Trump Guilty!

If they try to jail Trump, then we will know it's yet another alledged "steal an election" tactic or strategy possibly and carefully collaborated by a party hell bent on keeping power at all or any cost. The perps are hiding behind the (hey it's the jury thing), otherwise separating themselves by that tactic to be used when being questioned about the case. Watch at how much infasis they'll put upon this jury now, and how they had nothing to do with any persuasion and tampering with the jury when it made it's decision. Yes they are trying to wash their hands immediately of the case after they acheived their goal of what it yielded for them in the way that it was all set up.
Bullshit. The only party hell bent on taking and keeping power at all costs is the Republican party.
So what?

A group of rabid democrats found Trump “guilty” of charges they didn’t even understand

We the Jury find the Orange Man Bad! Very Bad, your Honor, just like you told us!

Life goes on

No rioting

No buildings burning

See the Biden Body Double in November (unless he’s replaced in July)
Watch the FBI will do another Oklahoma City false flag, probably in NY, cuz yannow, we’re all deplorables

“I saw a guy in a red MAGA hat run out of the building just before the explosion”
If they try to jail Trump, then we will know it's yet another alledged "steal an election" tactic or strategy possibly and carefully collaborated by a party hell bent on keeping power at all or any cost. The perps are hiding behind the (hey it's the jury thing), otherwise separating themselves by that tactic to be used when being questioned about the case. Watch at how much infasis they'll put upon this jury now, and how they had nothing to do with any persuasion and tampering with the jury when it made it's decision. Yes they are trying to wash their hands immediately of the case after they acheived their goal of what it yielded for them in the way that it was all set up.
Zero credibility to that charge, which is why even the MSM doesn’t talk about it.

Meanwhile Tara Raede was sexually assaulted by Biden and has the receipts. But he’s a Dem so no one will ever charge him.
Trump was never sued for raping a 13 year old which is why you never hear about it.
If he is “nothing” why do you start 5 threads a day about him? 😂
They fear Donald Trump like no other, because they've worked way to hard over the year's normalizing and gaining foot holds in some of the most sacred area's of the American culture. They fear that he will try to represent the people who didn't welcome with open arms what the leftist were trying to introduce to them and their families.
They fear Donald Trump like no other, because they've worked way to hard over the year's normalizing and gaining foot holds in some of the most sacred area's of the American culture. They fear that he will try to represent the people who didn't welcome with open arms what the leftist were trying to introduce to them and their families.
Nobody fears Trump. The mf is a criminal and it's time you guys started to see this instead of inventing a man that doesn't exist out of this asshole.
History will condemn those who are defending this disgraceful perversion of justice. Trump did the exact same thing that Hillary did: he falsified campaign finance documents to conceal a payment for a non-campaign expense. Hillary falsely identified the payment for the phony Steele dossier as a "legal expense." She and the DNC later settled with the FEC by paying fines for this deception. Why wasn't Trump allowed to do the same thing?

What makes the prosecution of Trump even more shady and outrageous is that the statute of limitations for this campaign finance violation had already expired when Bragg filed the charges. Bragg got around this huge hurdle by making the ludicrous claim that Trump concealed the hush money payment in order to alter the outcome of the 2016 election, a charge for which not one shred of hard evidence was offered at trial.

You could say the same thing, with more credence, about Hillary's payment for the Steele dossier--that it was intended to alter the outcome of an election. In her case, the production of the Steele dossier most certainly and clearly was intended to alter the outcome of the 2016 election, yet she was allowed to simply pay a fine for falsely billing the payment as a legal expense.

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