Trump Has Done Almost Nothing


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
the rubes think talking about doing it as the same as actually doing it

Tune out the noise coming from the White House. So far, very little has actually happened.

Just weeks into Donald Trump’s presidency, you would think that everything had changed. The uproar over the president’s tweets grows louder by the day, as does concern over the erratic, haphazard and aggressive stance of the White House toward critics and those with different policy views. On Sunday, White House aide Stephen Miller bragged, “We have a president who has done more in three weeks than most presidents have done in an entire administration.”

But Miller was dead wrong about this. There is a wide gap, a chasm even, between what the administration has said and what it has done. There have been 45 executive orders or presidential memoranda signed, which may seem like a lot but lags President Barack Obama’s pace. More crucially, with the notable exception of the travel ban, almost none of these orders have mandated much action or clear change of current regulations. So far, Trump has behaved exactly like he has throughout his previous career: He has generated intense attention and sold himself as a man of action while doing little other than promote an image of himself as someone who gets things done.

It is the illusion of a presidency, not the real thing.

President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing
If Trump is doing almost nothing, why are you so obsessed with him?
I don't know if he's "done more" than Obama did a few weeks into his presidency, but he has, by far, KEPT MORE CAMPAIGN PROMISES in 3 weeks than Obama did in his entire presidency.

I've never heard anyone say "Trump has done more than Obama did" I've heard them say "Trump has done MORE OF WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD than Obama."
• Withdrew the United States from the Trans Pacific Partnership, a 12-nation trade deal he had heavily criticized as a candidate as not protecting American workers enough.

• Greenlit beginning construction on a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, which he said he hoped would begin within "months."

Reinstated the so-called Mexico City policy, which bars federal money from going to foreign nonprofits which promote or perform abortions.

• Ordered a freeze on federal hiring other than for military, public safety and public health jobs.

Reversed a planned cut on mortgage insurance for many first-time homebuyers.

• Ordered executive branch agencies to begin preparing for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, so far a mostly symbolic action that could be used to undermine the law's enforcement.

• Formally submitted his Cabinet nominations to the U.S. Senate, which has now confirmed Defense Secretary James Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, and signed a waiver for Mattis.

Moved forward on the Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines.

Ended a policy known as "catch and release," under which some immigrants are released from detention while they await a hearing with an immigration judge.

Ended federal funding to sanctuary cities and states, which opt out of reporting undocumented immigrants.

• Kept FBI Director James Comey, who both he and Hillary Clinton criticized over his handling of her private email server, on the job.

Named net neutrality critic Ajit Pai to lead the Federal Communications Commission.

Spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by phone, signaling that a promise to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem won't be fulfilled immediately.

• Visited the CIA to mend fences after weeks of acrimony, and faced criticism after he talked about the media reporting on the size of his inauguration crowds.

• Made plans to meet British Prime Minister Theresa May as well as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
You forgot about trying to relieve fines from ACA, the small business package, and meeting with CEO's from our big industries and employers to try and smooth out what regulations are killing their ability to hire American's (That's been on-going.)

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