Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

Oh, he's a war hero now?

What does this supposed war hero status have to do with it?

He's always been a war hero. Bronze Star medal with a combat "V". That's who you are accusing of conducting a "witch hunt" and being a member of your imaginary "deep state"... Republican war hero, Robert Mueller.
A Bronze Star is one step up from an ARCOM. A Bronze star doesn't make you a war hero. Silver Star maybe. CMH definitely. You can get a Bronze Star simply by being involved in a firefight. And I've got news for you.....some really dishonest people got involved in firefights in Vietnam. Just getting awarded for shooting at someone doesn't make you a good person.

That's it...try to minimize the accomplishments of a decorated war hero. Good job Muddy. And why would you do that to a fellow Republican? Because he's doing a job he was assigned to do in the best manner he knows how to do it? Russia, an adversarial foreign government, interfered in our election. That doesn't bother you? You don't want to know how they did it and what help they may have gotten from American citizens?
The reason I minimize it is because I'm a retired Green Beret who has been in combat. The paper pushers put themselves in for Bronze Stars during Desert Storm and the guys on my team who were out risking their lives looking for Scuds got screwed. It seems that most of the time kiss-asses like Mueller got awarded. Not the guys that deserved it.

The reason you attempt to minimize his record is because you are a Trump cultists and Trump is scared shitless of what Mueller will find. Mueller who received a Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.
He was an aide to a general. He got shot in the leg and was put in for all of those awards because he was such a tremendous ass-kisser.
How do you explain an investigation started by Washington insiders using lawyers that not only donated to the loser in the election but actually worked for her at one time?
So in effect nothing they're investigating has anything to do with the original claims that Russia hacked the election. All it has to do with digging up dirt on Trump and scaring people into testifying in court against him..

Feel free to continue pissing yourself.

Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialized as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.
Last edited:
Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialize as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.
I just noticed this thread is still going. Wow. And it has veered into Swift boating a good staunchly conservative Republican. Wow x 2. More proof that the divide in America isn't between Republicans and Democrats, rather it is between the connected and the disconnected, regardless of party.
Meulher is a repube bro continue on eith your sinister theories. Maybe change the name to shadow government, ya that's it. It's even more sinister sounding!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialize as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.

Did you have the same outrage when they went after Clinton and got him 7 years later for a BJ totally unrelated to Whitewater? Eighty and Ken Starr opened these doors. If Trump did nothing wrong, why are you and he soooooo worried. Innocent folks do not worry or lie!
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialize as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.

Did you have the same outrage when they went after Clinton and got him 7 years later for a BJ totally unrelated to Whitewater? Eighty and Ken Starr opened these doors. If Trump did nothing wrong, why are you and he soooooo worried. Innocent folks do not worry or lie!

Does that make this bullshit okay?

only those crying snow flakes believe that Russians voted in the election,,,,,over 20 Million Russians somehow were allowed to vote !
And Hillary still won the popular vote. Amazing, how Trump the cheeto moron without any sort of government clearance at all, was able to steal the elections under the nose of the smartest man and woman to ever walk the planet. Hillary and the messiah himself, obama. Who, both had access to the FBI, CIA, IRS, Homeland Security and NSA.

How did the moronic orange cheeto do it? How did a moron get away with that while the messiah was in charge? How could it happen?
I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialize as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.

Did you have the same outrage when they went after Clinton and got him 7 years later for a BJ totally unrelated to Whitewater? Eighty and Ken Starr opened these doors. If Trump did nothing wrong, why are you and he soooooo worried. Innocent folks do not worry or lie!

Does that make this bullshit okay?


How do you know it's bullshit, is the investigation over yet?
only those crying snow flakes believe that Russians voted in the election,,,,,over 20 Million Russians somehow were allowed to vote !
And Hillary still won the popular vote. Amazing, how Trump the cheeto moron without any sort of government clearance at all, was able to steal the elections under the nose of the smartest man and woman to ever walk the planet. Hillary and the messiah himself, obama. Who, both had access to the FBI, CIA, IRS, Homeland Security and NSA.

How did the moronic orange cheeto do it? How did a moron get away with that while the messiah was in charge? How could it happen?
but how? Hillary claimed she was 50 points ahead !:poke:
Mueller was appointed off of false testimony by James Comey using an imaginary memo that has never been produced as evidence.
He's supposed to be investigating obstruction of justice during an investigation on Russian collusion.
Instead he's investigating old business dealings by Trump before he became president.

I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialize as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.

Did you have the same outrage when they went after Clinton and got him 7 years later for a BJ totally unrelated to Whitewater? Eighty and Ken Starr opened these doors. If Trump did nothing wrong, why are you and he soooooo worried. Innocent folks do not worry or lie!
They didn't go after billy 8 years after that pig stuck a cigar in out of a fat Jewish intern's ass in the oval office. That was at the time, and he then lied under oath. Several times. We all know you don't care about that, and you certainly don't care about the long list of women who claimed sexual assault. ALL of them were either ugly or liars in your pathetic eyes. All while the greatest woman that ever walked the earth attacked those women were sexually assaulted.

No really.

You have any other sort of stupid hypocritical disposition?

only those crying snow flakes believe that Russians voted in the election,,,,,over 20 Million Russians somehow were allowed to vote !
And Hillary still won the popular vote. Amazing, how Trump the cheeto moron without any sort of government clearance at all, was able to steal the elections under the nose of the smartest man and woman to ever walk the planet. Hillary and the messiah himself, obama. Who, both had access to the FBI, CIA, IRS, Homeland Security and NSA.

How did the moronic orange cheeto do it? How did a moron get away with that while the messiah was in charge? How could it happen?
but how? Hillary claimed she was 50 points ahead !:poke:
I missed that. Link?
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
heh - CNN.

their biggest success is to be more of a homer than FOX could ever dream of.
Yeah. The quotes from Cohn himself are probably fake, right?
Yet they (you) voted for hillary?

Want to tell us all of the ACTUAL connections between the clinton crime foundation and Russia?

Here is a question, you fucking loser.

Have any problems with those connections? No? Then go over there, and shut the fuck up!
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
heh - CNN.

their biggest success is to be more of a homer than FOX could ever dream of.
Yeah. The quotes from Cohn himself are probably fake, right?
Yet they (you) voted for hillary?

Want to tell us all of the ACTUAL connections between the clinton crime foundation and Russia?

Here is a question, you fucking loser.

Have any problems with those connections? No? Then go over there, and shut the fuck up!
The republican president in whose administration I worked was fond of saying "we can disagree without being disagreeable". You on the other hand resort to the usual liberal tactic of name calling. A typical liberal tactic. After you translate your somewhat boorish and off topic post into English civil discourse I'd be happy to engage.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
heh - CNN.

their biggest success is to be more of a homer than FOX could ever dream of.
Yeah. The quotes from Cohn himself are probably fake, right?
Yet they (you) voted for hillary?

Want to tell us all of the ACTUAL connections between the clinton crime foundation and Russia?

Here is a question, you fucking loser.

Have any problems with those connections? No? Then go over there, and shut the fuck up!
The republican president in whose administration I worked was fond of saying "we can disagree without being disagreeable". You on the other hand resort to the usual liberal tactic of name calling. A typical liberal tactic. After you translate your somewhat boorish and off topic post into English civil discourse I'd be happy to engage.
Oh, not addressing your hypocrisy I see.
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialize as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.

Did you have the same outrage when they went after Clinton and got him 7 years later for a BJ totally unrelated to Whitewater? Eighty and Ken Starr opened these doors. If Trump did nothing wrong, why are you and he soooooo worried. Innocent folks do not worry or lie!

Does that make this bullshit okay?


How do you know it's bullshit, is the investigation over yet?
It's intentionally a never ending investigation.

That's why it's bullshit.

It began on false pretenses.
It never showed probable cause of it's intended purpose.
The people that Mueller selected to run the thing are all associated in some shape or form with Hillary.
Comey's association with Mueller is just one of many conflicts of interest.'s bullshit.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
heh - CNN.

their biggest success is to be more of a homer than FOX could ever dream of.
Yeah. The quotes from Cohn himself are probably fake, right?
Yet they (you) voted for hillary?

Want to tell us all of the ACTUAL connections between the clinton crime foundation and Russia?

Here is a question, you fucking loser.

Have any problems with those connections? No? Then go over there, and shut the fuck up!
The republican president in whose administration I worked was fond of saying "we can disagree without being disagreeable". You on the other hand resort to the usual liberal tactic of name calling. A typical liberal tactic. After you translate your somewhat boorish and off topic post into English civil discourse I'd be happy to engage.
Oh, not addressing your hypocrisy I see.
Hey my fellow citizen. You:

1. Suggested that CNN report on Cohen was not real because it was on CNN. I pointed out that the report quotes Cohen himself. You came back with some Clinton Foundation point which is irrelevant (however much I hate Clinton and all her corruption you were not in any way responding to the fact that your belittling of CNN for not being accurate in this case was not undeserved, but in this case wrong).

2. Use a liberal tactic of deflection and name calling to avoid the point. And you make up an image of me that is nowhere near accurate.

Other than that, good post.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialize as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.

Did you have the same outrage when they went after Clinton and got him 7 years later for a BJ totally unrelated to Whitewater? Eighty and Ken Starr opened these doors. If Trump did nothing wrong, why are you and he soooooo worried. Innocent folks do not worry or lie!

Does that make this bullshit okay?


How do you know it's bullshit, is the investigation over yet?
It's intentionally a never ending investigation.

That's why it's bullshit.

It began on false pretenses.
It never showed probable cause of it's intended purpose.
The people that Mueller selected to run the thing are all associated in some shape or form with Hillary.'s bullshit.
you would think that Ferris would just drop this and deal with the Texas crisis instead !!!
Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialize as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.

Did you have the same outrage when they went after Clinton and got him 7 years later for a BJ totally unrelated to Whitewater? Eighty and Ken Starr opened these doors. If Trump did nothing wrong, why are you and he soooooo worried. Innocent folks do not worry or lie!

Does that make this bullshit okay?


How do you know it's bullshit, is the investigation over yet?
It's intentionally a never ending investigation.

That's why it's bullshit.

It began on false pretenses.
It never showed probable cause of it's intended purpose.
The people that Mueller selected to run the thing are all associated in some shape or form with Hillary.
Comey's association with Mueller is just one of many conflicts of interest.'s bullshit.

Robert is a repube, sorry that's how it is.
I'm sure you were just as outraged when Ken Starr hopped on at least 4 different subjects looking into Bill Clinton. Oh wait bet you weren't. Starr set the tone, you can go where ever the investigation takes you.
I know I know, a blow job is a far worse violation then possible collusion with a foreign power, but let's find out. I am willing to wait to pass judgement on the whole Russian thing, why aren't you and Agent Orange?
Blow jobs by themselves aren't illegal.
Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are.
Oh, and sexual-misconduct with an intern isn't some small issue. If a Republican had been caught doing that he would have been forced to resign. But because you on the left practice double-standards you think it's trivial.

Who h is more trivial, Russian collusion or the BJ? If Trump broke the law shouldn't something be done. It was with Bill, I am willing to wait and except what comes of this, are you?
Actually they've already stated that there was no proof of collusion. They also admitted that Trump was never under investigation. They began the investigation on false pretenses using an imaginary memo that never materialize as a basis for appointing a special council. Now Mueller is looking into non-related business dealings fishing for evidence of a crime. They don't even have probable cause much less a smoking gun.

What's really going on is Mueller is hoping to create a process crime. Indict someone for obstruction and lying to investigators. And maybe, just maybe Trump fires the AD which will force more investigations resulting in impeachment. They have no crimes to investigate.

Did you have the same outrage when they went after Clinton and got him 7 years later for a BJ totally unrelated to Whitewater? Eighty and Ken Starr opened these doors. If Trump did nothing wrong, why are you and he soooooo worried. Innocent folks do not worry or lie!
They didn't go after billy 8 years after that pig stuck a cigar in out of a fat Jewish intern's ass in the oval office. That was at the time, and he then lied under oath. Several times. We all know you don't care about that, and you certainly don't care about the long list of women who claimed sexual assault. ALL of them were either ugly or liars in your pathetic eyes. All while the greatest woman that ever walked the earth attacked those women were sexually assaulted.

No really.

You have any other sort of stupid hypocritical disposition?


Did you forget that Cheato Jesus has openly admitted to assaulting women? You know the whole pussy grabbing thing!:rofl:

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