Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
/----/ From your link:
"The Trump Moscow proposal was simply one of many development opportunities that the Trump Organization considered and ultimately rejected," Cohen said in a written statement.
"In late January 2016, I abandoned the Moscow proposal because I lost confidence that the prospective licensee would be able to obtain the real estate, financing and government approvals necessary to bring the proposal to fruition," he added. "It was a building proposal that did not succeed and nothing more."
So for all you people who are telling me that it was an innocent connection and nothing ever happened with it, fine. That isn't my point. I don't give a hoot about the whole Russia investigation as I know how it will end up. Both "sides" will declare victory. I don't care.

My OP is about the fact that I repeatedly have had my President lie to me. I don't like it when people lie to me. Some of you folks apparently don't care if someone lies to you unless they are in the wrong tribe.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
/----/ From your link:
"The Trump Moscow proposal was simply one of many development opportunities that the Trump Organization considered and ultimately rejected," Cohen said in a written statement.
"In late January 2016, I abandoned the Moscow proposal because I lost confidence that the prospective licensee would be able to obtain the real estate, financing and government approvals necessary to bring the proposal to fruition," he added. "It was a building proposal that did not succeed and nothing more."
So for all you people who are telling me that it was an innocent connection and nothing ever happened with it, fine. That isn't my point. I don't give a hoot about the whole Russia investigation as I know how it will end up. Both "sides" will declare victory. I don't care.

My OP is about the fact that I repeatedly have had my President lie to me. I don't like it when people lie to me. Some of you folks apparently don't care if someone lies to you unless they are in the wrong tribe.
/----/ If you don't care about the facts in the link, why did you post it? IS your outrage over lies extend to the DemocRATS as well?
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
What part of this don't you understand????

"The Trump Moscow proposal was simply one of many development opportunities that the Trump Organization considered and ultimately rejected," Cohen said in a written statement.
Maxine Waters is so convinced that Bush Colluded with the Russians ,,,yet she never had any evidence,,,,just like she assumed tha Putin invaded Ukraine and dropped a few Mother Of All Bombs on them

waters is a ranking member on the house financial services committee, which is participating in the investigations into russia's interference. she has been privy to classified info.... & you aren't.
She also is a lying Democrat.
I hate to break it to you folks but we knew about Trump owning a multi-national corporation decades ago.
Just releasing shit about their considering building a tower in Russia isn't a secret.
And none of this is or ever was against the law.
This is just old news that the media is releasing that is intended to push their fucked up Russia collusion scam.
I don't think it was against the law to talk, I think it's just another piece of the Russian/Trump connection and possible quid pro quo.

Plus Trump lied about all of his connections....prosecutors and investigators take that as, having something to hide and will dig deeper.
No. It's a hypothetical based on a false narrative floated by Democrats perpetrated by the media. They're lying to you and trying to use unrelated situations to draw a false conclusion.

Whats worse is you dipshits are using a proposal that never became reality to base your arguments from. You have to read so much into your reference material and assume things that never happened for it to be even possible.

Never mind that you don't seem to understand how a large multi-national corporation works. Not every idea originates from the CEO. Trump's companies looked into building in dozens of countries. Russia was only one of them. They decided it was a waste of time, yet this allegedly proves colluding somehow. Grasping at straws much?

"Let's look into building in Russia!"
"Sorry sir, it doesn't make any sense!"
"OK, forget about it!"

This proves Collusion.

How dumb can you get.
A steady stream of recent email disclosures that detail what Trump and his minions were actually doing during the 2016 campaign has taken the wind out of those arguments.

Law enforcement and intelligence officials also have publicly stated that they believe that the Kremlin worked to tilt the 2016 election in the president's favor, and Robert Mueller's team at the Justice Department is examining whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin. As a result, the Trump family's business and financial operations are facing more federal scrutiny than ever.

The business aspects of Mueller's investigation are significant because they could establish whether or not the president or his campaign team were looking for financial quid pro quos in exchange for possibly colluding with the Kremlin. (A similar issue is dogging the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who met with Chinese and Russian financiers last year as he tried to bail out his family's investment in a struggling skyscraper on Fifth Avenue.)

Trump's partnership with Sater also presents lots of interesting questions.

Felix Sater Is a Lean, Mean Trump-Russia Machine

Trump Associate Boasted That Moscow Business Deal ‘Will Get Donald Elected’

Trump Lawyer Emailed Senior Russian Aide About Real Estate Proposal

Top Trump Organization executive asked Putin aide for help on business deal

Trump's personal lawyer emailed Putin's spokesman for help on a business deal during the election

Last edited:
1. Can you name what deal Trump made with Russia? Specifics. You have none.

2. Was any deal ever made? Nope.

3. Did any new sanctions apply to the business Trump was interested in? Even if they did, did he make a deal and build a new business there? Nope and Nope.

Don't embarrass yourself.......

A deal, consummated or not, NEGATES Trump's repeated statement that he has had NO dealing with Russia.

Now, any idiot would agree, so don't keep on harping that you're worse than an idiot.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
/----/ From your link:
"The Trump Moscow proposal was simply one of many development opportunities that the Trump Organization considered and ultimately rejected," Cohen said in a written statement.
"In late January 2016, I abandoned the Moscow proposal because I lost confidence that the prospective licensee would be able to obtain the real estate, financing and government approvals necessary to bring the proposal to fruition," he added. "It was a building proposal that did not succeed and nothing more."
So for all you people who are telling me that it was an innocent connection and nothing ever happened with it, fine. That isn't my point. I don't give a hoot about the whole Russia investigation as I know how it will end up. Both "sides" will declare victory. I don't care.

My OP is about the fact that I repeatedly have had my President lie to me. I don't like it when people lie to me. Some of you folks apparently don't care if someone lies to you unless they are in the wrong tribe.
/----/ If you don't care about the facts in the link, why did you post it? IS your outrage over lies extend to the DemocRATS as well?
Yes it does. Don't like lies. Not from my President, not from my kids. The link is just the latest lie from our president, who I support. But he is making it darned difficult for me.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
/----/ From your link:
"The Trump Moscow proposal was simply one of many development opportunities that the Trump Organization considered and ultimately rejected," Cohen said in a written statement.
"In late January 2016, I abandoned the Moscow proposal because I lost confidence that the prospective licensee would be able to obtain the real estate, financing and government approvals necessary to bring the proposal to fruition," he added. "It was a building proposal that did not succeed and nothing more."
So for all you people who are telling me that it was an innocent connection and nothing ever happened with it, fine. That isn't my point. I don't give a hoot about the whole Russia investigation as I know how it will end up. Both "sides" will declare victory. I don't care.

My OP is about the fact that I repeatedly have had my President lie to me. I don't like it when people lie to me. Some of you folks apparently don't care if someone lies to you unless they are in the wrong tribe.
You have NO proof that Trump "lied" about anything.
You have LIB MSM attempting to string together a lot of 'ifs' and 'could bes' and what ifs' to prove Trump "lied.
Let's wait and see if any of their usual bullshit is true.
Just b/c someone in his multi-billion dollar empire spoke to a (GOD FORBID) Russian about some proposed building doesn't mean President Trump had anything to do with the initial inquiries.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

Funny how the only way snowflakes can sustain their Fake News 'Russia Collusion' SCAM is to keep twisting shit.

Take the Thread Title, for example:
-- "Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

What utter BULLSHIT! Nobody - NO ONE - ever said 'Trump had nothing to do with Russia'. They said THERE IS NO 'RUSSIA COLLUSION'. That, BTW, has been proven to be the case. The whole 'Russia Collusion' Scam came about by Barry and Comey - the President and the Head of the FBI - seeking to buy a false report based on Russian Propaganda from a foreign agent to use against Obama's and Hillary's political enemy.

Trump is an international businessman, a Real Estate / Hotel/Resort tycoon with properties all over the world. So snowflakes are now about to shit themselves over an International Businessman actually conducting business...INTERNATIONALLY?!

Great - you snowflakes have solved the case. Trump is busted....but tell me, HOW LONG CAN HE GET IN PRISON FOR DOING BUSINESS OVERSEAS WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES? Oh wiat, that's right - THAT'S NOT ILLEGAL!


SSDD....once again snowflakes are found to be grasping at straws, still unable to provide any evidence to support their Fake News already-debunked 'Russia Collusion' Scam.

What part of this don't you understand????

"The Trump Moscow proposal was simply one of many development opportunities that the Trump Organization considered and ultimately rejected," Cohen said in a written statement.
Maxine Waters is so convinced that Bush Colluded with the Russians ,,,yet she never had any evidence,,,,just like she assumed tha Putin invaded Ukraine and dropped a few Mother Of All Bombs on them

waters is a ranking member on the house financial services committee, which is participating in the investigations into russia's interference. she has been privy to classified info.... & you aren't.
She also is a lying Democrat.
I hate to break it to you folks but we knew about Trump owning a multi-national corporation decades ago.
Just releasing shit about their considering building a tower in Russia isn't a secret.
And none of this is or ever was against the law.
This is just old news that the media is releasing that is intended to push their fucked up Russia collusion scam.
I don't think it was against the law to talk, I think it's just another piece of the Russian/Trump connection and possible quid pro quo.

Plus Trump lied about all of his connections....prosecutors and investigators take that as, having something to hide and will dig deeper.
No. It's a hypothetical based on a false narrative floated by Democrats perpetrated by the media. They're lying to you and trying to use unrelated situations to draw a false conclusion.

Whats worse is you dipshits are using a proposal that never became reality to base your arguments from. You have to read so much into your reference material and assume things that never happened for it to be even possible.

Never mind that you don't seem to understand how a large multi-national corporation works. Not every idea originates from the CEO. Trump's companies looked into building in dozens of countries. Russia was only one of them. They decided it was a waste of time, yet this allegedly proves colluding somehow. Grasping at straws much?

"Let's look into building in Russia!"
"Sorry sir, it doesn't make any sense!"
"OK, forget about it!"

This proves Collusion.

How dumb can you get.
Did he lie when he said he had nothing to do with Russia or not? That's my only issue. This is only the latest lie.
well, well, well... who would have guessed the gilded charlatan is a big fat liar...?? :eusa_clap:

80 times Trump talked about Putin

Trump business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of e-mails to Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Trump’s candidacy.

“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,” Sater wrote.

‘Our boy can become president . . . and we can engineer it,’ Trump ally said of Russia deal - The Boston Globe

gee i wonder WHY they ALL lied :eusa_liar: and our attorney general even LIED UNDER OATH. :eusa_clap:

The Trump officials who denied Russia contact - CNNPolitics

Yes this could take awhile to figure out!:420:
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
/----/ From your link:
"The Trump Moscow proposal was simply one of many development opportunities that the Trump Organization considered and ultimately rejected," Cohen said in a written statement.
"In late January 2016, I abandoned the Moscow proposal because I lost confidence that the prospective licensee would be able to obtain the real estate, financing and government approvals necessary to bring the proposal to fruition," he added. "It was a building proposal that did not succeed and nothing more."
So for all you people who are telling me that it was an innocent connection and nothing ever happened with it, fine. That isn't my point. I don't give a hoot about the whole Russia investigation as I know how it will end up. Both "sides" will declare victory. I don't care.

My OP is about the fact that I repeatedly have had my President lie to me. I don't like it when people lie to me. Some of you folks apparently don't care if someone lies to you unless they are in the wrong tribe.
You have NO proof that Trump "lied" about anything.
You have LIB MSM attempting to string together a lot of 'ifs' and 'could bes' and what ifs' to prove Trump "lied.
Let's wait and see if any of their usual bullshit is true.
Just b/c someone in his multi-billion dollar empire spoke to a (GOD FORBID) Russian about some proposed building doesn't mean President Trump had anything to do with the initial inquiries.
/----/ On a different thread, Libtards give Hildabeast a pass on the Birther Movement by claiming a low level staffer started the rumor. This supposedly vindicated Hillary. But the Libtards also claim Trump is responsible for his lawyer's inquiries two years before he ran for president.
“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,” Sater wrote.

The ABOVE is the MOST damaging.........Poor Trump ass-kissers have only two options to spin this......

First they will say that a failed deal NEGATES that Trump ever said he has had NO dealing with Russia (btw, what ever happened to the greatest deal-maker who ever "blessed" this planet?)

Second, Trump ass-kissers might also defend Trump stating that Trump was not aware that Moscow was located in Russia.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

Funny how the only way snowflakes can sustain their Fake News 'Russia Collusion' SCAM is to keep twisting shit.

Take the Thread Title, for example:
-- "Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

What utter BULLSHIT! Nobody - NO ONE - ever said 'Trump had nothing to do with Russia'. They said THERE IS NO 'RUSSIA COLLUSION'. That, BTW, has been proven to be the case. The whole 'Russia Collusion' Scam came about by Barry and Comey - the President and the Head of the FBI - seeking to buy a false report based on Russian Propaganda from a foreign agent to use against Obama's and Hillary's political enemy.

Trump is an international businessman, a Real Estate / Hotel/Resort tycoon with properties all over the world. So snowflakes are now about to shit themselves over an International Businessman actually conducting business...INTERNATIONALLY?!

Great - you snowflakes have solved the case. Trump is busted....but tell me, HOW LONG CAN HE GET IN PRISON FOR DOING BUSINESS OVERSEAS WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES? Oh wiat, that's right - THAT'S NOT ILLEGAL!


SSDD....once again snowflakes are found to be grasping at straws, still unable to provide any evidence to support their Fake News already-debunked 'Russia Collusion' Scam.


Well uhm, Bone Spurs said he had nothing to do with Russia. There is always that.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
/----/ From your link:
"The Trump Moscow proposal was simply one of many development opportunities that the Trump Organization considered and ultimately rejected," Cohen said in a written statement.
"In late January 2016, I abandoned the Moscow proposal because I lost confidence that the prospective licensee would be able to obtain the real estate, financing and government approvals necessary to bring the proposal to fruition," he added. "It was a building proposal that did not succeed and nothing more."
So for all you people who are telling me that it was an innocent connection and nothing ever happened with it, fine. That isn't my point. I don't give a hoot about the whole Russia investigation as I know how it will end up. Both "sides" will declare victory. I don't care.

My OP is about the fact that I repeatedly have had my President lie to me. I don't like it when people lie to me. Some of you folks apparently don't care if someone lies to you unless they are in the wrong tribe.
You have NO proof that Trump "lied" about anything.
You have LIB MSM attempting to string together a lot of 'ifs' and 'could bes' and what ifs' to prove Trump "lied.
Let's wait and see if any of their usual bullshit is true.
Just b/c someone in his multi-billion dollar empire spoke to a (GOD FORBID) Russian about some proposed building doesn't mean President Trump had anything to do with the initial inquiries.
/----/ On a different thread, Libtards give Hildabeast a pass on the Birther Movement by claiming a low level staffer started the rumor. This supposedly vindicated Hillary. But the Libtards also claim Trump is responsible for his lawyer's inquiries two years before he ran for president.
View attachment 146547
Oh. Yes it's outrageous. Is that what you want to hear? Does that excuse President Trump from responsibility for lying somehow? Am I supposed to not care? Help me with your point.
“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,” Sater wrote.

The ABOVE is the MOST damaging.........Poor Trump ass-kissers have only two options to spin this......

First they will say that a failed deal NEGATES that Trump ever said he has had NO dealing with Russia (btw, what ever happened to the greatest deal-maker who ever "blessed" this planet?)

Second, Trump ass-kissers might also defend Trump stating that Trump was not aware that Moscow was located in Russia.
/----/ Please post photos and the address of the Trump Tower in Moscow. This could be damaging.
Well uhm, Bone Spurs said he had nothing to do with Russia. There is always that.

Somehow, that little tidbit just "escapes" the thinking of Trump ass-kissers.....

Soon, we may hear that when Trump stated that he had NO deals with Russia, he was only using "sarcasm."
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
/----/ From your link:
"The Trump Moscow proposal was simply one of many development opportunities that the Trump Organization considered and ultimately rejected," Cohen said in a written statement.
"In late January 2016, I abandoned the Moscow proposal because I lost confidence that the prospective licensee would be able to obtain the real estate, financing and government approvals necessary to bring the proposal to fruition," he added. "It was a building proposal that did not succeed and nothing more."
So for all you people who are telling me that it was an innocent connection and nothing ever happened with it, fine. That isn't my point. I don't give a hoot about the whole Russia investigation as I know how it will end up. Both "sides" will declare victory. I don't care.

My OP is about the fact that I repeatedly have had my President lie to me. I don't like it when people lie to me. Some of you folks apparently don't care if someone lies to you unless they are in the wrong tribe.
You have NO proof that Trump "lied" about anything.
You have LIB MSM attempting to string together a lot of 'ifs' and 'could bes' and what ifs' to prove Trump "lied.
Let's wait and see if any of their usual bullshit is true.
Just b/c someone in his multi-billion dollar empire spoke to a (GOD FORBID) Russian about some proposed building doesn't mean President Trump had anything to do with the initial inquiries.
/----/ On a different thread, Libtards give Hildabeast a pass on the Birther Movement by claiming a low level staffer started the rumor. This supposedly vindicated Hillary. But the Libtards also claim Trump is responsible for his lawyer's inquiries two years before he ran for president.
View attachment 146547
Oh. Yes it's outrageous. Is that what you want to hear? Does that excuse President Trump from responsibility for lying somehow? Am I supposed to not care? Help me with your point.
/----/ You need to prove Trump was lying. Your wishful thinking doesn't count as evidence. Here's an example to help you along.
Please post photos and the address of the Trump Tower in Moscow. This could be damaging.

Somehow, Marriott, Hilton, Ritz-Carlton, etc. DID manage to work out a deal for construction in Moscow and St. Petersburg........BUT, the "greatest deal maker, Trump" failed !!!!.....LOL

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