Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

"First of all, the question should have never been asked at a Presidential debate." #801
What question? Please quote it.
"Second... "Blood coming out of her eyes. or wherever..." IS NOT "she was on the rag!"" 801
Nor is it nose.
If he meant nose, he could have and should have said "nose". He didn't. He said, after a pregnant pause, to emphasize the implied meaning of: "where-ever", an orifice not to be named in polite discourse.
Denying it is naïve. The meaning was clear.

And worse than that, Trump exposed himself as a hypocrite.
Trump has already condemned politicians for this.
And now he's doing it too.
It was NOT the nose Trump was talking about.

No fucktard... the meaning WAS NOT clear. The meaning could be interpreted any number of ways and you happened to interpret it in the most disgusting way your perverted little deviant mind could think of. You're attempting to project your perverted sick thoughts into Trump's mouth and spew them out for him... that's not going to work this time, moron. You're BUSTED!

So... You want the direct quote of the question Megyn Kelly presented to a Republican Presidential candidate at the very first debate between the 10 top candidates, where time was of the utmost importance in discussing the most crucial issues our country is facing... Okay, good for you! Let's have a look at her question and analyze it a bit, shall we?

Mr. Trump, one of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don’t use a politician’s filter. However, that is not without its downsides, in particular, when it comes to women.

You’ve called women you don’t like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” Your Twitter account…[question interrupted] Trump says: "Only Rosie O'Donnell"...
Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks. You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president, and how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?

Now let's dissect this... She leads off her question with a barrage of very disparaging words Trump allegedly used to describe "women" but there is absolutely NO context as to who he said this to or where, when, why... nothing. No context given, no explanation other than he said these words. That, in the lawyer's handbook (which Ms. Kelly should know) is called a "leading question" and would have been an "objection sustained" by any judge in America. That alone, disqualified the remainder of her question and is why Megyn Kelly is currently battling a petition to have her removed from any future debates. It was inappropriate to ask ANY candidate a question like that... this isn't The Kelly Files... she isn't interviewing him on her TV show.

So the words she chose seem to come in line with comments Trump made once about Rosie O'Donnell... a host on a popular "gossip hen" show called, The View. Why did Trump make the comments? Well, you have to understand that O'Donnell went on a five-minute rant on the air, mocking Trump, making fun of his hair, talking about his relationships, his ex-wives, his children... and being the typical obnoxious liberal bitch we have come to know and love. Trump was responding to that... and it may not have been how you or I would have responded, it may have been crude and over-the-top, but that is the CONTEXT his comments were made in, and it was not disclosed by Ms. Kelly.

The second "swing" at Trump was the "down on your knees" comment he made... after considerable research, they found that from Season 6 of Celebrity Apprentice. So now, Megyn or the "smarter people" at Fox, had done their research... dug up old episodes of his TV show to find SOMETHING to throw in his grill! THIS is what they came up with, and it was a totally innocent comment. During an episode of the show, the team captain of this woman was explaining something about deciding who would get to do a particular task and he told Trump that "she dropped to her knees begging me to let her do the task" which Trump casually replied to her... "that must've been a pretty picture, you on your knees." And that was it... nothing further was said, the guy kept explaining what he was saying... the show went on. No one said a damn thing the next day, or all this time since. They interviewed the woman after this blew up and she said she honestly hadn't remembered the comment and when she saw the tape, was not offended and didn't think he meant it inappropriately, and further stated that he had always treated her respectfully. Again... Ms. Kelly should have done her homework... but more importantly, she should have presented some context but she didn't.... she played it like a liberal sleazebag would play it.
If Trump didn't mean menstration, then shame on him for not being clear. As a political novice, he has to know his adversaries would use this against him to their advantage.

Yeah sure, in exactly the same way as he really thinks McCain is a hero.
I've never seen so much hate for Megan Kelly ever, but the Branch Trumpidian cult is now saying things far more vile about Kelly than their Beloved Leader ever insinuated. He's going down for the same reason as Ron Paul did.....because of his nutbag cultist followers. Crazy never gets elected.

Ok, let's go with that one.

Your uspatriots link (lol) links to a 17 second youtube video from a member named "Aeneas64"

No one knows if that person is a Liberal, Libertarian, Conservative or what not.

And I just read the entire NYT article, which calls it a "Kelly Moment". Nothing in the article attacks her as a woman nor does it attack her politics. It analyses her way of catching people off guard. Actually, in many ways, the article is very complimentary of her as a person. Did you even read it, or do you suffer from Conservatitis?

So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...
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I've never seen so much hate for Megan Kelly ever, but the Branch Trumpidian cult is now saying things far more vile about Kelly than their Beloved Leader ever insinuated. He's going down for the same reason as Ron Paul did.....because of his nutbag cultist followers. Crazy never gets elected.
If that's the case, then McCain was right when he referred to Trump's followers as, "crazies".
I've never seen so much hate for Megan Kelly ever, but the Branch Trumpidian cult is now saying things far more vile about Kelly than their Beloved Leader ever insinuated. He's going down for the same reason as Ron Paul did.....because of his nutbag cultist followers. Crazy never gets elected.

I'll just go on record to say that I have never written one cross word about Megyn Kelly as a person or as a woman. I remember criticizing her angle on at least two stories, but consider her to be a good, solid anchor with the stick-to-it-iveness needed to survive in such a profession. She is indeed a very beautiful woman and graceful, too, but she has a sharp intellect. I've never once thought of her as a "bimbo" or a lot of the stuff I hear thrown around.

The fact that Trump felt so possessed to lash out not just once, at 3 AM, on twitter, but then twice, that Friday evening, on CNN, and now, demanding that she apologize for his misogyny, is like a comedy of errors played at a russian roulette table.

How very weird.
Hey needle dick, news flash O' but hole called the Iraq war over and al quads a Jv squad before they split apart and became the ISIS.
Our President warned Bush not to get involved in Iraq. He also pledged to get us the hell out of Bush's blunder

He did

he did? What are you smoking?
He did: In 2002. And he was right, as subsequent events have proven to most Americans.
"What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Now let me be clear — I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaida. I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars.

So for those of us who seek a more just and secure world for our children, let us send a clear message to the president today. You want a fight, President Bush? Let's finish the fight with bin Laden and al-Qaida, through effective, coordinated intelligence, and a shutting down of the financial networks that support terrorism, and a homeland security program that involves more than color-coded warnings. You want a fight, President Bush?

Let's fight to make sure that the U.N. inspectors can do their work, and that we vigorously enforce a non-proliferation treaty, and that former enemies and current allies like Russia safeguard and ultimately eliminate their stores of nuclear material, and that nations like Pakistan and India never use the terrible weapons already in their possession, and that the arms merchants in our own country stop feeding the countless wars that rage across the globe. You want a fight, President Bush?

Let's fight to make sure our so-called allies in the Middle East, the Saudis and the Egyptians, stop oppressing their own people, and suppressing dissent, and tolerating corruption and inequality, and mismanaging their economies so that their youth grow up without education, without prospects, without hope, the ready recruits of terrorist cells. You want a fight, President Bush? Let's fight to wean ourselves off Middle East oil, through an energy policy that doesn't simply serve the interests of Exxon and Mobil.

Those are the battles that we need to fight. Those are the battles that we willingly join. The battles against ignorance and intolerance. Corruption and greed. Poverty and despair. The consequences of war are dire, the sacrifices immeasurable. We may have occasion in our lifetime to once again rise up in defense of our freedom, and pay the wages of war. But we ought not — we will not — travel down that hellish path blindly. Nor should we allow those who would march off and pay the ultimate sacrifice, who would prove the full measure of devotion with their blood, to make such an awful sacrifice in vain."

So, what were you saying about someone smoking something?
look at your own highlight in your post.

Obama declared the war over, he thought it was part of his legacy

So why we still there?

Now pass the joint and don't Bogart it.
Because, according to Bush, it was over. We were required to remove our troops. We did. Would you prefer that they stayed and hundred or thousand more killed or maimed? He warned in 2002 that the war was not needed. No rational person can claim that it was. He warned it would have consequences we could not predict. He was right. The war destabilized that entire region. And were are not there, other than trainers and flight controllers. Perhaps you would be ok with abandoning a commitment to a nation we destroy, but I guess our president has a little more honor than you and those like you.


So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
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Trump never insinuated anything about a period. That shit's all made up.
Anyone who has worked with women in the office know that "that time of month" is hell for not only the woman. A womans hormones make her unpredictable day to day. Trust me, I know. I work with several.

I'm a libertarian so I'm about as far right as they come. I like Trump and I used to like Kelly. Anyone who watched that debate who didn't think she focused on him is a moron. Just look at the speaking time each candidate had. Trump had like 2-3x the time on air as the person in 2nd place. Had they been fair at the debate, it would have been very close to even. If a moderator keeps harping on one candidate, they get all the airtime.
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So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
Do you understand the difference between attacking her reporting and claiming that she asked a tough question that made Trump look like an idiot because she was hormonal? Are you really that dense?
Anyone who has worked with women in the office know that "that time of month" is hell for not only the woman. A womans hormones make her unpredictable day to day. Trust me, I know. I work with several.

I'm a libertarian so I'm about as far right as they come. I like Trump and I used to like Kelly. Anyone who watched that debate who didn't think she focused on him is a moron. Just look at the speaking time each candidate had. Trump had like 2-3x the time on air as the person in 2nd place. Had they been fair at the debate, it would have been very close to even. If a moderator keeps harping on one candidate, they get all the airtime.
They cannot ask Trump about the things he has accomplished in office as he has never held office. Asking him about his juvenile name calling is completely appropriate. Asking all candidates whether they would support the eventual nominee is appropriate. Just because he is too much of an asshole to be able to answer those questions is his problem, not Kelly's.

So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
Do you understand the difference between attacking her reporting and claiming that she asked a tough question that made Trump look like an idiot because she was hormonal? Are you really that dense?

Bleeding from the eyes is hormonal?

So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
Do you understand the difference between attacking her reporting and claiming that she asked a tough question that made Trump look like an idiot because she was hormonal? Are you really that dense?
Well but he was treated meanly by Obama at the Washington correspondents dinner.....maybe ego goaded him into a run?

or maybe he really cares about where we're heading to.
That was funny

Obama put the birther in his place and Trump just fumed

Well if he is a shill for the Democrats ......then you kind of actually have to wonder about the birther stuff. Why would he raise the issue? a kind of morality play? setting himself up to get shot down? I don't know.
No, you don't.

IF you think he is a shill for the dems......
That's the only explanation that makes any sense....Trump is working with Clinton.
beginning to think that
Anyone who has worked with women in the office know that "that time of month" is hell for not only the woman. A womans hormones make her unpredictable day to day. Trust me, I know. I work with several.

I'm a libertarian so I'm about as far right as they come. I like Trump and I used to like Kelly. Anyone who watched that debate who didn't think she focused on him is a moron. Just look at the speaking time each candidate had. Trump had like 2-3x the time on air as the person in 2nd place. Had they been fair at the debate, it would have been very close to even. If a moderator keeps harping on one candidate, they get all the airtime.
They cannot ask Trump about the things he has accomplished in office as he has never held office. Asking him about his juvenile name calling is completely appropriate. Asking all candidates whether they would support the eventual nominee is appropriate. Just because he is too much of an asshole to be able to answer those questions is his problem, not Kelly's.
The questions were absolutely designed to make Trump look bad --- for reasons that had NOTHING to do with if he would be a good president or not, or if he had something meaningful to say about the issues or not. Totally out line were a number of questions directed at Trump and Trump only! Absolutely inappropriate and clearly agenda driven. I was shocked. That is directed at FOX or the owners of Fox, not Megyn Kelly. Even though I cannot stand watching her. I hate media personalities period. That's all we get anymore. They, allegedly are the stars.

So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
Do you understand the difference between attacking her reporting and claiming that she asked a tough question that made Trump look like an idiot because she was hormonal? Are you really that dense?

Bleeding from the eyes is hormonal?
So, you are not aware of his entire comment? You missed the part where he said bleeding from the eyes or "bleeding from wherever"? Those who claim that he was not making a reference to a "hormonal woman" are either lying or really, really stupid. So, Peach, which are you?
Anyone who has worked with women in the office know that "that time of month" is hell for not only the woman. A womans hormones make her unpredictable day to day. Trust me, I know. I work with several.

I'm a libertarian so I'm about as far right as they come. I like Trump and I used to like Kelly. Anyone who watched that debate who didn't think she focused on him is a moron. Just look at the speaking time each candidate had. Trump had like 2-3x the time on air as the person in 2nd place. Had they been fair at the debate, it would have been very close to even. If a moderator keeps harping on one candidate, they get all the airtime.
They cannot ask Trump about the things he has accomplished in office as he has never held office. Asking him about his juvenile name calling is completely appropriate. Asking all candidates whether they would support the eventual nominee is appropriate. Just because he is too much of an asshole to be able to answer those questions is his problem, not Kelly's.
The questions were absolutely designed to make Trump look bad --- for reasons that had NOTHING to do with if he would be a good president or not, or if he had something meaningful to say about the issues or not. Totally out line were a number of questions directed at Trump and Trump only! Absolutely inappropriate and clearly agenda driven. I was shocked. That is directed at FOX or the owners of Fox, not Megyn Kelly. Even though I cannot stand watching her. I hate media personalities period. That's all we get anymore. They, allegedly are the stars.
Resorting to childish name calling has nothing to do with being President? Not being able to act like an adult; not being able to think before you speak; not being able to respond intelligently and substantively when challenged? None of these are relevant to being President? And, in a Republican Primary, it is entirely appropriate to ask the candidate whether or not they will run as a third party candidate. Frankly, anyone who participates in a party primary should not be allowed to then run as an independent. Cannot do that for state office in most states. And what other questions were not appropriate? Can you identify them? The notion that a candidate should not be asked about things he has said in the past is absurdly stupid.

So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
Do you understand the difference between attacking her reporting and claiming that she asked a tough question that made Trump look like an idiot because she was hormonal? Are you really that dense?

Bleeding from the eyes is hormonal?
So, you are not aware of his entire comment? You missed the part where he said bleeding from the eyes or "bleeding from wherever"? Those who claim that he was not making a reference to a "hormonal woman" are either lying or really, really stupid. So, Peach, which are you?

That is the point.
Ignoring the 1st part and not putting it all together.
Picking on just the last part means people are ignoring the 1st part and are using assumption.
When it is put into the entire context it means anger and had nothing to do with her period.
It makes those who think of it as her period only are the ones that are stupid and shortsighted.

So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
Do you understand the difference between attacking her reporting and claiming that she asked a tough question that made Trump look like an idiot because she was hormonal? Are you really that dense?

Bleeding from the eyes is hormonal?
So, you are not aware of his entire comment? You missed the part where he said bleeding from the eyes or "bleeding from wherever"? Those who claim that he was not making a reference to a "hormonal woman" are either lying or really, really stupid. So, Peach, which are you?

That is the point.
Ignoring the 1st part and not putting it all together.
Picking on just the last part means people are ignoring the 1st part and are using assumption.
When it is put into the entire context it means anger and had nothing to do with her period.
It makes those who think of it as her period only are the ones that are stupid and shortsighted.
He made sure the message got through.

So, the "Watch Megyn Kelley REFUSES to stay silent" link is her responding to Salon's attack on her reporting, not on her person, not on her gender.

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than this and to actually understand what you are linking to...

Dude, it just keeps going.

The Newest Left-wing Lie Megyn Kelly Is a Racist Who Believes In Santa

Liberal attacks on Megyn Kelly s Santa comment are egregious case of overkill Dallas Morning News

You can make excuses and I can keep producing. The problem is, you fail to prove your side. So by default, I win this one. Thanks for playing.
Do you understand the difference between attacking her reporting and claiming that she asked a tough question that made Trump look like an idiot because she was hormonal? Are you really that dense?

Bleeding from the eyes is hormonal?
So, you are not aware of his entire comment? You missed the part where he said bleeding from the eyes or "bleeding from wherever"? Those who claim that he was not making a reference to a "hormonal woman" are either lying or really, really stupid. So, Peach, which are you?

That is the point.
Ignoring the 1st part and not putting it all together.
Picking on just the last part means people are ignoring the 1st part and are using assumption.
When it is put into the entire context it means anger and had nothing to do with her period.
It makes those who think of it as her period only are the ones that are stupid and shortsighted.
Bullshit. He thought he was being funny. He was clearly referring to her being hormonal. What is with you Trump supporters that you are so willing to lie or are so alarmingly stupid. Oh, never mind. You could not be a Trump supporter without one of those being true.

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