Trump Has Bad Perspective!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Senator Mitt Romney has been skewered and roasted by the right wing in America especially the right wing media for his Op-Ed Article in the Washington Post criticizing President Trump they and the entirety of the Republican Party do a disservice to themselves and the country not heeding his wisdom. What Senator Romney essentially was saying was that President Trump often displays bad character which when it happens he is neither supporting nor following the President on these wrongful paths. I am going to characterize Senator Romney's point in different terms and submit that it is a continual flaw in Donald Trump's Presidency which he needs to stop because it is hurting him and the country.

What President Trump does is he chooses a "clever" perspective about things instead of a "good" perspective he believes he can pursue these side or back doors to achieve his desired ends and ignores fundamental elements of a good perspective, America sees it in the current government ShutDown.
Obviously, the issue on the shutdown is the wall, the southern border wall. A good perspective would recognize that to the Democrats and many Independents the Wall is considered a major Republican policy agenda it is a major Republican plank in their Party platform if they get it in the 2020 election cycle Republicans are going to wave around that fact like a banner claiming promise made/ promise kept to their voter base. So if that is what this Republican President is doing with the Wall then he has to offer something big to the Democrats one of their major policy agenda's one of their major Party's planks, like legalization of Childhood arrivals without visas. No President Trump ignores this good perspective, this reality, he thinks he can just back door this goal by claiming that all of a sudden this wall is needed or the country won't be secure with the same immigration problem we have had for past twenty years. He believes he can back door the goad by trying to paint the Democrats as for open borders when most Democrats have a legislative voting record to the contrary. He repeatedly tries these attempts at clever tactics which are just amateurish behavior!

President Trump's perspective about the wall is not good and until he gets his perspective good he is going to be at least waist high in failure. Let's say President Trump gets his $5 billion for a wall the truth is that most of the barrier will actually be a fence because they will be steel slat barriers to enable border patrol agents to see through; high barriers that will need to be rebuilt in fifteen to twenty years do to rust, so a big waste of money will have occurred. Lets also say that out of arrogance so he can claim in the 2020 election cycle he built the wall President Trump builds a hundred miles of concrete wall what will transpire, future Presidential administration will knock it down because it obstructs the Border Patrol from doing its job of surveilling people trying to illegally enter the United States; so what President Trump will have created is an axiom in America culture called the "Trump Wall" meaning an imprudent expensive project that later responsible authority will dismantle or remove!
Senator Mitt Romney has been skewered and roasted by the right wing in America especially the right wing media for his Op-Ed Article in the Washington Post criticizing President Trump they and the entirety of the Republican Party do a disservice to themselves and the country not heeding his wisdom. What Senator Romney essentially was saying was that President Trump often displays bad character which when it happens he is neither supporting nor following the President on these wrongful paths. I am going to characterize Senator Romney's point in different terms and submit that it is a continual flaw in Donald Trump's Presidency which he needs to stop because it is hurting him and the country.

What President Trump does is he chooses a "clever" perspective about things instead of a "good" perspective he believes he can pursue these side or back doors to achieve his desired ends and ignores fundamental elements of a good perspective, America sees it in the current government ShutDown.
Obviously, the issue on the shutdown is the wall, the southern border wall. A good perspective would recognize that to the Democrats and many Independents the Wall is considered a major Republican policy agenda it is a major Republican plank in their Party platform if they get it in the 2020 election cycle Republicans are going to wave around that fact like a banner claiming promise made/ promise kept to their voter base. So if that is what this Republican President is doing with the Wall then he has to offer something big to the Democrats one of their major policy agenda's one of their major Party's planks, like legalization of Childhood arrivals without visas. No President Trump ignores this good perspective, this reality, he thinks he can just back door this goal by claiming that all of a sudden this wall is needed or the country won't be secure with the same immigration problem we have had for past twenty years. He believes he can back door the goad by trying to paint the Democrats as for open borders when most Democrats have a legislative voting record to the contrary. He repeatedly tries these attempts at clever tactics which are just amateurish behavior!

President Trump's perspective about the wall is not good and until he gets his perspective good he is going to be at least waist high in failure. Let's say President Trump gets his $5 billion for a wall the truth is that most of the barrier will actually be a fence because they will be steel slat barriers to enable border patrol agents to see through; high barriers that will need to be rebuilt in fifteen to twenty years do to rust, so a big waste of money will have occurred. Lets also say that out of arrogance so he can claim in the 2020 election cycle he built the wall President Trump builds a hundred miles of concrete wall what will transpire, future Presidential administration will knock it down because it obstructs the Border Patrol from doing its job of surveilling people trying to illegally enter the United States; so what President Trump will have created is an axiom in America culture called the "Trump Wall" meaning an imprudent expensive project that later responsible authority will dismantle or remove!
Still better than yours.

Senator Mitt Romney has been skewered and roasted by the right wing in America especially the right wing media for his Op-Ed Article in the Washington Post criticizing President Trump they and the entirety of the Republican Party do a disservice to themselves and the country not heeding his wisdom. What Senator Romney essentially was saying was that President Trump often displays bad character which when it happens he is neither supporting nor following the President on these wrongful paths. I am going to characterize Senator Romney's point in different terms and submit that it is a continual flaw in Donald Trump's Presidency which he needs to stop because it is hurting him and the country.

What President Trump does is he chooses a "clever" perspective about things instead of a "good" perspective he believes he can pursue these side or back doors to achieve his desired ends and ignores fundamental elements of a good perspective, America sees it in the current government ShutDown.
Obviously, the issue on the shutdown is the wall, the southern border wall. A good perspective would recognize that to the Democrats and many Independents the Wall is considered a major Republican policy agenda it is a major Republican plank in their Party platform if they get it in the 2020 election cycle Republicans are going to wave around that fact like a banner claiming promise made/ promise kept to their voter base. So if that is what this Republican President is doing with the Wall then he has to offer something big to the Democrats one of their major policy agenda's one of their major Party's planks, like legalization of Childhood arrivals without visas. No President Trump ignores this good perspective, this reality, he thinks he can just back door this goal by claiming that all of a sudden this wall is needed or the country won't be secure with the same immigration problem we have had for past twenty years. He believes he can back door the goad by trying to paint the Democrats as for open borders when most Democrats have a legislative voting record to the contrary. He repeatedly tries these attempts at clever tactics which are just amateurish behavior!

President Trump's perspective about the wall is not good and until he gets his perspective good he is going to be at least waist high in failure. Let's say President Trump gets his $5 billion for a wall the truth is that most of the barrier will actually be a fence because they will be steel slat barriers to enable border patrol agents to see through; high barriers that will need to be rebuilt in fifteen to twenty years do to rust, so a big waste of money will have occurred. Lets also say that out of arrogance so he can claim in the 2020 election cycle he built the wall President Trump builds a hundred miles of concrete wall what will transpire, future Presidential administration will knock it down because it obstructs the Border Patrol from doing its job of surveilling people trying to illegally enter the United States; so what President Trump will have created is an axiom in America culture called the "Trump Wall" meaning an imprudent expensive project that later responsible authority will dismantle or remove!
You could have just said you don't like his style. A friend once told me"Johnson must know more about the war than he is saying, given the way the war is going". If he did, it didn't help. Trump may know more about the wall than we know, lets hope. Breaking rumor-Trump may declare national emergency to get wall built. I like that-we get the wall and Pelosi is off the hook-"see, we didn't give him the wall-he took it".
Senator Mitt Romney has been skewered and roasted by the right wing in America especially the right wing media for his Op-Ed Article in the Washington Post criticizing President Trump they and the entirety of the Republican Party do a disservice to themselves and the country not heeding his wisdom. What Senator Romney essentially was saying was that President Trump often displays bad character which when it happens he is neither supporting nor following the President on these wrongful paths. I am going to characterize Senator Romney's point in different terms and submit that it is a continual flaw in Donald Trump's Presidency which he needs to stop because it is hurting him and the country.

What President Trump does is he chooses a "clever" perspective about things instead of a "good" perspective he believes he can pursue these side or back doors to achieve his desired ends and ignores fundamental elements of a good perspective, America sees it in the current government ShutDown.
Obviously, the issue on the shutdown is the wall, the southern border wall. A good perspective would recognize that to the Democrats and many Independents the Wall is considered a major Republican policy agenda it is a major Republican plank in their Party platform if they get it in the 2020 election cycle Republicans are going to wave around that fact like a banner claiming promise made/ promise kept to their voter base. So if that is what this Republican President is doing with the Wall then he has to offer something big to the Democrats one of their major policy agenda's one of their major Party's planks, like legalization of Childhood arrivals without visas. No President Trump ignores this good perspective, this reality, he thinks he can just back door this goal by claiming that all of a sudden this wall is needed or the country won't be secure with the same immigration problem we have had for past twenty years. He believes he can back door the goad by trying to paint the Democrats as for open borders when most Democrats have a legislative voting record to the contrary. He repeatedly tries these attempts at clever tactics which are just amateurish behavior!

President Trump's perspective about the wall is not good and until he gets his perspective good he is going to be at least waist high in failure. Let's say President Trump gets his $5 billion for a wall the truth is that most of the barrier will actually be a fence because they will be steel slat barriers to enable border patrol agents to see through; high barriers that will need to be rebuilt in fifteen to twenty years do to rust, so a big waste of money will have occurred. Lets also say that out of arrogance so he can claim in the 2020 election cycle he built the wall President Trump builds a hundred miles of concrete wall what will transpire, future Presidential administration will knock it down because it obstructs the Border Patrol from doing its job of surveilling people trying to illegally enter the United States; so what President Trump will have created is an axiom in America culture called the "Trump Wall" meaning an imprudent expensive project that later responsible authority will dismantle or remove!
Fuck the asshole from Idaho. I am very sorry I voted for the establishment puke, now that I see his real colors(commie RED) like the rest of the Progs in government. May his dog who he put on top of his car die by being eaten by Obama....

Senator Mitt Romney has been skewered and roasted by the right wing in America especially the right wing media for his Op-Ed Article in the Washington Post criticizing President Trump they and the entirety of the Republican Party do a disservice to themselves and the country not heeding his wisdom. What Senator Romney essentially was saying was that President Trump often displays bad character which when it happens he is neither supporting nor following the President on these wrongful paths. I am going to characterize Senator Romney's point in different terms and submit that it is a continual flaw in Donald Trump's Presidency which he needs to stop because it is hurting him and the country.

What President Trump does is he chooses a "clever" perspective about things instead of a "good" perspective he believes he can pursue these side or back doors to achieve his desired ends and ignores fundamental elements of a good perspective, America sees it in the current government ShutDown.
Obviously, the issue on the shutdown is the wall, the southern border wall. A good perspective would recognize that to the Democrats and many Independents the Wall is considered a major Republican policy agenda it is a major Republican plank in their Party platform if they get it in the 2020 election cycle Republicans are going to wave around that fact like a banner claiming promise made/ promise kept to their voter base. So if that is what this Republican President is doing with the Wall then he has to offer something big to the Democrats one of their major policy agenda's one of their major Party's planks, like legalization of Childhood arrivals without visas. No President Trump ignores this good perspective, this reality, he thinks he can just back door this goal by claiming that all of a sudden this wall is needed or the country won't be secure with the same immigration problem we have had for past twenty years. He believes he can back door the goad by trying to paint the Democrats as for open borders when most Democrats have a legislative voting record to the contrary. He repeatedly tries these attempts at clever tactics which are just amateurish behavior!

President Trump's perspective about the wall is not good and until he gets his perspective good he is going to be at least waist high in failure. Let's say President Trump gets his $5 billion for a wall the truth is that most of the barrier will actually be a fence because they will be steel slat barriers to enable border patrol agents to see through; high barriers that will need to be rebuilt in fifteen to twenty years do to rust, so a big waste of money will have occurred. Lets also say that out of arrogance so he can claim in the 2020 election cycle he built the wall President Trump builds a hundred miles of concrete wall what will transpire, future Presidential administration will knock it down because it obstructs the Border Patrol from doing its job of surveilling people trying to illegally enter the United States; so what President Trump will have created is an axiom in America culture called the "Trump Wall" meaning an imprudent expensive project that later responsible authority will dismantle or remove!
Oh by the way asshole, it is the United States Citizens wall, for those were the ones who voted for President Trump to "Build that Wall". Damn, you are one stupid fuck, who needs to turn off the Lame Stream Media.

Remember, folks. If you are trying to communicate to a Trumptard, your posts must not be any longer than a tweet.

They have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. MAGA!

Use big pictures if at all possible.
You suck.

That is all.

Senator Mitt Romney has been skewered and roasted by the right wing in America especially the right wing media for his Op-Ed Article in the Washington Post criticizing President Trump they and the entirety of the Republican Party do a disservice to themselves and the country not heeding his wisdom. What Senator Romney essentially was saying was that President Trump often displays bad character which when it happens he is neither supporting nor following the President on these wrongful paths. I am going to characterize Senator Romney's point in different terms and submit that it is a continual flaw in Donald Trump's Presidency which he needs to stop because it is hurting him and the country.

What President Trump does is he chooses a "clever" perspective about things instead of a "good" perspective he believes he can pursue these side or back doors to achieve his desired ends and ignores fundamental elements of a good perspective, America sees it in the current government ShutDown.
Obviously, the issue on the shutdown is the wall, the southern border wall. A good perspective would recognize that to the Democrats and many Independents the Wall is considered a major Republican policy agenda it is a major Republican plank in their Party platform if they get it in the 2020 election cycle Republicans are going to wave around that fact like a banner claiming promise made/ promise kept to their voter base. So if that is what this Republican President is doing with the Wall then he has to offer something big to the Democrats one of their major policy agenda's one of their major Party's planks, like legalization of Childhood arrivals without visas. No President Trump ignores this good perspective, this reality, he thinks he can just back door this goal by claiming that all of a sudden this wall is needed or the country won't be secure with the same immigration problem we have had for past twenty years. He believes he can back door the goad by trying to paint the Democrats as for open borders when most Democrats have a legislative voting record to the contrary. He repeatedly tries these attempts at clever tactics which are just amateurish behavior!

President Trump's perspective about the wall is not good and until he gets his perspective good he is going to be at least waist high in failure. Let's say President Trump gets his $5 billion for a wall the truth is that most of the barrier will actually be a fence because they will be steel slat barriers to enable border patrol agents to see through; high barriers that will need to be rebuilt in fifteen to twenty years do to rust, so a big waste of money will have occurred. Lets also say that out of arrogance so he can claim in the 2020 election cycle he built the wall President Trump builds a hundred miles of concrete wall what will transpire, future Presidential administration will knock it down because it obstructs the Border Patrol from doing its job of surveilling people trying to illegally enter the United States; so what President Trump will have created is an axiom in America culture called the "Trump Wall" meaning an imprudent expensive project that later responsible authority will dismantle or remove!
Remember, folks. If you are trying to communicate to a Trumptard, your posts must not be any longer than a tweet.

They have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. MAGA!

Use big pictures if at all possible.
Love your selfie, your're cute. Big words are ok by me, 48 point or larger, but I really can't read bumper stickers-the cars keep moving. As the Dems say, MAZIE- make America zero in economics.

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