Trump & GOPers...Enriched By Last Minute Tax Break Inserted Into Final Bill

None of that is true. No you stupid asses. Come March there will be no masses in the streets protesting fatter paychecks.

IDIOT..........(but indeed Tipsy)..........For a few years, most middle class families will get about $900 spread over 12 months.......While bastards like Trump will realize MILLIONS.......and THEN, come 2025, Trump will still get his tax breaks, while the middle class' tax breaks STOP........

And the real BEAUT .....the middle class has another added $1.4 TRILLION debt to pay back.

Go have another drink with Hannity.
Your meth habit keeps you from simple arithmetic.

See what happens. If the public doesn't like lower taxes they can make that known.

If people are making more money, they will not care that the people who pay the most taxes get the biggest cut.

Now go squeeze your pimples.
Big winners Trump Trump family Trump friends s Tipsy??? doo doo
I notice you left out how much you paid in income tax, since you have no problem demanding others pay more, please tell us how much you paid and how much more you think you should have paid, and then I will tell you how much more you really should have paid to keep all of your "entitlements" solvent.
Last year about 55000

I will guess $55K/0.20 = $275K
Almost double and I could be paying a bit more Don't quite remember

That's the problem with lies Comrade, they're hard to remember...
LOL 50k here 50k there soon you'll be talking about real money
Democrats believe that Americans would hurt themselves If it would hurt the rich. If Americans have to accept less money for themselves they will gladly do it as long as the rich pay more.

None of that is true. No you stupid asses. Come March there will be no masses in the streets protesting fatter paychecks.
Do you know who profits most from this tax bill? Donald J Trump.
How much?
We can’t be sure because the fraud still won’t release his tax returns so Americans can see how much it benefits him.
Suckebee Sanders lied AGAIN today why he won’t release them. “ He’s under audit.”
Which everyone knows you can release your taxes if being audited..
Have you ever called out even one lie by Trump or Sanders?
Of course not. Selling your soul to the devil is a complete act..
This OP is FAKE NEWS, also ignorant. Another thread already printed this fake news over the weekend and BS was called on it.
Liars like you are just way too easy.

Republicans Reportedly Add Even Bigger Tax Cut for the Rich

The GOP tax bill has a last-minute change that could be a huge win for Sen. Bob Corker and Donald Trump
Brought it up to 80+ % going to the top 1%

Say Comrade dumbasdirt, don't the top 1% pay 90% of the taxes? So aren't the getting LESS of a break?
Yes that’s the main sticking point about this bill with the American people. The rich aren’t getting quite enough in this bill.
I swear. You people are fucking crazy.
Democrats believe that Americans would hurt themselves If it would hurt the rich. If Americans have to accept less money for themselves they will gladly do it as long as the rich pay more.

None of that is true. No you stupid asses. Come March there will be no masses in the streets protesting fatter paychecks.
Whenever a trump whore starts a sentence with the words “ Democrats believe” a lie is sure to follow.
None of that is true. No you stupid asses. Come March there will be no masses in the streets protesting fatter paychecks.

IDIOT..........(but indeed Tipsy)..........For a few years, most middle class families will get about $900 spread over 12 months.......While bastards like Trump will realize MILLIONS.......and THEN, come 2025, Trump will still get his tax breaks, while the middle class' tax breaks STOP........

And the real BEAUT .....the middle class has another added $1.4 TRILLION debt to pay back.

Go have another drink with Hannity.
Your meth habit keeps you from simple arithmetic.

See what happens. If the public doesn't like lower taxes they can make that known.

If people are making more money, they will not care that the people who pay the most taxes get the biggest cut.

Now go squeeze your pimples.
Big winners Trump Trump family Trump friends s Tipsy??? doo doo
I notice you left out how much you paid in income tax, since you have no problem demanding others pay more, please tell us how much you paid and how much more you think you should have paid, and then I will tell you how much more you really should have paid to keep all of your "entitlements" solvent.
Last year about 55000

I will guess $55K/0.20 = $275K
Almost double and I could be paying a bit more Don't quite remember

That's the problem with lies Comrade, they're hard to remember...
LOL 50k here 50k there soon you'll be talking about real money

How would a welfare rat like you know?

Seriously, you have an IQ in the low 80's, didn't finish Jr. High, but you're FABULOUSLY WEALTHY.

In 40 years on the internet, I have yet to meet a single Marxist who isn't FABULOUSLY WEALTHY...

This OP is FAKE NEWS, also ignorant. Another thread already printed this fake news over the weekend and BS was called on it.
Liars like you are just way too easy.

Republicans Reportedly Add Even Bigger Tax Cut for the Rich

The GOP tax bill has a last-minute change that could be a huge win for Sen. Bob Corker and Donald Trump
Brought it up to 80+ % going to the top 1%

Say Comrade dumbasdirt, don't the top 1% pay 90% of the taxes? So aren't the getting LESS of a break?
Yes that’s the main sticking point about this bill with the American people. The rich aren’t getting quite enough in this bill.
I swear. You people are fucking crazy.

The main sticking points is that you Communist are a bunch of lying fucks and too many still believe the flat out lies of the Communist press.

The problem you Stalinists have is that about February, Americans will start seeing a LOT more in their paychecks.

The lies of the little Goebbels at CNN won't mean much then.
None of that is true. No you stupid asses. Come March there will be no masses in the streets protesting fatter paychecks.

IDIOT..........(but indeed Tipsy)..........For a few years, most middle class families will get about $900 spread over 12 months.......While bastards like Trump will realize MILLIONS.......and THEN, come 2025, Trump will still get his tax breaks, while the middle class' tax breaks STOP........

And the real BEAUT .....the middle class has another added $1.4 TRILLION debt to pay back.

Go have another drink with Hannity.
Your meth habit keeps you from simple arithmetic.

See what happens. If the public doesn't like lower taxes they can make that known.

If people are making more money, they will not care that the people who pay the most taxes get the biggest cut.

Now go squeeze your pimples.
Big winners Trump Trump family Trump friends s Tipsy??? doo doo
Last year about 55000

I will guess $55K/0.20 = $275K
Almost double and I could be paying a bit more Don't quite remember

That's the problem with lies Comrade, they're hard to remember...
LOL 50k here 50k there soon you'll be talking about real money

How would a welfare rat like you know?

Seriously, you have an IQ in the low 80's, didn't finish Jr. High, but you're FABULOUSLY WEALTHY.

In 40 years on the internet, I have yet to meet a single Marxist who isn't FABULOUSLY WEALTHY...

UN If I had a shit I wouldn't give it You and the rest of your traitors here are idiots And I really don't care what TF you believe
This OP is FAKE NEWS, also ignorant. Another thread already printed this fake news over the weekend and BS was called on it.
Liars like you are just way too easy.

Republicans Reportedly Add Even Bigger Tax Cut for the Rich

The GOP tax bill has a last-minute change that could be a huge win for Sen. Bob Corker and Donald Trump
Brought it up to 80+ % going to the top 1%

Say Comrade dumbasdirt, don't the top 1% pay 90% of the taxes? So aren't the getting LESS of a break?
Yes that’s the main sticking point about this bill with the American people. The rich aren’t getting quite enough in this bill.
I swear. You people are fucking crazy.

The main sticking points is that you Communist are a bunch of lying fucks and too many still believe the flat out lies of the Communist press.

The problem you Stalinists have is that about February, Americans will start seeing a LOT more in their paychecks.

The lies of the little Goebbels at CNN won't mean much then.
LOL so you believe trump when he says he's not making anything with this tax deal?

Say Comrade dumbasdirt, don't the top 1% pay 90% of the taxes? So aren't the getting LESS of a break?
Yes that’s the main sticking point about this bill with the American people. The rich aren’t getting quite enough in this bill.
I swear. You people are fucking crazy.

The main sticking points is that you Communist are a bunch of lying fucks and too many still believe the flat out lies of the Communist press.

The problem you Stalinists have is that about February, Americans will start seeing a LOT more in their paychecks.

The lies of the little Goebbels at CNN won't mean much then.
LOL so you believe trump when he says he's not making anything with this tax deal?

Look Eddie, you're not very bright, it's why you're on welfare... The tax bill was crafted by the house and Senate. Trump had nothing to do with writing it.
Listening to you regressives squeal like this is music to my ears.

This fact won't help you come November or in 2020
That graph is BS.....

What that BS graph does NOT show is the millions of Americans working again - the most Americans working at one time ever....

It does not show the historic decrease of unemployment and the return of Americans to work
- Lowest unemployment in decades
- Lowest minority unemployment for minorities in recorded history

The graph does not show the massive decline in Americans dependent on govt hand-outs (Food Stamps, Welfare, and unemployment) .. and on DEMOCRATS

That graph does not show that with the return of all of these workers to the work force with jobs the cost to tax payers for social programs goes down while the amount of tax revenue goes up as there are millions more Americans working, getting paid, and paying taxes...

Liberals and snowflakes are actually sad / depressed that more and more Americans are becoming more independent....because that means they don't need Democrats and their hand-outs as much...which means less votes for them to keep the 'freebies' flowing....

Liberals want an economically depressed/oppressed, beat-down, poor, dependent people who desperately rely on the Democrats and their hand-outs to makes the people easier to control...and rule.
That graph is BS.....

What that BS graph does NOT show is the millions of Americans working again - the most Americans working at one time ever....

It does not show the historic decrease of unemployment and the return of Americans to work
- Lowest unemployment in decades
- Lowest minority unemployment for minorities in recorded history

The graph does not show the massive decline in Americans dependent on govt hand-outs (Food Stamps, Welfare, and unemployment) .. and on DEMOCRATS

That graph does not show that with the return of all of these workers to the work force with jobs the cost to tax payers for social programs goes down while the amount of tax revenue goes up as there are millions more Americans working, getting paid, and paying taxes...

Liberals and snowflakes are actually sad / depressed that more and more Americans are becoming more independent....because that means they don't need Democrats and their hand-outs as much...which means less votes for them to keep the 'freebies' flowing....

Liberals want an economically depressed/oppressed, beat-down, poor, dependent people who desperately rely on the Democrats and their hand-outs to makes the people easier to control...and rule.
Bullshit!!! Oh, thanks for the low paying jobs.

Also, back when Obama's unemployment numbers were low you guys didn't believe those numbers. Now you want us to believe your numbers? Coming from the liar n chief?

You didn't need to give that tax break to the rich and corporations. Remember back when Obama was president you guys all admitted that GE wasn't paying any taxes? So why the fuck did you give them more tax breaks? Dumb fuckers.

So bfd the stock market is up a little and wages are up A LITTLE after that huge tax give away. The short term bump isn't worth it.

70% of Trumps tax break went to stock buy backs. The other 30 went to CEO's and VP's. They are employees too so of course that shows up in the wages for workers.

And I can prove Republicans are full of shit. When we ask, "did you get a raise?" Republicans know most average workers didn't get a raise since Trump's tax break so they point to the stock market. Same shit they did on Bush's watch. How did that work after his great stock market took a huge dump? Who benefitted from Bushanomics? The rich. Buy low sell high.
That graph is BS.....

What that BS graph does NOT show is the millions of Americans working again - the most Americans working at one time ever....

It does not show the historic decrease of unemployment and the return of Americans to work
- Lowest unemployment in decades
- Lowest minority unemployment for minorities in recorded history

The graph does not show the massive decline in Americans dependent on govt hand-outs (Food Stamps, Welfare, and unemployment) .. and on DEMOCRATS

That graph does not show that with the return of all of these workers to the work force with jobs the cost to tax payers for social programs goes down while the amount of tax revenue goes up as there are millions more Americans working, getting paid, and paying taxes...

Liberals and snowflakes are actually sad / depressed that more and more Americans are becoming more independent....because that means they don't need Democrats and their hand-outs as much...which means less votes for them to keep the 'freebies' flowing....

Liberals want an economically depressed/oppressed, beat-down, poor, dependent people who desperately rely on the Democrats and their hand-outs to makes the people easier to control...and rule.
Also, I got a huge raise in 2017 but it was because of my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. But Trump will get credit for my increased wages.

You are BS.
Bullshit!!! Oh, thanks for the low paying jobs.

More 'Crumbs' BS from the butt-hurt snowflakes who, like Nancy Pelosi, want to try to convince Americans that all this success is 'bad' for America.


It's NOT bad for AMERICA. As pointed out, it's bad for DEMOCRATS! :p
That graph is BS.....

What that BS graph does NOT show is the millions of Americans working again - the most Americans working at one time ever....

It does not show the historic decrease of unemployment and the return of Americans to work
- Lowest unemployment in decades
- Lowest minority unemployment for minorities in recorded history

The graph does not show the massive decline in Americans dependent on govt hand-outs (Food Stamps, Welfare, and unemployment) .. and on DEMOCRATS

That graph does not show that with the return of all of these workers to the work force with jobs the cost to tax payers for social programs goes down while the amount of tax revenue goes up as there are millions more Americans working, getting paid, and paying taxes...

Liberals and snowflakes are actually sad / depressed that more and more Americans are becoming more independent....because that means they don't need Democrats and their hand-outs as much...which means less votes for them to keep the 'freebies' flowing....

Liberals want an economically depressed/oppressed, beat-down, poor, dependent people who desperately rely on the Democrats and their hand-outs to makes the people easier to control...and rule.

Republicans claimed they were going to give the workers raises. Nearly all of the money has gone to stock buybacks or to shareholders. I knew it was a lie. Also deficits are skyrocketing. For a lot of people, the small increase in take home pay is nice but not game changing. The unemployment rate was 4.7% when Trump took over.

The question is whether the need for social programs is down because Republicans are telling the poor to drop dead. Right now it looks like the former. Food banks are still seeing high demand.


If you look at the blue, you see it dominated by red states or states that have been dominated by Republicans. Of the big states, Texas and Florida are the bluest while other states are not as bad off. Texas, Michigan and Florida have had Republican Governors and Republican state legislatures.

The fact is that we are still seeing problems in the country. Real wages are not increasing and that is a problem that has plagued both Obama and Trump. However Trump passed a tax cut for businesses that was supposed to help. It has not.

Who's using the social safety net? More and more, it's the middle class
Republican congressional leaders and real estate moguls could be personally enriched by a real-estate-related provision GOP lawmakers slipped into the final tax bill released Friday evening, according to experts interviewed by International Business Times. The legislative language was not part of previous versions of the bill and was added despite ongoing conflict-of-interest questions about the intertwining real estate interests and governmental responsibilities of President Donald Trump — the bill’s chief proponent.

(and, of course, remember Corker is a real estate mogul.....)

Screwed again.......

Donald Trump And GOP Leaders Could Be Enriched By Last Minute Tax Break Inserted Into Final Bill

Remember that $1800 in tax breaks I said I got under Trump's bullshit tax breaks for the rich?

US tariffs on China could cost American households $1,000 per year, JPMorgan says - CNN

Half of it gone because of Trump's trade war with GINA.
Republican congressional leaders and real estate moguls could be personally enriched by a real-estate-related provision GOP lawmakers slipped into the final tax bill released Friday evening, according to experts interviewed by International Business Times. The legislative language was not part of previous versions of the bill and was added despite ongoing conflict-of-interest questions about the intertwining real estate interests and governmental responsibilities of President Donald Trump — the bill’s chief proponent.

(and, of course, remember Corker is a real estate mogul.....)

Screwed again.......

Donald Trump And GOP Leaders Could Be Enriched By Last Minute Tax Break Inserted Into Final Bill

Remember that $1800 in tax breaks I said I got under Trump's bullshit tax breaks for the rich?

US tariffs on China could cost American households $1,000 per year, JPMorgan says - CNN

Half of it gone because of Trump's trade war with GINA.
/—-/ Don’t buy the cheap Chinese crap. Problem solved.
Republican congressional leaders and real estate moguls could be personally enriched by a real-estate-related provision GOP lawmakers slipped into the final tax bill released Friday evening, according to experts interviewed by International Business Times. The legislative language was not part of previous versions of the bill and was added despite ongoing conflict-of-interest questions about the intertwining real estate interests and governmental responsibilities of President Donald Trump — the bill’s chief proponent.

(and, of course, remember Corker is a real estate mogul.....)

Screwed again.......

Donald Trump And GOP Leaders Could Be Enriched By Last Minute Tax Break Inserted Into Final Bill

Another case of TDS here kids. Don't shoot up Mexicon Heroine kids.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you.

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