Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

Thanks JH. Saves me the trouble.

That's right you little chicken shit liberal coward... RUN AWAY... hide behind your buddies!
Boss just thwacked that little ass good and you had NO response!

"First of all, the question should have never been asked at a Presidential debate." #801
What question? Please quote it.
"Second... "Blood coming out of her eyes. or wherever..." IS NOT "she was on the rag!"" 801
Nor is it nose.
If he meant nose, he could have and should have said "nose". He didn't. He said, after a pregnant pause, to emphasize the implied meaning of: "where-ever", an orifice not to be named in polite discourse.
Denying it is naïve. The meaning was clear.

And worse than that, Trump exposed himself as a hypocrite.
Trump has already condemned politicians for this.
And now he's doing it too.
It was NOT the nose Trump was talking about.

No fucktard... the meaning WAS NOT clear. The meaning could be interpreted any number of ways and you happened to interpret it in the most disgusting way your perverted little deviant mind could think of. You're attempting to project your perverted sick thoughts into Trump's mouth and spew them out for him... that's not going to work this time, moron. You're BUSTED!

So... You want the direct quote of the question Megyn Kelly presented to a Republican Presidential candidate at the very first debate between the 10 top candidates, where time was of the utmost importance in discussing the most crucial issues our country is facing... Okay, good for you! Let's have a look at her question and analyze it a bit, shall we?

Mr. Trump, one of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don’t use a politician’s filter. However, that is not without its downsides, in particular, when it comes to women.

You’ve called women you don’t like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” Your Twitter account…[question interrupted] Trump says: "Only Rosie O'Donnell"...
Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks. You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president, and how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?

Now let's dissect this... She leads off her question with a barrage of very disparaging words Trump allegedly used to describe "women" but there is absolutely NO context as to who he said this to or where, when, why... nothing. No context given, no explanation other than he said these words. That, in the lawyer's handbook (which Ms. Kelly should know) is called a "leading question" and would have been an "objection sustained" by any judge in America. That alone, disqualified the remainder of her question and is why Megyn Kelly is currently battling a petition to have her removed from any future debates. It was inappropriate to ask ANY candidate a question like that... this isn't The Kelly Files... she isn't interviewing him on her TV show.

So the words she chose seem to come in line with comments Trump made once about Rosie O'Donnell... a host on a popular "gossip hen" show called, The View. Why did Trump make the comments? Well, you have to understand that O'Donnell went on a five-minute rant on the air, mocking Trump, making fun of his hair, talking about his relationships, his ex-wives, his children... and being the typical obnoxious liberal bitch we have come to know and love. Trump was responding to that... and it may not have been how you or I would have responded, it may have been crude and over-the-top, but that is the CONTEXT his comments were made in, and it was not disclosed by Ms. Kelly.

The second "swing" at Trump was the "down on your knees" comment he made... after considerable research, they found that from Season 6 of Celebrity Apprentice. So now, Megyn or the "smarter people" at Fox, had done their research... dug up old episodes of his TV show to find SOMETHING to throw in his grill! THIS is what they came up with, and it was a totally innocent comment. During an episode of the show, the team captain of this woman was explaining something about deciding who would get to do a particular task and he told Trump that "she dropped to her knees begging me to let her do the task" which Trump casually replied to her... "that must've been a pretty picture, you on your knees." And that was it... nothing further was said, the guy kept explaining what he was saying... the show went on. No one said a damn thing the next day, or all this time since. They interviewed the woman after this blew up and she said she honestly hadn't remembered the comment and when she saw the tape, was not offended and didn't think he meant it inappropriately, and further stated that he had always treated her respectfully. Again... Ms. Kelly should have done her homework... but more importantly, she should have presented some context but she didn't.... she played it like a liberal sleazebag would play it.

Every woman knew what Dump meant when he talked about "blood". Trump the Dump has the GOP by the short hairs and it is hilarious!

Carly Fiorina Excoriates Donald Trump Over Megyn Kelly Comments There. Is. No. Excuse.

Carly Fiorina certainly knew what the embarrassment of the Republican Party meant....and it is just the beginning. You can get that every reporter who interviews Trump from now on will be pushing his buttons to see how far he goes. He has no filter. He has no control. He has no class....but He is "VERY RICH!"

I have a lot or respect for Carly Firorina. I cut her a lot of slack on this because 1) She is from California and 2) She is a woman. However.... ANY Republican who wants to become mired in some silly 'liberal-concocted' banter about tabloid-gossip comments someone made or names being called... with ALL THE ISSUES FACING AMERICAN VOTERS.... is an idiot who is NOT going to win the GOP nomination, and shouldn't win.
To think a DNC plant can gey this much support in the GOP is hilarious. When Trump is through with the GOP, they won't be able to elect a dog catcher.....:badgrin:
To think a DNC plant can gey this much support in the GOP is hilarious. When Trump is through with the GOP, they won't be able to elect a dog catcher.....:badgrin:

I like it! ...Trump is a DNC plant to throw the GOP off it's tracks and usher in Hill and Bill!

The only problem with your analysis is, the GOP wasn't on any tracks... they were basically rudderless... drifting along in the political ocean with no direction and no wind in their sails.
To think a DNC plant can gey this much support in the GOP is hilarious. When Trump is through with the GOP, they won't be able to elect a dog catcher.....:badgrin:

I like it! ...Trump is a DNC plant to throw the GOP off it's tracks and usher in Hill and Bill!

The only problem with your analysis is, the GOP wasn't on any tracks... they were basically rudderless... drifting along in the political ocean with no direction and no wind in their sails.

If loserterianism is what you expect from the gop then I can see why the leadership wouldn't want to fight for it. It is about tearing down America,,,while people want to build and construct.
If loserterianism is what you expect from the gop then I can see why the leadership wouldn't want to fight for it. It is about tearing down America,,,while people want to build and construct.

No one in America is better at building and constructing than Donald Trump.
Lets get it straight. You are doubling down on a crude attack made to a woman about menstruating and posting photo's to reinforce your point, and whining about how someone on a message board responds to your crudeness. Typical dish it out but can't take it behavior.

Women do not menstruate out of their eyes.
It's the left who is making it about her period.

yeah, I think it is possible he was just kind of repeating his earlier statement or trying to expand it and then added whatever......
wasnt even thinking about menstruation.

If he was however....expect him to double we will probably know for sure.
If so, it is so over the top, and plays into democratic line and sympathy for Hillary...that you have to wonder if he isnt a shill for the Democrats.
I don't wonder. I have been sure of it from day one. It is obvious that he is a shill. It should be obvious to the meanest intellegence.

Well but he was treated meanly by Obama at the Washington correspondents dinner.....maybe ego goaded him into a run?

or maybe he really cares about where we're heading to.
That was funny

Obama put the birther in his place and Trump just fumed

Well if he is a shill for the Democrats ......then you kind of actually have to wonder about the birther stuff. Why would he raise the issue? a kind of morality play? setting himself up to get shot down? I don't know.
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish

It was very offensive and it is not about one person.
Get serious

Compare the political rhetoric coming from the Republican leadership about Obama and Obamas response and the presidents responses are timid
Bush was very respectful towards Clinton throughout his presidency. Obama constantly blames Bush for his failures.

Bush was given a surplus. He should have been respectful.
By the republican controlled house. Clinton should've been thankful.
So, then, the trillions in debt run up since 2010 are the responsibility of the Republican controlled house?
Only left him 911, and Obama was gonna fix all that mess. Right? Well what happened?
Uhm, no. 911 happened 9 months after 43 took office. Your math is faulty. Either that or you simply chose to lie.

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My gosh Obama has been president for over six years and it's still Bush's fault. Also you are saying 911 was planned in 8 months? Clinton's lack of attention on our enemies made us weak.
There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Hey needle dick, news flash O' but hole called the Iraq war over and al quads a Jv squad before they split apart and became the ISIS.
Our President warned Bush not to get involved in Iraq. He also pledged to get us the hell out of Bush's blunder

He did

he did? What are you smoking?
What's so funny about this accusation that the Donald was insinuating Megyn was on the rag is that everybody has been insulting the shit out of Trump for saying what he wants to without political correctness.

You can't have it both ways when it comes to the Donald.

If Trump wanted to say Megyn was having hormonal issues, he would have laid it on the line.

No doubt about it. Probably would have thrown in mention of hot flashes too.


There's not a subtle bone in Trump's body.
Right now the trumpbots are being defensive. It comes from being had, but refusal to admit it. I had a miserable opinion of Trump before I knew this much about him. The more I find out about him, the more I dislike.

I am sure the more other people find out about him, the less they will like as well. But for a while they will be defensive.

And he is still the only one who will engage the immigration debate. As long as that is the case, as long as he will have trumpbots to defend him

My impression with Trump is the same when he entered the race, same today and the same tomorrow. He is not electable.
BTW. Ignorance is temporary but stupidity is forever. I'm talking about these trumpbots.
Women do not menstruate out of their eyes.
It's the left who is making it about her period.

yeah, I think it is possible he was just kind of repeating his earlier statement or trying to expand it and then added whatever......
wasnt even thinking about menstruation.

If he was however....expect him to double we will probably know for sure.
If so, it is so over the top, and plays into democratic line and sympathy for Hillary...that you have to wonder if he isnt a shill for the Democrats.
I don't wonder. I have been sure of it from day one. It is obvious that he is a shill. It should be obvious to the meanest intellegence.

Well but he was treated meanly by Obama at the Washington correspondents dinner.....maybe ego goaded him into a run?

or maybe he really cares about where we're heading to.
That was funny

Obama put the birther in his place and Trump just fumed

Well if he is a shill for the Democrats ......then you kind of actually have to wonder about the birther stuff. Why would he raise the issue? a kind of morality play? setting himself up to get shot down? I don't know.
No, you don't.
Would people think the same thing if Trump had said it to a man?
Usually when a person says they have blood coming out of their eyes or whatever means anger or a defense mechanism.
But because he said it to a woman it's automatically about her period and dropping or ignoring the part about the eyes.
Talk about sexist.

They also seem to forget the mountain of AWFUL things they said about Sarah Palin and her CHILDREN!

Who is "they"?

Is "they" a presidential candidate?
My source on this is NBC News.
"you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes.
Uh, blood coming out of her, where-ever." Trump

Mr. Trump made Megyn Kelly look really bad ... She was a mess with her anger.”

And that Trump was talking about a bloody nose, and that "Only a deviant would think anything else ..."
That's silly.
Nose bleed is not usually associated with mood swings.

In the context of blood coming out of "where-ever", it's menstruation that is associated with mood swings.

So I'm not impressed with Trump's feeble attempt to smooth this over. His meaning was both clear, and vulgar.

And I'm grateful to the other Republican candidates for unanimously condemning the remark.

First of all, the question should have never been asked at a Presidential debate. Second... "Blood coming out of her eyes. or wherever..." IS NOT "she was on the rag!" You have to do linguistic gymnastics to get there.... AND as Trump points out, also have a deviant mind. Third... Trump has said all kinds of bombastic things.. why do you idiots think THIS is what brings him crashing down?

FINALLY... NO, all the other Republican candidates DID NOT condemn Trump. Most of them declined to comment or get involved. The ONLY one who called for Trump to apologize and condemned his remarks was JEB BUSH! ...The fact that YOU ARE GRATEFUL is probably the best illustrative reason no one should vote for Jeb Bush. He has confirmed without a doubt that he fully intends to walk the PC line and say only things Liberal approve of. That is NOT what the GOP needs.

We have to concede that Trump does not have a deviant mind?

The words are open to interpretation. When you watch the video along with the context of where he was going, it is obvious what his intent was. So we're the slight pause and inflection in his voice when he said....wherever

Right, and then, in typical Trump fashion, he went on the offensive and lied out his ass afterwards.

Too funny.
We have to concede that Trump does not have a deviant mind?

The words are open to interpretation. When you watch the video along with the context of where he was going, it is obvious what his intent was. So we're the slight pause and inflection in his voice when he said....wherever

Video? It was a Twitter comment!

And I am so sorry but vocal inflections do not translate words to mean whatever you dream up.

No, it was audio while he was speaking to CNN. Get your facts right. The comment about menstruation is AUDIO, not twitter. But mind you, he has also written enough stupid stuff on twitter to disqualify any other presidential candidate... were he to have a name other than Trump.
Which Democratic presidential candidate did that?

Which Republican presidential candidate said anything about Megyn Kelly's menstrual cycle? :dunno:

Lying is not helping you. It may make you feel psychologically more secure, but lying is not going to help you to win any arguments.

There is no doubt that by "wherever", Trump meant her vagina.

Even one of his closest campaign advisors, a man with 45 years of field experience, who helped to get Nixon re-elected and helped to reduce Ford's deficit from -30 to -2 in 1976, QUIT him over this.

Trying to defend the indefensible is not going to do you any good. Americans are still a lot smarter than that.
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Which Democratic presidential candidate did that?

Which Republican presidential candidate said anything about Megyn Kelly's menstrual cycle? :dunno:
Their leading candidate for President ....Donald Trump
But know how them bitches can get when they are on the rag

But he didn't say what you claim.
That is what he said. He was using the huckster con man translation into stupid person translation. If you don't understand the huckster con man language you only hear the stupid person language translation.

Again... he did NOT say what you claim... even the OP was honest enough to acknowledge it was "insinuated" and not directly said. YOU ARE TRANSLATING.... not me, not anyone else! And this is going to FAIL on you as well.

The Gig is UP, pinhead. This shit doesn't work on Trump. He turns it into promotion and takes advantage of the controversy and you morons keep feeding him attention. He sucks up all the oxygen in the room and his poll numbers continue to climb because there's not a damn thing you can do to stop him. You keep hoping THIS is the thing... the thing that brings him down, and it hasn't been... how many things have there been now? His poll numbers continue to climb.

It's pathetic... You Libtards even have the willing assistance of Fox News, (your new BFF) and the establishment GOP, whipped puppy, lapdogs... helping you take down Trump--- and FAILING!

Insinuated is good enough.

You may not be able to make the connection between statement and context, but millions and millions and millions of Americans can, especially, in this case, FEMALE voters.

Now, let's put this all back together:

Megyn Kelly, a FOX anchor with a huge Conservative following, asks Donald Trump a very blunt question about former statements of his that are without a doubt severly misogynous. There are a number of ways that Donald Trump could have defused this, but instead, because it is apparently the only tactic he knows, he went on the offensive, right there on the stage and borderline threatened her with "you have not been very nice to me", which is ultra-rich man speak for "when I get into power, I am going to ruin you". Then, at 3 AM, 3 FUCKING AM, Trump, using his twitter account, trashes her. Then, on Friday evening, Trump goes on CNN per audio and made the blood comments. "bleeding out her eyes, and ..... somewhere". The context of his disdain for Kelly, whom he just called a terrible journalist (she is not) and that she is overrated (she is not), was very clear. So, in double-retaliation to a question put to him by a woman, Donald Trump lashed out at a woman by mentioning her menstrual cycle as the reason for why she behaved, in his mind. This is one of the oldest misogynist tricks in the book. You may want to ignore it. Go ahead, have your fun, but millions and millions and millions of women have noticed this.

Obama won the womens' vote by +11 in 2012 and still won over Romney by +3.86.
Obama won the womens' vote by +13 in 2008 and easily won over McCain in that year by +7.26.

Clinton is STARTING in the womens' vote at +17 and going as high as +34.

There is no way in hell that the GOP can lose the womens' vote by even just -15 and win nationally. A +20 in the female vote puts Hillary not far from 56%. Even were the GOP to get to 61% in the male vote (it never has, ever), Hillary still goes over 50% overall. The GOP will be lucky to get to 55% in the male vote, when all is said and done.

Every time Trump doubles down on this, your party loses female voters. It's simple math.

So, yeah, "insinuates" is bad enough. The man is too stupid to know when to quit.
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Their leading candidate for President ....Donald Trump
But know how them bitches can get when they are on the rag

But he didn't say what you claim.
That is what he said. He was using the huckster con man translation into stupid person translation. If you don't understand the huckster con man language you only hear the stupid person language translation.

Again... he did NOT say what you claim... even the OP was honest enough to acknowledge it was "insinuated" and not directly said. YOU ARE TRANSLATING.... not me, not anyone else! And this is going to FAIL on you as well.

The Gig is UP, pinhead. This shit doesn't work on Trump. He turns it into promotion and takes advantage of the controversy and you morons keep feeding him attention. He sucks up all the oxygen in the room and his poll numbers continue to climb because there's not a damn thing you can do to stop him. You keep hoping THIS is the thing... the thing that brings him down, and it hasn't been... how many things have there been now? His poll numbers continue to climb.

It's pathetic... You Libtards even have the willing assistance of Fox News, (your new BFF) and the establishment GOP, whipped puppy, lapdogs... helping you take down Trump--- and FAILING!


Just like he didn't defame Mexicans and John McCain

How can we have a President who is misunderstood so much? Will he have a translator who follows him around and explains what he really meant?

Well... It was CLAIMED he defamed Mexicans and McCain... both times, Trump turned the controversy into political points. He went from 6.5% to leading the closest competition by double-digits. With the Megyn Kelly flap, I am starting to think it's intentional on his part... he is TRYING to get you to feed on controversy and make a big deal out of something he says... more oxygen for him... less for everyone else. You're too stupid to get what is happening to you and I think it is hilarious as hell! :rofl:

He turned this into political points among REPUBLICAN voters, not among the electorate at large, and certainly not among Latinos.

You fail to see the big picture, which makes me quite happy.

Please, by all means, nominate Trump.

I have a lot or respect for Carly Firorina. I cut her a lot of slack on this because 1) She is from California and 2) She is a woman. However.... ANY Republican who wants to become mired in some silly 'liberal-concocted' banter about tabloid-gossip comments someone made or names being called... with ALL THE ISSUES FACING AMERICAN VOTERS.... is an idiot who is NOT going to win the GOP nomination, and shouldn't win.

The GOP needs you to lead their female voter outreach in 2016. You can tell them that you are giving them slack because they are women. Surely that is going to lead to a massive success for the GOP!


Forward march!!!

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