Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

A lie? You deny the deep state planting evidence against Trump to overturn the election? You deny democrats tried to get electors to be faithless? You deny trying to invoke the 25th amendment? You deny democrats refusing to certify the 2016 election results? You deny having two impeachments, knowing that the Senate would not find enough evidence to convict?
Yes. None of that is fucking true regarding the 2016 election.
By using the VOTE?
What vote? They planted false evidence against Trump, bought and paid for by Hillary. They tried to get electors to be faithless. They refused to certify the election results. They refused to go to Trump's inauguration, spreading the big lie that Trump was not the legitimate president. They conjoured up two impeachments against Trump, knowing there was not evidence for the Senate to convict. And, even now, the House is abusing it's power on kangaroo investigations to hurt Trump in an attempt to take him out of the picture so that voters will be unable to vote, suppressing any and all voters from voting for Trump. Why do democrats attack our democracy?
You deny the deep state planting evidence against Trump to overturn the election?
You said democrats. Though now you're getting even more insane.

You deny democrats tried to get electors to be faithless?
Within the rules.

Guess what isn't and is a serious felony?

Forging fake electors on fake State letterhead with fake State seals and submitting them to the National Archives.

No comparison. Give it up, you're embarrassing yourself.
Ahhh the ol PeeWee Herman Defense...poorly executed.

Newsflash...this entire thread is about Trump's "right to lie".

You're admitting that it IS all a lie

Independentthinker : Trump can say what he wants
Lush: Trump is lying, so you just said he has a right to lie

While that is part of what he said, it isn't what he said. I just like to call out how stupid and racist leftists are. You forgot to add duh, dar and then you need to drool
You said democrats. Though now you're getting even more insane.

Within the rules.

Guess what isn't and is a serious felony?

Forging fake electors on fake State letterhead with fake State seals and submitting them to the National Archives.

No comparison. Give it up, you're embarrassing yourself.
And Trump was doing it within the rules. Let's just get to the most questionable one. The Electoral Vote Act is somewhat vague on VP's duties, so much so, that even democrats want to reform the act so that it is more clear. Why would democrats want to reform the EVA if they thought the wording was cut and dry? Democrats spent four years working on every loophole they could to get rid of Trump and continue to do so to this very day. Why can't Trump do the same?
Trump was doing it within the rules.

Forging electors is not within the rules. It's a felony.

Pressuring State officials to find votes that don't exist is not within the rules. It's a felony.

Pressuring the vice president to break the law to overturn an election is not within the rules. That's a felony.

Just give it up. You are embarrassing yourself.
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AFTER the election Trump’s own action led to his impeachment and his OWN people were talking about the 25th

TDS is what happened. No, it's not limited to the racist Democrat party, but it's a lot more prevalent there

Forging electors is not within the rules. It's a felony.

Pressuring State officials to find votes that don't exist is not within the rules. It's a felony.

Pressuring the vice president to break the law to overturn an election is not withinthe rules.

Just fucking give it up. You are embarrassing yourself.

This is the TDS version of what Trump said. He said to find more votes, not forge them.

Note you added that, and you removed Trump telling the demonstrators to be peaceful.

This is why due process allows a defense. The Democrat Politburo doesn't. They are all about racists like you
And Trump was doing it within the rules. Let's just get to the most questionable one. The Electoral Vote Act is somewhat vague on VP's duties, so much so, that even democrats want to reform the act so that it is more clear. Why would democrats want to reform the EVA if they thought the wording was cut and dry? Democrats spent four years working on every loophole they could to get rid of Trump and continue to do so to this very day. Why can't Trump do the same?
None of that is true
The difference is, we are not having sham hearings against you for your first amendment rights.
This is a lie.

These are not ‘sham’ hearings – they’re perfectly appropriate and warranted.

You and other Trump supporters are angry and upset because the facts, truth, and evidence of Trump’s lies, recklessness, incompetence, and criminality are being exposed and documented; yours is nothing but subjective partisan whining.

And the First Amendment has nothing to do with this.

No manifestation of government is seeking to preempt or silence Trump; no manifestation of government has enacted a measure subjecting Trump to arrest and prosecution because of the content of this speech; and the committee members have not disallowed Trump to testify at the hearing – those are the only situations where the First Amendment comes into play.

Indeed, the committee members would welcome nothing more than for Trump to appear and testify, consistent with his First Amendment right.
LOL. Democrats tried to overturn democracy in 2016. Where are the hearings against them?
They actually used George Floyd and other such incident's as an excuse to attack our Republic and democracy. It's one thing to protest an incident where police brutality might be involved, but when you see things added like statue destruction, rioting, government buildings attacked, the government being attacked, CRT attempted to be implemented in school's, drag queen story time, the 1619 project, safe spaces, added bathroom's, open borders, abortion's up to 9 months, defund the police excetra, excetra, excetra, then you know something is wrong in this country big time.

Forging electors is not within the rules. It's a felony.

Pressuring State officials to find votes that don't exist is not within the rules. It's a felony.

Pressuring the vice president to break the law to overturn an election is not within the rules. That's a felony.

Just give it up. You are embarrassing yourself.
Were there any forged electors?

What's wrong with pressuring state officials to have an accurate count? Are you against accurate counts?

The Electoral Vote Act isn't totally precise so Trump tried to take advantage of what looked like a loophole. Even democrats wanted to reform the EVA, apparently because even they believed it left some wiggle room.
None of that is true
Sure it is.

Every time I read about these Jan 6th hearings, all I ever hear is that they are building a case that the so-called insurrection happened because Trump kept on saying that the election was stolen, his supporters believed him, and then some of them rioted, attacking the Capitol. They are finding evidence after evidence after evidence to prove that Trump claimed the election was stolen (not that we didn't know that in the first place) but the kangaroo hearing has to prove Trump repeatedly said the election was stolen even though everyone already knows he's said that many times. What a farce!

So what? Trump has a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, as many times as he wants to say it. That doesn't make him legally responsible if others believe the so called "big lie" and then riot and attack the Capitol. That's on them, not on Trump. Democrats called the 2016 election stolen for years and took steps to overthrow Trump. Where are the investigations of them? Oh, wait a minute. I spoke too soon. Those investigations are coming when Republicans take over the House after the midterms.
Trump voluntarily subordinated that right by taking a sacred oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

When the two ( the Oath and the First ) are in conflict, the Oath is supposed to win.

In your Orange Scumbag's case, his Oath lost.

Bringing dishonor and infamy upon his head and his name and his family.

The Republic hasn't seen a piece-of-$hit selfish arrogant entitled traitor like that since Benedict Arnold.
Trump voluntarily subordinated that right by taking a sacred oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

When the two ( the Oath and the First ) are in conflict, the Oath is supposed to win.

In your Orange Scumbag's case, his Oath lost.

Bringing dishonor and infamy upon his head and his name and his family.

The Republic hasn't seen a piece-of-$hit selfish arrogant entitled traitor like that since Benedict Arnold.
When did he not preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States? And don't give me any of your opinions and innuendos. I want to hear facts, criminal facts. If they are merely accusations from the other side of the aisle then they are nothing but accusations. Some on the right accuse Biden of being a pedophile. Does that make it so?

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