Trump goes bezerk on twitter: "because of Comey, FBI's reputation in tatters, worst in history..."


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Comey better lawyer up. so do ABC!


Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter
The remarks cannot be denied, yet a other winner comment.

The leftists are furious as Trump short circuits their media monopoly and talks directly to the American people.
I hate to see some of his generalization.
I do wonder if the agent is still with the agency.
"The more disturbing report I heard come out was that one of the FBI agents assigned to the Mueller investigation was reassigned because of his political views." - President Trump
The fucking asshole needs to keep his mouth shut. He is so completely unpresidential. Never has any other president behaved in such a base and stupid manner. His opinions about these things need to be either expressed in press conferences or through his press secretary, not blabbed out like an idiotic kid on social media. He humiliates the US day after day. He has absolutely zero dignity.
This is what always happens when a member of Trump's circle gets convicted of a crime or the heat is on him.

He tries to divert attention away from him towards Hillary.
How do we know it was Trump?

After all, Trump claims his lawyer wrote the tweet where Trump admitted to obstructing justice.

Just how many people have access to posting from Trump's twitter account? Given how his tweets can start wars, that needs to be clarified.
Mueller fires FBI guy who HEADED the Clinton Email investigation. His BOSS, Comey, leaked memo's he knew would lead to a Special Counsel. And COMEY'S boss, Lynch, was meeting with Hillary's husband. Un- fucking- believable. But keep looking for that Russia connection, Mueller.
"The more disturbing report I heard come out was that one of the FBI agents assigned to the Mueller investigation was reassigned because of his political views." - President Trump
That should be good news to Trump. But of course he’ll cry about it like he does about everything. President Victim
Feinstein: "I think what we’re beginning to see is the putting together of a case of obstruction of justice"
Lol so now the FBI's incompetent because there was nothing in the law about private servers while Clinton server as SoS? LOL
It's a year after Trump was elected & 18 months after we voted for Brexit and the political establishment is STILL trying to sabotage both. Let that sink in.
Mueller fires FBI guy who HEADED the Clinton Email investigation. His BOSS, Comey, leaked memo's he knew would lead to a Special Counsel. And COMEY'S boss, Lynch, was meeting with Hillary's husband. Un- fucking- believable. But keep looking for that Russia connection, Mueller.

What a fucking shit show.

Trump fucked up their corruption.

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