trump gives up on will try delay

Nothing has been proven.

Several people are charged / now in jail due to proven election fraud, dumbass. Thanks for the propaganda, but I will stick with the news that has been and is being reported.
Links please.

2 second search brought these up 1st / immediately - there are could actually do your own search if you really cared:

Nothing has been proven.

Several people are charged / now in jail due to proven election fraud, dumbass. Thanks for the propaganda, but I will stick with the news that has been and is being reported.
Links please.

2 second search brought these up 1st / immediately - there are could actually do your own search if you really cared:

You're the one making the allegations. The first two sound like individuals with unknown political affiliations.
The story for the last one is a local election in Jersey.

Then there is this I guess.
I'm buying you a commemorative tee shirt - Be happy :)

You're such a dullard. Stop embarrassing yourself with these pathetic stabs at wit.

He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia
Thomas Colson is a joke, dumb ass...,. did you even do a basic bio-search of this little "wet behind the ears" globalist sack of shit that lives in the UK????? What a pathetic and piss poor source.


He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia
Well, wait a minute. They just had a big press conference with Rudy and that other lady, saying that they're going to change the election and save the country from evil.

My scorecard is a fucking MESS.

That was the one where Rudy was bleeding hair dye?
The bullshit was coming out his ears.

He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia
Well, wait a minute. They just had a big press conference with Rudy and that other lady, saying that they're going to change the election and save the country from evil.

My scorecard is a fucking MESS.

No, just you. The whole progressive left has sold this country out to the socialists. Idiots, like you, though seemingly useful, actually turned out to not be all that useful after all.
What does that have to do with this?

Try to focus.

You would think they would put the booze back in the cabinet by now. The election has been over for weeks.
It will be interesting to see how many of them wake up. And admit it.

A low percentage, no doubt. They've made real fools of themselves.
He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia


Election Fraud has already been proven.

The legal judicial process of contesting an election / going after proven crime continues.

HOW THE FU@K can he 'CHEAT' at this point?

His legal counsel can only present their findings in the legal process of contesting the election and pursuit of punishing proven criminals found guilty of election fraud. The success or failure of this legal process is / will be in the hands of JUDGES / the COURTS, NOT President Trump.

President Trump can not 'STEAL' the election.

There is NOTHING in which he can 'CHEAT'...

'Don and the Mafia'?

Bwuhahahaha..... his 'Mafia' has to be the least powerful / connected 'mafia' in history, especially compared to Obama and HIS proven crime syndicate.

Barry's 'mafia' illegally spied on the entire NATION - Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition, & even a newly elected President and his team. He illegally used the IRS as a weapon against citizens. His DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI violated both Constitution and Rule of law, railroaded citizens in jail for 'process crimes' while they Obstructed Justice, committed Perjury, Sedition, FISA Court Crimes, illegal collusion, and treason...

Talk about the 'Teflon Don'?! Barry was / is THE 'Teflon Don', and his administration was / is the 'Teflon' crime syndicate. Joe Biden confessed - bragged - publicly on video to extorting the former Ukraine PM... and they all walk away scot-free! It's not that hard when the 'crime syndicate DON' actually OWNs all the cops and agencies that are supposed to stop them (DOJ, DHS, NSA, NIA, CIA, FBI' Barry did.

Thinking about the outrageous news conference THAT WAS HELD AT GOP HEADQUARTERS.....if you lie in court, you will be jailed, but if you lie to the won't be. That explains why Rudy and his minions removed the accusation of "voter fraud" from their court filings.

If the outrageous assertions and underhanded actions by trump was taking place in South America or in an authoritarian state in Europe...the US would call it a coup attempt. They will fail....just as they have failed in over tow dozen cases in court.

trump IS A LOSER!

He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia
Well, wait a minute. They just had a big press conference with Rudy and that other lady, saying that they're going to change the election and save the country from evil.

My scorecard is a fucking MESS.

That was the one where Rudy was bleeding hair dye?
The bullshit was coming out his ears.

Maybe it was his brains?
He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia


Election Fraud has already been proven.

The legal judicial process of contesting an election / going after proven crime continues.

HOW THE FU@K can he 'CHEAT' at this point?

His legal counsel can only present their findings in the legal process of contesting the election and pursuit of punishing proven criminals found guilty of election fraud. The success or failure of this legal process is / will be in the hands of JUDGES / the COURTS, NOT President Trump.

President Trump can not 'STEAL' the election.

There is NOTHING in which he can 'CHEAT'...

'Don and the Mafia'?

Bwuhahahaha..... his 'Mafia' has to be the least powerful / connected 'mafia' in history, especially compared to Obama and HIS proven crime syndicate.

Barry's 'mafia' illegally spied on the entire NATION - Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition, & even a newly elected President and his team. He illegally used the IRS as a weapon against citizens. His DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI violated both Constitution and Rule of law, railroaded citizens in jail for 'process crimes' while they Obstructed Justice, committed Perjury, Sedition, FISA Court Crimes, illegal collusion, and treason...

Talk about the 'Teflon Don'?! Barry was / is THE 'Teflon Don', and his administration was / is the 'Teflon' crime syndicate. Joe Biden confessed - bragged - publicly on video to extorting the former Ukraine PM... and they all walk away scot-free! It's not that hard when the 'crime syndicate DON' actually OWNs all the cops and agencies that are supposed to stop them (DOJ, DHS, NSA, NIA, CIA, FBI' Barry did.

Thinking about the outrageous news conference THAT WAS HELD AT GOP HEADQUARTERS.....if you lie in court, you will be jailed, but if you lie to the won't be. That explains why Rudy and his minions removed the accusation of "voter fraud" from their court filings.

If the outrageous assertions and underhanded actions by trump was taking place in South America or in an authoritarian state in Europe...the US would call it a coup attempt. They will fail....just as they have failed in over tow dozen cases in court.

trump IS A LOSER!

Sounds like we are now at one for THIRTY THREE.

I'm on a messg board, so I'm not gonna bitch about wasting time, and I really do have something productive I need to do. But I'm not wasting time responding to a bunch of bs about Rudy the Legal Genius flipping an election. IF Trump actually thought any of this bs had a chance of succeeding, he'd find a real lawyer. And whether Trump actually believes any of the "fraud" bs is really irrelevant because he's spent 50 years abusing the legal system with harassment suits. And if he really thought his bs law suits were gonna go anywhere good for him, he wouldn't be "courting" gop state legislators to get them to certify him the winner even though Biden got more LEGAL votes in a state. And Brian Kemp got the most votes in Ga despite kicking off black voters, and Nixon got legally elected to start a war in Cambodia after breaking into the dem HQ TWICE. So the Trumpanzees can shove their FAUX outrage.

But it's a true stretch to think is gonna succeed in getting enough state gopers to flip enough electoral votes in states Biden won to actually change the outcome. He's damaging our Republic, but the basic reason I'd rather vote for Satan is that his belief that his "needs" are more important that the electorate's is not something that should surprise anyone now.

So fuck all of Trump and his Trumpanzees fake angst.

But what really is Trump's endgame here? HE's not getting a second term. When he initially ran in 16, before he mated up with Bannon who gave him a message beyond the Apprentice, he probably just wanted the publicity and a new TV gig for the money. After he won, people joined his administration only to learn that Trump had no actual desire to govern. He didn't pass any legislation beyond tow tax cuts. Zilch. He got the mandate thrown out. Whoopie. He'll be 77 or so in 24, and his negative polls will eclipse today's, possibly even if the pandemic is still with us and/or the econ is in freefall. And even then someone like Rubio will have his own econ message. And the House and states will have had four years to peruse his tax returns.

He's got 300-400 million dollars in loans he personally guaranteed that come due in the next two years or so. He can raise it by selling stuff, but that's a lot of stuff. He'll have book ghostwritten. What's that? 50mil? Maybe $100mil? He can go on Newsmax and bring in the Trumpanzee viewers. What's that? At least $100mil, I'd guess. He's showing them that he's like them, a loser who had something "stolen."
He got caught in the lurch. He thought Putin had his back again. Now he has a lot of incriminating files to destroy. And he just found out that you can't put harddrives through a paper shredder.

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