Trump Guilty!

What I said in 2016 and in 2020 still holds true for 2024.

The election will be decided by how many voters can be convinced to stay home on Election Day.

James Comey and Wikileaks caused a large number of Clinton voters to stay home.

If voters had known about Stormy Daniels, so close to the Hollywood Access tape being released, the election would have gone the other way.

In 2020, Trump had handled the pandemic so catastrophically, and had failed on nearly all of his big promises, a lot of Trump voters stayed home. And the rest of America kicked his tiny orange balls over the moon.

Now we will find out how many Trump voters find this conviction a bridge too far.
Because he is a serial liar.

DJT is down in after hours trading.

You freakish cultists think everyone else is as embarrassingly cultish as you are. Because you still think you are normal. You aren't. That ship sailed long ago.
Says a cultists that stands behind some of the most outrageous, deplorable, nasty Democrat partiers that has ever been in collaboration together in these modern times right ???

No way does God allow you people to continue your tyranny against the American people in this way.

Somehow you people have overthrown natural order and common decency, and it won't stand. Trump is just a target because he decided to work to help the citizen's against what he already knew was the agenda.

He wasn't an angel, but his commitment to serving the people against the tyranny of the Democrats basically signed his political death warrant. If it wasn't Trump it would be the same for DeSantis, Cruz, Tim Scott or any other Republican who dare challenge what the Democrat's have going, and what their nasty plan is for the future of this country.

It's not like anyone hasn't seen a preview of the nasty bull shite yet, so trying to act all innocent ain't going to help at all, nor will the tactic of projection in order to try and deflect.
Yes, they are telling themselves this conviction owned the libs.

We're talking a seven pounds of brain damage level of insanity.
Run your mouths all you want, but it won't wash the stinch from your souls.
Run your mouths all you want, but it won't wash the stinch from your souls.
Yes, I have a lot of stink on my soul.

Three marriages.

Cheating on all three wives.

Fucking a porn star while my newborn is being nursed at home by my third wife.

Fucking a Playboy model while my newborn is being nursed at home by my third wife.

Stealing from cancer kids.

Stealing from the elderly at my fake university.

Bearing false witness against anyone and everyone who opposes me.

Running a foundation so fraudulent, it was shut down.

Running an organization so fraudulent, it was shut down.

Busting into underaged girls dressing rooms to catch them naked, and bragging about it on the air.

Saying out loud to the world my daughter is a hot piece of ass. Saying I would fuck her if she wasn't my daughter.

Defrauding banks.

Defrauding insurance companies.

Defrauding investors.

Bragging about grabbing pussies.

Bragging about trying to fuck married women.'re right. I have a lot of stink on my soul.

Oh wait....
the jury wasn't pulled from an area that voted nearly 90% for Briben ? are all homos as dishonest as you are ?

Here's an idea. Don't break the law in a place which will hold you accountable.

I mean, Trump could go on a shooting spree in Alabama and walk free.

But he fucked up. He broke the law in a place willing to hold him to account.

And now he's being a whiny orange bitch about it.
that donny shouldn't have committed them thar 34 crimes.
Oh you mean the ones that the statute had long run out on, but then viola you crooked Dems (if the shoe fits),found some kind of bull shite hole to bring these things back up (hoping the people wouldn't say "hey wait a dam minute here"), how is any of this relevant now, and especially in the middle of an election season ?
I had nothing to do with any riots, fuckwit.

And yes, you are goddam right January 6 was worse. The terrorists attempted to stop the certification of an election and therefore to overthrow our democracy.

Trump had traitors in the House and the Senate standing by to support his coup should Pence obey his orders. Ted Cruz, the world leader of cucks everywhere, was the first to rise to stop the certification.

Trump also had illegal electors in seven states as part of the coup.

We came damned close to losing our democracy. Thank God Mike Pence found his spine.

It does not get worse than that.

Your feeble attempt to downplay the significance of that day is beyond the pale.

had nothing to do with any riots, fuckwit.
And I had nothing to do with J6

And yes, you are goddam right January 6 was worse. The terrorists attempted to stop the certification of an election and therefore to overthrow our democracy.

So you think an attempt to have the elections returned to the states to recount and reverify is worse than what happened in 2020? I don’t.

Trump had traitors in the House and the Senate standing by to support his coup should Pence obey his orders. Ted Cruz, the world leader of cucks everywhere, was the first to rise to stop the certification.

So you REALLY think if they had succeeded that day, that trump would have been installed and remain as president? Come on, I thought you were smarter than that.

Trump also had illegal electors in seven states as part of the coup.

Every state has alternate slates of electors

We came damned close to losing our democracy. Thank God Mike Pence found his spine.

I…I just don’t know what to say to this. That you think a few hundred people..a handful of which were armed with sticks, were going to seize permanent control of the government…is beyond me. Do you have that little faith in our armed services, our police?

Your feeble attempt to downplay the significance of that day is beyond the pale.

Oh, that day was significant for sure. An attack on the capitol is a serious thing, but I just don’t believe there was some grand plot to seize control of the government. Hell, probably half the people there didn’t even know the full extent of the plan to try to return electors to the states. They just got caught up in the moment and, along with agitators in the crowd, got riled up because they thought the election had been stolen, and did some stupid stuff.

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