Trump Guilty!

Oh you mean the ones that the statute had long run out on, but then viola you crooked Dems (if the shoe fits),found some kind of bull shite hole to bring these things back up (hoping the people wouldn't say "hey wait a dam minute here"), how is any of this relevant now, and especially in the middle of an election season ?
The statute of limitations clock stopped the moment Trump left his 30,000 (;)) square foot apartment for the White House.

Now go tell your lying liars who told you this statute bullshit that you will no longer bleev a fucking word they tell you.

Go! Do it.
These are the types that went to D.C. on Jan 6 and then had their lives ruined, only to beg forgiveness for getting caught up in emotional bullshit.
Otherwise you are talking about patriots that stood up for American values and election integrity, only to have their lives ruined by those who had been engaged in a coup ever since Trump came down the escalator in 2016 ? Yeah that's exactly what you are saying.

Here's an idea. Don't break the law in a place which will hold you accountable.

I mean, Trump could go on a shooting spree in Alabama and walk free.

But he fucked up. He broke the law in a place willing to hold him to account.

And now he's being a whiny orange bitch about it.
its a sham trial and lawfare .. no case like this has ever been brought like it in NY history .. it will be overturned at the appellate level ... if not it will be certainly overturned at the SC level that has a 2/3rds majority of conservative Constitutionalists .. enjoy your sick little so called Marxist victory while it lasts ... as for me I will enjoy watching Trumps campaign fund skyrocket [its already started since the verdict ] and his polling numbers along with it !
Yeah....he should have payed the Cohen prick in one lump sum.

But then again......the payments were retainer fees.

Cohen took out a loan to pay Stormy on his own, according to testimony.
Cohen took out a HELOC because Trump kept delaying. Trump gave Cohen no choice but to come up with the cash on his own, out of his own pocket. Trump is notorious for fucking over people he owes money to.

The clock was ticking. Stormy was going live before the election, and that would have been the end of the Trump presidency before it even began.

Trump had a loyal soldier in Cohen. Cohen saved his ass and made Trump president.

Trump fucked up.

If he had given the money to Cohen in a timely manner like he should have, he would not be a convict today.
its a sham trial and lawfare .. no case like this has ever been brought like it in NY history
Yes, Trump is responsible for a lot of historic milestones.

Two impeachments.

An attempted coup. A non-peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our 232 year history.

And now this.

You must be so proud.
The statute of limitations clock stopped the moment Trump left his 30,000 (;)) square foot apartment for the White House.

Now go tell your lying liars who told you this statute bullshit that you will no longer bleev a fucking word they tell you.

Go! Do it.
Run your mouth lefty, but the people will have the last word on this issue, because this was so blatant that it even shocked the minds of those Democrat's who still cling to a semblance of truth and light regarding what's right and what's defintely wrong when it comes to what the radicals have been up to in their names lately.
The statute of limitations clock stopped the moment Trump left his 30,000 (;)) square foot apartment for the White House.

Now go tell your lying liars who told you this statute bullshit that you will no longer bleev a fucking word they tell you.

Go! Do it

Cons are having a meltdown.
the only thing melting down is Trumps campaign site with the record number of donations after the verdict ..
Let the grinding and gnashing of teeth begin.

There are two attorneys on the jury. They may have helped explain the intricacies of the case to the other jurors.

The DJT stock price was $51.84 just before the verdict. It began dropping before the verdict was released.
Now Trump gets to play the suffering martyr. You loons fucked up with this one the man will be more popular than ever and will win.
Yes, Trump is responsible for a lot of historical milestones.

Two impeachments.

An attempted coup. A non-peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our 232 year history.

And now this.

You must be so proud.
No the Democrat's are the culprits that are making history, because they are attempting to turn this nation on its head for some of the most disgusting deplorable bull shite this nation has ever seen. FACT !!!!
Every state has alternate slates of electors
Trump's electors were fake. Illegal. And they have been charged, with some already convicted. Along with their co-conspirators who have openly wept at their stupidity form going along with Trump's coup.

This willful blindness of yours is DEEP!

I…I just don’t know what to say to this. That you think a few hundred people..a handful of which were armed with sticks, were going to seize permanent control of the government…is beyond me. Do you have that little faith in our armed services, our police?

Oh, that day was significant for sure. An attack on the capitol is a serious thing, but I just don’t believe there was some grand plot to seize control of the government.
Again, your willful blindness is DEEP!

Hell, probably half the people there didn’t even know the full extent of the plan to try to return electors to the states.
Yes, Trump has millions of useful idiots. Including you.

They just got caught up in the moment and, along with agitators in the crowd, got riled up because they thought the election had been stolen, and did some stupid stuff.
Ah, I see what you did there.

You fell for the FBI conspiracy hoax, didn't you.

Sad. But that's one of the elements of being a useful IDIOT.
No the Democrat's are the culprits that are making history, because they are attempting to turn this nation on its head for some of the most disgusting deplorable bull shite this nation has ever seen. FACT !!!!
You and Trump and all the other useful idiots are using the same, boring tactic of repeating a lie enough times bleeving it magically becomes true with repetition.

This is exactly how delusions are created. Exactly.

You have all become mentally ill. Your heads are so full of hoaxes and lies and conspiracy theories, I think you may never make it back to reality.

That's why I quit the GOP in 2017. I held out hope for way too many years you idiots would snap out of your insanity.

With the election of one of the world's biggest grifter turds, I realized that was probably not going to happen in my lifetime.
Cohen took out a HELOC because Trump kept delaying. Trump gave Cohen no choice but to come up with the cash on his own, out of his own pocket. Trump is notorious for fucking over people he owes money to.

The clock was ticking. Stormy was going live before the election, and that would have been the end of the Trump presidency before it even began.

Trump had a loyal soldier in Cohen. Cohen saved his ass and made Trump president.

Trump fucked up.

If he had given the money to Cohen in a timely manner like he should have, he would not be a convict today.
Now why would Trump delay something with Cohen, otherwise that was going to save his ace in the election according to you dipsticks ? You people keep running your mouths until you place your entire damned foot into it.
Isn't it funny that just about every single person who has been convicted for going along with one of Trump's schemes nearly always end up openly weeping in court and chastising themselves too late for being so stupid?

It's a shame Trump's minions don't snap out of their stupor BEFORE they do his bidding.

Our country would be much safer if they did.

But now I fear for the future because when you look at all the scandals, convictions, disbarments, and disgraces of the Trump administration, you have to wonder what special kind of evil fucks would be willing to go to work for Trump going forward.

The Trump Administration was the most corrupt in our history. It's not even close.

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,. Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
First he tried to kill the free media
Then he tried to kill our electoral system

Now he is trying to dismantle our judicial system

trump is desperately trying to destroy the foundation of our democracy. And he has an army of millions of the MAGA cult to help.

All because he cannot admit he lost in 2020.
The sad, scary thing is that so many are this quick to throw out the justice system and electoral system based on the word of one man.

I fear we won't recover from this insanity.
lol ! nope just calm common sense ... something that is alien to an emotional Marxist faggot like yourself ... watch Trumps poll numbers skyrocket like his campaign donations have since the verdict .

and yes.... you are a faggot ..:cool:
I’ll watch you cry instead.

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