Trump Going Forward Part 2. Day By Day

Remember our little chat about linking ding bat sites?

Didn't think so. If you have to go lower than CNN or Huffpost, you're in real trouble since you're already scraping the bowels of the internet.
Refute what I'm presenting or stop your pathetic bleating about the source and STFU.
You are spewing Talking Points Memo silliness. You are "presenting" absolutely nothing but unadulterated feces. Even low-lives should have some minimum standard at least.
You are spewing Talking Points Memo silliness. You are "presenting" absolutely nothing but unadulterated feces. Even low-lives should have some minimum standard at least.

Don't you love how he started this asinine thread?

regressiveparasite said:
Yes I know, another Trump thread...but this one will hopefully be different.

Then the sniveling puke goes on to cut and paste the same sort of bullshit all through the thread making exactly just another "whaa!!!! I hate Trump!!! whaa!!!....Thread"

Someone with a functioning frontal lobe could not make themselves look that stupid and expect to be taken seriously.

Congresswoman BLASTS GOP For Confirming Lifelong Racist Jeff Sessions On First Day Of Black History Month (TWEETS) | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Many people observe Black History Month by learning about important African-American figures in our nation’s history or otherwise doing something that isn’t horrible — then there are Republicans, who have their own ways to celebrate.

WATCH: Trump ‘Honors’ Black History Month By Praising Himself And Attacking The Media | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

It’s the first day of Black History Month and Donald Trump was quick to celebrate it inappropriately

During a breakfast in the White House Cabinet Room, Trump said a few words about Black History Month.

During this month we honor the tremendous history of the African-Americans throughout our country, throughout the world if you think about it, right? And this story is one of unimaginable sacrifice, hard work, and faith in America.”

And then after giving a shout out to his token black cabinet member Ben Carson, who heads Housing and Urban Development despite having zero experience, he started bitching about and attacking the media over a report on Trump’s first day that the Martin Luther King bust had been removed from the Oval Office, a mistake that was quickly corrected the same day but Trump still whines about.
How is Trump remaining non influenced when he hires an oil magnate to oversee foreign policy this in no way can remain unbiased the man cannot remain unbiased if he has a stake in big oil. Its just not possible you don't blatant cut your paycheck and money for anyone thats common human survival people. This man just appointed cannot remain uninfluenced and unbiased. Whats to stop him from only catering to countries that benefit his stake in oil?? Not a fucking thing this cannot be allowed to happen the descent of America continues. Lets not mention the fact that the man is a lying sack because he got elected swearing he would prosecute Hillary and not five seconds after winning "Oh I won't prosecute." WTF!! You built a campaign on the fact of prosecuting her and suddenly you backpedal. OK!! Why as Americans are we ok with this lying bullshit. Impeach the man!!
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Just watch............Trump is gonna lift the Russian embargoes sometime in the next six months or so, and then Exxon is gonna run in there and start drilling.
How is Trump remaining non influenced when he hires an oil magnate to oversee foreign policy this in no way can remain unbiased the man cannot remain unbiased if he has a stake in big oil. Its just not possible you don't blatant cut your paycheck and money for anyone thats common human survival people. This man just appointed cannot remain uninfluenced and unbiased. Whats to stop him from only catering to countries that benefit his stake in oil?? Not a fucking thing this cannot be allowed to happen the descent of America continues. Lets not mention the fact that the man is a lying sack because he got elected swearing he would prosecute Hillary and not five seconds after winning "Oh I won't prosecute." WTF!! You built a campaign on the fact of prosecuting her and suddenly you backpedal. OK!! Why as Americans are we ok with this lying bullshit. Impeach the man!!

Stop huffing paint bed wetter.

Whatever that gibberish was, it fits quite well in regressiveparasite's asinine thread.

Today in Trumpland:

U.S. Military Probing More Possible Civilian Deaths In Yemen Raid | The Huffington Post
U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.

As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.
More from Trumpland:

Milo Yiannopoulos Speech At Berkeley Canceled Amid Violent Protests | The Huffington Post
BERKELEY, Calif. ― Violent protests on the University of California, Berkeley’s campus forced school officials to cancel a Wednesday night appearance by right-wing agitator Milo Yiannopoulos.

The Berkeley College Republicans had invited the 32-year-old Breitbart editor and conservative provocateur, who’s been permanently banned from Twitter for harassment, to address an audience of 500.

Donald Trump Defends Conservative Troll Milo Yiannopoulos | The Huffington Post
President Donald Trump lashed out at the University of California, Berkeley on Thursday after the school canceled an appearance by conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos.
If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view - NO FEDERAL FUNDS?

6:13 AM - 2 Feb 2017
Donald Trump Is Breaking His Promise To Be Tough On Wall Street | The Huffington Post

UPDATE: Feb. 3 ― President Donald Trump signed executive orders on Friday that halt the Obama administration’s conflict of interest rule for retirement savings and order a review of the 2010 financial reform rules meant to make banks more stable and less likely to need bailouts.


If there was ever doubt that President Donald Trump’s tough talk on big banks was an empty show, his first 12 days in office have put it to rest.

Trump is governing like a run-of-the-mill, deregulating Wall Street crony, despite his populist campaign rhetoric: His party’s platform pledged to return to the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act, which broke up big financial institutions by separating investment and commercial banking; he vowed to close a tax provision that saves private equity managers billions of dollars; he lambasted his opponent for her ties to Goldman Sachs, and he assailed the bank’s CEO in an election ad.
Trump Order Stops Young Woman From Coming To the U.S. To Do Alzheimer’s Research | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― Esmat Fathi, 28, thought she had done everything she needed to do to start researching Alzheimer’s disease at the University of Memphis in Tennessee this week: She earned a master’s degree, resigned from her job to do applications, got into a Ph.D. program, secured a visa, arranged for a place to stay and bought a flight. But when she checked her cellphone on Monday, she had a message from her friends: Don’t go.
Day 4:

It's sadly fitting that the National Endowment for the Arts, one of the latest targets of President-elect Trump’s insatiable pique, began as an act of hope. While the idea that the arts “have a primary claim” on patriotic Americans can be traced back to a quote from George Washington, the New Deal established the first major federal arts funding for the practical reason of creating jobs during the Depression. By contrast, the 1965 creation of the NEA under President Lyndon B. Johnson embodied, as a history of the agency notes, only “idealistic optimism” that “functioned purely as an escalation of the spirit.” Pretty stirring, right?

Well, say goodbye to that hopey, changey stuff. According to a new report in The Hill, the NEA would be “eliminated entirely” under plans Trump transition staffers are sharing with career White House employees. Same goes for the National Endowment for the Humanities, another independent federal grantmaking agency that was established in 1965 alongside the NEA. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting would, paradoxically, “be privatized.” Artists needn’t feel lonely; the cutbacks would be part of a broader tightening of the purse strings at the departments of Commerce, Energy, Transportation, Justice, and State.What’s at Stake if Trump Kills the National Endowment for the Arts | Pitchfork

The arts have a "primary claim" on Patriotic Americans? I've never seen such a blatantly fascist notion posted in this forum. In a free country, nothing has a claim on you. I am no one's property.
Trump Order Stops Young Woman From Coming To the U.S. To Do Alzheimer’s Research | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― Esmat Fathi, 28, thought she had done everything she needed to do to start researching Alzheimer’s disease at the University of Memphis in Tennessee this week: She earned a master’s degree, resigned from her job to do applications, got into a Ph.D. program, secured a visa, arranged for a place to stay and bought a flight. But when she checked her cellphone on Monday, she had a message from her friends: Don’t go.
Oh, wow, I'm sure that will bring medical science to a halt.
There is something seriously wrong with both of you. But not surprised. You are Trump supporters. Mark my words, he is going down. Won't last a year!!
Not every man goes down on you. Gotta put on your big boy britches and deal with it.
Donald Trump's Company Is Receiving Direct Payments From Foreign Agents Right Now | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump’s business receives direct payments from a registered foreign agent funded by the government of Abu Dhabi.

The U.S. headquarters for the Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority is located on the 22nd floor of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue — just four floors below the president’s penthouse apartment. The authority, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment, promotes tourism to Abu Dhabi, which is part of the United Arab Emirates. It has been registered as a foreign agent with the U.S. Department of Justice since 2012.

Huffington Post, Politico Win Pulitzer Prizes
They gave one of those to a woman who made up a story about a kid on heroin. The Pulitzers aren't known for their good judgement.
Donald Trump Is Breaking His Promise To Be Tough On Wall Street | The Huffington Post

UPDATE: Feb. 3 ― President Donald Trump signed executive orders on Friday that halt the Obama administration’s conflict of interest rule for retirement savings and order a review of the 2010 financial reform rules meant to make banks more stable and less likely to need bailouts.


If there was ever doubt that President Donald Trump’s tough talk on big banks was an empty show, his first 12 days in office have put it to rest.

Trump is governing like a run-of-the-mill, deregulating Wall Street crony, despite his populist campaign rhetoric: His party’s platform pledged to return to the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act, which broke up big financial institutions by separating investment and commercial banking; he vowed to close a tax provision that saves private equity managers billions of dollars; he lambasted his opponent for her ties to Goldman Sachs, and he assailed the bank’s CEO in an election ad.

Yo Patriot, this comes as a surprise? I knew he was gonna sell out to Wall St. when he appointed 5 Goldman Sachs CEO's to his cabinet.

And people thought Hillary was the one with the Wall St. connections.
Today in Trump Land:

WHOA: Steve Bannon Tricked Trump Into Handing Him An INSANE Amount Of Power | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Last week, news broke that white supremacist and former Breitbart head Stever Bannon had been given a seat on the “principals committee” — a role usually reserved for generals — while the roles of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of national intelligence had been “downgraded” and they were told to only attend meetings when issues in their direct area of expertise are being considered.

But why would Trump choose to place this much power in the hands of Steve Bannon? It turns out it wasn’t a choice. The New York Times reports that Trump is signing executive orders without bothering to find out what is in them, and that it was not until after he had signed it that Trump realized one of his numerous executive orders has made Basnnon one of the most powerful men in the country

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