Trump, Haley & the latest SNAFU, orchestrated by the President.

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.
"Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S.opening up its new embassy inJerusalem."

Haley is either a liar or an idiot.

Likely both.

So, there was NO violence from the Palestinians until the embassy was opened? Sounds like there was probably a showing of "The Innocence of Muslims" that sparked the unrest.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.
Y'all just looking for something to bitch about The Donald.

She is 100% correct. Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. They didn't
get that distinction from being nice guys. The Palestinians have a bigger chip
on their shoulder than John McCain. They know that nobody gives a shit about
them and they still continue on the same path.

They're about fucking dumb. And they are sheep.

They follow Hamas right into Israeli guns...only Hamas drops out of the parade just before the shooting starts.,

The folks in the Middle East have more important things to worry about
than were America is putting an embassy and the folks in the ME are tired
of hearing the Pali's whine about a two-state solution and then say Israel
doesn't have a right to exist. That slogan is 70 years old and has fallen
on deaf ears.

If the Palis were smart they'd have new elections and dump those idiots
in charge and Hamas.
But you worthless leftists have to admit she's hotter than Fancy Piglosi or Hildaskank.
Y'all just looking for something to bitch about The Donald.

She is 100% correct. Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. They didn't
get that distinction from being nice guys. The Palestinians have a bigger chip
on their shoulder than John McCain. They know that nobody gives a shit about
them and they still continue on the same path.

They're about fucking dumb. And they are sheep.

They follow Hamas right into Israeli guns...only Hamas drops out of the parade just before the shooting starts.,

The folks in the Middle East have more important things to worry about
than were America is putting an embassy and the folks in the ME are tired
of hearing the Pali's whine about a two-state solution and then say Israel
doesn't have a right to exist. That slogan is 70 years old and has fallen
on deaf ears.

If the Palis were smart they'd have new elections and dump those idiots
in charge and Hamas.

If you were a Palestinian you would not see Hamas as a terrorist organization. You probably went to a Hamas funded school. When your kid gets sick you take them to a Hamas funded clinic. When you need dental work you go to a Hamas funded dentist. Then there are the food banks and soup kitchens.

When the Israeli bulldozers come in and destroy your home to make room for some more pure Jewish settlements, who takes to the streets to raise money to help you relocate and build a new home. Hamas, that is who. In fact, you show me any other organization in the world that can raise one million dollars worth of food, valuables and cash to help homeless refugees. Collect one million dollars in GAZA, one of the poorest areas in the world, let alone the Middle East. They can collect one million dollars worth of gold necklaces, bags of rice, and scarce cash from the residents of Gaza.. So your notion, that the Palestinian people would vote out Hamas, is absolutely delusional and indicates you have no concept of what is going on in Jerusalem.
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"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Too funny, it's Trump's "fault" that Hamas is orchestrating the violence. You people re very sick in the head.
If we permit the threat of violence and any violent aftermath against our actions, we cease to exist as a viable nation and succumb to fear.

The Ambassador is correct.

If a few Palestinians want to commit suicide, let them. I should never be a consideration when we act in our own interests.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.
Ah yes. The "Look at what you made me do" defense.
Y'all just looking for something to bitch about The Donald.

She is 100% correct. Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. They didn't
get that distinction from being nice guys. The Palestinians have a bigger chip
on their shoulder than John McCain. They know that nobody gives a shit about
them and they still continue on the same path.

They're about fucking dumb. And they are sheep.

They follow Hamas right into Israeli guns...only Hamas drops out of the parade just before the shooting starts.,

The folks in the Middle East have more important things to worry about
than were America is putting an embassy and the folks in the ME are tired
of hearing the Pali's whine about a two-state solution and then say Israel
doesn't have a right to exist. That slogan is 70 years old and has fallen
on deaf ears.

If the Palis were smart they'd have new elections and dump those idiots
in charge and Hamas.

If you were a Palestinian you would not see Hamas as a terrorist organization. You probably went to a Hamas funded school. When your kid gets sick you take them to a Hamas funded clinic. When you need dental work you go to a Hamas funded dentist. Then there are the food banks and soup kitchens.

When the Israeli bulldozers come in and destroy your home to make room for some more pure Jewish settlements, who takes to the streets to raise money to help you relocate and build a new home. Hamas, that is who. In fact, you show me any other organization in the world that can raise one million dollars worth of food, valuables and cash to help homeless refugees. Collect one million dollars in GAZA, one of the poorest areas in the world, let alone the Middle East. They can collect one million dollars worth of gold necklaces, bags of rice, and scarce cash from the residents of Gaza.. So your notion, that the Palestinian people would vote out Hamas, is absolutely delusional and indicates you have no concept of what is going on in Jerusalem.

If I was a Palestinian I would have killed myself a long time ago.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that sends its members to their
death quite often.
The Palestinians have fired over 25,000 rockets into Israel killing women and children. Was there an emergency meeting of the UN security council? /sarcasm
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.
Ah yes. The "Look at what you made me do" defense.

Actually bozo, it was offensive; an expression of the fact that Haley tried to spin the same bullshit you and others now want to echo. That being to blame everyone but Trump, who is the one responsible for the deaths yesterday, and more today.
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