trump gives up on will try delay

Trump's new election strategy ... get control of delegates to the Electoral College - to ensure that Trump wins.. be advised that what Trump and Sen. Graham are doing is breaking at least two federal laws...
(1) From Cornell Law: Federal law (18 U.S.C. Section 242)
(2) From Cornell Law: Federal law18 U.S.C. 1038(c)

A lot to unload here - FYI >>>


Smartest Man Ever – Just Ask Him
(He has diploma to prove it)
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Donald Trump is not lying. Donald Trump is not cheating with respect to the electoral process established by the Constitution.

Government employees have fucked up the Constitution, and forged manuscripts on the official government archive website.

Seek help - SERIOUSLY ... Seek help!!
He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia


Election Fraud has already been proven.

The legal judicial process of contesting an election / going after proven crime continues.

HOW THE FU@K can he 'CHEAT' at this point?

His legal counsel can only present their findings in the legal process of contesting the election and pursuit of punishing proven criminals found guilty of election fraud. The success or failure of this legal process is / will be in the hands of JUDGES / the COURTS, NOT President Trump.

President Trump can not 'STEAL' the election.

There is NOTHING in which he can 'CHEAT'...

'Don and the Mafia'?

Bwuhahahaha..... his 'Mafia' has to be the least powerful / connected 'mafia' in history, especially compared to Obama and HIS proven crime syndicate.

Barry's 'mafia' illegally spied on the entire NATION - Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition, & even a newly elected President and his team. He illegally used the IRS as a weapon against citizens. His DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI violated both Constitution and Rule of law, railroaded citizens in jail for 'process crimes' while they Obstructed Justice, committed Perjury, Sedition, FISA Court Crimes, illegal collusion, and treason...

Talk about the 'Teflon Don'?! Barry was / is THE 'Teflon Don', and his administration was / is the 'Teflon' crime syndicate. Joe Biden confessed - bragged - publicly on video to extorting the former Ukraine PM... and they all walk away scot-free! It's not that hard when the 'crime syndicate DON' actually OWNs all the cops and agencies that are supposed to stop them (DOJ, DHS, NSA, NIA, CIA, FBI' Barry did.

Nothing has been proven.

No, one thing has definitely been proven. There is rampant vote fraud benefitting Xiden. Every day we find more votes that were magically converted from Trump, to Xiden.

Not a "glitch" in the system. A feature.
Well, with all this blockbuster evidence, I'm sure Rudy and his team will steamroll right over the Democrats and save the election for Trump.

Let's get to it, shall we?
it's coming down to the Supreme Court---roberts and the other 3 dems---------verses what the other 5 will do that the cia and fbi are looking for any leverage to blackmail them us. Roberts was Epstein flyer...

Your fantasies are fucking hilarious. If SCOTUS ever takes up Rudy and Rump's non-case, I will leave this forum forever and move to Canada. :cool:
Your fantasies are fucking hilarious. If SCOTUS ever takes up Rudy and Rump's non-case, I will leave this forum forever and move to Canada. :cool:
Yeah, you and every Hollywood celeb that's been falsely promising that crap for decades....

Well, everytime the votes are checked, it is PROVEN that Trump votes were illegally switched to Xiden. Funny how that only went one way. That makes it no longer a "glitch", but a FEATURE.

Link to credible source. Take your time.

They have been presented and you ignore them, so go waste your buddies time.
You are more full of shit than Trump.

More FOS than Rump? Is that even possible :confused-84:
No, one thing has definitely been proven. There is rampant vote fraud benefitting Xiden. Every day we find more votes that were magically converted from Trump, to Xiden.

Not a "glitch" in the system. A feature.

Total, utter BS. Links please. I know you won't. You are a purveyor of Fake News. You are so full of shit, people are mistaking your mouth for a latrine.
Other guys would have conceded already and waved the white flag and gone home

Trump’s not like that, and that’s why he won the first time. He’s got a base out there that expects him to fight and wants him to fight. So, he’s going to go down swinging

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