Trump Guilty!

They've jumped the shark.

A mis-trial is in order, because the jury pool and this judge was badly tainted. A lady juror is proving that she had extreme bias against Trump, yet she wasn't adressed by the judge.

The judge might be hoping for chaos and violence to come about after shockingly and immediately telling the jury that they can run right out and tell everyone what they done and why they did it. Anyone ever heard of such an out of line bull shite speak from a judge knowing how volatile the case was for many American's who are running high on emotions afterwards?

I pray everyone stays peaceful, and that everyone awaits the appeal that will be coming after such a botched case. No need to fall victim to these Democrat tactics or blunders. Time to get smart, and never get evil.

The country is in a spin now, but hang in there America, and put it in the Lord's hand's. He'll guide us in the right way.

The left said that it will destroy Trump with a thousand cuts back in 2016, and they are doing exactly what they said they were going to do. Like I said all one has to do is go back and use their own words to figure out how it all goes together.
So, you think you’re “winning”? America lost today.
America lost the moment they began charging Trump with crimes. That aside, this is a win the the US because, now Trump will for sure be elected. The only thing that matters on election night is voter motivation. Biden voters have none and Trumps voters have all the voter motivation any president could ever hope for. This election is over.
Trump was convicted. Face it.

Biden won't be convicted. He has committed no crimes.
Convicted by who? And convict of what? The prosecution threw it in during their final speech. Didn’t let the defense counter. That’s tyranny of the majority. Democracy is alive and well. The majority jails their competition.
faints dead away

You have never respected my opinion.

Trump's sentence will be unsupervised probation. He will be given deference never given before to a felon.

He will be allowed to leave the state at will.

In short, not much.

But he will go down in history as the only former president to be convicted of a felony. He will go down in history as a criminal.

This will be in the history books.

That's punishment enough for me.

For his other crimes, though, he definitely should go to prison. Attempting to overthrow our democracy and stealing our most guarded secrets are the worst kind of treason.
Biden is next to be prosecuted. I mean both father and son.
Except Democrats are also changing their affiliation ms too. They see the tyranny of the Democrats too.
  • As of March 2024, 45 million registered voters in these areas identified themselves as Democrats. At 38.28%, Democrats represented the single largest share of registered voters in the states and territories that allow voters to indicate partisan affiliation on their registration forms.
  • A total of 35.7 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans, representing 30.35% of registered voters in these areas.
  • A total of 32.5 million registered voters identified themselves as independents or unaffiliated with any political party. This amounted to 27.67% of registered voters in these areas.

I left the GOP in 2017 after Trump was elected, and registered as an Independent.

I gave up hope the GOP would return to sanity any time soon.

No matter how long Trump lives, he will never be a Republican as long as I was.

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