Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

it doesn't matter what YOU take seriously. the American legal process is taking it very seriously.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

No, the investigation into Russia's interference in our election and the potential collusion by members of Trump's campaign. A "witch hunt" is investigating a President for an old land deal in which he lost money and then trying to impeach him for a blow job. That is the definition of a "witch hunt". Bob Mueller, veteran and war hero, is conducting an investigation.
it doesn't matter what YOU take seriously. the American legal process is taking it very seriously.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

There it is DEEP STATE! ROTFLMFAO!:bs1::itsok::woohoo:stop, I'm going to pee!
How do you explain an investigation started by Washington insiders using lawyers that not only donated to the loser in the election but actually worked for her at one time?
So in effect nothing they're investigating has anything to do with the original claims that Russia hacked the election. All it has to do with digging up dirt on Trump and scaring people into testifying in court against him..

Feel free to continue pissing yourself.
it doesn't matter what YOU take seriously. the American legal process is taking it very seriously.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

No, the investigation into Russia's interference in our election and the potential collusion by members of Trump's campaign. A "witch hunt" is investigating a President for an old land deal in which he lost money and then trying to impeach him for a blow job. That is the definition of a "witch hunt". Bob Mueller, veteran and war hero, is conducting an investigation.
Oh, he's a war hero now?

What does this supposed war hero status have to do with it?
it doesn't matter what YOU take seriously. the American legal process is taking it very seriously.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

There it is DEEP STATE! ROTFLMFAO!:bs1::itsok::woohoo:stop, I'm going to pee!
How do you explain an investigation started by Washington insiders using lawyers that not only donated to the loser in the election but actually worked for her at one time?
So in effect nothing they're investigating has anything to do with the original claims that Russia hacked the election. All it has to do with digging up dirt on Trump and scaring people into testifying in court against him..

Feel free to continue pissing yourself.

Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
it doesn't matter what YOU take seriously. the American legal process is taking it very seriously.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

No, the investigation into Russia's interference in our election and the potential collusion by members of Trump's campaign. A "witch hunt" is investigating a President for an old land deal in which he lost money and then trying to impeach him for a blow job. That is the definition of a "witch hunt". Bob Mueller, veteran and war hero, is conducting an investigation.
Oh, he's a war hero now?

What does this supposed war hero status have to do with it?

He's always been a war hero. Bronze Star medal with a combat "V". That's who you are accusing of conducting a "witch hunt" and being a member of your imaginary "deep state"... Republican war hero, Robert Mueller.
it doesn't matter what YOU take seriously. the American legal process is taking it very seriously.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

There it is DEEP STATE! ROTFLMFAO!:bs1::itsok::woohoo:stop, I'm going to pee!
How do you explain an investigation started by Washington insiders using lawyers that not only donated to the loser in the election but actually worked for her at one time?
So in effect nothing they're investigating has anything to do with the original claims that Russia hacked the election. All it has to do with digging up dirt on Trump and scaring people into testifying in court against him..

Feel free to continue pissing yourself.

Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.
mudbutt has a squawking parrot talking point response for everything...

facts and logic be damned, the "DEEP STATE" boogieman is their new thang.

What if the far-right boogieman "Deep State" was actually just law enforcement enforcing the laws of our nation?
it doesn't matter what YOU take seriously. the American legal process is taking it very seriously.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

No, the investigation into Russia's interference in our election and the potential collusion by members of Trump's campaign. A "witch hunt" is investigating a President for an old land deal in which he lost money and then trying to impeach him for a blow job. That is the definition of a "witch hunt". Bob Mueller, veteran and war hero, is conducting an investigation.
Oh, he's a war hero now?

What does this supposed war hero status have to do with it?

He's always been a war hero. Bronze Star medal with a combat "V". That's who you are accusing of conducting a "witch hunt" and being a member of your imaginary "deep state"... Republican war hero, Robert Mueller.
A Bronze Star is one step up from an ARCOM. A Bronze star doesn't make you a war hero. Silver Star maybe. CMH definitely. You can get a Bronze Star simply by being involved in a firefight. And I've got news for you.....some really dishonest people got involved in firefights in Vietnam. Just getting awarded for shooting at someone doesn't make you a good person.
Last edited:
mudbutt has a squawking parrot talking point response for everything...

facts and logic be damned, the "DEEP STATE" boogieman is their new thang.

What if the far-right boogieman "Deep State" was actually just law enforcement enforcing the laws of our nation?
You fuckers have drifted out into the weeds.
I'm just trying to bring you back to the truth of the issue.
it doesn't matter what YOU take seriously. the American legal process is taking it very seriously.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

No, the investigation into Russia's interference in our election and the potential collusion by members of Trump's campaign. A "witch hunt" is investigating a President for an old land deal in which he lost money and then trying to impeach him for a blow job. That is the definition of a "witch hunt". Bob Mueller, veteran and war hero, is conducting an investigation.
Oh, he's a war hero now?

What does this supposed war hero status have to do with it?

He's always been a war hero. Bronze Star medal with a combat "V". That's who you are accusing of conducting a "witch hunt" and being a member of your imaginary "deep state"... Republican war hero, Robert Mueller.
A Bronze Star is one step up from an ARCOM. A Bronze star doesn't make you a war hero. Silver Star maybe. CMH definitely. You can get a Bronze Star simply by being involved in a firefight. And I've got news for you.....some really dishonest people got involved in firefights in Vietnam. Just getting awarded for shooting at someone doesn't make you a good person.

That's it...try to minimize the accomplishments of a decorated war hero. Good job Muddy. And why would you do that to a fellow Republican? Because he's doing a job he was assigned to do in the best manner he knows how to do it? Russia, an adversarial foreign government, interfered in our election. That doesn't bother you? You don't want to know how they did it and what help they may have gotten from American citizens?
mudbutt has a squawking parrot talking point response for everything...

facts and logic be damned, the "DEEP STATE" boogieman is their new thang.

What if the far-right boogieman "Deep State" was actually just law enforcement enforcing the laws of our nation?
You fuckers have drifted out into the weeds.
I'm just trying to bring you back to the truth of the issue. investigating Russia's interference in our election is the "weeds", but "deep state" is the "truth of the issue"?

Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

No, the investigation into Russia's interference in our election and the potential collusion by members of Trump's campaign. A "witch hunt" is investigating a President for an old land deal in which he lost money and then trying to impeach him for a blow job. That is the definition of a "witch hunt". Bob Mueller, veteran and war hero, is conducting an investigation.
Oh, he's a war hero now?

What does this supposed war hero status have to do with it?

He's always been a war hero. Bronze Star medal with a combat "V". That's who you are accusing of conducting a "witch hunt" and being a member of your imaginary "deep state"... Republican war hero, Robert Mueller.
A Bronze Star is one step up from an ARCOM. A Bronze star doesn't make you a war hero. Silver Star maybe. CMH definitely. You can get a Bronze Star simply by being involved in a firefight. And I've got news for you.....some really dishonest people got involved in firefights in Vietnam. Just getting awarded for shooting at someone doesn't make you a good person.

That's it...try to minimize the accomplishments of a decorated war hero. Good job Muddy. And why would you do that to a fellow Republican? Because he's doing a job he was assigned to do in the best manner he knows how to do it? Russia, an adversarial foreign government, interfered in our election. That doesn't bother you? You don't want to know how they did it and what help they may have gotten from American citizens?
The reason I minimize it is because I'm a retired Green Beret who has been in combat. The paper pushers put themselves in for Bronze Stars during Desert Storm and the guys on my team who were out risking their lives looking for Scuds got screwed. It seems that most of the time kiss-asses like Mueller got awarded. Not the guys that deserved it.
mudbutt has a squawking parrot talking point response for everything...

facts and logic be damned, the "DEEP STATE" boogieman is their new thang.

What if the far-right boogieman "Deep State" was actually just law enforcement enforcing the laws of our nation?
You fuckers have drifted out into the weeds.
I'm just trying to bring you back to the truth of the issue. investigating Russia's interference in our election is the "weeds", but "deep state" is the "truth of the issue"?

That's the point, idiot. They aren't investigating Russian interference in our election anymore. They're instead trying to find criminal intent on Trump's business dealings. Forget the false claims of obstruction. Those have been sunk.
No. It's a hypothetical based on a false narrative floated by Democrats perpetrated by the media. They're lying to you and trying to use unrelated situations to draw a false conclusion.

Whats worse is you dipshits are using a proposal that never became reality to base your arguments from. You have to read so much into your reference material and assume things that never happened for it to be even possible.

Never mind that you don't seem to understand how a large multi-national corporation works. Not every idea originates from the CEO. Trump's companies looked into building in dozens of countries. Russia was only one of them. They decided it was a waste of time, yet this allegedly proves colluding somehow. Grasping at straws much?

"Let's look into building in Russia!"
"Sorry sir, it doesn't make any sense!"
"OK, forget about it!"

This proves Collusion.

How dumb can you get.
Just answer me this mud,

why do you think trump lied about every single connection he and his son in law and everyone on his campaign team having any, even casual, connections with the Russians outside of his Miss Universe contest?

what is your logical reasoning on why Trump would lie on all of it? If it was "all nothing" and normal why did he feel the need to lie about it ALL?

what's your theory?
Y'all's hatred of Russia is pathological.

Yeah we Americans have a real habit of NOT trusting Russia. And we sure don't like Russian interests hanging out in the White House.

Vladimir Putin bombs Syria to uphold his dictator regime.
Russian involvement in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia
"we Americans"? I trust Putin more than Chuck Schumer to have my best interests at heart, that's for damn sure.
Then you are dumber than a box of rocks, or you've been brainwashed and Putin 's plan succeeded with you! (or you ARE a Russian!) :D
The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act has destroyed my country and defeated my people, and it wasn't passed by Russians. It was passed by Jews in Congress with the full cooperation of the Jewish controlled press and celebrated as a Jewish victory by Jews the evening of the day it was signed into law. Russians didn't do that to my people. You did.
No. It's a hypothetical based on a false narrative floated by Democrats perpetrated by the media. They're lying to you and trying to use unrelated situations to draw a false conclusion.

Whats worse is you dipshits are using a proposal that never became reality to base your arguments from. You have to read so much into your reference material and assume things that never happened for it to be even possible.

Never mind that you don't seem to understand how a large multi-national corporation works. Not every idea originates from the CEO. Trump's companies looked into building in dozens of countries. Russia was only one of them. They decided it was a waste of time, yet this allegedly proves colluding somehow. Grasping at straws much?

"Let's look into building in Russia!"
"Sorry sir, it doesn't make any sense!"
"OK, forget about it!"

This proves Collusion.

How dumb can you get.
Just answer me this mud,

why do you think trump lied about every single connection he and his son in law and everyone on his campaign team having any, even casual, connections with the Russians outside of his Miss Universe contest?

what is your logical reasoning on why Trump would lie on all of it? If it was "all nothing" and normal why did he feel the need to lie about it ALL?

what's your theory?
Y'all's hatred of Russia is pathological.

Yeah we Americans have a real habit of NOT trusting Russia. And we sure don't like Russian interests hanging out in the White House.

Vladimir Putin bombs Syria to uphold his dictator regime.
Russian involvement in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia
"we Americans"? I trust Putin more than Chuck Schumer to have my best interests at heart, that's for damn sure.

Spoken like a true Trump supporter--:badgrin: I am certain you would care less if Vladimir Putin moved his desk into the Oval office.

I am also more than certain that Sean Hannity is one of your favorite Russian lover's also. Hannity who has been praising Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) who has been hole'd up in the Ecuador embassy for the last 4 years avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. Bascially putting a target on every American soldiers back. Hannity is doing it to protect Trump, trying to back up his claim that Russia is just a "ruse." FOX NEWS even fabricating a story around the death of a DNC staffer Seth Rich. FOX News is now in a federal law suit over that one.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House
Fox News staffers 'disgusted' at network's promotion of Seth Rich conspiracy theory


CIA chief Pompeo (Trump's pick) just labeled Julian Assange a hostile intelligence enemy of this nation for recently leaking 1000's of CIA documents informing terrorists how they're caught. Julian Assange is a great friend of Vladimir Putin--who often works for Russia in their smear campaigns.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

None of that stopped Sean Hannity from praising Julian Assange (wikileaks founder).

Trump and his supporters love Julian Assange

Trump loves Vladimir Putin too.

Putin loves Trump

So if you Trump supporters are having problems identifying as Americans, why don't you just fucking move to Russia? Take all you're reich wing talk show hosts and the Ass Clown with you.

I'll take Julian Assange in a heartbeat over Al Franken. Assange may have my best interests at heart. Franken hates me.
it doesn't matter what YOU take seriously. the American legal process is taking it very seriously.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

There it is DEEP STATE! ROTFLMFAO!:bs1::itsok::woohoo:stop, I'm going to pee!
How do you explain an investigation started by Washington insiders using lawyers that not only donated to the loser in the election but actually worked for her at one time?
So in effect nothing they're investigating has anything to do with the original claims that Russia hacked the election. All it has to do with digging up dirt on Trump and scaring people into testifying in court against him..

Feel free to continue pissing yourself.

Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Last edited:
mudbutt has a squawking parrot talking point response for everything...

facts and logic be damned, the "DEEP STATE" boogieman is their new thang.

What if the far-right boogieman "Deep State" was actually just law enforcement enforcing the laws of our nation?
You fuckers have drifted out into the weeds.
I'm just trying to bring you back to the truth of the issue. investigating Russia's interference in our election is the "weeds", but "deep state" is the "truth of the issue"?

That's the point, idiot. They aren't investigating Russian interference in our election anymore. They're instead trying to find criminal intent on Trump's business dealings. Forget the false claims of obstruction. Those have been sunk.

No, moron, they are following leads from their investigation of the Russian interference.
No, the investigation into Russia's interference in our election and the potential collusion by members of Trump's campaign. A "witch hunt" is investigating a President for an old land deal in which he lost money and then trying to impeach him for a blow job. That is the definition of a "witch hunt". Bob Mueller, veteran and war hero, is conducting an investigation.
Oh, he's a war hero now?

What does this supposed war hero status have to do with it?

He's always been a war hero. Bronze Star medal with a combat "V". That's who you are accusing of conducting a "witch hunt" and being a member of your imaginary "deep state"... Republican war hero, Robert Mueller.
A Bronze Star is one step up from an ARCOM. A Bronze star doesn't make you a war hero. Silver Star maybe. CMH definitely. You can get a Bronze Star simply by being involved in a firefight. And I've got news for you.....some really dishonest people got involved in firefights in Vietnam. Just getting awarded for shooting at someone doesn't make you a good person.

That's it...try to minimize the accomplishments of a decorated war hero. Good job Muddy. And why would you do that to a fellow Republican? Because he's doing a job he was assigned to do in the best manner he knows how to do it? Russia, an adversarial foreign government, interfered in our election. That doesn't bother you? You don't want to know how they did it and what help they may have gotten from American citizens?
The reason I minimize it is because I'm a retired Green Beret who has been in combat. The paper pushers put themselves in for Bronze Stars during Desert Storm and the guys on my team who were out risking their lives looking for Scuds got screwed. It seems that most of the time kiss-asses like Mueller got awarded. Not the guys that deserved it.

The reason you attempt to minimize his record is because you are a Trump cultists and Trump is scared shitless of what Mueller will find. Mueller who received a Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.
Don't you mean the Washington D.C., Democrat Deep State Establishment controlled, political witch-hunt process?

There it is DEEP STATE! ROTFLMFAO!:bs1::itsok::woohoo:stop, I'm going to pee!
How do you explain an investigation started by Washington insiders using lawyers that not only donated to the loser in the election but actually worked for her at one time?
So in effect nothing they're investigating has anything to do with the original claims that Russia hacked the election. All it has to do with digging up dirt on Trump and scaring people into testifying in court against him..

Feel free to continue pissing yourself.

Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.
There it is DEEP STATE! ROTFLMFAO!:bs1::itsok::woohoo:stop, I'm going to pee!
How do you explain an investigation started by Washington insiders using lawyers that not only donated to the loser in the election but actually worked for her at one time?
So in effect nothing they're investigating has anything to do with the original claims that Russia hacked the election. All it has to do with digging up dirt on Trump and scaring people into testifying in court against him..

Feel free to continue pissing yourself.

Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?

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