Trump Has Told 1,318 Lies In 263 Days

But he isn't on of the Hollywood Elites or Liberal politicians linked to Harvey Weinstein this week!
Like how much time do you think he devotes to it?

Do you think he is a man of integrity? Why or why not?

Eh, you fake news parasites have no idea what truth is... and your desparation is sooo obvious...:wink_2:
Are you incapable of answering my questions?

He's imperfect and he does embellish, he just has the added burden of sore losing parasites turning truth into lies 24/7 for their parasite incomes.

I doubt you actually know what integrity means and you even judging integrity is sheer comedy.
"Trump Has Told 1,318 Lies In 263 Days"

The only thing Trump does well: lie.
He is a professional salesman / politician. If his lips are moving he is lying! If he is tweeting he is lying. 1.318 seems a little low to me. He lies every 5 minutes = about 43.000 lies since he took office.
From the time Trump was collecting rent for his Dad and promising the radiators would be fixed he has always been good at telling people just what they want to hear. When called a liar, he just smiles and moves on. He promised the city of New York an art gallery, a new sports stadium, investors in his casinos millions in profits, and voters the best president. He will go down in history as the greatest con man that every lived.
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.
WaPo was a decidedly conservative news source prior to Trump’s rise. Because it criticizes Trump, his moronic supporters suddenly began to pretend it was a liberal rag to begin with.
No they weren't. You are confusing WAPO with the Washington Times.
No, both of those sources were conservative.

The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.
WaPo was a decidedly conservative news source prior to Trump’s rise. Because it criticizes Trump, his moronic supporters suddenly began to pretend it was a liberal rag to begin with.
No they weren't. You are confusing WAPO with the Washington Times.
No, both of those sources were conservative.
Wrong. Just admit you are wrong.
"The political leanings of TheWashington Times are often described as conservative. TheWashington Post reported: TheTimes was established by Moon to combat communism and be aconservative alternative to what he perceived as the liberal leanings of The WashingtonPost."

The Washington Times - Wikipedia
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.

I bet you can't verify 1318 lies in the last five years from WAPO, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS and the NYTimes combined. By the way, the WAPO's list of Trumps lies are verified. However, I think the OP exaggerated the timeline. I believe the 1,318 lies are from when Dotard Trump started his campaign, that's still a ton of lies. I'm 99% sure it's unmatched by any politician.
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.

I bet you can't verify 1318 lies in the last five years from WAPO, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS and the NYTimes combined. By the way, the WAPO's list of Trumps lies are verified. However, I think the OP exaggerated the timeline. I believe the 1,318 lies are from when Dotard Trump started his campaign, that's still a ton of lies. I'm 99% sure it's unmatched by any politician.
You're a moron if you think that amount of lies is unmatched by any politician.
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.
WaPo was a decidedly conservative news source prior to Trump’s rise. Because it criticizes Trump, his moronic supporters suddenly began to pretend it was a liberal rag to begin with.
No they weren't. You are confusing WAPO with the Washington Times.
No, both of those sources were conservative.

The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.
WaPo was a decidedly conservative news source prior to Trump’s rise. Because it criticizes Trump, his moronic supporters suddenly began to pretend it was a liberal rag to begin with.
No they weren't. You are confusing WAPO with the Washington Times.
No, both of those sources were conservative.
Wrong. Just admit you are wrong.
"The political leanings of TheWashington Times are often described as conservative. TheWashington Post reported: TheTimes was established by Moon to combat communism and be aconservative alternative to what he perceived as the liberal leanings of The WashingtonPost."

The Washington Times - Wikipedia
Ok so some guy named Moon said it was liberal and you call that evidence? The post is more moderate than the Times but it has always been conservative.
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.

I bet you can't verify 1318 lies in the last five years from WAPO, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS and the NYTimes combined. By the way, the WAPO's list of Trumps lies are verified. However, I think the OP exaggerated the timeline. I believe the 1,318 lies are from when Dotard Trump started his campaign, that's still a ton of lies. I'm 99% sure it's unmatched by any politician.
You're a moron if you think that amount of lies is unmatched by any politician.

Excuse me, I referring to a two year span. And while you're at it', "The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds", isn't a moronic statement? :happy-1:
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.

I bet you can't verify 1318 lies in the last five years from WAPO, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS and the NYTimes combined. By the way, the WAPO's list of Trumps lies are verified, However, I think the OP exaggerated the timeline. I believe the 1,318 lies are from when Dotard Trump started his campaign, that's still a ton of lies. I'm 99% sure it's unmatched by any politician.

I find Democrats complaining about lies hypocritical, comical and basically insane.
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.
WaPo was a decidedly conservative news source prior to Trump’s rise. Because it criticizes Trump, his moronic supporters suddenly began to pretend it was a liberal rag to begin with.
No they weren't. You are confusing WAPO with the Washington Times.
No, both of those sources were conservative.

The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.
WaPo was a decidedly conservative news source prior to Trump’s rise. Because it criticizes Trump, his moronic supporters suddenly began to pretend it was a liberal rag to begin with.
No they weren't. You are confusing WAPO with the Washington Times.
No, both of those sources were conservative.
Wrong. Just admit you are wrong.
"The political leanings of TheWashington Times are often described as conservative. TheWashington Post reported: TheTimes was established by Moon to combat communism and be aconservative alternative to what he perceived as the liberal leanings of The WashingtonPost."

The Washington Times - Wikipedia
Ok so some guy named Moon said it was liberal and you call that evidence? The post is more moderate than the Times but it has always been conservative.
The thing is, I would prefer and do prefer sources that do not pretend to not have a bias or leaning. We all know this is bullshit, there isn't an unbiased person on this planet...and you want to tell me you, and you alone are the unbiased and unvarnished information source?
Give me the info and we can address that, attacking sources is an ad hominem fallacy anyway.
How about Black Lies Matter Obama?

"Every family in America will save an average of $2500 dollars a year on their health insurance." "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor". "Benghazi was caused by a guy who made a video".
WaPo was a decidedly conservative news source prior to Trump’s rise. Because it criticizes Trump, his moronic supporters suddenly began to pretend it was a liberal rag to begin with.
No they weren't. You are confusing WAPO with the Washington Times.
No, both of those sources were conservative.

WaPo was a decidedly conservative news source prior to Trump’s rise. Because it criticizes Trump, his moronic supporters suddenly began to pretend it was a liberal rag to begin with.
No they weren't. You are confusing WAPO with the Washington Times.
No, both of those sources were conservative.
Wrong. Just admit you are wrong.
"The political leanings of TheWashington Times are often described as conservative. TheWashington Post reported: TheTimes was established by Moon to combat communism and be aconservative alternative to what he perceived as the liberal leanings of The WashingtonPost."

The Washington Times - Wikipedia
Ok so some guy named Moon said it was liberal and you call that evidence? The post is more moderate than the Times but it has always been conservative.
The thing is, I would prefer and do prefer sources that do not pretend to not have a bias or leaning. We all know this is bullshit, there isn't an unbiased person on this planet...and you want to tell me you, and you alone are the unbiased and unvarnished information source?
Give me the info and we can address that, attacking sources is an ad hominem fallacy anyway.

I did mentioned that Billy didn't know what integrity means.. dang it, nobody listens to me... :lol:
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.

I bet you can't verify 1318 lies in the last five years from WAPO, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS and the NYTimes combined. By the way, the WAPO's list of Trumps lies are verified, However, I think the OP exaggerated the timeline. I believe the 1,318 lies are from when Dotard Trump started his campaign, that's still a ton of lies. I'm 99% sure it's unmatched by any politician.

I find Democrats complaining about lies hypocritical, comical and basically insane.

I've probably have voted for more moderate Rupugs, than I have voted for Dems.
However, if I wasn't so crazy, I'd be insane.
Hi Lumpy! :bye1: Now quit picking on me. :crybaby:
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.

I bet you can't verify 1318 lies in the last five years from WAPO, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS and the NYTimes combined. By the way, the WAPO's list of Trumps lies are verified, However, I think the OP exaggerated the timeline. I believe the 1,318 lies are from when Dotard Trump started his campaign, that's still a ton of lies. I'm 99% sure it's unmatched by any politician.

I find Democrats complaining about lies hypocritical, comical and basically insane.

I've probably have voted for more moderate Rupugs, than I have voted for Dems.
However, if I wasn't so crazy, I'd be insane.
Hi Lumpy! :bye1: Now quit picking on me. :crybaby:
I don't recognize you, so we have a fresh start on this board.
How about Black Lies Matter Obama?

"Every family in America will save an average of $2500 dollars a year on their health insurance." "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor". "Benghazi was caused by a guy who made a video".

So who's denying Obama lied. But being as you did throw two Obama's lies out there, you still have 1,316 more lies to go.
The Wa-Shit Post lies more than that in 5 seconds.

I bet you can't verify 1318 lies in the last five years from WAPO, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS and the NYTimes combined. By the way, the WAPO's list of Trumps lies are verified, However, I think the OP exaggerated the timeline. I believe the 1,318 lies are from when Dotard Trump started his campaign, that's still a ton of lies. I'm 99% sure it's unmatched by any politician.

I find Democrats complaining about lies hypocritical, comical and basically insane.

I've probably have voted for more moderate Rupugs, than I have voted for Dems.
However, if I wasn't so crazy, I'd be insane.
Hi Lumpy! :bye1: Now quit picking on me. :crybaby:

I respect you, you have a great sense of humor and you know absurd when you see it..(even when I'm absurd)

That's a friend worth keeping.. :beer:

Well kiwi, did you ever stop to think most of the media was soft on Obama and didn't dig as deep as they do with Trump?
I mean, say what you will about're entitled to that opinion. But the media has not even came close to how hawkish they are on Trump on any other president in my lifetime. I'd say in our history.

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