Trump Guilty!

That is a lie. What is not a lie is that your guy Trump was sued for raping a 13 year old along with his best buddy Jeff Epstein. What is nkt lie is that Trump himself has stated he wantEd to date his daughter. What is not a lie is that Trump was found liable for sexual battery. What is not a lie is that Trump woul barge into the rooms of teenage age girls when he owned those pageants. Try again Trumper.
The Ashley Biden diary has been confirmed to be legitimate.

Your pants-shitting senile "president" is also an incestuous pedo.
They are about to nominate a Convicted Felon
They are nominating the man who launched an attack on our Capitol on Jan 6
They are nominating a former President who was impeached twice

History will condemn those who nominated him and those who supported him
It's hard to imagine the sinking any lower, isn't it?

However, they have surprised me every single time I thought they'd reached the bottom, and don't expect them to disappoint me this time either..
Zero credibility to that charge, which is why even the MSM doesn’t talk about it.

Meanwhile Tara Raede was sexually assaulted by Biden and has the receipts. But he’s a Dem so no one will ever charge him.
Wrong. You quote a stolen diary like it is truth though Ashley Biden has never anything negative about her father. Trump raped a 13 year old girl along with his bestie Jeff Epstein. It was also around this time he raped E. Jean Carol, so it all fits in.
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Bullshit. This is the United States. We've kicked way bigger ass than Donald Trump.

Let me make this clear for the Trump cult.

Donald Trump is nothing. He's less than nothing. A common criminal. Nothing more . Nothing less.
If he is “nothing” why do you start 5 threads a day about him? 😂
If they try to jail Trump, then we will know it's yet another alledged "steal an election" tactic or strategy possibly and carefully collaborated by a party hell bent on keeping power at all or any cost. The perps are hiding behind the (hey it's the jury thing), otherwise separating themselves by that tactic to be used when being questioned about the case. Watch at how much infasis they'll put upon this jury now, and how they had nothing to do with any persuasion and tampering with the jury when it made it's decision. Yes they are trying to wash their hands immediately of the case after they acheived their goal of what it yielded for them in the way that it was all set up.

The jury did not have to rely on just Cohen’s word. They convicted because of the receipts, the tapes and the hard evidence.
So overwhelming they couldn't name a crime.

It's all bullshit and will be overturned by a non corrupt Court.
Wrong. You quote a stolen diary like it is truth though Ashley Biden has never anything negative about her father. Trump raped Taht girl along with his bestie Jeff Eepstein. It was also around this time he raped E. Jean Carol, so it all fits in.
Tara Reade had no receipts. Biden welcomed the investigation. They had the investigation and Reade changed her story several times.
If he is “nothing” why do you start 5 threads a day about him? 😂
The Ashley Biden diary has been confirmed to be legitimate.

Your pants-shitting senile "president" is also an incestuous pedo.
Ashley Biden has never made any negative comments about her father and never brought any type of legal action. Your man Trump was found liable for rape and was sued for child rape.
The cult simply doesn't understand a lot of what is going on.

They see their orange god as the epitome of power and truth.

In reality, he, his family, and his lawyers are incompetent, low IQ lightweights, compared to the people they are up against.

The cult's programming will never allow them to see this.

So we will have to excuse the cultists somewhat, if they have bizarre fits of rage and sadness. The human mind does not react well to such dissonance.

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