how the function will achieve that purpose in practical terms.

It will end the flow of illegal immigration on our southern border. For whatever reason, liberals don't want that to happen.
STRAW MAN ALERT! Who said anything about not wanting to end the flow of illegal immigration?

God only knows why. You're sitting here in a country drowning in debt, unable to pay for the massive entitlements you've heaped on it's shoulders, and you want to open the doors and let anyone in the fucking world come on in and sign up for their benefits.
STRAW MAN ALERT! Who the fuck are you talking about ? I've been a declared enemy of the welfare state from day one and I've never advocated open borders.

You're constantly bitching about the minimum wage and poor working families while flooding our workforce with cheap undocumented labor that doesn't contribute to the tax base while using all our services. It goes beyond being moronic. It's outright mentally retarded.
STRAW MAN ALERT! I've never even got remotely close to advocating or "bitching" about any of this, unless you're talking about advocating the complete elimination of the minimum wage in which case, guilty as charged.

US economic and military aid to Mexico is $419 million. That won't pay for a wall and wouldn't pay for a wall in 20 years. In the meantime, you would have a border nation unable to adequately defend it's sovereignty against foreign attack and people literally starving and dying from disease in the streets.
First thing you've said in the post that's correct, I should've said $0.5 billion a year, what's the difference how long it takes to "pay" for it? It's all symbolic anyways and apparently you're unaware that the bulk of our "aid" ends up in the pockets of the those running the Mexican government, at least this way you're not attempting to crash the general Mexican economy via market manipulation while at the same time adding new taxes on American Citizens and making our economy less efficient in the process.

So.... I don't know what you love affair with confiscated drug money or remittances back to Mexico is about, but I think it's a much smarter plan than yours. And here's the deal... you don't have any political power anymore. So, there's that.
STRAW MAN ALERT! I never gave any indication that I have a "love affair" with confiscated drug money or remittances back to Mexico, however your claim of $14 billion seized from "El Chapo" is wildly inaccurate from everything I've read about this, secondly even if it was accurate you'd have to get the courts or congressional action to divert it to the appropriate agencies for use on the "wall" as far as remittances go, how do you figure it's fair or just to put additional taxes on the money that AMERICAN CITIZENS choose to send out of the country? Aren't the American people already taxed enough without the federal government making up new subjective "sin taxes" to rob us further?
The wall will not stop the flow of illegal immigration.

Yes it will. IDIOT.
No, it won't. Why? Because many miles of the terrain prevent the building of the wall.

I am not going to argue what your limited brain does not get. You are sounding like Correll, for heaven's sake.

You want to really get immigration down to a trickle? Follow my comments in #13 above.

Look.. shit-for-brains... it has been explained a million times at least, the term "the wall" does not mean we are going to build a fucking concrete wall across our entire 3,000 mile southern border. There are places where a concrete, steel-reinforced wall is not necessary or practical. There are natural barriers where no wall is needed. In some places, heavy fencing is sufficient. But the entire border is going to be secured in a way that it's not easy to cross. We are also going to beef up border security and start enforcing the immigration and deportation laws. If we also need drones or national guard units, we'll do that as well. No problem. The crossing of our southern border by illegal immigrants is going to stop.

As for your comments about punishing employers, etc. We're going to do that as well. You see, people who are in charge now, unlike YOU... are capable of doing multiple things at the same time. They are used to handling multiple tasks, while you must focus on one thing at a time because you're a retard.

So don't worry about it... we're going to start punishing sanctuary cities by removing their federal funding, we're going to start punishing employers who hire illegals, we're going to implement e-verify, and we're going to deport the criminals who are in our prisons. On down the road, we'll start eliminating benefit programs going to people who are here illegally.
Just out of curiosity how would you go about "removing them" and "stop more of that ilk"? Do you think a "wall" will do that?

FYI: you don't really need "military grade explosives" to blow holes in a concrete wall, commercial grade or even homemade stuff will do the trick and I'm sure extremists/vandals/etc.., on both side of the border can get their hands on what they need if they have a mind to.

Tell ya what buddy... why don't you and a group of your militant libs march on down there and try blowing a hole in the wall and let's see what happens next?
I see you have developed a love affair with straw man construction, I have an interesting proposal for you, it might be a bit extreme but I think it's a worthwhile; how about you show me the same courtesy that I've shown you and actually take the time to read what I wrote instead of just attempting to manufacture what my opinions, philosophy and positions are out of thin air? maybe just try it out for a fucking change of pace, K?
STRAW MAN ALERT! I never gave any indication that I have a "love affair" with confiscated drug money or remittances back to Mexico, however your claim of $14 billion seized from "El Chapo" is wildly inaccurate from everything I've read about this, secondly even if it was accurate you'd have to get the courts or congressional action to divert it to the appropriate agencies for use on the "wall" as far as remittances go, how do you figure it's fair or just to put additional taxes on the money that AMERICAN CITIZENS choose to send out of the country? Aren't the American people already taxed enough without the federal government making up new subjective "sin taxes" to rob us further?

I don't think so. Drug seizure money can be used for pretty much anything the president wants to use it for. To use a quote from a recent president... "I have a pen and a phone!" Remember that one?

Remittances of money to Mexico, let's face it, comes from illegals working here and sending money back home. Maybe there is some small percentage who are legitimate American citizens sending money to Mexico for whatever reason.... can't imagine why.... but so be it... they'll have to pay an extra fee. You want to call it a "sin tax" and snort and fume about it... fine. We'll live with it... dress up like a taco and hold a protest rally! Fuckwit!
STRAW MAN ALERT! Who said anything about not wanting to end the flow of illegal immigration?

It's glaringly obvious, dipshit.
Uh-Huh, in other words, you're embarrassed that you've been called on your numerous attempts at substituting a fallacy for an actual argument and thus won't even attempt explain yourself or do the honest thing and just admit it.

Well, I had taken you for a rather principled and reasonable poster (a rarity around here) , guess I was wrong .......ah well, one more for the flame bait file.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." -- Socrates
Boss, does not get it and falls back on a potty mouth and straw man statements, but that's Boss for you.

Adam in the video above is absolutely correct, and Boss is just wrong, wrong, wrong.

That's America for you.
It's interesting watching how people think - this thread is a good example.

The idea of instituting a 20% import on Mexican goods to pay for the wall was actually initially proposed by Congress, not by Trump. Trump, being an intelligent man, knows that this idea is going to be opposed by several groups for different reasons, knows politics and getting things done (the 'Art of the Deal' so to speak) is all about negotiating, and knows there is more than one way to 'skin a cat' - meaning there are other proposals 'on the table' as well.

A 20% import tax is one way to go, but not the only way. One way doesn't have to be the only way. for instance, instead of a 20% tax on Mexican goods, which could cause much heartburn, the US could go with a combination of a 10 or 15% tax with another idea. A good leader / politician weighs all options; however Trump making the comment that the 20% tax is only 1 option (stating a fact) is immediately deciphered as 'Trump is getting cold feet'. Amusing. This instance, however, is a micro-view of what goes on in our government and in businesses all over the world every day - assess, weigh options, negotiate, decide.

Let's be honest. Liberals said the promise of a wall was a hollow one, one Trump would never ensure was fulfilled. The Liberals said Mexico would never pay for the wall, and to their surprise Trump has found a reasonable way to get them to do so. No matter what he did / does - build it or not, get Mexico to pay for it or not - Trump was never going to 'win' with Liberals. They will continually condemn and attack him no matter what he does.


The entire fence, btw, is reportedly going to cost approx. $12 billion dollars. To put that into perspective:

- Barak Obama, in his last year as President, gave the United Nations $1 Billion for their new global initiative. $500 million was initially given, while telling Americans it was for the Zika virus in the US, and the last $500 million was given in the last hours of him being President.

- Homeland Security's new HQ: $4.5 Billion (For 1 building / HQ)
"Homeland Security has a ginormous problem: Its massive new headquarters is 11 years behind schedule and more than $1.5 billion over budget – and some lawmakers and federal auditors even question if it will ever be completed. The project begin after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks"

- Defense Dept/Veterans Affairs: Electronic Health System - Well Over $1.1 Billion
"The Pentagon and the VA ditched a $1.1 billion project in February that the two largest departments had been working on for five years" OVER $1 BILLION FOR A PRJECT THAT WAS ABANDONED - NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT.

- D.C. Parking Garage: $120 Million...
"Though $120 million seems like a drop in the ocean when it comes to federal spending, the price tag for this incomplete, 16-year-old project is another example of federal mismanagement"

*** 5 Government Projects That Are Costing Us Billions

- NY CITY BRIDGE: $4 Billion
There is one (1) bridge being built in NYC right now that is costing an estimated $4 BILLION...

Other ways to fund the wall - how about cutting this sh!t out:
(*** When you read this remember YOUR TAX DOLLARS paid for all of it)

Swedish massages for rabbits: $387,000
The National Institutes of Health paid this six figure sum to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine in order to discern whether Swedish massages would be helpful in recovering from an illness.

Teaching Mountain Lions to Ride a Treadmill: $856,000
The National Science Foundation shelled out nearly a million taxpayer dollars to determine if captive mountain lions could be trained to ride a treadmill.
(I guess shrimp were too small)

Studying how many times “hangry” people stab a voodoo doll: $331,000
After teaching mountain lions about treadmills, the National Science Foundation also funded a study to come up with the self evident conclusion that hungry people tend to be more angry and aggressive.

Studying the gambling habits of monkeys: $171,000
Another NSF grant funded the study of gambling monkeys.

Synchronized Swimming for Sea Monkeys: $307,524
This project garnered the support of three government agencies (National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation).

*** Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars

Hell, Hillary Clinton and the incompetent State Department reportedly 'LOST' $6 Billion during her tenure....
STRAW MAN ALERT! Who said anything about not wanting to end the flow of illegal immigration?

It's glaringly obvious, dipshit.
Uh-Huh, in other words, you're embarrassed that you've been called on your numerous attempts at substituting a fallacy for an actual argument and thus won't even attempt explain yourself or do the honest thing and just admit it.

Well, I had taken you for a rather principled and reasonable poster (a rarity around here) , guess I was wrong .......ah well, one more for the flame bait file.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." -- Socrates

Well look at the fucking board, dumbass! If you can HONESTLY try to claim that no one is suggesting we not end the flow of illegal immigration, you must be smoking some really good shit. What the hell is all this resistance to the wall about? We have a wide open border with an estimated MILLION people a year crossing it, and you want to stand in the way of building some sort of barrier to prevent that. What else would you call this? Because, to most of us who have been screaming for 20 years to build the goddamn wall, it LOOKS like you don't want to stop it!
STRAW MAN ALERT! Who said anything about not wanting to end the flow of illegal immigration?

It's glaringly obvious, dipshit.
Uh-Huh, in other words, you're embarrassed that you've been called on your numerous attempts at substituting a fallacy for an actual argument and thus won't even attempt explain yourself or do the honest thing and just admit it.

Well, I had taken you for a rather principled and reasonable poster (a rarity around here) , guess I was wrong .......ah well, one more for the flame bait file.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." -- Socrates

Well look at the fucking board, dumbass! If you can HONESTLY try to claim that no one is suggesting we not end the flow of illegal immigration,
Umm..yeah you were attempting to attribute those "claims" (along with a bunch of other nonsensical horseshit that I never said) TO ME during your foaming at the mouth because I had the temerity to disagree with you, straw man construction orgy.

you must be smoking some really good shit. What the hell is all this resistance to the wall about? !
LOL, "resistance to the wall" ....because I question the potential effectiveness and value for the money of the wall? what the fuck are you advocating? Is it mindless agreement with any proposal as long as it comes out of the mouth of a politician with the right letter behind his/her name? I've been asking the question of why this wall is the best strategy in terms of effectiveness and value for the money to be spent for accomplishing the goal and so far NOBODY has been able to answer that, all I get from "wall builders" is lame attempts at personal insults and fallacies because I have the impertinence to question what those in power are proposing.

Oh yeah... dodge and weave bitch! Trump does it to you again! lol

You know, you shouldn't run out there spouting off your nonsense too early because this is what might happen to you. You all jumped on this 20% tax thing and it turns out that was one of numerous ideas. Now you're trying to cover your asses by spinning it into Trump getting cold feet. No.. Trump just punked your ass! BOOM! :rofl:

He gave an idea for US to pay for the wall. You were impressed by that? Should OUR president be playing games with US?
Oh yeah... dodge and weave bitch! Trump does it to you again! lol

You know, you shouldn't run out there spouting off your nonsense too early because this is what might happen to you. You all jumped on this 20% tax thing and it turns out that was one of numerous ideas. Now you're trying to cover your asses by spinning it into Trump getting cold feet. No.. Trump just punked your ass! BOOM! :rofl:

Cool, nice to hear that, just out of curiosity are all the other "numerous ideas" as idiotic as this one?

"Whenever someone starts talking about 'fair competition' or indeed, about 'fairness' in general, it is time to keep a sharp eye on your wallet, for it is about to be picked." -- Murray N. Rothbard

I was hoping one of the other ideas was outlaw anchor babies and stop all welfare, food stamps and free healthcare. Everyone who has a job, gets a green card. No job, go home.

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Oh yeah... dodge and weave bitch! Trump does it to you again! lol

You know, you shouldn't run out there spouting off your nonsense too early because this is what might happen to you. You all jumped on this 20% tax thing and it turns out that was one of numerous ideas. Now you're trying to cover your asses by spinning it into Trump getting cold feet. No.. Trump just punked your ass! BOOM! :rofl:

Cool, nice to hear that, just out of curiosity are all the other "numerous ideas" as idiotic as this one?

"Whenever someone starts talking about 'fair competition' or indeed, about 'fairness' in general, it is time to keep a sharp eye on your wallet, for it is about to be picked." -- Murray N. Rothbard

I was hoping one of the other ideas was outlaw anchor babies and stop all welfare, food stamps and free healthcare. Everyone who has a job, gets a green card. No job, go home.
*BINGO*, if you want to effectively eliminate illegal immigration you can't do it when you have a gigantic welfare state in place because it's a HUGE magnet for illegal immigrants, it's too bad nobody in power is proposing any significant curtailment of the existing welfare state (quite the opposite actually).
How would I do it?

In every way. At once.
Uh-huh and that involves what exactly?

You don't care about my opinion on this. Cut to your point.
LOL, I don't care about most peoples opinions here, most of it is just nonsensical noise and bullshit but for the sake of discussion what does your "every way" proposal involve? It's not a trap if that's what you're worried about. ;)
How would I do it?

In every way. At once.
Uh-huh and that involves what exactly?

You don't care about my opinion on this. Cut to your point.
LOL, I don't care about most peoples opinions here, most of it is just nonsensical noise and bullshit but for the sake of discussion what does your "every way" proposal involve? It's not a trap if that's what you're worried about. ;)

1. Deport every illegal in prison at the end of their sentence, one parole condition. Stay out of the country.

2. Deport every illegal arrested for any crime.

3.E-verify and fuck the shit out of employers who knowingly hire illegals.

4. Build the wall.

5. Break sanctuary cities.

6. Empowered local enforcement to hold illegals.

7. Have ice ride along with city cops.

8 Put a ball buster in charge of ice, mandate over time.

9. Harshly limit social services.

for starters.

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