Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
Do you understand the difference between attacking her reporting and claiming that she asked a tough question that made Trump look like an idiot because she was hormonal? Are you really that dense?

Bleeding from the eyes is hormonal?
So, you are not aware of his entire comment? You missed the part where he said bleeding from the eyes or "bleeding from wherever"? Those who claim that he was not making a reference to a "hormonal woman" are either lying or really, really stupid. So, Peach, which are you?

That is the point.
Ignoring the 1st part and not putting it all together.
Picking on just the last part means people are ignoring the 1st part and are using assumption.
When it is put into the entire context it means anger and had nothing to do with her period.
It makes those who think of it as her period only are the ones that are stupid and shortsighted.
Bullshit. He thought he was being funny. He was clearly referring to her being hormonal. What is with you Trump supporters that you are so willing to lie or are so alarmingly stupid. Oh, never mind. You could not be a Trump supporter without one of those being true.

I will not vote for Trump and have made that point here on the board many times.
It is about too many people in this nation who assume things that are not said and only pick on part of the statement or words that was made.
People who can't put the whole statement together and focus on just the last part are the stupid ones.
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Anyone who has worked with women in the office know that "that time of month" is hell for not only the woman. A womans hormones make her unpredictable day to day. Trust me, I know. I work with several.

I'm a libertarian so I'm about as far right as they come. I like Trump and I used to like Kelly. Anyone who watched that debate who didn't think she focused on him is a moron. Just look at the speaking time each candidate had. Trump had like 2-3x the time on air as the person in 2nd place. Had they been fair at the debate, it would have been very close to even. If a moderator keeps harping on one candidate, they get all the airtime.
They cannot ask Trump about the things he has accomplished in office as he has never held office. Asking him about his juvenile name calling is completely appropriate. Asking all candidates whether they would support the eventual nominee is appropriate. Just because he is too much of an asshole to be able to answer those questions is his problem, not Kelly's.
The questions were absolutely designed to make Trump look bad --- for reasons that had NOTHING to do with if he would be a good president or not, or if he had something meaningful to say about the issues or not. Totally out line were a number of questions directed at Trump and Trump only! Absolutely inappropriate and clearly agenda driven. I was shocked. That is directed at FOX or the owners of Fox, not Megyn Kelly. Even though I cannot stand watching her. I hate media personalities period. That's all we get anymore. They, allegedly are the stars.
Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President? And, in a Republican Primary, it is entirely appropriate to ask the candidate whether or not they will run as a third party candidate. Frankly, anyone who participates in a party primary should not be allowed to then run as an independent. Cannot do that for state office in most states. And what other questions were not appropriate? Can you identify them? The notion that a candidate should not be asked about things he has said in the past is absurdly stupid.
Speaking intelligently and substantively are completely foreign concepts for Trump.
McCain is a hero.
And unless you're a U.S. military combat veteran with an experience more harrowing than being a 5 year long guest of the Viet Cong at the Hanoi Hilton, then perhaps you may wish to consider your standards of who you declare is, or is not a hero.
Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President? And, in a Republican Primary, it is entirely appropriate to ask the candidate whether or not they will run as a third party candidate. Frankly, anyone who participates in a party primary should not be allowed to then run as an independent. Cannot do that for state office in most states. And what other questions were not appropriate? Can you identify them? The notion that a candidate should not be asked about things he has said in the past is absurdly stupid.

Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President?

Well perhaps you have a point. But regardless if those qualities you mention are present or not, I can tell you it would not help the current ZERO in office. Never has this nation been so plagued with an incompetent criminal, coward, liar and phony as the past six years. So my point is this --- How did Obama get through? Is he the biggest issue or is it fools and self centered takers who voted him in who are the biggest problem? Probably the latter.

So you can play the game of honor and decorum and rule Trump out, I do not care. But do not try to sell me on what makes a president great because this nation does not seem to care and the media does not care either. They all have self centered agendas, none of which serve the common good.

I would far, far, far rather have a politically incorrect, bombastic loud mouth like Trump than another phony who puts on a caring, well-mannered face in the campaign and then turns out to be another scoundrel, etc. Bush made one major error, the invasion of Iraq, and that destroyed the republican party and of course many lives. Clinton was a national embarrassment, and having said that, still 100 times better than Barack. But I still believe Trump would not be afraid to one, take on paradigms and the establishment, and two, to let the nation know publicly what is going on and why. The very ANTITHESIS of this administration and this congress.
Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President? And, in a Republican Primary, it is entirely appropriate to ask the candidate whether or not they will run as a third party candidate. Frankly, anyone who participates in a party primary should not be allowed to then run as an independent. Cannot do that for state office in most states. And what other questions were not appropriate? Can you identify them? The notion that a candidate should not be asked about things he has said in the past is absurdly stupid.

Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President?

Well perhaps you have a point. But regardless if those qualities you mention are present or not, I can tell you it would not help the current ZERO in office. Never has this nation been so plagued with an incompetent criminal, coward, liar and phony as the past six years. So my point is this --- How did Obama get through? Is he the biggest issue or is it fools and self centered takers who voted him in who are the biggest problem? Probably the latter.

So you can play the game of honor and decorum and rule Trump out, I do not care. But do not try to sell me on what makes a president great because this nation does not seem to care and the media does not care either. They all have self centered agendas, none of which serve the common good.

I would far, far, far rather have a politically incorrect, bombastic loud mouth like Trump than another phony who puts on a caring, well-mannered face in the campaign and then turns out to be another scoundrel, etc. Bush made one major error, the invasion of Iraq, and that destroyed the republican party and of course many lives. Clinton was a national embarrassment, and having said that, still 100 times better than Barack. But I still believe Trump would not be afraid to one, take on paradigms and the establishment, and two, to let the nation know publicly what is going on and why. The very ANTITHESIS of this administration and this congress.
Trump is an asshole. You are an idiot. You deserve one another.
Speaking intelligently and substantively are completely foreign concepts for Trump.
Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President? And, in a Republican Primary, it is entirely appropriate to ask the candidate whether or not they will run as a third party candidate. Frankly, anyone who participates in a party primary should not be allowed to then run as an independent. Cannot do that for state office in most states. And what other questions were not appropriate? Can you identify them? The notion that a candidate should not be asked about things he has said in the past is absurdly stupid.

Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President?

Well perhaps you have a point. But regardless if those qualities you mention are present or not, I can tell you it would not help the current ZERO in office. Never has this nation been so plagued with an incompetent criminal, coward, liar and phony as the past six years. So my point is this --- How did Obama get through? Is he the biggest issue or is it fools and self centered takers who voted him in who are the biggest problem? Probably the latter.

So you can play the game of honor and decorum and rule Trump out, I do not care. But do not try to sell me on what makes a president great because this nation does not seem to care and the media does not care either. They all have self centered agendas, none of which serve the common good.

I would far, far, far rather have a politically incorrect, bombastic loud mouth like Trump than another phony who puts on a caring, well-mannered face in the campaign and then turns out to be another scoundrel, etc. Bush made one major error, the invasion of Iraq, and that destroyed the republican party and of course many lives. Clinton was a national embarrassment, and having said that, still 100 times better than Barack. But I still believe Trump would not be afraid to one, take on paradigms and the establishment, and two, to let the nation know publicly what is going on and why. The very ANTITHESIS of this administration and this congress.
Trump is an asshole. You are an idiot. You deserve one another.

You cannot respond with substance, or well-mannered, and yet, that is your big two gripes against Trump.

Note: If you are only looking for responses that pat you on the back, let us know ahead of time and I will adhere to that request.
Yea but the major difference is Trump is a hugely successful businessman and Paddy is a loser in his moms basement unable ot hold down a real job. But yes, both lack manners. I'd still take Trump.
Speaking intelligently and substantively are completely foreign concepts for Trump.
Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President? And, in a Republican Primary, it is entirely appropriate to ask the candidate whether or not they will run as a third party candidate. Frankly, anyone who participates in a party primary should not be allowed to then run as an independent. Cannot do that for state office in most states. And what other questions were not appropriate? Can you identify them? The notion that a candidate should not be asked about things he has said in the past is absurdly stupid.

Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President?

Well perhaps you have a point. But regardless if those qualities you mention are present or not, I can tell you it would not help the current ZERO in office. Never has this nation been so plagued with an incompetent criminal, coward, liar and phony as the past six years. So my point is this --- How did Obama get through? Is he the biggest issue or is it fools and self centered takers who voted him in who are the biggest problem? Probably the latter.

So you can play the game of honor and decorum and rule Trump out, I do not care. But do not try to sell me on what makes a president great because this nation does not seem to care and the media does not care either. They all have self centered agendas, none of which serve the common good.

I would far, far, far rather have a politically incorrect, bombastic loud mouth like Trump than another phony who puts on a caring, well-mannered face in the campaign and then turns out to be another scoundrel, etc. Bush made one major error, the invasion of Iraq, and that destroyed the republican party and of course many lives. Clinton was a national embarrassment, and having said that, still 100 times better than Barack. But I still believe Trump would not be afraid to one, take on paradigms and the establishment, and two, to let the nation know publicly what is going on and why. The very ANTITHESIS of this administration and this congress.
Trump is an asshole. You are an idiot. You deserve one another.

You cannot respond with substance, or well-mannered, and yet, that is your big two gripes against Trump.

Note: If you are only looking for responses that pat you on the back, let us know ahead of time and I will adhere to that request.
Your diatribe against the President is idiotic. He has done a great job and has improved this nation's standing around the world. He is a helluva lot more respected as a world leader than his predecessor. He has presided over an improving economy, though not one without continuing problems like income inequality. He did what Presidents since Teddy Roosevelt have not been able to do and secured the passage of health reform that is steadily reducing the number of uninsured Americans; that is slowing the growth of health care costs; that is allowing us to be competitive with those nations that already provide healthcare to their citizens. 10 million private sector jobs created. He has negotiated an agreement with Iran that will prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon; an agreement supported by our European allies; by our recent Secretaries of State; supported by two dozen of the most prominent scientists and other experts in nuclear armaments. He has served without a single high level person being charged, let alone convicted of corruption. His administration was the least corrupt in decades. Not a hint of personal scandal or valid claims of corruption has touched him or his top officials. So, yes, you are an idiot to claim otherwise and to suggest that Trump would be a better choice for President.
Yea but the major difference is Trump is a hugely successful businessman and Paddy is a loser in his moms basement unable ot hold down a real job. But yes, both lack manners. I'd still take Trump.
Trump is an asshole. Your grammar sucks. I own my own company and do quite well. How are things working out at McDonald's for you? They letting you use the fryer yet?
If Trump didn't mean menstration, then shame on him for not being clear. As a political novice, he has to know his adversaries would use this against him to their advantage.

LMAOooo... Are you serious? So now, people mean what your pea-brain interprets them to mean and that's THEIR fault for not making it clear to you? Doesn't matter what they actually SAY... what matters is how you interpret it and it's THEIR fault if you interpret it incorrectly?

Your last sentence doesn't make rational sense... Perhaps it makes sense when you read it back to yourself and "interpret" it? To those of us who have a brain, the sentence doesn't make sense... He's a "novice" but yet... "he has to know" ...are you sure you know what "novice" means?

Let me attempt communication with you on your level, in Faunspeak:

As a political novice, you have to know Hillary is the most wonderful time of the year!
Translation: You're an idiot and Hillary is a douche.
You own your own company??? Yea, right. Owning a company doesn't mean more than you filled out the paperwork to incorporate. I can incorporate a cheese sandwhich.

You're so full of shit and the fact still remains that you talk about Trump having no manners and you wreak of none yourself. That's hilarious, in fact you pwned yourself.

So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
Do you understand the difference between attacking her reporting and claiming that she asked a tough question that made Trump look like an idiot because she was hormonal? Are you really that dense?

Every woman who saw the CNN interview knew what he was talking about. I admit, as a man, I did not. But my wife immediately knew and pointed it out to me. I was floored. But it is Trump, so I am sure this is not the last we hear from him either calling someone an idiot or demeaning another woman, nationality, or class of people. It is just his MO. How he stays number one in the GOP polls I is the GOP.

Forget the last sentence.
You're so full of shit and the fact still remains that you talk about Trump having no manners and you wreak of none yourself. That's hilarious, in fact you pwned yourself.

Pointless...he's not running for President. Try again Johnny...
But its called being a hypocrite when you show a severe lack of manners pointing out someone who is showing a lack of manners.

It's called reducing your own credibility. How do you take someone like that seriously? It would be like me saying, "Can you believe that mother fucker was cursing? That son of a bitch had a dirty fucking mouth."

Is that really credible?
You're so full of shit and the fact still remains that you talk about Trump having no manners and you wreak of none yourself. That's hilarious, in fact you pwned yourself.
The word is "reek", dumbass. And I am not running for President. Trump has offered nothing of substance. He says empty things he knows that empty headed fucks like you will eat up. "Secure the Border". It is secure. Very few come across any more. He criticizes an Iranian deal and yet, could not describe, in any detail, what is in the deal. He has not read it. He does not understand the first thing about international diplomacy. He surrounds himself with a bunch of sycophantic yes persons who never challenge him or call him on his bullshit. He would not last a term as President.
But its called being a hypocrite when you show a severe lack of manners pointing out someone who is showing a lack of manners.

It's called reducing your own credibility. How do you take someone like that seriously? It would be like me saying, "Can you believe that mother fucker was cursing? That son of a bitch had a dirty fucking mouth."

Is that really credible?
What severe lack of manners? I referred to you as an idiot. You are an idiot. You post idiotic things here. You cannot spell, punctuate and do not know the meaning of words you use. I did not attack you because of any physical attribute you may have. Nothing I have posted is inaccurate.

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