Trump Guilty!

So, I’m a bit fuzzy on that part. I thought the plan was to submit the elections back to the states and have them investigate further and trump has alternate electors ready to go in case something was found.
No. The illegal electors submitted their illegal certifications to the Senate to be illegally counted on January 6.

Fortunately, Mike Pence was having none of it.

I read the Eastman memo but it was awhile ago. I’ll have to go over it again.

I’m not the one who thinks a handful of people with sticks is going to overpower the full force of the United States police, secret service, fbi, national guard…or whoever it would be that would come in a remove those who were attempting to occupy the capitol building, and set up an illegitimate government.
The terrorists managed to overpower the Capitol Police and actually stop the certification.

Just before the Senate was overrun by the terrorists, Ted Cruz had risen to challenge the certification of Arizona.

This cuck is the same guy whose wife Trump called ugly. This is the same cuck whose dad Trump accused of helping to kill Kennedy.

Trump has some weird power over weak-minded people, or people who crave power more than integrity or our democracy.

Just look at Mr. Hillbilly Elegy. Hell, that guy threw every last one of his principles out the window for a chance to stand in Trump's fat shadow.

Look at Mr. Holier Than Thou Mike Johnson. He rushed to stand by the side of man who is a serial adulterer, liar, and thief.

There are scores of morally upstanding Republicans who are actually conservative. Trump is literally the WORST of all choices.

Sadly, the few remaining morally upstanding citizens are either turning into craven lickspittles, or are being run out of town on a rail.

This is some seriously paranormal shit going on.

Here's the difference in your ilk and Donald Trump.

Let not your private evil deeds be known, otherwise don't go bragging, broadcasting or doing deplorable filthy sinful thing's in the public eye, but the leftist are trying everything they can to bring their own darkness into the light, and then they are trying to normalize it in the public eye. Tsk tsk.
Blah blah blah. More of the same old shit attempting to throw red herrings into the conversation.

Again, the more of Trump's filth you are asked to ignore, the harder your lying propagandists have to work to convince you the Democrats are somehow worse.

And they are getting exhausted!

REPORT: Donald Trump Shoots Innocent Man On Fifth Avenue

TRUMPTARDS: Yeahbut...Democrats have a secret base on the moon where they are anally raping Christian babies!
Says a cultists that stands behind some of the most outrageous, deplorable, nasty Democrat partiers that has ever been in collaboration together in these modern times right ???
No, and that's ridiculous and a desperate swipe.

I hold my nose and vote for democrats as part of adulting, because the republican party is such a joke. I don't "love" voting for centirst corporatists.

You make the same mistake as I pointed.out in the post you quoted. I don't care about them. I care about ideas.

Youbl are spewing vitriol and violent innuendo for one man. You're a volunteer soldier.
You better hope that Biden wins...that's all I can say, Hutch! Last time Trump was too busy making the country a better place to go after Hillary Clinton for her crimes. Don't be shocked if he makes time for Joe Biden after what that sleazy piece of shit has pulled.
I don’t need to hope for anything. What you dopes fail to realize is that indIctments and convictions require actual evidence of actual crimes.
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I don’t need to hope for anything. What you dopes fail to realize is that indIctments and convictions require provable evidence of actual crimes.
What you fail to realize is that this was an exercise in futility. Trump can only lose illegally, and everyone knows it.
See? It works.

Your propagandists have you completely gaslighted to distract you from Trump's utter, lifelong filth.

Behind the scenes, they are as sick of Trump as I am.

But they need your eyeballs so they can make money.

They know you are stupid. They lie right to your face and you keep coming back for more.

They literally fear you deciding not to watch them any more if they tell you the truth!

How insane is that?!?

Your red herrings don't work with me. This is about Trump and his conviction. His filth.
Trump, Trump, Trump is the ploy to distract from the bigger picture of why Americans are finished with you leftist.

The preview everybody has gotten is enough to make any normal thinking person puke, but hey look over here everybody it's Trump... Stop looking over there at that nastiness, gotta stay focused on Trump now.
Trump, Trump, Trump is the ploy to distract from the bigger picture of why Americans are finished with you leftist.

The preview everybody has gotten is enough to make any normal thinking person puke, but hey look over here everybody it's Trump... Stop looking over there at that nastiness, gotta stay focused on Trump now.
The American people?

They are the ones who convicted Trump on all 34 counts.
Wait…what’s that I hear? No sound of riots, no buildings burning, no masses filling the streets blocking traffic, nothing.

Shows a stark difference between how repubs react compared to dems.

Welcome to the next age. Today’s decision will only further divide the nation, there are those who believe Trump was guilty and those who believe he was innocent. Neither side will ever move together on this point, and this event, and those moving forward, will be a weight on this country for many years to come. This may be an event that we won’t recover from. Not because of Trump, but because we have seen what the democrats are capable of, and how far they will go. Politics and law have been turned into a weapon.

I’m not sure if they will imprison Trump, which is a departure from my former position, because I really think you’ll never see a former president wearing an orange jump suit, being put into general population. I also wouldn’t think you would see him in a cell with secret service having to be there every day, but, today’s verdict has given me pause. It makes me wonder if it’s possible that they will make that happen. We saw them take a bogus charge and turn it into a real conviction.

It makes me wonder, if in New York, that Trump will win the appeal. It could very well be that the appeals court upholds this verdict.

Also, what this case does is green light the other cases. Now that the potential juries of the DC case and the Fulton case have seen that this jury has “broken the ice”, it’s very possible that they will follow suit to what happened today. Remember, this trial was the smallest of the 3, Fulton being the next one up and the DC case being the big one.

You should expect convictions in both of those cases too. After today, I have no doubts that he will be convicted in both of the others.

Anyway, the word of the day is calm. For all the right wingers out there, expect ridicule, expect to have this rubbed into your face, those things are going to happen. You just have to ignore them like bad rubbish. The way forward is to be smart, and, vigilant, and inquisitive. Don’t get mad, don’t get violent, don’t anything to get yourself in trouble.

Instead, hope that this has finally awakened those on the right. Those who have been too weak to play the same games that the left does, those who are too spineless to use the same tactics that the left use. In short, this will hopefully energize the Republican Party to fight fire with fire. As mark Levin said awhile ago, they need to bring out the political and legal brass knuckles, and don’t let up, even if they say “uncle”.

There need to be investigation into James and Bragg and merchan for sure. James and Bragg because they both campaigned on using their office to go after trump. That’s abuse of power, and abuse of the law. Merchan because of the conflicts he has between his personal political actions and the conflict of his daughter being in the employ of the opposing candidate.

It’s a sad day for America though, because it should be the people keeping the government in check, but instead the government is using politics to divide us against each other.

Again, just expect this to be a celebration for the left, that’s fine, let them. Keep your head on straight and your eyes open…and be observant, and leave no stone unturned in the quest to play their game.
There can't be any riots because an innocent man was not convicted. Republicans stormed the motherfucking capital because their candidate lost an election. Don't try comparing this to what happened when people saw unarmed American citizens routinely murdered by the state.
No. The illegal electors submitted their illegal certifications to the Senate to be illegally counted on January 6.

Fortunately, Mike Pence was having none of it.

The terrorists managed to overpower the Capitol Police and actually stop the certification.

Just before the Senate was overrun by the terrorists, Ted Cruz had risen to challenge the certification of Arizona.

This cuck is the same guy whose wife Trump called ugly. This is the same cuck whose dad Trump accused of helping to kill Kennedy.

Trump has some weird power over weak-minded people, or people who crave power more than integrity or our democracy.

Just look at Mr. Hillbilly Elegy. Hell, that guy threw every last one of his principles out the window for a chance to stand in Trump's fat shadow.

Look at Mr. Holier Than Thou Mike Johnson. He rushed to stand by the side of man who is a serial adulterer, liar, and thief.

There are scores of morally upstanding Republicans who are actually conservative. Trump is literally the WORST of all choices.

Sadly, the few remaining morally upstanding citizens are either turning into craven lickspittles, or are being run out of town on a rail.

This is some seriously paranormal shit going on.
You attacking the entire republican party tells us all we need to know about this entire set up, because first of all your side is completely immoral, and they don't have an ounce of integrity to go toe to toe with anyone including Trump. Hmm, wonder if you all will make it to your ultimate bliss ? Hopefully not, but it's all yet to be seen where we stand on the world clock.

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