Trump Guilty!

Got to hand it to the Democrats.
Stole an election
politicized the justice system
interfering with an election

reps dems can.jpg

Talk radio (Clay & Buck) said the dems are deranged for wanting to possibly lock Trump up for life in prison if he is found guilty. The dems are not deranged...the dems are just ruthless, diabolical and very good at what they do. It is just too bad that what dems do best is destroy America. That is why I always push secession. Reps will never beat the dems. Reps were only OK at fighting Tipp O'Neill dems, but are useless against commie dems. But if reps can run away with their tail between their legs...they may have a smidgen of a chance to save something of traditional America. Still no guarantee, enemy will be at your borders. Secession would be best when both parties are working towards a peaceful coexistence.
The criminal justice system worked. The problem you've got is you live in la la land. The fact that you have been hallucinating on the acid trip that is Trump, just proves there is no hope in dope.

Now get some rehab and join the real world.

This will be overturned. Democrats found a crooked judge in a heavily Democratic district to convict a political opponent. Any reasonable court would overturn this ruling tomorrow if given the opportunity. Everybody knows that, including the Democrats, but they got the election interference they wanted. It has absolutely nothing to do with Trump breaking the law.
It will all come down to the appellate process.

I have expressed my lack of belief that Trump could get a fair trial in a deep blue jury pool like Manhattan. I was right.

I also harbor doubts that the first level of appeal will rectify this deliberately orchestrated miscarriage of justice. Who knows how the NY State’s highest court will eventually rule on the serious appellate issues?

But worse comes to worst, I doubt that our SCOTUS will tolerate this ridiculous and corrupted outcome to stand.
I also have questions for TV stations like FOX pushing a narrative that he may be voted innocent from all of the evidence. They said in 2022 Republicans were going to win in landslides. Are they protecting others? Or part of the shills only taking their audience on a ride for each event that happens. Which furthers our movement into a dictatorship.
Within days of the verdict, Trump would meet with a probation officer, tasked with writing a pre-sentencing assessment.

Cohen warns that Trump could imperil himself further in that meeting. If he keeps denying his guilt, shows no contrition or lies, that would wind up in the pre-sentencing report and be an aggravating element.

Cohen's advice to Trump for that meeting: staying mute is better than continuing to deny your guilt.

Hope the orange felon does not take Cohen's advice. ;)
Donald J. Trump has been convicted of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his ascent to the White House in 2016, part of a scheme that prosecutors described as a fraud on the American people. He is the first American president to be declared a felon, a stain he will carry as he seeks to regain the presidency.

Mr. Trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records by a jury of 12 New Yorkers, who deliberated over two days to reach a decision in a case rife with descriptions of secret deals, tabloid scandal and an Oval Office pact with echoes of Watergate. The jury found that Mr. Trump had faked records to conceal the purpose of money given to his onetime fixer, Michael D. Cohen. The false records disguised the payments as ordinary legal expenses when in truth, Mr. Trump was reimbursing Mr. Cohen for a $130,000 hush-money deal the fixer struck with the porn star Stormy Daniels to silence her account of a sexual liaison with Mr. Trump.

Yup. Trump will carry this stain all his life. Sure, this will not mean anything to his followers but for the general public, this will make a difference.

Do you want a felon as your next president? Of course, not.
this should clinch the election for him,,
I'm not even surprised....Leftists gonna leftist.
I have to say that I gave Democrats too much credit. I really thought that a couple of them would not be willing to convict a man for a crime that doesn’t exist because he is their #1 political oppoenent.

Apparently not. There is nothing they won’t do.….including destroying the nation and turning it into a banana republic.
A New York City jury found former President Donald Trump guilty on several counts of falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments ahead of the 2016 presidential records, according to breaking reports.

Well, that's going to make campaigning kind of interesting. If his probation officer gives him permission to leave the state.
the idiotic left just rolled out the red carpet for Trumps entrance to the WH ... Americans don't like lawfare and a 2 teared system of justice ... the Dems interfere in yet another election ! watch the polls closely commie ..
A hundred years from now, America's schoolchildren will know nothing about Biden. They will only know Obama as the first black president.

They will know Trump as the most crooked president, impeached twice, a failed coup, and the only president convicted of a crime. His mug shot and a photo of the coup will be in the history books.

This will be in his obituary.

Some legacy.

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