trump gives up on will try delay

We don't know that there was no fraud. Thats the liberal new media talking.

yeah we do. So far all the accusations have been disproven by election officials, all of which come from one side or the other. Both Dems and Repubs, so far, are saying there is no fraud.

Is there issues with the machines? looks like it. But so far it has been proven that:
1) Those machines are not discriminating between either party
2) Those discrepancies are minute - ie, about the same you get EVERY election.

No, we don't. Nothing has been proven and nothing has been certified That's why they're being investigated.
Georgia is about to be certified tomorrow followed by Michigan and Pennsylvania on Monday. Trump lost.
Well, everytime the votes are checked, it is PROVEN that Trump votes were illegally switched to Xiden. Funny how that only went one way. That makes it no longer a "glitch", but a FEATURE.

Link to credible source. Take your time.
He has no credible source for his feculence.

You better tell Rudy, after he wipes the hair dye out of his eyes! He is looking for something like this....but...since he refrains from using the word Fraud in court, due to the fact that he may be thrown out, I don't think it will help.
Hun, its the american populace that have to be convinced. And lets face it---we american populace are now primed---the libs shut downs, riots, attacks on the elderly and children, and now the election fraud----can't you feel the anger building ---can't you feel that americans aren't scared as intended but are now looking for light the fire that has been building.

I think we are going to see what a populace (not just the thugs and lowlives on the bottom) do when they are mad enough to fight back---
american's are not like everyone else..and these stupid globalist socialists didn't realize this.

It is only a certain section of the population. The majority of Americans are sick to death of Trump and his shenanigans. You get empowered because you listen to Hannity and read posts on here. You think it is normal. It is not. More people wanted Biden. And they got him.

There was no fraud. Very few elderly and children got attacked (if any at all - the police bore the brunt of it). And who was responsible for creating the situation? A toothless, egocentric leader who only cares about himself. He wouldn't piss on any of his supporters if they were on fire. He is the swamp. He is an elitist. Don't believe me? Just go and try something as simple as walking onto one of his golf courses. His proxies will kick your arse.

There is absolutely no proof of election fraud. Zero. The Orange Twat tweeting is not proof.

We don't know that there was no fraud. Thats the liberal new media talking.

No...that is the COURT SYSTEM talking....trump is BABY!
Well, with all this blockbuster evidence, I'm sure Rudy and his team will steamroll right over the Democrats and save the election for Trump.

Let's get to it, shall we?
it's coming down to the Supreme Court---roberts and the other 3 dems---------verses what the other 5 will do that the cia and fbi are looking for any leverage to blackmail them us. Roberts was Epstein flyer...

The USSC will not touch it. Besides, Roberts sat in on trump's impeachment trail. He knows the man is a Criminal.

He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia
He can prove fraud---in fact--he can prove the most fraud ever at this point.

Can you please upload that court document, proving fraud. I know we would ALL like to see it.....:04:
Well, with all this blockbuster evidence, I'm sure Rudy and his team will steamroll right over the Democrats and save the election for Trump.

Let's get to it, shall we?

You sound......worried. :abgg2q.jpg:
In your mind, sure. Those voices aren't me, though.


Yeah, you're losing it.

Trump's about to claim his 2nd term :yes_text12:

He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia
Well, wait a minute. They just had a big press conference with Rudy and that other lady, saying that they're going to change the election and save the country from evil.

My scorecard is a fucking MESS.

No, just you. The whole progressive left has sold this country out to the socialists. Idiots, like you, though seemingly useful, actually turned out to not be all that useful after all.
What friggin trash. You Trumpers are set on destroying our democracy because of loyalty to one man over country, lies about voter fraud and on top of all that, you friggin idiots don’t even have a clue what you are talking about when it comes to Biden and his administration. All you dolts have is fear. Always just pissing in your pants because of your irrational fear.

I have never seen anything like the Treasonous GOP as they throw our system of government under the fat, orange bus. They are so afraid of trump, they are afraid of what he will do when they tell him that he LOST THE ELECTION. He has shown himself to be nothing more than a seven year old in a fat, old, man's body.

He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia
Well, wait a minute. They just had a big press conference with Rudy and that other lady, saying that they're going to change the election and save the country from evil.

My scorecard is a fucking MESS.

That was the one where Rudy was bleeding hair dye?

He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia
Well, wait a minute. They just had a big press conference with Rudy and that other lady, saying that they're going to change the election and save the country from evil.

My scorecard is a fucking MESS.

No, just you. The whole progressive left has sold this country out to the socialists. Idiots, like you, though seemingly useful, actually turned out to not be all that useful after all.
What does that have to do with this?

Try to focus.

You would think they would put the booze back in the cabinet by now. The election has been over for weeks.

He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia

So, you either have to be totally clueless, or a paid chinese stooge to post this sort of shit. Especially here where people actually pay attention.
Yeah he is a shill.this stupid ass clown has always cowardly evaded facts about government corruption never addressing the evidence. he wont answer a simple question how he can accept it that the NFL is corrupt and is obviously a corrupt organization the way they rig superbowls for the patriots all the time and playoffs as well yet at the same time,wont accept it that the government is just as much corrupt,you try and ask him that question,he just insults you,fucking hypocrite troll.
Numbers that you just sharted out here.. Pretty worthless..
Indeed. Although the poster I replied to said Trump got 80 million votes so I thought it was pretty clear I was being satirical.

So this is all fun and games to you ha?? No interest at all in taking a lot at the election vulnerabilities that EASILY could be exploited by a foreign country? Thought you guys were ALL ABOUT THAT! Now you're just chronic hypocrites..

Not saying any foreign entity was involved here in THIS election. This was an inside job.. But if the left is suddenly NOT interested in election security -- why would anyone ever assume your serious about anything?

He can't prove he plans to cheat....The Don and his Mafia

80 million people voted for Trump

No, no they didn't idiot. 80 million voted for Biden, 74 for Trump.


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