Trump Has The Edge Because...

He's funding his own campaign. What makes a candidate drop out of the race is his donors. If they think he won't win, they'll stop sending him money. Trump won't run into the same problems others do when their donations start slowing down. Laying off staff, skipping smaller events (and losing those votes), being able to afford tv ads, radio ads, etc.
In addition to having unlimited funds, he has the advantage of being able to truthfully say "I'm not beholden to anybody". This will help Trump tremendously if he gets the nomination. His Democrat opponent won't be able to say the same thing, including Sanders.
Most people would agree that we need somebody like Trump who can't be bought. This will start to resonate as the field narrows and will be a major issue in the general.
What are your thoughts on this?
I think you may have a point on him being his own man but, does he not have bankers and investors? If so who are they? It would take people who aren't stupid and can't be bought off at this point to straighten out the mess so many created in this country. One thing about being a business minded person you do not have to know it all but be willing to understand whatever it is you are doing and hire the right people to get the job completed.

such idiocy! We are a melting pot == we are a mess

America has changed little
I'd have to disagree. I think for many families it has gone in the shitter year after year into the slow decline to this point. The biggest change we have at this point is the Internet where people can interact with various types of other people. Small community churches declined as people went all the rage for prosperity teaching and stupidity. Thirty years ago I can picture fraud actually possibly being prosecuted, now its as if 'happens all the time, no biggy'. I can't imagine trying to get away with some of the stuff white collar criminals have literally been exalted for doing in the last twenty years forty years ago. Yep there has been a change and not for the better at the moment.

yet history shows people saying what you are saying since the late1700s/early 1800s. go figure

Small community churches declined because small communities declined.

fraud is actually prosecuted

white collar criminals have literally been exalted for doing crap while at the same time being condemned. It's the American way. wake up and smell the latte

He's funding his own campaign. What makes a candidate drop out of the race is his donors. If they think he won't win, they'll stop sending him money. Trump won't run into the same problems others do when their donations start slowing down. Laying off staff, skipping smaller events (and losing those votes), being able to afford tv ads, radio ads, etc.
In addition to having unlimited funds, he has the advantage of being able to truthfully say "I'm not beholden to anybody". This will help Trump tremendously if he gets the nomination. His Democrat opponent won't be able to say the same thing, including Sanders.
Most people would agree that we need somebody like Trump who can't be bought. This will start to resonate as the field narrows and will be a major issue in the general.
What are your thoughts on this?
I think you may have a point on him being his own man but, does he not have bankers and investors? If so who are they? It would take people who aren't stupid and can't be bought off at this point to straighten out the mess so many created in this country. One thing about being a business minded person you do not have to know it all but be willing to understand whatever it is you are doing and hire the right people to get the job completed.

such idiocy! We are a melting pot == we are a mess

America has changed little
I'd have to disagree. I think for many families it has gone in the shitter year after year into the slow decline to this point. The biggest change we have at this point is the Internet where people can interact with various types of other people. Small community churches declined as people went all the rage for prosperity teaching and stupidity. Thirty years ago I can picture fraud actually possibly being prosecuted, now its as if 'happens all the time, no biggy'. I can't imagine trying to get away with some of the stuff white collar criminals have literally been exalted for doing in the last twenty years forty years ago. Yep there has been a change and not for the better at the moment.

yet history shows people saying what you are saying since the late1700s/early 1800s. go figure

Small community churches declined because small communities declined.

fraud is actually prosecuted

white collar criminals have literally been exalted for doing crap while at the same time being condemned. It's the American way. wake up and smell the latte

Fraud is not always prosecuted. As far as populations go they are the same if not bigger but the churches are dying as people chose rather to live life that has been advertised over family and moral conduct. TV got trashier and so did the people. I am awake and smell the aroma from the neighbors dumping their raw sewage from time to time or the pig farms letting loose as they raised them little GM porkers to feed the masses.
Nation Thanks Pope for Briefly Bumping Trump from News

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—As Pope Francis makes his historic first visit to the United States, millions of Americans are turning out to thank the Pontiff for temporarily displacing Donald Trump from the news.

As the Pope visits Washington, New York, and Philadelphia, people from every walk of life are expressing profound gratitude that the news media is offering non-stop coverage of Francis’s every move instead of Trump’s, if only for five days.

Carol Foyler, of New York, said that the Pope’s visit would wreak havoc with traffic in Manhattan this week, but added, “I would put up with that all year long if it meant seeing less of that [expletive] Trump’s face.”
He's funding his own campaign. What makes a candidate drop out of the race is his donors. If they think he won't win, they'll stop sending him money. Trump won't run into the same problems others do when their donations start slowing down. Laying off staff, skipping smaller events (and losing those votes), being able to afford tv ads, radio ads, etc.
In addition to having unlimited funds, he has the advantage of being able to truthfully say "I'm not beholden to anybody". This will help Trump tremendously if he gets the nomination. His Democrat opponent won't be able to say the same thing, including Sanders.
Most people would agree that we need somebody like Trump who can't be bought. This will start to resonate as the field narrows and will be a major issue in the general.
What are your thoughts on this?
I think you may have a point on him being his own man but, does he not have bankers and investors? If so who are they? It would take people who aren't stupid and can't be bought off at this point to straighten out the mess so many created in this country. One thing about being a business minded person you do not have to know it all but be willing to understand whatever it is you are doing and hire the right people to get the job completed.

such idiocy! We are a melting pot == we are a mess

America has changed little
I'd have to disagree. I think for many families it has gone in the shitter year after year into the slow decline to this point. The biggest change we have at this point is the Internet where people can interact with various types of other people. Small community churches declined as people went all the rage for prosperity teaching and stupidity. Thirty years ago I can picture fraud actually possibly being prosecuted, now its as if 'happens all the time, no biggy'. I can't imagine trying to get away with some of the stuff white collar criminals have literally been exalted for doing in the last twenty years forty years ago. Yep there has been a change and not for the better at the moment.

yet history shows people saying what you are saying since the late1700s/early 1800s. go figure

Small community churches declined because small communities declined.

fraud is actually prosecuted

white collar criminals have literally been exalted for doing crap while at the same time being condemned. It's the American way. wake up and smell the latte

Fraud is not always prosecuted. As far as populations go they are the same if not bigger but the churches are dying as people chose rather to live life that has been advertised over family and moral conduct. TV got trashier and so did the people. I am awake and smell the aroma from the neighbors dumping their raw sewage from time to time or the pig farms letting loose as they raised them little GM porkers to feed the masses.
Fraud has NEVER always been prosecuted. Many of the founding fathers during the American Revolution were accused of fraud and went on to later get appointed and elected to public office

Mega Churches and Television Evangelicalism killed smaller community churches

TV got trashier, yes. So did society. Things go in cycles. You, especially people like you would be horrified at how crude and trashy American generations were before the 20th century. We're going back to our roots as all things go in cycles

you're just a garden variety troglodyte
Nation Thanks Pope for Briefly Bumping Trump from News

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—As Pope Francis makes his historic first visit to the United States, millions of Americans are turning out to thank the Pontiff for temporarily displacing Donald Trump from the news.

As the Pope visits Washington, New York, and Philadelphia, people from every walk of life are expressing profound gratitude that the news media is offering non-stop coverage of Francis’s every move instead of Trump’s, if only for five days.

Carol Foyler, of New York, said that the Pope’s visit would wreak havoc with traffic in Manhattan this week, but added, “I would put up with that all year long if it meant seeing less of that [expletive] Trump’s face.”
satire? there is a forum for that

and let's face it, one clown has replaced another clown in the news cycle
I think you may have a point on him being his own man but, does he not have bankers and investors? If so who are they? It would take people who aren't stupid and can't be bought off at this point to straighten out the mess so many created in this country. One thing about being a business minded person you do not have to know it all but be willing to understand whatever it is you are doing and hire the right people to get the job completed.

such idiocy! We are a melting pot == we are a mess

America has changed little
I'd have to disagree. I think for many families it has gone in the shitter year after year into the slow decline to this point. The biggest change we have at this point is the Internet where people can interact with various types of other people. Small community churches declined as people went all the rage for prosperity teaching and stupidity. Thirty years ago I can picture fraud actually possibly being prosecuted, now its as if 'happens all the time, no biggy'. I can't imagine trying to get away with some of the stuff white collar criminals have literally been exalted for doing in the last twenty years forty years ago. Yep there has been a change and not for the better at the moment.

yet history shows people saying what you are saying since the late1700s/early 1800s. go figure

Small community churches declined because small communities declined.

fraud is actually prosecuted

white collar criminals have literally been exalted for doing crap while at the same time being condemned. It's the American way. wake up and smell the latte

Fraud is not always prosecuted. As far as populations go they are the same if not bigger but the churches are dying as people chose rather to live life that has been advertised over family and moral conduct. TV got trashier and so did the people. I am awake and smell the aroma from the neighbors dumping their raw sewage from time to time or the pig farms letting loose as they raised them little GM porkers to feed the masses.
Fraud has NEVER always been prosecuted. Many of the founding fathers during the American Revolution were accused of fraud and went on to later get appointed and elected to public office

Mega Churches and Television Evangelicalism killed smaller community churches

TV got trashier, yes. So did society. Things go in cycles. You, especially people like you would be horrified at how crude and trashy American generations were before the 20th century. We're going back to our roots as all things go in cycles

you're just a garden variety troglodyte
lolololol, I suppose if you just look at it from the garden aspect of it. Are we in the rotting stage yet making good compost for the next generation to come?
Will he stop at nothing? Is there anything that he can't get away with?

Trump Meets With Prosperity Gospel Preachers Who Can Cure Ebola And Bring Chickens Back From The Dead
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 10/1/2015 10:45 am

Despite his best efforts, Donald Trump did not receive the warmest of welcomes from the Religious Right activists at last week's Values Voter Summit, but he did find one segment of the movement that has seemingly embraced his message: Prosperity Gospel televangelists. HBO's John Oliver recently did an entire segment on those who preach the Prosperity Gospel and grow insanely wealthy in the process, and two of its leading practitioners — Kenneth Copeland and Jan Crouch — were among a group of right-wing Christians who recently met with Trump at his office in New York City, where they laid hands on him and prayed for him.

As Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, explained to Politico, "the people that Trump has so far identified as his evangelical outreach are mostly prosperity gospel types, which are considered by mainstream evangelicals to be heretics," yet Trump had no qualms about courting them and allowing them to pray over him: - See more at: Trump Meets With Prosperity Gospel Preachers Who Can Cure Ebola And Bring Chickens Back From The Dead
Trevor Noah proves Donald Trump is ‘presidential’ by comparing him to Gadhafi and Idi Amin


While American observers criticize the Republican front-runner for being “unpresidential,” Noah argued, Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric actually reminded him of home.

The native of South Africa then showed footage of that country’s president, Jacob Zuma, complaining about “illegal migrants” while also saying that “not all” of them were involved in illegal activity, language that also resembles Trump’s remarks.

“That’s light xenophobia with just a dash of diplomacy,” Noah said. “Which is also the title of Paula Deen’s new book.”
Last edited:
Trump’s Last Remaining Brain Cells Flicker Out: We Can’t Stop Mass Killers, ‘They’re Geniuses’

Move over, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump has officially taken the title of “Dumbest Reaction to Mass Shootings.” During an interview with NBC News, the current Republican presidential frontrunner made the claim that trying to stop mass killers was impossible because the average killer is just too smart.

Speaking to NBC, Trump urged America to not bother trying to solve gun violence, because he thought it was a waste of time:

“No matter what you do, you’re gonna have problems,” Trump told NBC News in an interview that aired Sunday. “Because you have sick people. They happen to be intelligent. And, you know, they can be sick as hell and they’re geniuses in a certain way. They are going to be able to break the system.”
Trump’s Last Remaining Brain Cells Flicker Out: We Can’t Stop Mass Killers, ‘They’re Geniuses’

Move over, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump has officially taken the title of “Dumbest Reaction to Mass Shootings.” During an interview with NBC News, the current Republican presidential frontrunner made the claim that trying to stop mass killers was impossible because the average killer is just too smart.

Speaking to NBC, Trump urged America to not bother trying to solve gun violence, because he thought it was a waste of time:

“No matter what you do, you’re gonna have problems,” Trump told NBC News in an interview that aired Sunday. “Because you have sick people. They happen to be intelligent. And, you know, they can be sick as hell and they’re geniuses in a certain way. They are going to be able to break the system.”

what could be dumber than the liberal delusion that every problem has a solution?
Trump’s Last Remaining Brain Cells Flicker Out: We Can’t Stop Mass Killers, ‘They’re Geniuses’

Move over, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump has officially taken the title of “Dumbest Reaction to Mass Shootings.” During an interview with NBC News, the current Republican presidential frontrunner made the claim that trying to stop mass killers was impossible because the average killer is just too smart.

Speaking to NBC, Trump urged America to not bother trying to solve gun violence, because he thought it was a waste of time:

“No matter what you do, you’re gonna have problems,” Trump told NBC News in an interview that aired Sunday. “Because you have sick people. They happen to be intelligent. And, you know, they can be sick as hell and they’re geniuses in a certain way. They are going to be able to break the system.”

what could be dumber than the liberal delusion that every problem has a solution?
Stuff happens and you can't waste time making a law every time it does.
Will he stop at nothing? Is there anything that he can't get away with?

Trump Meets With Prosperity Gospel Preachers Who Can Cure Ebola And Bring Chickens Back From The Dead
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 10/1/2015 10:45 am

Despite his best efforts, Donald Trump did not receive the warmest of welcomes from the Religious Right activists at last week's Values Voter Summit, but he did find one segment of the movement that has seemingly embraced his message: Prosperity Gospel televangelists. HBO's John Oliver recently did an entire segment on those who preach the Prosperity Gospel and grow insanely wealthy in the process, and two of its leading practitioners — Kenneth Copeland and Jan Crouch — were among a group of right-wing Christians who recently met with Trump at his office in New York City, where they laid hands on him and prayed for him.

As Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, explained to Politico, "the people that Trump has so far identified as his evangelical outreach are mostly prosperity gospel types, which are considered by mainstream evangelicals to be heretics," yet Trump had no qualms about courting them and allowing them to pray over him: - See more at: Trump Meets With Prosperity Gospel Preachers Who Can Cure Ebola And Bring Chickens Back From The Dead

As opposed to Democrats like Obama who have no qualms about sitting in the church of a man like Reverend Wright for 20 years.

Where was all the liberal outrage about that?
Trump’s Last Remaining Brain Cells Flicker Out: We Can’t Stop Mass Killers, ‘They’re Geniuses’

Move over, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump has officially taken the title of “Dumbest Reaction to Mass Shootings.” During an interview with NBC News, the current Republican presidential frontrunner made the claim that trying to stop mass killers was impossible because the average killer is just too smart.

Speaking to NBC, Trump urged America to not bother trying to solve gun violence, because he thought it was a waste of time:

“No matter what you do, you’re gonna have problems,” Trump told NBC News in an interview that aired Sunday. “Because you have sick people. They happen to be intelligent. And, you know, they can be sick as hell and they’re geniuses in a certain way. They are going to be able to break the system.”

what could be dumber than the liberal delusion that every problem has a solution?
Stuff happens and you can't waste time making a law every time it does.
Now you sound like Jeb Bushit
Trevor Noah proves Donald Trump is ‘presidential’ by comparing him to Gadhafi and Idi Amin


While American observers criticize the Republican front-runner for being “unpresidential,” Noah argued, Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric actually reminded him of home.

The native of South Africa then showed footage of that country’s president, Jacob Zuma, complaining about “illegal migrants” while also saying that “not all” of them were involved in illegal activity, language that also resembles Trump’s remarks.

“That’s light xenophobia with just a dash of diplomacy,” Noah said. “Which is also the title of Paula Deen’s new book.”
Trevor Noah proves Donald Trump is ‘presidential’ by comparing him to Gadhafi and Idi Amin


While American observers criticize the Republican front-runner for being “unpresidential,” Noah argued, Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric actually reminded him of home.

The native of South Africa then showed footage of that country’s president, Jacob Zuma, complaining about “illegal migrants” while also saying that “not all” of them were involved in illegal activity, language that also resembles Trump’s remarks.

“That’s light xenophobia with just a dash of diplomacy,” Noah said. “Which is also the title of Paula Deen’s new book.”
Trump Completely Disregards Reality When Asked About His Tax Plan
Donald Trump got hammered over his tax proposal during an interview on CNN’s The Week. George Stephanopoulos grilled Trump over the fact that his plan would disproportionately help the wealthy, including Trump himself. Trump said.:

“Everybody’s going to save, according to my plan. And you know where that money’s going?”

“You’re not going to be paying more taxes though,” Stephanopoulos replied.

Trump was elusive with his answer as to how reducing taxes would help the economy. He vaguely stated that the money he would no longer have to pay in taxes would go to “other things.” Which is just about the coyest invocation to the totally debunked theory of trickle-down economics that a Republican candidate has made so far.
Trevor Noah proves Donald Trump is ‘presidential’ by comparing him to Gadhafi and Idi Amin


While American observers criticize the Republican front-runner for being “unpresidential,” Noah argued, Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric actually reminded him of home.

The native of South Africa then showed footage of that country’s president, Jacob Zuma, complaining about “illegal migrants” while also saying that “not all” of them were involved in illegal activity, language that also resembles Trump’s remarks.

“That’s light xenophobia with just a dash of diplomacy,” Noah said. “Which is also the title of Paula Deen’s new book.”
Trevor Noah proves Donald Trump is ‘presidential’ by comparing him to Gadhafi and Idi Amin


While American observers criticize the Republican front-runner for being “unpresidential,” Noah argued, Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric actually reminded him of home.

The native of South Africa then showed footage of that country’s president, Jacob Zuma, complaining about “illegal migrants” while also saying that “not all” of them were involved in illegal activity, language that also resembles Trump’s remarks.

“That’s light xenophobia with just a dash of diplomacy,” Noah said. “Which is also the title of Paula Deen’s new book.”
Fake Quote Files: Adolf Hitler on Gun Registration, Conquest and Disarmament

Have a cause you really hate? Want to discredit it? Well, fortunately for you, there’s History’s Worst Dictators™. Whether it’s banking, corporations, evolution, abortion, gun control, gun rights, atheism, or vegetarianism, these villains can be dredged up whenever you need cast the specter of mass murder on your opponents’ intentions. Just make up a quote, make up a date, attach one of their names to it, and post it anywhere online. Your particular community’s echo chamber of self-confirmation, self-reinforcement, and self-congratulation will take it from there.

Although the internet has spawned epidemics of this kind of egregious dishonesty, telling bold-faced lies to score cheap political points has a long and storied past. Here we critically examine two famous quotes attributed to Adolf Hitler about gun registration and confiscation: one almost true and one totally bogus.

Gun Registration

This year will go down in history. For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!

— Adolf Hitler, 1935

Only two problems: one, there’s not a shred of historical evidence that Hitler ever said this, and two, it wouldn’t have made any sense even if he had.

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