Trump has gone CRAZY IVAN on Tariffs--trade war in process, look out below consumers!

Tariffs are a tax on us. You think we need more taxes?

For the millionth time I thought you guys wanted higher wages ?????

Wait you really get it now minimum wage is just a tax on us , like tariffs???
We should all want higher wages, our weak middle class is our main problem. Tariffs have never lead to higher wages...

Say what?

Once again tariffs built our country and led to higher wages... btw prove it..

What's a wage no jobs or a steel factory reopened in say saint Louis/ granite city..

US Steel CEO: We're reopening an idled plant and bringing back 500 jobs due to Trump tariffs
Berkeley Lovelace Jr. | @BerkeleyJr
Published 11:32 AM ET Wed, 7 March 2018Updated 12:07 PM ET Wed, 7 March
  • We're excited "to tell our employees in the community in Granite City, Illinois, that we will be calling back 500 employees," says CEO David Burritt.
  • Burritt says the facility had been idle since December 2015 because of what he called unfair trade practices.
Yes we had tariffs to fund the government. We have income tax now. You think we need more taxes and should have both?

Wow, 500 jobs. And how much will it cost manufacturing? Well Bush did steel tariffs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.
Lessons from the 2002 Bush Steel Tariffs - Tax Foundation

Brian I already posted tariffs are stupid in the year 2018 on page one...

But you are ignoring simple fact tariffs bring jobs and higher wages, what's so complicated to understand ?

I guess you don't read very well. They cost jobs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.
For the millionth time I thought you guys wanted higher wages ?????

Wait you really get it now minimum wage is just a tax on us , like tariffs???
We should all want higher wages, our weak middle class is our main problem. Tariffs have never lead to higher wages...

Say what?

Once again tariffs built our country and led to higher wages... btw prove it..

What's a wage no jobs or a steel factory reopened in say saint Louis/ granite city..

US Steel CEO: We're reopening an idled plant and bringing back 500 jobs due to Trump tariffs
Berkeley Lovelace Jr. | @BerkeleyJr
Published 11:32 AM ET Wed, 7 March 2018Updated 12:07 PM ET Wed, 7 March
  • We're excited "to tell our employees in the community in Granite City, Illinois, that we will be calling back 500 employees," says CEO David Burritt.
  • Burritt says the facility had been idle since December 2015 because of what he called unfair trade practices.
Yes we had tariffs to fund the government. We have income tax now. You think we need more taxes and should have both?

Wow, 500 jobs. And how much will it cost manufacturing? Well Bush did steel tariffs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.
Lessons from the 2002 Bush Steel Tariffs - Tax Foundation

Brian I already posted tariffs are stupid in the year 2018 on page one...

But you are ignoring simple fact tariffs bring jobs and higher wages, what's so complicated to understand ?

I guess you don't read very well. They cost jobs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.

Of course I did, high paying steel jobs where gained not lost...

A Quantification of the Impact During 2002” found that in 2002, more American workers lost their jobs due to higher steel prices than the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself.
We should all want higher wages, our weak middle class is our main problem. Tariffs have never lead to higher wages...

Say what?

Once again tariffs built our country and led to higher wages... btw prove it..

What's a wage no jobs or a steel factory reopened in say saint Louis/ granite city..

US Steel CEO: We're reopening an idled plant and bringing back 500 jobs due to Trump tariffs
Berkeley Lovelace Jr. | @BerkeleyJr
Published 11:32 AM ET Wed, 7 March 2018Updated 12:07 PM ET Wed, 7 March
  • We're excited "to tell our employees in the community in Granite City, Illinois, that we will be calling back 500 employees," says CEO David Burritt.
  • Burritt says the facility had been idle since December 2015 because of what he called unfair trade practices.
Yes we had tariffs to fund the government. We have income tax now. You think we need more taxes and should have both?

Wow, 500 jobs. And how much will it cost manufacturing? Well Bush did steel tariffs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.
Lessons from the 2002 Bush Steel Tariffs - Tax Foundation

Brian I already posted tariffs are stupid in the year 2018 on page one...

But you are ignoring simple fact tariffs bring jobs and higher wages, what's so complicated to understand ?

I guess you don't read very well. They cost jobs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.

Of course I did, high paying steel jobs where gained not lost...

A Quantification of the Impact During 2002” found that in 2002, more American workers lost their jobs due to higher steel prices than the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself.
Yes steel jobs gained, but nearly 200,000 jobs lost which was more than the entire steel production sector employed.
Trump blasts ‘highly restrictive’ Canada, threatens lumber in latest salvo

U.S. President Donald Trump is blasting Canada – and threatening its lumber industry – a day after starting a trade war with his neighbours to the north.
Mr. Trump took to Twitter Friday morning to falsely claim that Canada has a “really high” trade surplus with the U.S.; according to the U.S.’s own numbers, Canada actually ran an $8.4-billion trade deficit with the U.S. last year.
“Canada has treated our Agricultural business and Farmers very poorly for a very long period of time. Highly restrictive on Trade! They must open their markets and take down their trade barriers!” the President tweeted. “They report a really high surplus on trade with us. Do Timber & Lumber in U.S.?”

The President on Thursday hit steel and aluminium from Canada, Mexico and the European Union with tariffs of 25 per cent and 10 per cent respectively. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau fired back with tariffs on $16.6-billion worth of U.S. products, from beer kegs to pizza to coffee.
EU and China to deepen trade ties amid US tariffs, top EU diplomat Mogherini says

The European Union and China say they will deepen ties on trade and investment and that they fully support global trade rules, after U.S. President Donald slapped tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Friday: "We are living in times of geopolitical turbulence, and uncertainties, so the cooperation between EU and China becomes even more important."
Speaking to reporters in Brussels with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Mogherini said the two "confirmed our joint support for the WTO as the center of the rules-based, multilateral trading system."
Wang says he hopes a solution is found to the trade row. He's urging all parties to respect their commitments, saying: "We always honor our words, and in that respect we expect our partners to honor their words as well."
Trump's Trade War Is Already Hurting American Whiskey Distillers
Source: time

By Ciara Nugent 8:42 AM EDT

The consequences of the Trump administration’s steel and aluminum tariffs are already being felt across global markets. But the makers of one iconic American product say they stand to suffer more than most: bourbon whiskey distillers.

Bourbon whiskey is among the U.S. exports on the E.U.’s list of potential targets for retaliatory tariffs, alongside Harley-Davidson motorcycles and Levi’s jeans. Distillers and whiskey sellers told TIME the threat of retaliation had already had an impact. “Even before these tariffs are in place, I’m losing business,” says Stephen Gould, founder of the Colorado-based Golden Moon Distillery, which sells bourbon to several countries in the E.U. “I’ve already had customers in Europe that have stopped ordering because they’re concerned.”
“I’m having to do damage control with partners in Italy and the U.K. I’m going to have to take a cut on my profits, because the people on the other side won’t take the hit. If it’s more expensive to get American bourbon or rye they’ll just go for other products.”

Europeans have developed quite a taste for American whiskeys in recent years. Sales to the E.U. account for almost half of all U.S. spirit exports and 85% of these are American whiskey, according to the American Craft Spirits Association..................

Read more:
Yes steel jobs gained, but nearly 200,000 jobs lost which was more than the entire steel production sector employed.
what cost the 2000,000 jobs? why only count the number jobs in the steel industry, why not count all jobs gained the way you counted all jobs lost?
Say what?

Once again tariffs built our country and led to higher wages... btw prove it..

What's a wage no jobs or a steel factory reopened in say saint Louis/ granite city..

US Steel CEO: We're reopening an idled plant and bringing back 500 jobs due to Trump tariffs
Berkeley Lovelace Jr. | @BerkeleyJr
Published 11:32 AM ET Wed, 7 March 2018Updated 12:07 PM ET Wed, 7 March
  • We're excited "to tell our employees in the community in Granite City, Illinois, that we will be calling back 500 employees," says CEO David Burritt.
  • Burritt says the facility had been idle since December 2015 because of what he called unfair trade practices.
Yes we had tariffs to fund the government. We have income tax now. You think we need more taxes and should have both?

Wow, 500 jobs. And how much will it cost manufacturing? Well Bush did steel tariffs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.
Lessons from the 2002 Bush Steel Tariffs - Tax Foundation

Brian I already posted tariffs are stupid in the year 2018 on page one...

But you are ignoring simple fact tariffs bring jobs and higher wages, what's so complicated to understand ?

I guess you don't read very well. They cost jobs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.

Of course I did, high paying steel jobs where gained not lost...

A Quantification of the Impact During 2002” found that in 2002, more American workers lost their jobs due to higher steel prices than the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself.
Yes steel jobs gained, but nearly 200,000 jobs lost which was more than the entire steel production sector employed.

No link to the low wage jobs that where lost?
Tariffs have never created a single job in this country, but they've been proven great for job loss's. Now we're in a trade war with several countries. Prices go up on American consumers, you'll pay a lot more for cars, appliances, food & clothing. Then American exports will go down, and it becomes a domino effect on the entire economy. The Federal Reserve jumps in to control inflation, then it gets harder to get a mortgage loan, or short term loans for cars and there goes new construction, and auto manufacturing. Consumers eventually cut back on their spending and the job loss's start in every sector.

Ironically enough these tariffs are going to hit the Trump voter the worst. Those living in rural areas, agriculture, pork & beef, auto manufacturing that voted for Trump and yes when auto manufacturing sales decrease, so does steel and aluminum sales. Well the one thing you can say about Trump he does keep his promises. While he was campaigning on tariffs there was a lot of cheering going on at his rallies. The Stock market will be taking some fairly good hits on this one too. You voted for it, you got it!

You might want to actually consider voting Democrat this coming November.
House & Senate Republicans have proven time and time again they cannot control Trump, and they are stickly against taxes and or tariffs for the reasons above.. Democrats will at least impeach him. Trump has stated if Democrats take over one or both houses of congress, he knows they will impeach him. Once he's gone so are the tariffs. You had a brain fart in 2016, admit it, now FIX it.

Trump’s metal tariffs trigger retaliation from Mexico, European Union in escalating trade war – The Denver Post

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me


The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Looks like your head is trapped in the media box and therefore you are much too narrow-minded to understand why the tariffs on some raw materials is very sound policy.
Yes steel jobs gained, but nearly 200,000 jobs lost which was more than the entire steel production sector employed.
what cost the 2000,000 jobs? why only count the number jobs in the steel industry, why not count all jobs gained the way you counted all jobs lost?

Steel tariffs are designed to gain steel jobs. Where else would there be jobs gained from steel tariffs? The steel consuming sector lost almost 200,000 jobs, while the entire steel producing sector only employed 187,500.
Yes we had tariffs to fund the government. We have income tax now. You think we need more taxes and should have both?

Wow, 500 jobs. And how much will it cost manufacturing? Well Bush did steel tariffs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.
Lessons from the 2002 Bush Steel Tariffs - Tax Foundation

Brian I already posted tariffs are stupid in the year 2018 on page one...

But you are ignoring simple fact tariffs bring jobs and higher wages, what's so complicated to understand ?

I guess you don't read very well. They cost jobs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.

Of course I did, high paying steel jobs where gained not lost...

A Quantification of the Impact During 2002” found that in 2002, more American workers lost their jobs due to higher steel prices than the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself.
Yes steel jobs gained, but nearly 200,000 jobs lost which was more than the entire steel production sector employed.

No link to the low wage jobs that where lost?

Steel consuming jobs would be manufacturing. Why would you think they are low wage jobs? You seem really confused. Never has tariffs increased jobs or wages...
You're full of shit tariffs built this country ...

No tariffs didn't build this country dumbass, they almost destroyed it during the Great Depression.

Reading hasn't killed anyone yet, an economic lil Einstein genious like you might want to try it with these two links.


The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the Great Depression | Theodore Phalan, Deema Yazigi, Thomas Rustici
Wow, look at that picture. Looks a lot like Appalachia today. The ten poorest counties are more than 98% white and vote Republican.
Brian I already posted tariffs are stupid in the year 2018 on page one...

But you are ignoring simple fact tariffs bring jobs and higher wages, what's so complicated to understand ?

I guess you don't read very well. They cost jobs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.

Of course I did, high paying steel jobs where gained not lost...

A Quantification of the Impact During 2002” found that in 2002, more American workers lost their jobs due to higher steel prices than the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself.
Yes steel jobs gained, but nearly 200,000 jobs lost which was more than the entire steel production sector employed.

No link to the low wage jobs that where lost?

Steel consuming jobs would be manufacturing. Why would you think they are low wage jobs? You seem really confused. Never has tariffs increased jobs or wages...
Could you explain why you think it is a good idea for the USA to remain dependent on foreign steel and aluminum from overseas?

For example, if war breaks out and the USA needs a lot of aluminum and steel to manufacture armaments.

How would it be be advantageous to the USA if the materials it needs are subject to enemy submarine attacks on the high seas?
Last edited:
Steel tariffs are designed to gain steel jobs. Where else would there be jobs gained from steel tariffs? The steel consuming sector lost almost 200,000 jobs, while the entire steel producing sector only employed 187,500.
you did not say the jobs lost were in the steel consuming sector, you just said jobs lost leading me to believe that it was hurting the entire country and not just the steel consumers...not sure I buy into that but it at least makes more sense this way...

...and none of this is designed for the whole purpose of creating jobs today, it is designed to bring those dumping on/in our market to heel and open up other avenues for us in the future.
I guess you don't read very well. They cost jobs:
The effects of higher steel prices, largely a result of the steel tariffs, led to a loss of nearly 200,000 jobs in the steel-consuming sector, a loss larger than the total employment of 187,500 in the steel-producing sector at the time.

Of course I did, high paying steel jobs where gained not lost...

A Quantification of the Impact During 2002” found that in 2002, more American workers lost their jobs due to higher steel prices than the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself.
Yes steel jobs gained, but nearly 200,000 jobs lost which was more than the entire steel production sector employed.

No link to the low wage jobs that where lost?

Steel consuming jobs would be manufacturing. Why would you think they are low wage jobs? You seem really confused. Never has tariffs increased jobs or wages...
Could you explain why you think it is a good idea for the USA to remain dependent on foreign steel and aluminum?

We need low cost steel for our manufacturing to be competitive. If our steel production was efficient we wouldn't be buying foreign steel now would we?
Steel tariffs are designed to gain steel jobs. Where else would there be jobs gained from steel tariffs? The steel consuming sector lost almost 200,000 jobs, while the entire steel producing sector only employed 187,500.
you did not say the jobs lost were in the steel consuming sector, you just said jobs lost leading me to believe that it was hurting the entire country and not just the steel consumers...not sure I buy into that but it at least makes more sense this way...

...and none of this is designed for the whole purpose of creating jobs today, it is designed to bring those dumping on/in our market to heel and open up other avenues for us in the future.

Yes all tariffs are designed for one purpose and then there are unintended consequences. Like you try to save some steel jobs and end up costing jobs in the steel consuming sector. I know of no example of tariffs working, do you?
If our steel production was efficient we wouldn't be buying foreign steel now would we?
sure we would, in fact if our steel production was the best in the world but we could get it cheaper somewhere else we would, and only tariffs would balance that out
Yes all tariffs are designed for one purpose and then there are unintended consequences. Like you try to save some steel jobs and end up costing jobs in the steel consuming sector. I know of no example of tariffs working, do you?
No I don't, in fact I've always been told they have the opposite of the intended affect i.e. they backfire

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