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Trump Goon sucker punches old lady!

The whole story smells. She can be seen approaching FROM BEHIND!! That is the only consistent thing in either story that we can see.

Not good for her at first show. But if he did hit her then what was the immediate cause; did he even KNOW it was a woman...with his eyesight.. and did she touch/manhandle him first?

To which I can only give a solemn "how the hell do I know?" I'll wait for the trial before I make judgement. But be warned, libbies; if SHE manhandled HIM and has lied; it comes back on HILLARY!!!! (Why: because if the bloke is guilty of assault it comes back on TRUMP by YOUR logic!!!

Personally, I agree with Gracie. Neither Candidate can really be blamed for what a fringe player does.

But...if she was on oxygen...why is she yelling DUMP DUMP DUMP at people who want to go to their candidate of choice without being attacked verbally or physically? That is what annoys me most. Its NOBODIES BUSINESS if someone chooses this one or that one. Jeez. Why are our guys dying for our rights and this shit happens? leave them alone!!
Because this is America and she was exercising her First Amendment rights…any more questions?n

Her first ammendment right does not involve walking up behind someone and grabbing them, blind or not.
It does not involve filing a false report.
No argument. No attack by Campell. She grabbed him and he shook her grasp off his arm. She interfered with his ability to leave with his wife from the crowd. Maybe he should charger her with attempted imprisonment when he returns after his surgery?

She layed hands on him.
Who said she grabbed him? Have you a credible source for that statement. I don't believe a bunch of lying Trump supporters..and WHY would she pick THAT old MF to grab with so many other more handsome young men around….

Video shows her follow him and grab him from behind. He did not turn and hit her, he moved his arm to release her attack of him.
He had to be led by his wife because he could not see enough to walk on his own through the crowd. He already had surgery schedualled because his vision was so impaired well before the event.

What right did she have to attack him?

Protest does not mean she has a right to interfer with his ability to leave?

He did not turn and hit her, he moved his arm because his arm had been grabbed from behind and he could not see by whom. He was trying to not loose hold of his wife leading him through the crowd. She was not hit, she tripped and fell when he moved his arm to make her let go.

He did not follow and attack her, she followed and attacked him.

Old, young, left, right, this is not a case of assult, unless he wants to file chargers against her.

watch the video. You will clearly see Campbell trip against a black rubber poll with a white reflector stripe on it. He could not see it and was being lead by his wife leaving the rally. He is holding her left hand with his left hand to follow directly behind her and still hit the poll. after a blur you can see Teter come up directly behind him and reach up with her left hand and grab the top of his shoulder. He had no way of seeing her and she was not just reaching out to grab something to steady her self. She reached up from directly behind him. blur and between people moving around you see him walking off at a normal pace but do not see Teter standing, fall or people rushing to help anyone on the ground at all. Film continues for a few more seconds and no one is trying to focus on anyone on the ground in the immediate area.

If you really can't figure it out, enlarge the image and slow the video down to quarter speed. turn the frame 90 degrees, turn your monitor or tilt your head and watch it.

Another video shows a police man checking on Teter who is sitting on the ground knees lightly bend and making sure she is OK to stand but no evidence then or in the facebook images of her having been hit in the face at all. The walk way is different colors, might be different levels that she might have tripped on. They are not trying to keep her laying down on the ground so they can put her on a stretcher and take her to the hospital which would be the normal procedure. She was not rushed to the hospital because she was hurt, she stayed and was taking selfies with the other protesters for a time with a bandage on her elbow. She must have scratched her arm when she fell. hardly and ER emergency. No ER emergency visit would have had her back with the protesters within minutes.

If you don't see, it is only because you don't want to see the evidence

ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) - Police say they arrested five people at Donald Trump's rally Monday night in Asheville, and as of publishing have warrants out for two more people.

Police plan to arrest Richard Campbell of Edisto Island, South Carolina for assault on a female.

That female is 69-year-old Shirley Teter.

She has protested her whole life, she said. Now, she adds Trump's campaign to the list of things she's protested against.

"Why did I get involved yesterday, at my age? Because I ran into another situation that was sickening my heart," she said Tuesday afternoon, outside Cafe 64 in downtown Asheville.

Protesters met Trump supporters before the rally, and Teter was having fun.

"Whenever groups of them would start chanting 'Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!' I would chant back, 'Dump! Dump! Dump! Dump!' It was kind of comical," Teter said.

After the rally, Teter experienced something she had never seen in all of her protests. Peace teetered over into something else.

"I said, 'You better learn to speak Russian,' and I said, 'The first two words are going to be ha ha.' He stopped in his tracks, and he turned around and just cold-cocked me," Teter said.

She was punched in the face.[/QUOT
Well, I dunno. You conservatives tell me that most of the White prison inmates are Democrats…they aint no pussies.
I never heard that before. Sounds made up.

Stop lying, leftists!

Just because you have big ears doesn't mean you hear everything. Ted Cruz said it! Did he make it up?
I don't know. Does it matter? Democrats and felons can't vote.
But they can avenge their moms being sucker punched by a RW pussy!
Lol! Ain't nobody afraid of you little noodly armed faggots. I wish one of you twerps would try me some day. Last liberal that tried me got his eye socket shattered.

Oh look! An Internet tough guy! So scary!
Dad never told mom who he was voting for...nor did she tell him. Wise decision. ;)

7 Tips for Keeping Your Man (from the 1950s)

You are having a tough time with this thread. You want to denounce the violence...but you just can't do it fully. You must find some wiggle room for the perp. ""Oh......why must protesters raise their voices when protesting!?"

I figured you to be wise enough to have dropped Trump cold by now. It's beyond the point of stupid, you know. If you actively support Trump....you are a stupid person.
"She has protested her whole life, she said. Now, she adds Trump's campaign to the list of things she's protested against."

In other words; she's a professional. Nice touch with the oxygen tube! She's full of shit. And a professional agitator. I hope she really does get sucker punched. Hopefully some "Urban Youth" will use the back of her head for a game of knockout. These filthy Libs will stop at nothing in futile attempts to deny Trump the presidency. I've got an idea Libs... Here's something you haven't tried yet. This will work for sure. I promise. Try it.

Better luck next time fuckers. See you in November.

The guy that was arrested said that.

What do you expect him to do - confess on the spot?


And please have the damn sense to not use Breitbart as a source.

That rag has NEVER printed a true story.

Oh, yeah we should use the New York Times that cut its teeth on defending Stalin from charges that he was starving millions of his own people?

roflmao, you idiots never like any site that is not under the ideological control of other Marxists.

And the video does not lie and clearly shows that the old hag made her story up. There was not words exchanged, she just invented that, but she surprised an old man by grabbing his shoulder from behind and now wants to play the victim.

Piss off.
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Why does everyone connect every stranger that goes to a rally to the person holding the rally as if they personally hand picked each one attending? So an asshole hit an old woman at a Trump rally...is it Trumps fault? Nope.

The guy is effectively blind and was being led by the arm by his wife. Then some idiot grabs him from behind and he reflexively defends himself.

Not sure how that makes the blind guy an ass hole.
Of course she was. Trump bans press from his rallies if he doesn't like them. Imagine what he would do as president.

My God, that was back almost 6 months ago.

How many times are you libtards going to trot that little snippet out after all the looting and burning your fucktards have pulled off?
Where did you read he was blind?
The video showed the old guy being led by the arm by his wife and you want to know where the doctors diagnosis is that states by a qualified surgeon that he was indeed clinically blind?

It just bugs me that a man would punch an old woman in the face and some think its ok.

She grabbed him aggressively and that is assault.

So you have a problem with a guy punching someone who is assaulting him just because she is a she?

Gracie, you are living in a fantasy world, and the libtards have demonstrated quite amply that they have absolutely ZERO problems with assaulting women for nothing more than wearing a Trump T-Shirt..
Because this is America and she was exercising her First Amendment rights…any more questions?n

She committed assault by grabbing the guy.

Fuck the old hag for being an obnoxious moron and for also being a huge wimp for complaining about the guy shaking her off.

The whole thing was staged.
Like you talking smack to me would ever happen in real life. Lmao! You should be glad you have a screen to hide behind and vent after being pushed around and not doing anything about it like a little bitch all day at work, pussy.
It has been more than 20 years since I have seen a white liberal male with any backbone. They run their mouths and just ASSume that no one will fight back, and usually they are correct.

Till they aren't.....

Good vibes. And then idiots come and crash the party and seem to be the aggressors. This video definitely doesn't collaborate this woman's claims.

The video doesn't collaborate anything…. It is useless.

Well, if it's the same incident, it shows that there likely wasn't the huge conversational build-up that that lady is alleging.

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