Trump Guilty!

Now why would Trump delay something with Cohen, otherwise that was going to save his ace in the election according to you dipsticks ? You people keep running your mouths until you place your entire damned foot into it.
Because that is what Trump does. He delays and delays. He's done it to countless contractors, lawyers, and Cohen.

It's his thing.

In Cohen's case, Trump was hoping to run out the clock. He felt that if he could delay Daniels until after the election, then he could tell her to fuck off.

But Cohen knew better. He knew the clock was running out BEFORE the election. Stormy wasn't stupid. She knew her leverage would be gone after the election.

Trump is stupid. I mean really stupid. There is a mountain of evidence of just how stupid.

Or as one cabinet member put it, he's a "fucking moron".

This is a guy who thinks George Washington took over the airports, okay? He thinks we should inject ourselves with detergent and bright light.

He's an idiot.

Cohen isn't.
You and Trump and all the other useful idiots are using the same, boring tactic of repeating a lie enough times bleeving it magically becomes true with repetition.

This is exactly how delusions are created. Exactly.

You have all become mentally ill. Your heads are so full of hoaxes and lies and conspiracy theories, I think you may never make it back to reality.

That's why I quit the GOP in 2017. I held out hope for way too many years you idiots would snap out of your insanity.

With the election of one of the world's biggest grifter turds, I realized that was probably not going to happen in my lifetime.
Oh now you are going to say that the indoctronation of children wasn't part of the agenda, and the normalizing of unhealthy thing's are somehow going to become healthy because you all say so, and men in women's sports where they are injuring women and un dressing in front of them in their bathrooms and locker rooms is just a figment of everyone's imagination ? Dellusional ? Yeah we know you people are delusional, but what I have to wonder about, is why now ? Are these the signs the good book has warned us that were coming ? Funny how a book written thousands of years ago, can be word for word perfectly correct about the very thing's we are giving witness too in our lives today.
I’ll watch you cry instead.
lol ! although I don't like the Trial and especially the verdict .. i'm not an emotional leftist ... and if the donations to Trumps campaign is any indication his polling is going to go through the roof !:laughing0301:


Run your mouth lefty, but the people will have the last word on this issue, because this was so blatant that it even shocked the minds of those Democrat's who still cling to a semblance of truth and light regarding what's right and what's defintely wrong when it comes to what the radicals have been up to in their names lately.

The only people shocked are idiots like you who cannot see just how evil and sick your orange messiah is.

You clearly have no clue what's right and what's wrong since you support the most corrupt president we have ever had.
Because that is what Trump does. He delays and delays. He's done it to countless contractors, lawyers, and Cohen.

It's his thing.

In Cohen's case, Trump was hoping to run out the clock. He felt that if he could delay Daniels until after the election, then he could tell her to fuck off.

But Cohen knew better. He knew the clock was running out BEFORE the election. Stormy wasn't stupid. She knew her leverage would be gone after the election.

Trump is stupid. I mean really stupid. There is a mountain of evidence of just how stupid.

Or as one cabinet member put it, he's a "fucking moron".

This is a guy who thinks George Washington took over the airports, okay? He thinks we should inject ourselves with detergent and bright light.

He's an idiot.

Cohen isn't.
None of your projection or hypothetical bull shite would hold up to give any proof to a case, because it's you like so many before you that will make up bull shite if you think that it will fit the narrative in hopes to frame your victim.
Oh now you are going to say that the indoctronation of children wasn't part of the agenda, and the normalizing of unhealthy thing's are somehow going to become healthy because you all say so, and men in women's sports where they are injuring women and un dressing in front of them in their bathrooms and locker rooms is just a figment of everyone's imagination ? Dellusional ? Yeah we know you people are delusional, but what I have to wonder about, is why now ? Are these the signs the good book has warned us that were coming ? Funny how a book written thousands of years ago, can be word for word perfectly correct about the very thing's we are giving witness too in our lives today.
Normalizing bad behavior, you say?

Like adultery?

Like cheating on three wives?

Like bearing false witness?

Like stealing from cancer kids?

Like stealing from the elderly?

Like defrauding banks, and insurance companies, and investors?

Like busting into underaged girls' dressing rooms?

Like lusting after one's daughter?

Like sleeping with porn stars and Playboy models with a wife and infant at home?

It's like I keep saying. The more filth that is revealed about Crooked Donald, the harder your poor overworked propagandists have to labor to make the Democrats somehow seem worse.

I mean, that has GOT to be exhausting!

Actually, you know it is exhausting since the behind the scenes Fox News propagandists conversations have come to light.

Even the worst gaslighting piece of shit of all, Tucker Carlson, threw up his hands with disgust at how heavy the water he was carrying for Trump had become.

He couldn't wait for Trump to be gone forever.

What does it tell you when your propagandists knew the truth and chose to keep lying to your face.

It says they know you are fucking stupid. Historically stupid.

The only people shocked are idiots like you who cannot see just how evil and sick your orange messiah is.

You clearly have no clue what's right and what's wrong since you support the most corrupt president we have ever had.
Trump, Trump, Trump is your distraction used while you ignore the truth about the left, the agenda, and how it is making huge negatives for your team constantly, but you think that frying Trump is going to scare the masses into allowing the agenda to go full blast. That's the goal, otherwise stop all resistance to the agenda, and Trump is the biggest target currently.

None of your projection or hypothetical bull shite would hold up to give any proof to a case, because it's you like so many before you that will make up bull shite if you think that it will fit the narrative in hopes to frame your victim.
Actually, it did hold up.

Haven't you heard? Did you not notice the title of the topic you're in???

Trump, Trump, Trump is your distraction used while you ignore the truth about the left, the agenda, and how it is making huge negatives for your team constantly, but you think that frying Trump is going to scare the masses into allowing the agenda to go full blast. That's the goal, otherwise stop all resistance to the agenda, and Trump is the biggest target currently.
See? It works.

Your propagandists have you completely gaslighted to distract you from Trump's utter, lifelong filth.

Behind the scenes, they are as sick of Trump as I am.

But they need your eyeballs so they can make money.

They know you are stupid. They lie right to your face and you keep coming back for more.

They literally fear you deciding not to watch them any more if they tell you the truth!

How insane is that?!?

Your red herrings don't work with me. This is about Trump and his conviction. His filth.
They weren’t off already?
So Gomer…er, uh..Comer was just playin’ until now?
Who knew?
You better hope that Biden wins...that's all I can say, Hutch! Last time Trump was too busy making the country a better place to go after Hillary Clinton for her crimes. Don't be shocked if he makes time for Joe Biden after what that sleazy piece of shit has pulled.
Because that is what Trump does. He delays and delays. He's done it to countless contractors, lawyers, and Cohen.

It's his thing.

In Cohen's case, Trump was hoping to run out the clock. He felt that if he could delay Daniels until after the election, then he could tell her to fuck off.

But Cohen knew better. He knew the clock was running out BEFORE the election. Stormy wasn't stupid. She knew her leverage would be gone after the election.

Trump is stupid. I mean really stupid. There is a mountain of evidence of just how stupid.

Or as one cabinet member put it, he's a "fucking moron".

This is a guy who thinks George Washington took over the airports, okay? He thinks we should inject ourselves with detergent and bright light.

He's an idiot.

Cohen isn't.
lol ! you sound a little shrill and upset commie ... is it starting to sink in that the sham trial and verdict may be starting to have the opposite political effect you and your comrades expected .. if the flood of donations to the Trump campaign since the verdict was reached is any indication you may have a reason to be upset !



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"...and if the donations to Trumps campaign is any indication....'

Ummm, and those numbers for alleged donations come from which source?

Ps....the guy has gone bankrupt about 6 be cautious on any numbers coming from his direction.

Did you not notice the title of the topic you're in???

................"Trump Guilty!"​

Which, we would suggest is about the first time Don Trump has overwhelmingly won a popular vote.
Trump's electors were fake. Illegal. And they have been charged, with some already convicted. Along with their co-conspirators who have openly wept at their stupidity form going along with Trump's coup.

This willful blindness of yours is DEEP!

Again, your willful blindness is DEEP!

Yes, Trump has millions of useful idiots. Including you.

Ah, I see what you did there.

You fell for the FBI conspiracy hoax, didn't you.

Sad. But that's one of the elements of being a useful IDIOT.

Trump's electors were fake. Illegal. And they have been charged, with some already convicted. Along with their co-conspirators who have openly wept at their stupidity form going along with Trump's coup.

So, I’m a bit fuzzy on that part. I thought the plan was to submit the elections back to the states and have them investigate further and trump has alternate electors ready to go in case something was found.

I read the Eastman memo but it was awhile ago. I’ll have to go over it again.

Again, your willful blindness is DEEP!

I’m not the one who thinks a handful of people with sticks is going to overpower the full force of the United States police, secret service, fbi, national guard…or whoever it would be that would come in a remove those who were attempting to occupy the capitol building, and set up an illegitimate government.

To say that democracy was almost lost that day is to put zero faith in our law enforcement.

Even if it weren’t for law enforcement…the people who entered the capitol would have had to leave eventually…they would have gotten hungry, or would have had to go home to the family.

Look, I’m not dismissing the wrongs that took place that day, I just think this notion that they were going to ever succeed with any plan to overthrow the government is silly. It’s like Biden said..the government has F15’s

As for the rest of your post, I really don’t care what you think about me, I know you’re wrong. I’ve made my stance on trump very clear, you all choose to ignore it.
A New York City jury found former President Donald Trump guilty on several counts of falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments ahead of the 2016 presidential records, according to breaking reports.

Well, that's going to make campaigning kind of interesting. If his probation officer gives him permission to leave the state.
You loons just gave him the presidency. You're just too stupid to realize it.
You better hope that Biden wins...that's all I can say, Hutch! Last time Trump was too busy making the country a better place to go after Hillary Clinton for her crimes. Don't be shocked if he makes time for Joe Biden after what that sleazy piece of shit has pulled.
Actually, Trump was too busy jerking off and going golfing.

He had ONE achievement. A tax cut.

That's it.

No repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Remember that was his number one hoax he pushed on the rubes?

No infrastructure bill. Mr. Real Estate Tycoon couldn't even get an infrastructure bill passed.

Guess who did. Biden.

No increase in coal jobs.

I tried to warn the rubes he was a huckster. They didn't listen, and they aren't listening now.

The latest and greatest applause line the Great Liar is throwing out these days is his "Ima deport ALLLLL duh Mexcans!"

That gets a big round, just like his Obamacare replacement used to.

Trump literally spend one third of his presidency golfing.

One. Third.

He spent the other two thirds blowing off Covid and holding self-aggrandizing rallies.

So, round two, if there is one, will be more golfing, giving Putin the keys to Kyiv, and catastrophically bungling whatever new crisis comes along and making a tremendous ass of himself again.

Here's a preview of his Christmas tweet:

Normalizing bad behavior, you say?

Like adultery?

Like cheating on three wives?

Like bearing false witness?

Like stealing from cancer kids?

Like stealing from the elderly?

Like defrauding banks, and insurance companies, and investors?

Like busting into underaged girls' dressing rooms?

Like lusting after one's daughter?

Like sleeping with porn stars and Playboy models with a wife and infant at home?

It's like I keep saying. The more filth that is revealed about Crooked Donald, the harder your poor overworked propagandists have to labor to make the Democrats somehow seem worse.

I mean, that has GOT to be exhausting!

Actually, you know it is exhausting since the behind the scenes Fox News propagandists conversations have come to light.

Even the worst gaslighting piece of shit of all, Tucker Carlson, threw up his hands with disgust at how heavy the water he was carrying for Trump had become.

He couldn't wait for Trump to be gone forever.

What does it tell you when your propagandists knew the truth and chose to keep lying to your face.

It says they know you are fucking stupid. Historically stupid.
Here's the difference in your ilk and Donald Trump.

Let not your private evil deeds be known, otherwise don't go bragging, broadcasting or doing deplorable filthy sinful thing's in the public eye, but the leftist are trying everything they can to bring their own darkness into the light, and then they are trying to normalize it in the public eye. Tsk tsk.

This leads to indoctrination or the teaching of dark evil things to the young ones as if they are ok to have this evilness taught to them in the public square. Absolutely unexceptable.

The word says - If you teach the little ones to sin, then it will be better for you to strap a talent around your neck, and sink yourselves to the bottom of the ocean/sea.

You all had to go probing and looking for the alleged sin in Trumps life for political reasons out of fear he might work for the American citizens as a rehabilitated man that knows the deal because he's been there before his change, and therefore like good little demon's you had to drag it out into the public, but you didn't do it for just reason's no sir. You did so in a bid to say Trump is way worst than anything the left is doing, however that isn't true and the nation knows it as well as you know it too.

No way is Trump doing anything in the public square that teaches our youth anything that he might have done in sin found within his past or worse that he may have done but repented for it, but when it comes to you on the left, then it's wow just wow is all anyone can say.

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