Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

Every time I read about these Jan 6th hearings, all I ever hear is that they are building a case that the so-called insurrection happened because Trump kept on saying that the election was stolen, his supporters believed him, and then some of them rioted, attacking the Capitol. They are finding evidence after evidence after evidence to prove that Trump claimed the election was stolen (not that we didn't know that in the first place) but the kangaroo hearing has to prove Trump repeatedly said the election was stolen even though everyone already knows he's said that many times. What a farce!

So what? Trump has a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, as many times as he wants to say it. That doesn't make him legally responsible if others believe the so called "big lie" and then riot and attack the Capitol. That's on them, not on Trump. Democrats called the 2016 election stolen for years and took steps to overthrow Trump. Where are the investigations of them? Oh, wait a minute. I spoke too soon. Those investigations are coming when Republicans take over the House after the midterms.
Trump has a right to bitch and moan about his loss. He does NOT have the right to attempt a coup.

All caught up now?
Such a stupid, desperate lie.
Ok Mr. bright guy, then you try to explain away all the added bull crap if it isn't an attack on this Republic/democracy. What does all the other stuff have to do with police brutality in these individual incidents ???? Give it your best go.
Trump voluntarily subordinated that right by taking a sacred oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

When the two ( the Oath and the First ) are in conflict, the Oath is supposed to win.

In your Orange Scumbag's case, his Oath lost.

Bringing dishonor and infamy upon his head and his name and his family.

The Republic hasn't seen a piece-of-$hit selfish arrogant entitled traitor like that since Benedict Arnold.
You attempting to heep the pure evilness of the Democrat party upon Trump's head is flipping laughable, and so much so that I bet that even kackling Kamala is probably doing everything she can to keep from busting out laughing, otherwise if she heard you saying the things you say knowing that it's just pure partisan bull crap, and all because she knows herself that it's all complete bull crap, but she's trapped with what she's got, and there's no way out so she just laughs her way through it all. LOL
What is to explain? They didn't try to defraud or overturn an election. Nothing else to say. It's just pathetic cult whataboutism that doesn't even make sense.
Thought so.. It makes plenty of sense in non-partisan common sense land, but you can't live in that land being a staunch partisan can you ?
Thought so.. It makes plenty of sense in non-partisan common sense land, but you can't live in that land being a staunch partisan can you ?
I explained it, as requested. Now put on your big girl panties and address the explanation you asked for.
I explained it, as requested. Now put on your big girl panties and address the explanation you asked for.
No one wearing panties around here but you boy. Now if that was your answer then so be it... You falter like a weak little flower in a down pour.
No one wearing panties around here but you boy. Now if that was your answer then so be it... You falter like a weak little flower in a down pour.
You get the explanation you asked for, then you tap out immediately like the terrified intellectual sissy you are. I saw it coming.

Why did you even ask? Were you pining to have a hissy fit or something?
You get the explanation you asked for, then you tap out immediately like the terrified intellectual sissy you are. I saw it coming.

Why did you even ask? Were you pining to have a hissy fit or something?
You've already lost boy, so just keep embarrassing yourself with your stupidity and insults thrown.. A sure sign of your losing the debate, now slink yourself back into the hell hole that you climbed out of.
You've already lost boy, so just keep embarrassing yourself with your stupidity and insults thrown.. A sure sign of your losing the debate, now slink yourself back into the hell hole that you climbed out of.
Your embarrassing manbaby whining will not help you.

You asked for an explanation. Unfortunately, you found yourself not in a setting where a paid lying weasel is paid to tell you exactly what you want to hear, to protect your delicate sensibilities..

And we see the very predictable result. Go soothe yourself by wrapping yourself in some Dan Bongino or Tucker.
so you think they were consensual meetings in the shower with daddy? Son, your love for a pedophile is noted. no issues from me. I now know you love you pedophiles. The childs words aren't good enough.

How old was she at that time?
so the daughters diary is a lie? All in on that pedophilia stuff huh? love you some pedo joe

Where did I say she lied? I said she never said the things that some here attribute to her. Show me where she said she was a teenager at that time? Show me where she said they showered nightly. Show me where she said her father molested her.

When you don't, because you can't, maybe then you'll see your fellow nut was lying.
Your embarrassing manbaby whining will not help you.

You asked for an explanation. Unfortunately, you found yourself not in a setting where a paid lying weasel is paid to tell you exactly what you want to hear, to protect your delicate sensibilities..

And we see the very predictable result. Go soothe yourself by wrapping yourself in some Dan Bongino or Tucker.
You just can't stop can you ? Well I guess you can't because your little sissy pride button has been pushed, and then you got the nerve to talk about sissy sensibilities... We see who exhibits those types of sensibilities here, and well that be's you boy.... ROTFLMBO..

Look enough of this childish stupidity that you've now started, now if you got something intelligent to say then say it, other than that we are done here.
You just can't stop can you ? Well I guess you can't because your little sissy pride button has been pushed, and then you got the nerve to talk about sissy sensibilities... We see who exhibits those types of sensibilities here, and well that be's you boy.... ROTFLMBO..

Look enough of this childish stupidity that you've now started, now if you got something intelligent to say then say it, other than that we are done here.
Cry it all out crybaby.

So, which election did they try to defraud or overturn? Did they send fake votes to the national archives? What?

You say it was an attack on democracy. Put up or shut up, crybaby.

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