Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

Yet you buy into everything that comes from the mouths of the left......

Road rage Trump haters..................... :abgg2q.jpg:
It is simple, the left aren't traitors to this country and compared to you hate Nazis they rarely lie. Your party couldn't and wouldn't exist without lies. The left doesn't have to lie, they are covering up nothing compared to you Traitors.
Keep saying it enough, and maybe you will end up coming around to your lying delusions after being unsuccessful in your attempts to steal a nation at government gun point. Everyone knows that Democrat's are the actual insurrectionist. It started prior to 2016 and even before that.
This from a traitor to this great country.
You're right, the insurrection started when SCOTUS gutted the votings right act, and the cheaters on the Right started closing down polling places in minority areas; More People Are Voting -- But 1,688 Polling Places Have Closed in 6 Years

The MAGA Maggots have to be remembered for them trying to bring down our government , The death penalty for traitors is acceptable.
Evidence with links, or you are another pos liar?
LOL. All Democrats need is a vote of 218-217 in the House and they can abuse their power in any way they see fit and call themselves "Congress", like it was a vote of 435-0.
Every time I read about these Jan 6th hearings, all I ever hear is that they are building a case that the so-called insurrection happened because Trump kept on saying that the election was stolen, his supporters believed him, and then some of them rioted, attacking the Capitol... Trump has a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, as many times as he wants to say it.
His evidence-free pretense that his "Landslide!" was stolen incited his goons' to attack outnumbered police defending democracy. Screeching his lie at those goons that day is the equivalent of yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater. The Loser then pleasured himself by watching the carnage inflicted by his goons at the Capitol for hours, as his advisers, minions, family, and others pleaded with him to call them off.
Democrats called the 2016 election stolen for years and took steps to overthrow Trump. Where are the investigations of them? Oh, wait a minute. I spoke too soon. Those investigations are coming when Republicans take over the House after the midterms.
The "Oh, yeah!" Well what about...?" attempt at diversion fails miserably. The losing democratic nominee in 2016 graciously conceded immediately, despite having won the popular vote by 2.9 million, respecting the peaceful transfer of power that had distinguished our democracy from 1789 until 2021. She incited no goons to attack Congress. She also exhibited that respect for tradition and the American electorate by attending Trump's inauguration.

If you believe that the Trump regime was remiss for four years in not having Toady Barr investigate the 2016 election and that that provides a pretext for vendetta, good luck with that.

Kudos to all those Republican officeholders of integrity and Trump regime insiders who provided their sworn testimony before the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, and to the public servants, the federal judge, and the Attorney General of the United States who were targeted with death threats by Trump goons for recovering classified government documents in the interests of our national security.
His evidence-free pretense that his "Landslide!" was stolen incited his goons' to attack outnumbered police defending democracy. Screeching his lie at those goons that day is the equivalent of yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater. The Loser then pleasured himself by watching the carnage inflicted by his goons at the Capitol for hours, as his advisers, minions, family, and others pleaded with him to call them off.

The "Oh, yeah!" Well what about...?" attempt at diversion fails miserably. The losing democratic nominee in 2016 graciously conceded immediately, despite having won the popular vote by 2.9 million, respecting the peaceful transfer of power that had distinguished our democracy from 1789 until 2021. She incited no goons to attack Congress. She also exhibited that respect for tradition and the American electorate by attending Trump's inauguration.

If you believe that the Trump regime was remiss for four years in not having Toady Barr investigate the 2016 election and that that provides a pretext for vendetta, good luck with that.

Kudos to all those Republican officeholders of integrity and Trump regime insiders who provided their sworn testimony before the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, and to the public servants, the federal judge, and the Attorney General of the United States who were targeted with death threats by Trump goons for recovering classified government documents in the interests of our national security.
Every man who supports Trump or jan6th is a traitor to our country, and we can't ever forget that, because unless we put a leash on these anti-American traitors they will do it again. This time, we have to stand ready with the weapons needed to stop them. The military and police will be there but not in the beginning. Fend for yourself and fight for your country against these traitors as patriots.
Every man who supports Trump or jan6th is a traitor to our country, and we can't ever forget that, because unless we put a leash on these anti-American traitors they will do it again. This time, we have to stand ready with the weapons needed to stop them. The military and police will be there but not in the beginning. Fend for yourself and fight for your country against these traitors as patriots.
Democracy is under assault by a narcissistic authoritarian and his lickspittles.

Trumpery is being copied by Bolsonaro who is also denying democracy in Brasil before the election.

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This from a traitor to this great country.
We know who the real traitors are, so keep on hiding it or denying it, but someday hopefully soon the Democrat elitist culprit's will finally have to confess in front of Congress and other's about their agenda's and their plan's.... They'll do this even after they will have been warned about it all.
Democracy is under assault by a narcissistic authoritarian and his lickspittles.

Trumpery is being copied by Bolsonaro who is also denying democracy in Brasil before the election.

This is a hate driven phenomenon, is the time in history or is something in the air. The key is The Hitler routine That was taught to him by Joseph Goebbels, (maybe) But Hitler used it in Mein Kampf , and in his book "My New Order" which just happens to be the only book Trump has read in his lifetime. In fact his wife said it was on his bed stand for nightly reading. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” His routine to get to where we are today has been used by every dictator in history. It wasn't magic. It was a lie based hate driven diatribe by Trump and other worthless people like him in his party.

Democracy is under assault by those who steal elections.
Indeed. When a loser denies the democratic verdict - the certified electoral votes of all 50 states, and all legal recourses - recounts, audits, investigations, and court appeals - have further confirmed that result, goon attacks on outnumbered police defending democracy, fake elector schemes, and intimidation of Republican governors and Secretaries-of-State is a blatant assault.

The Loser whining, with no credible evidence, no tentative hypothesis as to how such a vast caper was executed, and not a single suspect among the thousands that would be required to pull off such a heist, that he had a "Landslide!" stolen is a laughable manifestation of the Loser's being unable to handle the truth.
Democracy is under assault by those who steal elections.

Which Trump tried to do by getting his VP to unilaterally disenfranchise millions of Biden voters so that Trump & Pence would get another 4 years in office.

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