Trump gets support from the KKK, Stormfront upgrades its servers.

What illegal voting? Please use a credible link for your source.

'A credible link for your source'?! Give it up - no matter what source you use, if it proves your point or sheds any negative light on Liberals they will eternally claim your source is 'not credible' or 'not valid'.

THAT being said, allow me to demonstrate:

The National Review:
"Jaw-Dropping Study Claims Large Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote in U.S."
-- "Our data comes from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES). Its large number of observations (32,800 in 2008 and 55,400 in 2010) provide sufficient samples of the non-immigrant sub-population, with 339 non-citizen respondents in 2008 and 489 in 2010. For the 2008 CCES, we also attempted to match respondents to voter files so that we could verify whether they actually voted.
LINK: Jaw-Dropping Study Claims Large Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote in U.S., by Jim Geraghty, National Review

Judicial Watch:
"Obama May Have Been Elected With Illegal Votes"
-- "A large number of non-citizens cast ballots in U.S. elections and it’s possible that the illegal votes were responsible for President Obama’s 2008 victory, according to an in-depth academic study that confirms Judicial Watch’s assessment that foreign nationals have helped Democrats steal elections.

Non-citizens tend to favor Democrats and Obama won more than 80% of the votes of non-citizens in the 2008 sample gathered by the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES), a large-scale academic survey project operated by teams of researchers from across the country. In fact, enough ineligible voters cast ballots in 2008 to conceivably account for Democratic victories in a few close elections, CCES researchers found. A respected Ivy League professor is coordinator of the CCES which has produced national sample surveys, stratified by state and type of district, in every federal election since 2006. This allows the optimal study of congressional and state races as well as an ideal setting for understanding the relationship between the congressional and presidential elections."

LINK: Obama May Have Been Elected With Illegal Votes - Judicial Watch

(Let's be real for a second....why the hell do you think Liberals have fought so hard, ignored the Constitution and Rule of law, worked to ensure the successful 'invasion' of the US happens, fights so hard for the benefits of these illegals over that of American citizens? Politicians don't do ANYTHING that does not benefit themselves!)

Proven / Prosecuted Voter Fraud:
LINK: News Stories | Election Integrity Watch

12.03.2015 – Missouri – Greene County Woman Charged for Voting Twice

12.03.2015 – Kansas Man Pleads Guilty in Unlawful Voting Case

10.13.2015 – 3 Voter Fraud Cases Prosecuted in Kansas, More Cases Expected

09.03.2015 – Alabama Woman Found Guilty on 24 Counts of Voter Fraud

07.09.2015 – Union County (MS) Deputy Circuit Clerk Arrested for Voter Fraud

06.24.2015 – Three Philly Election Officials Face Multiple Voter Fraud Charges

05.18.2015 – Four Charged after Forging Thousands of Signatures (MO)

05.16.2015 – Court Report: Le Sueur MN Couple’s Deception Brings Voter Fraud Charges

05.07.2015 – Non-Citizen Deported for Voter Fraud (IL)

04.11.2015 – Alabama Women Convicted on 7 Counts of Absentee Voting Fraud in Election Decided by 14 Votes

04.07.2015 – Warrant Issued for Milwaukee man Accused of Voter Fraud

10.06.2014 – CT State Representative Arrested on 19 Voter Fraud Charges

09.20.2014 – Wanamingo MN Township Supervisor Burned Ballots in his back Yard

09.12.2014 – CA Senator gets jail time in Voter Fraud Case

07.08.2014 – 4 Charged on Multiple Counts of Absentee Ballot Fraud in Alabama Municipal Election

07.01.2014 – Voter Registration Fraud Alleged in Minneapolis, MN – Over 140 registered at Mail Center

06.23.2014 – Shorewood WI Man Charged with 13 Counts of Voter Fraud

05.09.2014 – 3 Women Charged on 56 Counts of falsifying Ballots in Texas Municipal Election

04.03.2014 – Texas Woman gets 6 Months for Voting 5 times under Different Names in 2012 Runoff Election

04.02.2014 – North Carolina Officials Identify up to 35,000 cases of Double Voting on Initial Review

03.11.2014 – New Jersey Judge Charged with 2 Counts of Voter Fraud

03.11.2014 – Mummified Detroit Woman voted 2 years after Dying

02.24.2014 – 80 more Voting cases sent to Iowa Prosecutors

02.22.2014 – PA: Philly Election Board Worker Arrested for Voter Fraud

02.13.2014 – KY – Vote-Buyers Convicted in 2006 Allowed to run for Office Again (‘Bought’ voters were accompanied into booths and told who to vote for)

02.11.2014 – Ohio Poll Worker Voted Twice, Referred to Prosecutors

02.10.2014 – Pro-Pot Petitioner Convicted for Voter Fraud in Michigan

01.28.2014 – British Citizen, Charged with rape, Appears to have also voted Illegally in New Hampshire Election

01.14.2014 – New Hampshire man Convicted for Voting Twice

01.13.2015 – Alabama Woman Enters Guilty Plea over 8Felony Voter Fraud Charges

01.12.2014 – Texas Vote-Buying Case Leads to 3 FBI Arrests, Investigation Expanding

12.22.2013 – 17 Non-Citizens Caught Voting in Ohio, Hundreds more illegally registered

12.09.2013 – Non-Citizens Charged with voter fraud in Iowa

12.04.2013 – Prisoner in Austin, MN faces felony voter fraud Charge

12.03.2013 – Voter Impersonation Charges in Worcester, MA

12.02.2013 – Ex-magistrate in West Virginia is 4th Official in County to plead Guilty to Corruption, Admits Voter Fraud

11.22.2013 – Massachusetts Resident Indicted for Fraudulent vote in New Hampshire

11.12.2013 – Texas Woman Convicted for voting 6 times in 2012 Primary Election

....and these are only SOME of the 'non-existent' (according to Liberals) cases of documented voter fraud..... There are a lot more cases on this site with links to all of them. There are a LOT more articles, reports, and evidence to prove voter fraud is a problem.....but one has to WANT to open their eyes and see it. Doing so does not benefit Liberals, so they chose not to.

Now, please, prove me right....tell me how none of my sources are 'credible'...


BTW, I believe that ANYONE caught engaging in voter fraud should be stripped of their right to EVER vote in ANY election EVER again!
Really? Are we this juvenile now? Really?

Shall I name how many fringe-left and lunatic anti-Israeli groups endorsed Obama both times he ran? Or how about Sharia-law supporter Raila Odinga? He not only endorsed Obama, but Obama campaigned for Odinga when he visited Kenya in 2008.
Interesting, since over 70 percent of us Jews are liberal and voted for President Obama, your cartoonish views and understanding are just that, cartoonish
Really? Are we this juvenile now? Really?

Shall I name how many fringe-left and lunatic anti-Israeli groups endorsed Obama both times he ran? Or how about Sharia-law supporter Raila Odinga? He not only endorsed Obama, but Obama campaigned for Odinga when he visited Kenya in 2008.
Interesting, since over 70 percent of us Jews are liberal and voted for President Obama, your cartoonish views and understanding are just that, cartoonish

Like the Donald
Interesting, since over 70 percent of us Jews are liberal and voted for President Obama, your cartoonish views and understanding are just that, cartoonish

That's one thing I am not sure I will ever understand....despite Obama's demonization of Netanyahu and Israel, despite all the anti-Israel policies and rhetoric, how they can still vote / support Liberals... One of the great unexplained mysteries... :p
Interesting, since over 70 percent of us Jews are liberal and voted for President Obama, your cartoonish views and understanding are just that, cartoonish

That's one thing I am not sure I will ever understand....despite Obama's demonization of Netanyahu and Israel, despite all the anti-Israel policies and rhetoric, how they can still vote / support Liberals... One of the great unexplained mysteries... :p
The Republicans are associated with Christianity. After the history of the Roman Catholic church Inquisitions murdered 56 million - many Jews included - Spanish Inquisition, WWII Catholic Hitler mass murder of 6 1/2 million Jews, After WWII Vatican's Jesuits assisted Nazis in escape and beginning new lives in Argentina - Eichmann was sheltered there - with Assistance of Jesuits - and Jesuits inside America worked with CIA in bringing many Nazis into the USA with new identities, papers, etc. As Catholicism is associated with Christianity (wrongly) the Jews would vote Democrat before voting Republican. Add to the WWII scenario that the Vatican executed a plan for many Jesuits to pretend they were Protestants in order to destroy any confidence the Jews had in Christians - prior to WWII our relationship was very good.

Knowing the history - if you were Jewish - how would you feel as an American? You'd vote Democrat. Yet with Trump? That isn't the case. Jews are voting for him. Far more than people realize.
The KKK and Storm front are most likely being paid by the Democrats to announce they are supporting Trump. The Democrats pretended to be supporting tea party candidates in order to force them to lose their voters in local races last election - the Democrats are known for that strategy. I wouldn't give it any attention.
The KKK and Storm front are most likely being paid by the Democrats to announce they are supporting Trump. The Democrats pretended to be supporting tea party candidates in order to force them to lose their voters in local races last election - the Democrats are known for that strategy. I wouldn't give it any attention.
LOL sure its just beyond imagining they would on their own support T-rump ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The KKK and Storm front are most likely being paid by the Democrats to announce they are supporting Trump. The Democrats pretended to be supporting tea party candidates in order to force them to lose their voters in local races last election - the Democrats are known for that strategy. I wouldn't give it any attention.
I can't believe I am agreeing with TS ( :) ), but I am in this case.

I do believe Trump is 'recognizing' Islam as a tremendous threat and is basing his comments and ideas on SECURITY rather than 'racism' (alone); however, the 'KKK' is all about racism and the belief that people like Muslims are to be hated and killed. It is only 'natural' that the KKK would 'glob onto' Trump's message, projecting their hate onto his message.

In the same way the New Black Panthers have 'claimed' Obama. Until we see 'President Trump' drop criminal charges against the KKK, like we have seen President Obama do for the New Black Panthers, however, I will not believe that Trump is endorsing / supporting the KKK.
Trump would never endorse or support the KKK the way Obama has supported, endorsed and protected the Black Panthers,the Communist party, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS / Islam (ISIS is Islam). Not a chance. Trump is not a traitor to the American people. Obama is.
Last edited:
"On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.
The Miller Center reported:

On April 20, 1871, at the urging of President Ulysses Grant, Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act. Also known as the third Enforcement Act, the bill was a controversial expansion of federal authority designed to give the federal government additional power to protect voters. The act established penalties in the form of fines and jail time for attempts to deprive citizens of equal protection under the laws and gave the President the authority to use federal troops and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in ensuring that civil rights were upheld."

Democrats own the KKK

This Day in History... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups - The Gateway Pundit

Anyone who posts this nonsense is not bothered with reality at all, just with winning.

If you can't see the differences between 1871 and 2015, then you're probably not the brightest of sparks.

Dems just got more clever about how they kept blacks enslaved: back then chains, today intergenerational poverty

Dems? Reps AND Dems I'll think you'll find. Those who jump on the money train and ignore the people who they're supposed to represent. And people still vote for those people. Amazing.
Communist Party USA heartily endorsed Obama both times.

Hillary is far too right wing for the CPUSA, for now anyway
The New Black Panthers, the Communist Party endorsed Obama, and CAIR (named a 'terrorist organization' by the UAE) fully supports Obama.

Bernie Sanders is an avowed Socialist Party member, and Hillary is the biggest self-serving political 'slut' there is, going as far as taking money from nations that support / fund terrorism, that oppresses women and engages in female genital mutilation, and that kills homosexuals, going so far that she publicly condemns Wall Street while taking millions from them and then invokes 9/11/01 to justify why she is doing it.


The bottom line, however, is that anyone can 'endorse' anyone. The key is does the one being endorsed accept the endorsement...and the cash...or reject it?

It seems Hillary has never 'met' a 'donation' or 'contribution' she hasn't liked...or was willing to give back...

(LINK: How can we be shocked? Hillary Clinton strikes again.)
(LINK: Clinton charity to keep taking foreign money during campaign)
ISIS, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood support Obama and Hillary


"I'm ready for Hillary! Thank you!!"
Really? Are we this juvenile now? Really?

Shall I name how many fringe-left and lunatic anti-Israeli groups endorsed Obama both times he ran? Or how about Sharia-law supporter Raila Odinga? He not only endorsed Obama, but Obama campaigned for Odinga when he visited Kenya in 2008.
Interesting, since over 70 percent of us Jews are liberal and voted for President Obama, your cartoonish views and understanding are just that, cartoonish
Then 70% of American Jews are stupid or self haters

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Interesting, since over 70 percent of us Jews are liberal and voted for President Obama, your cartoonish views and understanding are just that, cartoonish

That's one thing I am not sure I will ever understand....despite Obama's demonization of Netanyahu and Israel, despite all the anti-Israel policies and rhetoric, how they can still vote / support Liberals... One of the great unexplained mysteries... [emoji14]
The Republicans are associated with Christianity. After the history of the Roman Catholic church Inquisitions murdered 56 million - many Jews included - Spanish Inquisition, WWII Catholic Hitler mass murder of 6 1/2 million Jews, After WWII Vatican's Jesuits assisted Nazis in escape and beginning new lives in Argentina - Eichmann was sheltered there - with Assistance of Jesuits - and Jesuits inside America worked with CIA in bringing many Nazis into the USA with new identities, papers, etc. As Catholicism is associated with Christianity (wrongly) the Jews would vote Democrat before voting Republican. Add to the WWII scenario that the Vatican executed a plan for many Jesuits to pretend they were Protestants in order to destroy any confidence the Jews had in Christians - prior to WWII our relationship was very good.

Knowing the history - if you were Jewish - how would you feel as an American? You'd vote Democrat. Yet with Trump? That isn't the case. Jews are voting for him. Far more than people realize.
Except most catholics are democrat

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